pendragon1980 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 She keeps misbehaving like this, its her -back- side she'll have to worry about, because im going to put a hypodermic needle in it!
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 She keeps misbehaving like this, its her -back- side she'll have to worry about, because im going to put a hypodermic needle in it!A hypodermic will be the least of her worries if she keeps this up. *glaring at Daney, making sure Luke has a good hold on her. Helping him get her up, I turn to Chance.* Thanks for your help, Doc. *wry smile.* Let's go *nodding to Luke, grabbing hold of one of Daney's arms to help Luke get her over to the General and into the car, making sure Luke has hold of her good and tight before I jog around to the driver's side and slide into the car, hand reaching for the gearshift before I'm even settled in the seat.*
MaryAnne Posted March 2, 2010 Author Posted March 2, 2010 *Freezes like a wolf in the cross hairs, mouth ajar in a heavy pant, teeth bared. See the gun and my brow tightens furrowing deep, mismatched eyes glazed over in a glint of furry.* Go on! Shoot me! A excolent way to ensure your damn cousins saftey! *Snarls, thinking its a regular gun.*(Dangit... just dangit... *holds onto the cliff tightly until tomarrow*)*doesn't flinch at the look of fury coming from Chet. Maintains the gaze and raises the gun* That's right. And excellent way to ensure everyone's safety...*takes a quick step up to the cell and aims for Chet's left leg, pulling the trigger. The tranquilizer dart leaves the gun and impales itself into Chet's leg. It will take only moments for the tranquilizer to kick in, even if Chet pulls the dart from his leg* *steps back quickly and watches*
pendragon1980 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 A hypodermic will be the least of her worries if she keeps this up. *glaring at Daney, making sure Luke has a good hold on her. Helping him get her up, I turn to Chance.* Thanks for your help, Doc. *wry smile.* Let's go *nodding to Luke, grabbing hold of one of Daney's arms to help Luke get her over to the General and into the car, making sure Luke has hold of her good and tight before I jog around to the driver's side and slide into the car, hand reaching for the gearshift before I'm even settled in the seat.**gets up, brushes the dust off her jeans and hands, mutters* Medicare doesn't cover this.
Cowboy Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *Flinches hard when the gun goes off completely expecting to be shot by a regular bullet. I gasp and hiss when the dart sticks into my leg and I grab for it and yank it out, but I know Ive been infected. The traqulizer engolfs my system in seconds and I stagger and fight its fingers wrapping aorund me. But its no use, I pull the blanket from whats left of the cot as I go down to my knees and sink to my side. Pants hard against the feeling of the drug taking over, even thrashing against the floor, my boots and spurs scrapping. Then almost as sudden as my wrath began it ends, I lay trembling on my side, blood dripping from my wrists, panting.*
MaryAnne Posted March 2, 2010 Author Posted March 2, 2010 *Flinches hard when the gun goes off completely expecting to be shot by a regular bullet. I gasp and hiss when the dart sticks into my leg and I grab for it and yank it out, but I know Ive been infected. The traqulizer engolfs my system in seconds and I stagger and fight its fingers wrapping aorund me. But its no use, I pull the blanket from whats left of the cot as I go down to my knees and sink to my side. Pants hard against the feeling of the drug taking over, even thrashing against the floor, my boots and spurs scrapping. Then almost as sudden as my wrath began it ends, I lay trembling on my side, blood dripping from my wrists, panting.**MaryAnne watched uneasily, hoping the tranquilizer would be enough to take the big Duke down. It does and when Chet finally collapses to the floor, she breathes a sigh of relief.**He'd be out for awhile, giving MaryAnne some time to collect herself and get over to the clinic to check on Brian**All in all, it was turning out to be a hell of a day...and things were only just getting started...*
DaneyDuke Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 A hypodermic will be the least of her worries if she keeps this up. *glaring at Daney, making sure Luke has a good hold on her. Helping him get her up, I turn to Chance.* Thanks for your help, Doc. *wry smile.* Let's go *nodding to Luke, grabbing hold of one of Daney's arms to help Luke get her over to the General and into the car, making sure Luke has hold of her good and tight before I jog around to the driver's side and slide into the car, hand reaching for the gearshift before I'm even settled in the seat.**Sitting in the General Lee, I do not apologize to Bo or Luke. They were just following orders. Where I came back into the clinic by choice. I hope that Garrett will be ok.*
