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The virus sure seems like it's all around the world and if it's not where you live it gets closer every day. There are a lot of things being canceled because of it. I was going to sit down on the couch tonight and watch a Dukes episode with my hound dog but we had to cancel because of the coronavirus. 


I think it's being a bit blown out of proportion but it's definitely not something to take lightly either. Give your immune system a boost by drinking and eating healthy, if you don't like pomegranates than drink some Pom juice as that stuff has alot of antioxidants. It's unfortunate that were already to the point of stores having to limit purchases of some items because of hoarders and scumbags trying to make a quick buck. 

Posted (edited)

I think it's overblown too but on the other hand....we took my mom to a hospital in Cleveland last week and my wife and I both got sick with lung issues Sunday. We are still sick. We learned yesterday that it is now in Cleveland. If we can get into our doctor tomorrow we will. It's probably nothing but you never can tell. Tonight the NBA announced they are suspending the season and Tom Hanks and his wife announced they have it.

Edited by RogerDuke
10 minutes ago, RogerDuke said:

I want to invest money in a new company. It's called Hobie's Medicinal Shine. This coronavirus doesn't stand a chance of spreading if Hobie can make enough of it. 

I'm on my way to the stil…...car lot now...I'm going to brew up a really strong batch! Everybody just hang lose...this is gonna be like Swine Flu, Legionaries' Disease etc.  It IS in fact real and it CAN kill but the media like to get the cattle all stirred up! It will pass! Meanwhile be careful and come to my sti...car lot and we'll sit around and take our medicine! ;) 


Ireland's shutting down at 6pm (GMT).



From 6pm today, schools, colleges and childcare facilities will close.

In relation to cultural institutions, indoor gatherings of more than 100 people will not be permitted and a maximum outdoor gathering of 500 people will be allowed. The restrictions will stay in place until 29 March.


Both of the social events I was going to tonight have been cancelled, as has next week's St. Patrick's Day parade.

I went to the supermarket last night and there was very little bread or milk available. So far, I'm just buying what I would do normally.


No toilet paper to be found around here. Society is grinding to a halt. We went to the doctor but unless we get fevers it appears that we just have bad colds. Stocks break another record...down 2352. 


My favorite moonshiner is Jesse Duke. My second favorite is Hobie Harkins. My third favorite is Popcorn Sutton. Since two of those three have passed on to ShineHeaven all that's left is Hobie's Finest....although rumor has it that Hoss has a couple barrels of Jesse's hidden down in the root cellar. Somehow they made it across Hazzard Pond. 


Since stores are out of toilet paper here people are hoarding water and food now. It is insane here. As I drove by grocery stores this morning on the way to work I noticed the parking lots were full to capacity. My dad went to the local Sam's club tonight and said the shelves were empty except for non food items like clothes and electronics. What all these lemmings don't realize is all this panic buying is doing is putting a strain on the supply system. 


Before you know it, you'll have a guy in a trench coat approach you on the street and say, " PSST...Hey....you...yea you....!! then he'll motion you to follow him into an alley and then open his trench coat and offer to sell you some sanitizer and a roll of toilet paper ….at a GOOD price!  :) 

2 hours ago, Hobie Harkins said:

Before you know it, you'll have a guy in a trench coat approach you on the street and say, " PSST...Hey....you...yea you....!! then he'll motion you to follow him into an alley and then open his trench coat and offer to sell you some sanitizer and a roll of toilet paper ….at a GOOD price!  :) 

I'm surprised you didn't comment on the picture of Popcorn. 

21 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

Things aren't that bad yet here except toilet paper and Kleenex. All Pennsylvania public schools are now closed. 

If it isn't yet then let me warn you go grocery shopping and get yourself some food while you still can because this insanity will probably spread to every city and small town. We went shopping at 6am this morning and I've never seen store shelves so bare. All the soup was gone, hamburger meat, fish, chicken, roast, ribs, ham, turkey etc... you name it the store was sold out of it. Luckily they got a few trucks in overnight with milk and eggs and cereal and some other food. If you didn't get your pet food yet better do it. Just talked to my dad a few minutes ago and he told me people are now hoard buying pet food here, glad I grabbed some cat food this morning. This is so freaking nuts, my God people are acting like the world is ending. It's just a virus, sure it's a nasty little one but it's still just a virus and humanity has survived worse.


I popped into a grocery shop last night and the shelves were pretty bare, but I went to a few more today and most things were back in stock. Some stores have rationed items such of toilet paper to try to prevent selfish idiots hoarding them unnecessarily.

19 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

I'm surprised you didn't comment on the picture of Popcorn. 

Popcorn is a classic! I can't add anything to that! There won't be another! I wish he'd been on an episode of the Dukes!


People should quarantine themselves from social media. I've read so much BS in the past 24 hours. Sad part is some people believe some of the crap. Has common sense been bred out of the majority of the population?!!

