Lukas_KD Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 Ok, Bo*replies and glances down at the CB mic and box again. Thinking about how one item can mean so much. Move just a little to sit more comfortable. My head makes accidental contact with Luke's arm still draped across the top of the seat. I say quickly.* Sorry, Luke.*glancing sideways at the slightly-younger woman, one eyebrow just half raised... considering her, wondering what she'll do next... I can't get a fix on her direction of thought or anything, much as I might try - even her comments about the radio seem random. In response to her head-nudge, I give a slight grunt, not really caring one way or the other... sitting with my arm up just seems a good position to avoid crowding us all in... and makes it easier for a fast grab if need be*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *glancing sideways at the slightly-younger woman, one eyebrow just half raised... considering her, wondering what she'll do next... I can't get a fix on her direction of thought or anything, much as I might try - even her comments about the radio seem random. In response to her head-nudge, I give a slight grunt, not really caring one way or the other... sitting with my arm up just seems a good position to avoid crowding us all in... and makes it easier for a fast grab if need be*Daney, why don't you just relax, huh? We'll be there soon enough. *edgy with her repeated glances to the CB. Not that anyone could find us right now - except an old ridge runner - and the only two I know of left in the county are in this car.*
Guest DanielPHorse Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *On the other side of town, near the ridge, Daniel follows the smoke until the ground slopes down into some woods, and then he finally finds the source of the smoke--a small cabin. He glances around, seeing no immediate danger, and slides off of Swift's back. He gives the horse a pat and a few murmured words, and the mustang instantly drops his head to crop. He won't stray any further than within earshot of Daniel's whistle. Daniel goes to the cabin door and knocks quietly*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 ( Note : I ain't gonna be online Wed at all. But ya'll are welcome to carry on, I'll just be a piece of furniture in the background....still there, but silent. I'll be back Thurs. )
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 (I should mention I won't be around on Wednesday either..."Lukas_KD" has permission to move me around if necessary to allow the story to continue.)
pendragon1980 Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *Leaving Chet still locked up in his wrecked jail cell and in a subdued state from the tranquilizer, MaryAnne left the courthouse and walked across the square toward Chance’s clinic**She slowed as she approached. Diablo was gone. And the place seemed exceptionally quiet**MaryAnne ascended the stairs and went into the clinic. She stood at the doorway to the exam room and found the two tables were empty. Brian, Garrett, Alex…the Duke boys. Everybody was gone**She walked into the empty room and approached the table where Brian had been. She touched the cut piece of handcuff that was still locked to the bedrail and frowned. That damn fool…. She let go of the cuff with a clatter and turned, walking out of the room and exiting the clinic**Chance had been back up the sidewalk, preoccupied with her own worries about this whole ordeal, when she nearly literally ran into MaryAnne on the porch steps, her only thought was..*oh damn, wonder how aiding and abetting escape two convicts looks to the AMA
B.L. Davenport Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *Enters the court house, bearing a paper sack of things for Chet, a ziploc bag of chocolate chip cookies, pack of Marlboro cigarettes and a disposable lighter. Not seeing Maryanne anywhere in sight heads down the stairs to where the main cells are, "Chet I brought ya......."Stops speaking mid sentence, dead in my tracks seeing the destruction in the cell its fearless occupant laying on the floor not looking none too healthy, but still alive and conscious.
Cowboy Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *Conscious although heavily sedated I hear BL and try to move to get up, my spurs scrape the floor as I am able to move my feet alittle. My arms curl around to my sides and I try heard to turn my heavy head up. Breathes deeply and blinks slowly creasing my brow at BL but not saying anything, my mind is so foggy.*
B.L. Davenport Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 "Easy Chet just stay still" sits the paper sack down on the desk, begins to look for the keys to the cell wondering where MaryAnne could be. Finding the keys in a top drawer, takes them out going over to the cell unlocking it."What in the world happened, looks like a tornado hit in here." Inside the cell I squat down on my haunches, feeling Chet's neck for his pulse, relieved to find it strong but not as strong as it should be.