Cowboy Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *Lays my head down on the cold floor, the tranque isnt enough to knock me unconscious, but it renders me. I give up, I can not battle this fight, I may never again see my horse, my friend. I let Red down, he trusted me and I got him killed, now Blaze, his only heir will be gone too. Skints my eyes then blinks them fighting tears.*
AlexJackson Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *After Brian and Garrett get into the car, the blond man puts the big Impala in gear before anything else happens or MaryAnne shows up... heads out of Hazzard Square...glances at Brian in the passenger seat, and then at the rearview mirror to see Garrett...* So now that we made it out of town, where to? *glances at Brian*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *After Brian and Garrett get into the car, the blond man puts the big Impala in gear before anything else happens or MaryAnne shows up... heads out of Hazzard Square...glances at Brian in the passenger seat, and then at the rearview mirror to see Garrett...* So now that we made it out of town, where to? *glances at Brian*Not far. I wanna stay close enuff to town, where we can keep an eye on thangs, and I can contact MaryAnne if ah need to. *looks in the side mirror, seeing Garrett's pensive face in the back* Garrett, you Dukes know every moonshine hole in this county. Is there a good cabin or huntin' shack around heah we could use?
Garrett Duke Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *Looks up at Brian and Alex, thoughts turn from Daney to their question to struggle the urge to resist them or anything they want.* Well, I kinda came to Hazzard after their so called famous moonshine days *Pauses to look out the window. Instead, cooperates with them for the time being.* Though I think I remember Jesse sayin' something of shack they hid out once somewhere in them woods over there. *Glances ahead towards the right where a large area of woods lie.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *Looks up at Brian and Alex, thoughts turn from Daney to their question to struggle the urge to resist them or anything they want.* Well, I kinda came to Hazzard after their so called famous moonshine days *Pauses to look out the window. Instead, cooperates with them for the time being.* Though I think I remember Jesse sayin' something of shack they hid out once somewhere in them woods over there. *Glances ahead towards the right where a large area of woods lie.*That'll do, then. Alex, head over yonder and see if you can find the old path to the cabin. Take it easy up the hill, though.
AlexJackson Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *Looks up at Brian and Alex, thoughts turn from Daney to their question to struggle the urge to resist them or anything they want.* Well, I kinda came to Hazzard after their so called famous moonshine days *Pauses to look out the window. Instead, cooperates with them for the time being.* Though I think I remember Jesse sayin' something of shack they hid out once somewhere in them woods over there. *Glances ahead towards the right where a large area of woods lie.**sees where Garrett is looking and turns Diablo in that direction, heading for the wooded area* Well lets hope its not in too rough a shape, some of these Dukes hideouts are probably falling apart by now...
Lukas_KD Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *fingers tapping against my thigh as Bo takes the General Lee out of town, thinking about where to go. Out of town, certainly, where Daney can't easily get ahold of a faster means of escape than her own two feet. But... hm. I glance briefly toward Bo*That old cabin up on Razorback Mountain. It still there, or has it come down? *I ain't been there for nigh on three years, I'd reckon...*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *fingers tapping against my thigh as Bo takes the General Lee out of town, thinking about where to go. Out of town, certainly, where Daney can't easily get ahold of a faster means of escape than her own two feet. But... hm. I glance briefly toward Bo*That old cabin up on Razorback Mountain. It still there, or has it come down? *I ain't been there for nigh on three years, I'd reckon...*Whoo...*breathing out a sigh* I ain't sure, Luke. Last I knew it was still there, but it's been a couple of years. We can sure try it though - even have camping stuff in the back. *heading in that direction, giving Daney an occasional glance from the corner of my eye.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *sees where Garrett is looking and turns Diablo in that direction, heading for the wooded area* Well lets hope its not in too rough a shape, some of these Dukes hideouts are probably falling apart by now...*grits teeth as Diablo's heavy-coil suspension makes the big Chevy bounce and rock up the hill * ...fallin' apart....ah know the feelin'... *hanging on to the roof column with right hand, the injuries irritated by the rough ride.**Glances in the mirrors at Garrett again* If you know of this place, ah'm willin' to bet Chet knows of it....
