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For about 30 seconds yesterday evening it looked like a snow globe outside, the biggest fattest flakes fell from the sky and the sun was out behind the clouds so it really made it look pretty for that really short time. 

However tomorrow the forecast calls for up to 3 inches of snow, hope the meteorologists are wrong about that. Have lawns to mow Saturday and I'd rather not have to Jerry rig a snow shovel on the front of the mower :lol: .


Some people can never be pleased. Since we got a few inches of snow Friday and it didn't all melt off till Saturday I didn't get to mowing till yesterday. One dang client has been hounding me for the past week even though I repeatedly told her I'd get to it this past weekend. Should've just mowed her dang lawn last weekend and let the 4 days of frost we had last week do a number on her lawn. The rest of my clients were more than happy to wait. Then when I got done with her lawn yesterday she comes tearing out her door saying I didn't even mow it. I guess I was just getting an hour's worth of exercise in then :lol: . Explained to her that the dandelions she seen where the ones that haven't grown as tall as the grass yet. Though I felt like telling her good luck finding someone else to mow her lawn and trim her hedges for $20. 

Yesterday morning I stopped at the local Walmart and witnessed an argument between a guy and an employee. Apparently the guy didn't want to follow the rules and tried going in the out door instead of waiting in line. So that arguing went on I'm assuming for 5+ minutes as he was still arguing when I already got in the store and he was there before I got in line :lol:, if he would have just got in line like everyone else he would've been shopping already instead of still arguing lol. I assume they told him to leave since his pickup wasn't parked in the fire lane still when I left.

8 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

Some people aren't happy no matter what you do. Spike, you need to get a shirt that says "Quit complaining and put a Dukes DVD in." I had a great day today. I'm building more trails for my dirt bike. Retirement is sweet!

I seen a shirt at Walmart that morning that said something like "I used to be a people person till I met you" or something like that :lol:. I thought about going back to Walmart and buying that shirt and wearing it when I mow her lawn next time hahaha. 

Apparently she felt guilty as she called yesterday and apologized. 

9 hours ago, Hobie Harkins said:

I would've told her where to put her $20, her yard and what to do, once she got it all up in there!

My wife said something similar too when I told her about it when I got home Sunday. My wife also said I was way too nice about it. But with this coronavirus thing going on I'll take what I can get $$$. 


Snowing on and off today but not sticking and it's real windy. That's good because the wind brought down a tree that was leaning on another tree after my unsuccessful attempt to cut it down. I'm just hanging out today. I think I overdid it yesterday so my body needs a rest from firewood and trail making.


Since it's supposed to rain today I cleaned out the garden at my dad's yesterday even though it was lightly snowing off and on with a few bouts of sleet/hail. Surprised to find the strawberry plant still alive under all the leaves, it even spread and created a second plant. Just got to find something to cover them up from the birds and still let the bees in to pollinate. Also found half dozen more rose of sharon starters from where I moved a 6 foot bush last year. Thought I dug all of them up but I guess I missed a few.

We finished binge watching Star Trek Picard season the other night. It was sort of a darker The Next Generation series but if you're a fan of TNG than it will feel familiar. The finale was the best episode and finally gave some closure to the Nemesis movie. I think CBS all Access is still doing the free month trial till the end of this month so you still have some time to sign up for a free month. They also have some great old tv shows on the streaming service as well.


I watched Star Trek when it was first on TV and have seen some of it since then but I get them all mixed up...just like I do with Star Wars. I'm really into Lord of the Rings even though I didn't get interested until the fourth movie came out. It's finally warming up today. I'm heading out to work on next year's firewood supply. I'm going to let the fire in the wood stove go out. It's going to hit 60 degrees. 


I'm starting to develop a bit of a retirement routine. Get up late. Watch a Dukes episode. Post an episode review. Eat lunch. Work on next year's firewood supply. (all the ash trees have died so I'm cutting them so they don't go to waste). Ride my dirt bike on the trails and/or work on my trails. Take a shower. Eat supper. Sit on porch reading. Take a walk. Hang out with wife. Watch recorded  dirt bike races on TV after she goes to bed....she has to get up at 5. Retirement feels like being a kid again but without being told what to do. 

4 minutes ago, Hobie Harkins said:

Most definitely !! You name the time, etc. and I'll bring the hooch! ( Some of my finest! :)

And I'll bet it's second only to Uncle Jesse's....that he only makes for medicinal purposes......lol....I just thought about the Beverley Hillbillies and Granny's rhumatizz medicine. 


Since the employee at the local Ace hardware didn't feel like going to the back to find the router bit set they had on sale yesterday I lucked out at a Lowe's across town and bought a bigger set that Lowe's had on clearance this morning. I usually try to buy from the small business owned hardware stores instead of the big box stores but the service at the big box store turned out to be better this time. Ended up getting a 30 bit set for only double what I was going to pay for a 5 bit set and even though they're different brands they're owned by the same company so the quality should be similar.

The local news media sure got people riled up and panic buying again, about the meat shortage this time. Seen people walking out from local grocery stores with cart loads of meat, bacon, sausage etc... small local butcher shops should be able to catch a break and get some more business since they use farmers for the meat source instead of large processing plants.


Last warm day here for awhile. We're supposed to get a week long cold snap.  I've been riding my dirt bike a lot and working on next year's firewood. In People's Choice that I watched this morning Jesse was cutting firewood. I'm also putting together a brand new trampoline in hopes that I'll get too see grandkids someday and yesterday I mowed my yard for the first time this spring. 


Yesterday was the last nice warm day here at least until next week. Even have a chance for snow Friday. Cleaned the flower bed out yesterday and the dead cactus out of the cactus patch. 

4 hours ago, Spike said:

 Cleaned the flower bed out yesterday and the dead cactus out of the cactus patch. 

I did something similar yesterday but not with cactus. I have mint, lemon balm, asparagus, live-forever, horseradish and  chives and they accumulate a lot of leaves and stuff in the fall so if I don't clean things up they won't grow as good. It looks like another day of firewood and mowing today. A little cold for the dirt bike. Maybe I'll get a campfire going tonight. 


As if the coronavirus isn't enough to deal with, our neighbor figures his buddy won't go to jail due to the virus so he brought him home to stay for a while. To top it off the jack:censored: tried talking to me last night like he didn't threaten me and my wife last year. I just shook my head and walked back into our apartment. So pissed off that I didn't sleep at all last night. If only the car repairs didn't wipe out our savings last year we would have moved. Now we have 3+ months of this BS to deal with again till our lease is up. Getting a doorbell camera this weekend that way we'll have video evidence if he starts :censored: with us this time. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Feels like the Hatfield's and McCoy's around here so I bought the doorbell camera. I'm a private person but knowing this is up and I can check that the wife gets home safe if I'm not here makes me feel a lot better. Wish we would have bought this sooner. 


Forgot to tell this funny thing that happened yesterday...

So I'm trimming weeds at me dad's yesterday. There's these odd plants around his front porch and when I clipped them I got showered in seeds. It seems when the plants are ready to spread their seed they shoot them out when they get disturbed as I tapped the next one with my foot and seeds shot out of the plant. I can't say "I've never been attacked by a plant" anymore :lol:. Just glad I had my safety glasses on.

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