Cowboy Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *Tries to move at BL's touch, twitching and flopping alittle like a fish out of water. Breathes heavily from my efforts. My hand cuffed wrists are laced with dried blood and scabbing now that I have discontinued constantly yanking on them.The tranqulizer dart that MaryAnne shot me with and I yanked out of my leg lays nearby me on the floor, the cause of my current condition.*
B.L. Davenport Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *Tries to move at BL's touch, twitching and flopping alittle like a fish out of water. Breathes heavily from my efforts. My hand cuffed wrists are laced with dried blood and scabbing now that I have discontinued constantly yanking on them.The tranqulizer dart that MaryAnne shot me with and I yanked out of my leg lays nearby me on the floor, the cause of my current condition.*Easy, now easy *speaks lowly when Chet begins to twitch and flop, gently takes hold of his arm to have a look at the scabbed wrist.* Boy howdy you must have been throwing some more fit to get your wrists in this shape. *Spots something nearby on the floor,* what's this? *BL mutters to herself, reaching to pick up the dart* A tranquilizer dart *picks it up examining it realizing now that is what is wrong with him, it must be.
Cowboy Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *Blinks slowly and tries to gather my thoughts and my mind in all the fog from the sedative. I want to talk and react to BL, but its so hard to collect enough of my thoughts to do so, only one thing stands out in my mind right now.* Blaze... Blaze... *Licks my dry lips and tightens my brow and groans.* Blaze... gone. *Sighs heavily relaxing my body, still defeated by the drug.*
B.L. Davenport Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 Gone?! *I saw the horse out front when Chet was first brought in but it isn't there now*. I'm sure Maryanne just put him somewhere where he'd be safe and well taken care of. *BL creases her brow, hoping she is right about the horse and it is just the drugs that is making Chet seem more upset about the horse's disappearance*.
Garrett Duke Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 *raises an eyebrow at this answer, not sure of the accuracy* Tell that to mah ribs and innards. The way Chet reacted when I drew a gun on ya, tells me that you're worth more than you think. *glances over at Alex* And we know Daney means somethin' to Garrett. But I don't know if her and Chet evah seen eye to eye.*Eyes Brian for a moment before nodding slightly * Guess it'd mean he at least cares for me *pauses, inhaling longly on cigarette* though wouldn't go as far as to say he'd go outta his way to save me if need be. Talking of which, what Daney have to do with any of this? *Eyes my two captors, expecting an answer.*
Cowboy Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 No... *Starts to try to move again, but its still futile, the drugs are strong and will be in my system many more hours.*...stolen. *Closes my eyes and lays my head down with a deep frown, although my mind is foggy I know that I may never see my friend again.*
B.L. Davenport Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 No... *Starts to try to move again, but its still futile, the drugs are strong and will be in my system many more hours.*...stolen. *Closes my eyes and lays my head down with a deep frown, although my mind is foggy I know that I may never see my friend again.*"Stolen".....*BL mirrors Chet's frown* "I'm sorry Chet, is there anything I can do?" *BL asks glancing over her shoulder to make sure Maryanne isn't coming.*
Cowboy Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 *Shakes my head slightly in a "no" reply and lays quiet with my eyes closed, theres nothing anyone can do. Brian has my horse and only MaryAnne can bring this thing to a happy ending without blood shed, if it is not too late already.*
B.L. Davenport Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 *Shakes my head slightly in a "no" reply and lays quiet with my eyes closed, theres nothing anyone can do. Brian has my horse and only MaryAnne can bring this thing to a happy ending without blood shed, if it is not too late already.*"Ok" BL sighs standing up straight "I'm sorry, I'd better go if I hear anything about your horse I will let you know." Those words being said BL steps out of the cell locking it once more, replacing the keys in the desk drawer leaving no indication of anyone having been in there. Takes one more quick look at Chet, turning to the stairs going up them once more and out of the court house now on a mission to find out what happened to the missing horse if she can.
