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Hot off the press from CNN....

The last of the 33 miners trapped in Chile has just been rescued and freed.

In the spirit of celebrating this incredibly inspiring story, I think Chet should be freed.

I think there's room in the mine for Chet now, that's what I'm getting outta this.

Just kidding! Tho' it's appropriate you chime in, Roger, as you were the first victim - er, guest, of our jailhouse. Since MaryAnne is blithely ignoring this thread and trying to look busy with a creating a paper clip chain, you can offer a compromise for her consideration. Or some more paper clips.

(glad the miners made it out safely!)

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I think there's room in the mine for Chet now, that's what I'm getting outta this.

Just kidding! Tho' it's appropriate you chime in, Roger, as you were the first victim - er, guest, of our jailhouse. Since MaryAnne is blithely ignoring this thread and trying to look busy with a creating a paper clip chain, you can offer a compromise for her consideration. Or some more paper clips.

(glad the miners made it out safely!)

I have a case of little boxes full of paperclips I'm sure MaryAnne would love to have. LOL.

I'm glad all the miners made it out ok too. Though, I bet that fella whose wife and mistress met during the 2 month vigil wishes he was still down there by now...

Tho' it's appropriate you chime in, Roger, as you were the first victim - er, guest, of our jailhouse. Since MaryAnne is blithely ignoring this thread and trying to look busy with a creating a paper clip chain, you can offer a compromise for her consideration.

I've been in therapy since being unjustly imprisoned. I'm down to just three sessions a day so I'm making progress. Every single one of the therapists on my team has advised me to avoid this thread if I want to heal within the next 5 years, so I'd better get out of here before the healing process starts to get reversed.


(I was glad to see the miners all freed too. I watched as they brought the last one up. What a great sight to see! Now, despite that...)

*looks up from desk full of paper clips* Huh? Oh, you talkin' to me...?

Free Chet? Are you kiddin'? He trashed my jail. He will pay a bail or restitution of some sort. Brian too. Or they'll be released once they've served time. The two of them would kill each other if they wrote a story together, so I think that's gonna be out. But if the original bail conditions can't be met then I'm open to suggestions for alternatives. Otherwise, I figure to keep y'all locked up until the end of the year.

I should have my paper clip train done by then....

I've been in therapy since being unjustly imprisoned. I'm down to just three sessions a day so I'm making progress. Every single one of the therapists on my team has advised me to avoid this thread if I want to heal within the next 5 years, so I'd better get out of here before the healing process starts to get reversed.

Aw, come on Roger! You know you wanna stay. You made a great jailbird. Much better one than I do. Maybe we can work out a little deal.


Chet, several years ago, someone shared some drawings you did. Least you didn't rename the files and claim them as new. Somehow I knew bail wouldn't be made. That folks would take the easy way out. There are some unfinished round robins.

Free Chet? Are you kiddin'? He trashed my jail. He will pay a bail or restitution of some sort. Brian too. Or they'll be released once they've served time. The two of them would kill each other if they wrote a story together, so I think that's gonna be out. But if the original bail conditions can't be met then I'm open to suggestions for alternatives. Otherwise, I figure to keep y'all locked up until the end of the year.

I should have my paper clip train done by then....

Man, that's cold. I got frostbite just hearin' it. 'Till the end of the year?

There's gotta be another way. This is Hazzard after all..... oh, wait, I got it!

Let me outta heah, and I'll make it worth your while.


Man, that's cold. I got frostbite just hearin' it. 'Till the end of the year?

There's gotta be another way. This is Hazzard after all..... oh, wait, I got it!

Let me outta heah, and I'll make it worth your while.


MaryAnne, would you consider letting them out on probation if they posted to separate rrs at least once every 90 days or so? And the probation lasted until the rr was completed? Which might be longer than the end of the year!


*Rubs my eyes then looks at the posts again, blinks a couple times. Sits down on my cot.* All I ask for is new bail...its all I want. Perhaps a minimum count of characters to go into a drawing. Say three or four, not a 10 count, thats just too much. Even four I could hack, so perhaps a list of four people from this thread. I just cant pull off the entire cast.

