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For years I've noticed the Hazzard Police sign at the WB set had neon tubes but I don't think I've ever seen it lit. Was it a real neon sign or just for 'show'?


Very few episodes of Dukes had scenes set at night. The only time I remember the police sign being illuminated is in 'Jude Emery'. Here's the picture I posted in the Hazzard Square thread (look over Bo's shoulder):


The sign lost its neon tubes in later seasons, as you can see in this screengrab from 'Enos Strate to the Top' near the start of season 3 (also from the Hazzard Square thread):



Hoss, I never saw the sign illuminated before, thank you for showing.

The last picture you posted looks like it has one of those back-lighted signs, where there is a fluorescent tube behind the panel.


I have one of those type of panels from Utrecht Central Station hanging in my room.


I know the sort you mean (source: I worked as a sign-maker for 10 years), but I think it was just lettering on a blue background. I guess they realized it was unlikely to be seen at night.

Very few episodes of Dukes had scenes set at night. The only time I remember the police sign being illuminated is in 'Jude Emery'. Here's the picture I posted in the Hazzard Square thread (look over Bo's shoulder):


Wow thanks! Honestly thought that nobody would know what I'm talking about LOL. The sign actually looks better than I thought it would. I did notice as a kid how there were very few night scenes on this show.

Very few episodes of Dukes had scenes set at night. The only time I remember the police sign being illuminated is in 'Jude Emery'. Here's the picture I posted in the Hazzard Square thread (look over Bo's shoulder):


The sign lost its neon tubes in later seasons, as you can see in this screengrab from 'Enos Strate to the Top' near the start of season 3 (also from the Hazzard Square thread):


Once again, awesome job, Hoss. I don't ever recall seeing that sign lit either.


A couple of times in season 1, Boss threatened to make Rosco "The night rent-a-cop at the drive-in deli on Frontage Road." Maybe the other nighttime lawmen were all "rent-a-cops" too.

Here's a thought....Enos, Cletus and Rosco all worked the day shift, so WHO WAS THE COP AT NIGHT???

In "Strange visitor to Hazzard" Enos is doing the night shift. So, it's supposed he works both day and night, from time to time, and maybe the same for Rosco. :wink: (I don't think Boss would pay a rent-a-cop for the night; in the first episodes of the first series, Hazzard had several deputies, but just for few episodes; after then, just the sheriff and ONE deputy, except for the first episodes of the 4th series, when Cletus shares the patrol car with Enos).


When were the tubes removed from the sign? Do we know this?

Because the glass tubes to make the sign look like it has neon lighting always seemed to me like they are fake. Might be changed specifically for this episode and left up standing till the end of season 7 or just a sign for this episode after which the fake one came back.

  • 1 month later...

Heck, nevermind who patrols Hazzard at night - it' amazing that Rosco and co. manage to bumble their way through it just in the day!! :lol:

Of all my many years of Dukes watching (and re-watching... and studying... and nit-picking), the night scene in "Jude Emery" is the only time in the entire run that I can recall seeing the neon Police sign lit up. It may well have been there in other scenes (as in, scenes filmed during daylight), but as others have said, night time scenes were fairly uncommon in the show, other than occasional ones at the Duke farm (I love those scenes where something is troubling one of the characters, they'd get up for some milk from the refrigerator, the other would get up, kinda thing) or the Boar's Nest. On few occasions when there was outdoor action at night, it was quite often done during daylight or dusk, with the film tinted to make it look darker.

The only time I can recall we ever saw the General driving at night (and therefore, the only time we saw the headlights on) was at the start of the first season finale, "Double Sting".

Occasionally Rosco would creep around outside the Duke farm at night to plant evidence (where he'd meet an owl or something!); Bo and Luke broke into an office in the sixth season episode "The Ransom of Hazzard County" at night; there were some night scenes, obviously, in the late "Strange Visitor to Hazzard"... okay, I'm just playing trivia with myself now :lol: "Let's name all of the night time scenes ever seen in the series(!)"


I seem to remember seeing the headlights on in the "strange visitor to hazzard" (alien)episode.

One of my favorite shots of the General Lee is in one of the Georgia episodes where they pull into town and only one headlight door is open. Dunno why...lol

I seem to remember seeing the headlights on in the "strange visitor to hazzard" (alien)episode.

One of my favorite shots of the General Lee is in one of the Georgia episodes where they pull into town and only one headlight door is open. Dunno why...lol

Actually, you'll likely right. In that episode, the General is at least said to be driving at night, though will have to check it to refresh my memory if what external shots of the car there are, and if the headlights are shown lit. (Considering the 'bottom of the barrel' nature of that episode, it's not one I've often watched and so aren't the most familiar with, though I do confess there are a couple of other episodes that I enjoy even less).

  • 6 months later...

I realized while I was looking through a few episodes of season 2 that I'd mentioned the neon tubes on the police sign on the first page of this thread, but never posted a picture. The one below is from 'The Meeting', but I also spotted them in 'Road Pirates' and 'Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough'. I'm sure you can see them in other season 2 episodes, but those are the ones I watched this week.


Somebody on one of the DVD commentaries (Gy Waldron I think?) talked about how they never rains in Hazzard, which is fortunate since the General Lee doesn't seem to have side windows.


If you watch carefully the TV show, in some episodes you can see some puddles in Hazzard's streets, proving a previous rain (I think they avoided to film during the rain).

Anyway, in a episode you can see raining during some scenes: "How to succeed in Hazzard". In that episode, at some point Daisy wears some boots for the rain, high and pinkish boot in rubber beside a large sweater (I remember it at the beninning of the episode). I guess it was a really cold and rainy day, since Catherine kept on those boots and large sweater (not her usual sexy outfit) for a while. :)

In another episode, I noticed the white cloud of condensation coming out Enos and Rosco's mouth as they talk (proving it was a really really cod day). In that episode, no police cars crashing into the pond, LOL. I don't remember the episode, though. Maybe, "Dead and alive"?

Moreover, I find interesting, looking at some pictures Roth posted in his amazing thread about the TV show "behind the scenes", that actors wore jackets, scarfs and sometimes also gloves while they waited for their turn in filming. They had to film just with shirts and trousers on, whereas they needed jackets behind the scenes... Poor Catherine, I think she suffered the cold, while she was acting.

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