Wife and I stopped at the grocery store yesterday after we got done with work and it seems to things have calmed down a little bit. Finished buying almost everything that was on our usual shopping list. Seems bread is now the hot commodity of the moment as it is sold out at every store and every time it is restocked there's a mad rush. Geuss there was almost a riot over toilet paper Saturday afternoon at that store because managers put a 2 package per person limit. Employee we have befriended told us that one of the managers came close to calling the police. She said people calmed down after hearing the p word.

Stay healthy, and if you need a good laugh I recommend finding Billy Gardell's Halftime either on Amazon or one of the streaming apps. It is hilarious and had us laughing the whole 70 minutes. 

On 3/17/2020 at 1:27 PM, Hobie Harkins said:

Hey....TDOH....the answer to most everything!!

You know TDOH was mentioned on the Dale Jr download podcast last week https://www.dirtymomedia.com/dalejrdownload/episode/1c5c6bc2/288-ken-schrader-the-best-week-ever.

I haven't slept much this week. Now the wife and I are quarantining ourselves from the doom and gloom news, we just watch about an hour of the news throughout the day. Before bed we try to find sitcoms either on the retro tv channels or streaming apps to try and clear our heads before bedtime. We found out yesterday that our part time 2nd job might be closing for a few weeks or more, we'll find out for sure tomorrow. Wife's work is also talking about closing for a few weeks so looks like we might be without an income till the lawns grow here. 

Is the panic buying in the rural grocery stores as bad as it is in the city ones? The other day people were buying cart loads of milk. I can understand 3 gallons but if you buy more than that and don't drink it all it's just going to spoil unless you have a big family. Bread shelves are still bare here along with soup, water and sugary juices etc...

Stay happy and healthy y'all


I've just got back from my usual Saturday walk around town, and I'd guess that about two thirds of the stores are closed. That number's gone up considerably since Tuesday when I was last in town. A lot of shops have got tape on the floor to indicate where to stand, and I passed a cafe still doing takeaway with about eight people queueing outside at 2 meter intervals.

The grocery stores are pretty much re-stocked as normal, with just a few lines missing. Despite all the signs advising shoppers to keep a safe distance from others, several people were blocking aisles talking to friends, meaning I virtually had to touch them to get past!

At least Dukes is back on TV over here to keep me entertained, although tomorrow we've got 'Double Sting' on at 1.00pm and 6.00pm GMT. It seems a bit too close to home at the moment.



Since I've been sick for so long, mine and hubby's lives haven't changed a whole lot with self-isolation. LOL. Now everybody else gets to experience how I've been living. Hubby and I are both being careful because we're both immunocompromised. We're going to be home for a very long haul. Fortunately, I'm an introvert and ever since I was a kid I had no problems finding ways to entertain myself.

I hope y'all are doing well. If you happen to read this, please check in on this thread so we know you're doing ok.

The West coast seemed to shut down pretty quickly and it appears to have slowed the spread a bit. I see the East coast has exploded though. Stay safe over there, Easties.

And if you're one of the ones who happened to hoard toilet paper, I've heard you can make moonshine from it... :lol:


We always buy the biggest pack of toilet paper we can get, with mega rolls. We had just bought one a few weeks ago right before the insanity set in, so we're set for at least another week or two. Our freezer in the garage is full of mostly meat and a few tv dinners. We have some shelves with a lot of canned goods too out there. The inside fridge is starting to run a little low, but we have food for probably 3-4 weeks, longer if we ration a bit and get creative. And then, we have the "desperation time" freeze dried Mountain House rations for extreme emergencies.

I come from a long line of country folk, so I'm properly trained on the intricate details of outhouse usage and have successfully avoided splinters and spiders multiple times. LOL. Our clan tends to prefer Sears catalog over corn cobs. When the tp runs out, we'll be ready. :lol:


That Sears catalog works good but because of on-line shopping a lot of stores aren't making catalogs anymore and (I don't know this from personal experience) pages from a catalog work better in that situation than a cell phone. 

Thanks for posting the quarantine picture Hoss. It's gotten pretty bad if it's in Hazzard County. 

My wife works in an intensive care section at a hospital so we're a bit concerned. No covid patients there yet but Erie County has 3 confirmed cases right now quarantined at home. There are probably hundreds of carriers running around here. 

Posted (edited)

And if you're one of the ones who happened to hoard toilet paper, I've heard you can make moonshine from it...  if only that were true! I'd give Hobie on the show a run for his money!


My wife works at Krogers and she says the shelves are bare and they've made the employees  limit themselves to 3 packs!


It's very good to see you back here Muffin' and I hope you're doing well. I'd  hug the stuffin' out of the Muffin' if she was around here! I missed ya! :)  

Edited by Hobie Harkins

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