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You know you watch too much Dukes of Hazzard when...

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Alright now.....Where is your Pizza place , I want a waitress like you...I wouldn't care how good or bad the Pizza is anyway..Bet you get pretty good tips too....I'll be down there quicker than you can say "YEEEEEEHHAAAWWW"


I work at a Pizza place in Turbotville, PA.....It's about the center part of PA. You have to admit places need more waitresses dressing like Daisy.


  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

You know you watch too much Dukes when...

The local ice-cream truck goes through your neighborhood and you're disappointed that it doesn't have little naked babies painted on it.

You're even more disappointed that it doesn't carry Butter Brickle Crunch or Peanut Doolies.

You call the driver of the ice-cream truck Tweedledum, even though he looks nothing like Tom Wopat.


You know you watch too much DOH when:

1. You live in Australia and see a geniune Charger for the first time pulled up beside you on the road and want to kidnap it! (understiand: they never made them out here!)


Little naked babies.....that line is priceless and gets me every time!!

I think I've watched too many Dukes episodes.....my profanity now only consists of "dipstick," "meadow muffin," "Judas Priest on a pony," and the immortal "Possum on a gumbush."

On the subject of kiddies watching Dukes, my sister's two boys, ages 10 and 5, have watched the CMT reruns loyally. The older kid's name is Bo (short for "Bowen" though, not Beauregard)! The younger one (not Luke..I guess one of us siblings will have to do that!! :p ) just imitated Rosco the other night. Both think the General Lee is the greatest car ever.

BTW...the sister does a good Rosco laugh. Khee!


The other day at work someone said something that surprised me and I said boldly....Well, Opposium on a gum bush..... :lol: Yesterday I said ohhhh nnoooo Im not going shopping Ill miss the Dukes of Hazzard, my husband said "Woman it's either me or Bo Duke"........:D

  • 4 months later...

lol... I watch sooo much because I almost all time laugh and almost cry myself...when Sheriff Rosco's car always smash every where by at time when chase dukes... said "get dukes! get dukes!" but since I bought new cat in 2001 when I move new deluxe house and I decide name her as Daisy...after Daisy Duke.. cute name.. because other my cat at mom home name Samantha. so I did decide name her as Daisy.. is it cute? I thought on my cable maybe not find as CMT for Dukes until month ago in Aug 4th I found it.. before I watch Dukes Insider stories I did copy tapes but I have save tape as Reunion and return to Hollywood movie my own.. lucky.. thanks. :)


You might not just be watching too much DOH, but you might be a DOH addict when:

You get shivers and get angry when you haven't seen it in more than 24 hours

You start to get hallusinations of worms and bugs when you haven't had anything DOH for nearly 48 hours.

You forced your boyfriend to get in the skintight bluejeans and dress like Bo.

You forced your boyfriend, and your best friends boyfriend, to get in a "General Lee" and jump a river.

You get angry when they don't make the jump.

You get angry when your mother actaully states that some elements of Bo and Luke's relationship are gay.

You manage to have a car-jump/chase scene in every fanfic you write, may it be DOH or not.

You have a strange, reacurring daydream that Bo was just in an accident and you're holding him til help gets there.

You didn't like what the new movie did to the old show. :cry: (That was sad...)


You might not just be watching too much DOH, but you might be a DOH addict when:

You manage to have a car-jump/chase scene in every fanfic you write, may it be DOH or not.

*raises hand* I am living proof of this. ROFL. Just ask anybody who's read my non-DOH stuff.

  • 1 month later...

You know you watch too much DOH when...

whenever something is bumped into you say it is "scuffed."

you yell at people when they "scuff" your dog, your car, yourself, etc...

you hang an autographed photo of Cooter in your bathroom even though it doesn't match the decor.

you have a miniature General Lee to decorate in front of your T.V. set.

you wear white past Labor Day.

everything you see that is orange you say "now if it only had an 01 right there..."

  • 2 months later...

There is a Dodge dealership that I pass at least twice aweek, going to and from, that has an Orange Charger on its roof. I love to pass by it and just wish that it had the rebel flag and the 01 on the door.

I just dream that it is the General Lee everytime I pass it. I have almost gotten into an accident looking at it rather than the road.

You know you have watched to much Dukes when (and I have)

-You dress your 8 yr old daughter as Daisy Duke for Halloween with out buying it at the local Target.

-You let your kids climb in and out of your '88 Corsica passenger windows. (drivers window is broken)

-You don't care that your 11 yr old son hood slides across the car. In fact you are proud when he does a good hood slide.


_-You pull your son in the car window as you are driving ( ok it was in a parking garage and we were going slow and there were no other cars)

-You buy your 9 yr old daughter a Dukes of Hazzard shirt even though it is like five sizes to big. (she weres a child med to large and it was an adult med)

-You tell your kids all you want for your birthday is season 4 and 5 of the DOH.

- You are trying to figure if you can afford to go to Dukefest this year and will the non-Duke liking 14 (shame shame everyone knows his name) yr old go with you.


And another one I just remembered:

You know your watching too much Dukes when your real giggle has turned into Rosco's Guh-guh.

Seriously my 11 yr old son, when you tickle his sides and belly, his major ticklish spots he sounds just like Rosco! Makes you just want to tickle him all the time!

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