*Gives Daney the bird.*


Awright, I'll concede that drawing the entire motley crue we got here might be a bit much. I'm willing to accept the four, I just dunno which four to pick. Hmmm....

Actually, I just had another thought. Maybe instead of four individual drawings, how about just doing a couple of scenes from our storyline here. Like....you standing in your trashed jail cell after setting the mattress on fire and me with a fire extinguisher, pointed at you. You know, this scene...


Or if there's any particular scenes from this that you wanna draw. I'll leave it to you and I'll only ask for two scenes. And it can be something as simple as Blaze standing outside the courthouse when the horse was impounded. How's that?

(I know you can draw this stuff, I've seen your work! :wink: )

Man, that's cold. I got frostbite just hearin' it. 'Till the end of the year?

There's gotta be another way. This is Hazzard after all..... oh, wait, I got it!

Let me outta heah, and I'll make it worth your while.


Oh yeah? How you gonna make it worth my while? Ice cream? C'mon...

  • 1 month later...

Hey MaryAnne,

If I finish my bail before Brian does, does that mean I get the "Lord of The Outlaws" title back until he gets out?

*Smirks.* ~Chet

Hey MaryAnne,

If I finish my bail before Brian does, does that mean I get the "Lord of The Outlaws" title back until he gets out?

*Smirks.* ~Chet

No. It means you get out of jail. LOL

Hey MaryAnne,

If I finish my bail before Brian does, does that mean I get the "Lord of The Outlaws" title back until he gets out?

*Smirks.* ~Chet

Nice try. Do you even remember what your bail is ? You gonna chew on that pencil for another year, or use it for somethin' constructive?

*Low Chuckle* Might surprise you how far along my bail is, hows your bail coming along Brian?


If I could remember what my bail is , it would be coming along faster.

My current strategy is just to run out the clock. We're not far from the end of the year.

*raises voice so MaryAnne can hear* I'm not completely off the hook though, I've been workin' on official stuff, which I hope counts for somethin'. Especially with the holidays comin' up.


*Glares at my bail.* Something tells me Im not gonna get away so easily, but at this point Im not backing out, Ive already done too much work on atleast 3/4 of my bail.


*Glares at my bail.* Something tells me Im not gonna get away so easily, but at this point Im not backing out, Ive already done too much work on atleast 3/4 of my bail.


Ain't like I've been doing nothin' either. It only looks like nothin' because I don't take credit for whatever I manage to do, because then folks will go and expect me to be productive all the time. I got a low image to maintain, which is more work, sometimes, than it would be to look as important as say...MaryAnne.

If I could remember what my bail is , it would be coming along faster.

My current strategy is just to run out the clock. We're not far from the end of the year.

*raises voice so MaryAnne can hear* I'm not completely off the hook though, I've been workin' on official stuff, which I hope counts for somethin'. Especially with the holidays comin' up.

If I recall correctly, your bail Brian was to finish a story AND do some udpates to the front page o' HNet. Otherwise, you'd be released at the end of the year.

You've been doing one half o' that bail anyway, I'm very much aware of that. So yeah, that'll count for something. You still have that other bail condition which unfortunately has not been met as of yet so....

Looks like we'll see you January 1st. :deputy:

If I recall correctly, your bail Brian was to finish a story AND do some udpates to the front page o' HNet. Otherwise, you'd be released at the end of the year.

You've been doing one half o' that bail anyway, I'm very much aware of that. So yeah, that'll count for something. You still have that other bail condition which unfortunately has not been met as of yet so....

Looks like we'll see you January 1st. :deputy:

Oh, come on. Christmas is comin'. You know I can't pull myself in all the directions here.

Credit for the community service? Just like...this much? *pinches air*

*hopeful smile* Please?

*Glares at my bail.* Something tells me Im not gonna get away so easily, but at this point Im not backing out, Ive already done too much work on atleast 3/4 of my bail.


Keep working on it, Chet. Because I'm lookin' forward to seein' it! 8-)

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