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i would love to visit some of the real locations, wonder if there is a google map overlay or something?

If you're heading for Georgia, I think location maps are easy to come by when you get there, and I've even read about tours. This thread has mainly concentrated on the California locations, and I've included Google Maps links to most of them. Let me know if you're having trouble finding any locations.

If you're heading for Georgia, I think location maps are easy to come by when you get there, and I've even read about tours. This thread has mainly concentrated on the California locations, and I've included Google Maps links to most of them. Let me know if you're having trouble finding any locations.

will do, thank you!

  • 4 weeks later...

I recently was watching WatchMojo on YouTube and saw something I recognised, I investigated it further and I think you get what I saw if you look a few posts up.


Part of John Fogerty's The Old Man Down The Road has been filmed around the house. Here's the videoclip.

the house comes into play at about the 2:52 mark.


Wow, well spotted, Roth. It can sometimes be videos like this that help to find locations, but in this case we already know where it was filmed :).

When I saw the opening, I was going to suggest that the location would make a good still site, but then I saw how close it was to the road, and besides, the 'gator didn't look too friendly.

The copyright notice at the end says 1984 (Wikipedia says it was released in 1985), which means it was only filmed a few years after Dukes. It was also made by Warner Bros.

  • 2 weeks later...

I know the Warner Ranch was only used briefly in 'Along Came a Duke' (see here for previous posts), but I thought I'd share this video I found on YouTube:

The uploader calls it "a humorous tour of a studio back lot". It mainly centers on 'Bewitched', but also includes references to several other TV shows/movies which were filmed there.

  • 5 months later...
Looked similar to me too so I went and looked, but I don't think it's the same building.



HossC -- thanks for bringing this forum to my attention! I hope I can help you guys on this forum with a few things.

I am pretty sure the hospital in the above screen captures from post # 83 is one of the older buildings on the huge grounds of the Veteran Affairs West Los Angeles Healthcare Center. The address is 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90073. I think it's one of the buildings on the northern lot (Arnold Avenue, Vandergrift Avenue and Nimitz Avenue).

I hope this will help.





I can identify this exterior set from post # 84.

It's on the backlot of The Burbank Studios (nowadays Warner Bros. Studios). The brick building marks the end of Brownstone Street (now called Ashley Boulevard). The 45-degree angled building ("Capitol City Savings & Loan") is at the corner to New York Street. This shot was filmed in northern direction, the camera standing on New York Street.

  • 2 weeks later...
Although there are differences, it looks to have the same proportions and location as Rosco's house in 'Baa, Baa White Sheep'. I certainly think it could've been re-dressed in the eight years that separated to two shows. I've never been able to exactly pinpoint its location, but I think it was near the Laramie Street set.


This house was located on Lima Street adjacent to the old Laramie Street set. It was demolished around the same time as Laramie Street.

  • 2 weeks later...


This is the same house as in my preceding post. This screen capture is from an 1982 episode of "Falcon Crest". It shows the redressed house from a different angle: If you look at the screen grab from the "Dukes" in the preceding post, just imagine you sit in the patrol car visible in the screen grab and make a left, and you'll arrive right where the white pick-up truck is parked. The wooden elements of the house are pretty much the same. There are some slight alterations in the porch pillars and a few minor parts that were redressed.

  • 3 months later...

I recently added the 1974 Mel Brooks movie 'Blazing Saddles' to my DVD collection, and spotted some familiar locations. Although IMDb lists Laramie Street among the filming locations, most of the town scenes take place in Western Street. I've posted pictures of Western Street before, but seeing as it demolished many years ago, I thought I'd add some more. Besides, these images show it looking very neat and tidy.


Here are a few stores from the right side of the street. I like the "1 Flavor" sign.


And here's the far end of the street.


This is the back of the Hazzard Square church. By the time Dukes was made, this side had been turned into a loading dock.



This is the other end of Western Street which appeared as Shoveltown in 'The Hack of Hazzard'. The man in the black hat above the "L" of "WELCOME" is John Hillerman, probably best known as Higgins in 'Magnum, P.I.'.


The building on the left appeared in several episodes, sometimes as the back of Cooter's Garage, even though it's nowhere near the front!


The DVD also includes the pilot for a proposed spin-off series called 'Black Bart' (which was one of the working titles for 'Blazing Saddles'). It also made use of the buildings of Western Street. This part of Western Street featured in 'Mason Dixon's Girls'. The buildings on the right are the ones from the picture above.