Lukas_KD Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 Whoo...*breathing out a sigh* I ain't sure, Luke. Last I knew it was still there, but it's been a couple of years. We can sure try it though - even have camping stuff in the back. *heading in that direction, giving Daney an occasional glance from the corner of my eye.*Can't see a reason why not. Nice and isolated. *small tight smile, glancing out the window, though all other senses warily still focused on our current captive, not trusting her not to make a break for it - I would*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 Can't see a reason why not. Nice and isolated. *small tight smile, glancing out the window, though all other senses warily still focused on our current captive, not trusting her not to make a break for it - I would*Right. Need me to stop and get anything else before we head up there? *knowing Luke can keep an eye on Daney for a few minutes*
Lukas_KD Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 Right. Need me to stop and get anything else before we head up there? *knowing Luke can keep an eye on Daney for a few minutes**a moment's thought* Do we have food? If not, we should get a few cans of somethin'. Might be playing jailers for a little while.
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *a moment's thought* Do we have food? If not, we should get a few cans of somethin'. Might be playing jailers for a little while.Good point. Got enough for two for a few days, three'd be stretchin' it. *spinning the car around and toward Rhuebottoms, shrieking to a stop in front of the general store.* I'll go get a few things. Keep a hold on her. *mild glare as I take the keys and slide out of the car, heading for the store.*
DaneyDuke Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 Good point. Got enough for two for a few days, three'd be stretchin' it. *spinning the car around and toward Rhuebottoms, shrieking to a stop in front of the general store.* I'll go get a few things. Keep a hold on her. *mild glare as I take the keys and slide out of the car, heading for the store.**watches Bo go toward Rhuebottom's and picks up cb mic in left hand.* Isn't Razorback out of cb range? *asks Luke and drops the mic down onto the box.*
Lukas_KD Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *watches Bo go toward Rhuebottom's and picks up cb mic in left hand.* Isn't Razorback out of cb range? *asks Luke and drops the mic down onto the box.**a mirthless smirk, replacing the mic more neatly and then casually resting an arm across the back of the front seat... easy to grab Daney at a moment's notice* Sure is. Radios don't like all the iron in that ridge.
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *a mirthless smirk, arm casually across the back of the front seat... easy to grab Daney at a moment's notice* Sure is. Radios don't like all the iron in that ridge.*Coming out of Rhuebottoms a few minutes later, a paper bag in hand. I toss the bag into the trunk, slamming the lid, then slide into the car.* got some beans, some soup...and an extra bowl so's Daney don't have to eat out of the can. *figuring least I can do is be civil to our prisoner.*
Lukas_KD Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *Coming out of Rhuebottoms a few minutes later, a paper bag in hand. I toss the bag into the trunk, slamming the lid, then slide into the car.* got some beans, some soup...and an extra bowl so's Daney don't have to eat out of the can. *figuring least I can do is be civil to our prisoner.**little smile... rather evil really, not feeling particularly like being nice at the moment either* Sounds good. Let's get outta here and set up a place where we can wait for Brian.
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 *little smile... rather evil really, not feeling particularly like being nice at the moment either* Sounds good. Let's get outta here and set up a place where we can wait for Brian.You got it. *not being easy on the gas pedal as I drop the car into gear again and squeal the tires as we head out of town. Not being sure how well Daney knows the area, I take a convoluted route over fields, over a stream or two and along twisty-turny roads that are more cowpath than anything.*
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