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I was just thinking about what episode everyone else saw that got them hooked on the Dukes. I know a lot of ya have been with it since the time the first episode aired but I want to know.

For me it was when I watched part of "Undercover Dukes part 2" .At least that's the first one I've seen. It's the first one in my memory. It was during the summer. Me and my brother wanted to stay up late and our mom aloud us, and I think it was her choice to put it on since there was nothing else on. I then took a break and finally decided to record "Daisy's Song" and I've gotten hooked on it.

What was your first episode?


From what I can find online, Dukes started on TV in the UK in March '79 (about 2 months late!). Being as this is nearly 33 years ago, and I was eight at the time, my memory is a bit fuzzy. From what I recall, the first season was shown on a week night at about 9.30pm (it later moved to early evening on a Saturday). Due to my age, I wasn't allowed to see every episode, but my first memory was a chase around a junkyard which I'm guessing was 'One Armed Bandits' - so I've been watching since the start.


Thats all really cool. I will have to say that I wouldn't have fallen in love with it if my mom didn't let me and my brother stay up late. And if there was something different on at that time or we had something recorded to watch, then I wouldn't have watched it. I don't know what my life would be like without it. I think that one of the things I would have missed out on would be being able to talk to all these great people and making new friends all over the world.


I can't recall what was my first DOH episode. I was young...I was only four or so when they stopped making new episodes. Though I do remember watching it and not understanding why it was no longer on TV.

It came back on channel that was TNN at the time in '96, but it wasn't until '97 when I got back into watching it. I was flipping through the channels and it was on...I think it was part two of "Ten Million Dollar Sheriff". Still remember the scene and all. Been hooked on it ever since...


Great question!

I'm not sure which episode it was. Maybe High Octane.

I was 19 and in the USMC stationed in Camp LeJeune North Carolina in 1979 when I went into a rec room to watch TV. The Dukes of Hazzard had just came out and everybody was talking about it. It just happened to be on when I walked in the room so I watched it out of curiosity and fell in love at first sight. It's been my favorite show ever since.

I always thought that John Schneider was a lot older than me because I looked like I was 15 when I was 19 but I found out later that he was only born 7 days before me.


When I was 5 old years in 1980 I saw The Dukes of Hazzard the television in the channel RTP 1 and the car General Lee that did fly about the sheriff and actress Catherine Bach aka Daisy Duke was very beautiful and the episode was One Armed Bandits and I liked a lot The Dukes of Hazzard!

I always thought that John Schneider was a lot older than me because I looked like I was 15 when I was 19 but I found out later that he was only born 7 days before me.

That is so cool. He's 11 days and like 37 years older than me. It's really weird to think that. But I never thought how much older he is to me. You brought that to my mind. It's really cool to think.

  • 2 weeks later...

I can't remember what episode it was, but it was back in '84 when I first seen it. My mom said "hey, come watch this show, they crash a bunch of cars!" Never missed a show after that and I was about 13 at the time. Not long after that Catherine came to a local car show and my dad took me, that's when I found out she and I were born on the same day.:D

  • 1 year later...

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