This man may look familiar to Dukes fans. Burton Gilliam played Lyle in 'Blazing Saddles', but he was Tom Colt in 'Double Sting' (he was the guy with poison ivy who got the jail quarantined), and Heep in 'The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style'.



Near the end of the movie there's a great panning shot across the backlot, showing the relative position of Western Street to Midwest Street (aka. Hazzard Square). Some of these "real" buildings don't have much more structure than the fake town in the movie. The Mexican street was probably still standing just out-of-shot to the right.


Just to the left we get a better view of the church and Midwest Street. In the lower left corner is the building which was used as Morgan's Glueworks in 'The Revenge of Hughie Hogg'. Above that is the back of Boss' house. After Western Street was demolished, a new façade was added at the rear so that the house could be filmed from both sides (as seen in the Dukes 'Reunion' movie). Above Boss' house is the courthouse/police building.


Continuing left, we can see the famous Warner Bros. water tower and the sound stages.


The cast later run out of the studio onto West Olive Avenue. This is the entrance that appeared in 'The Dukes in Hollywood'.


  • 2 months later...
  • Meadowmufn featured this topic
  • 1 year later...
On 7.5.2011 at 2:22 AM, HossC said:

I still don't know where this building is!. It was the State Courthouse in 'Duke of Duke', and CDoherty pointed out that it was the hospital in 'Welcome Back, Bo and Luke'. Here it's playing the part of 'State Capitol' in 'Uncle Boss'. Anyone else got a guess?.



I am sorry I haven't been here in a while. I still think it's a great forum, which depictures the history of Midwest Street at Warner Bros. Studios so nicely.


If I haven't overlooked a reply to this post, I think you are still looking for the State Capitol, which  -- in other episodes --  redressed as the State Courthouse and the Central City General Hospital.

This exterior set at The Burbank Studios (Warner Bros. Studios) was called Hank's School. It is now where Park Place is located.

It is the rear of Hennesy Street’s center (the triangular-like part to the south) and was first used in the early 1960’s when a high school building was erected there. Although not built for the "Hank" TV series (1965-66), but due to its most extensive use on that sitcom, the reverse part of what was Tenement Street in those days became informally known as Hank’s School and was later featured as Boatwright University in "The Waltons". With more and more comic book adaptions filmed on the lot and in preparation for filming for Batman Forever, Warner Bros. demolished Hank’s School in 1995 and replaced it with a very modern metropolitan business district with office façades of concrete and glass named Downtown Plaza. Rebuilds in 2005 and 2007 finally resulted in the current set there:  Park Place, which resembles New York architecture.

GPS coordinates: 34 °09’01.4”N 118°20’12.0”W.


I hope this helps.

On 13.5.2011 at 2:42 AM, HossC said:

I have four mystery locations here. I don't think any of them were actually in Hazzard Square, but I'm curious to know where they are.

A shortened version of the General heading to Atlanta is used again to set the scene in 'Along Came a Duke'. Then we see the 'Atlanta Museum'. I've tried to find out what this building is, but had no luck. I'm guessing it's somewhere around LA.



This is the entrance to WB's Glass Building across the studio lot.

The Glass Building is also known as the Olive Avenue Building or  Building 154.  The topographical location is 3903 West Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 91505.  It was built in the early 1980's and won an architecural award for its unique design.  Since many trees have grown around the building since then, you can easily overlook it when you drive by.


I hope this helps.


Thanks for the replies, T.J.P.


I think we'd pretty much narrowed down the location of the State Courthouse/Central City General Hospital to roughly that area, but it's great to have it confirmed, especially with all the extra information you provided.


How did I miss the Glass Building? It's right across the street from the studios! Here's a recent Streetview image. Even with the trees it's still recognizable.




There can't be many loose ends left now.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to this forum, we made some interesting discoveries about cross references between the "Dukes" and "Falcon Crest" concerning the TBS (WB) backlot.  It was inspiration to do further research on the topic.

So if you are interested, please check out, our "Behind the Scenes" section: http://www.falconcrest.org/english/master.php?path=show/episodes/ai/bts/2  --  go to episode # 030 of "Falcon Crest" and look for various entries about filming on the backlot.


I'm sitting here watching the 2007 movie"Norbit". I've never seen it before but it was filmed in Hazzard Square. My wife was watching it so I just sat down with her and I see they even showed the inside of Boss's house. Has anybody else seen this?...just waiting for this commercial to end so I can see more.

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