MaryAnne Posted March 4, 2010 Author Posted March 4, 2010 "Ok" BL sighs standing up straight "I'm sorry, I'd better go if I hear anything about your horse I will let you know." Those words being said BL steps out of the cell locking it once more, replacing the keys in the desk drawer leaving no indication of anyone having been in there. Takes one more quick look at Chet, turning to the stairs going up them once more and out of the court house now on a mission to find out what happened to the missing horse if she can.*down the hall outside the Game Warden's office, MaryAnne saw BL as she headed out of the courthouse. MaryAnne walked back to the booking room and went down stairs to check on Chet**The big Duke was still pretty well under the influence of the tranquilizer and still on the floor of his cell. The cell door was locked. Satisfied Chet was where he was supposed to be, MaryAnne returned upstairs**She decided to remain in the booking room. Since somebody stole Chet's horse, she didn't want somebody to steal Chet too**Besides, she figured when somebody was ready to talk to her, they'd know where to find her*
AlexJackson Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 *On the other side of town, near the ridge, Daniel follows the smoke until the ground slopes down into some woods, and then he finally finds the source of the smoke--a small cabin. He glances around, seeing no immediate danger, and slides off of Swift's back. He gives the horse a pat and a few murmured words, and the mustang instantly drops his head to crop. He won't stray any further than within earshot of Daniel's whistle. Daniel goes to the cabin door and knocks quietly**the door to the cabin opens, giving a grin* Hey Daniel...*Steps aside and waves Daniel in...Brian and Garrett are still sitting around the table...* Glad you saw the smoke and found this place okay.
Guest DanielPHorse Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 *the door to the cabin opens, giving a grin* Hey Daniel...*Steps aside and waves Daniel in...Brian and Garrett are still sitting around the table...* Glad you saw the smoke and found this place okay.Greetings, my friends. *He steps inside and clasps Alex's forearms in greeting, and then Brian. To the stranger at the table, he gives a nod, in deference to the fact that he appears to be Alex and Brian's guest* I followed the smoke here. It was a good idea! Is everything all right?
AlexJackson Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 Greetings, my friends. *He steps inside and clasps Alex's forearms in greeting, and then Brian. To the stranger at the table, he gives a nod, in deference to the fact that he appears to be Alex and Brian's guest* I followed the smoke here. It was a good idea! Is everything all right?*returns the gesture then gives a nod..* Yeah thinks are all right...*glances at Brian a moment then back to Daniel* Daniel we need you to do something for us. We want you go to the courthouse and bail out Chet Duke. Both Brian and I are afraid he might do something to hurt her...*steps closer to Daniel and motions him aside...voice drops as the two men step aside* Bring him here... but you better be damn careful, I recommend that you tie him up as soon as you can. We have his brother, that might be a reason for him to cooperate but you never know. Just be really careful, okay?
Guest DanielPHorse Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 *returns the gesture then gives a nod..* Yeah thinks are all right...*glances at Brian a moment then back to Daniel* Daniel we need you to do something for us. We want you go to the courthouse and bail out Chet Duke. Both Brian and I are afraid he might do something to hurt her...*steps closer to Daniel and motions him aside...voice drops as the two men step aside* Bring him here... but you better be damn careful, I recommend that you tie him up as soon as you can. We have his brother, that might be a reason for him to cooperate but you never know. Just be really careful, okay?*Daniel nods* Aee, buck, all right. I will be very careful and he will not escape me, I swear it. How much will the . . . bay-el be?
Garrett Duke Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 *Nods slightly back at the newcomer before going still, silently listening into Alex's instructions for the stranger.*
AlexJackson Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 *Daniel nods* Aee, buck, all right. I will be very careful and he will not escape me, I swear it. How much will the . . . bay-el be?*Sighs thinking a moment* Aww man thats a good question.. *strokes chin a moment* Well...maybe a few hundred dollars...*he reaches into his pocket to see how much money hes got...*
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