pendragon1980 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *grins wide, recalling that as well* Fun with medicine. *quick glance upward at visitors* Careful, dear, or you'll be entertaining everyone with the all the sordid details of our relationship. *finishes up the bandages* Now you gonna behave for a bit, i have another patient. *touches the dark lock of hair*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Mmmm. Ah'll be riiiiiiiight heah. *blissfully free of pain, and worry, for the moment*
pendragon1980 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *chuckles, leaving Brian to his sweet dreams, then turns to her another patient, raises eyebrow at Garrett* I know that look, do I need to sedate you too before I start?
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *Leaning against the wall, I watch all of this, glancing around the room, mostly staying out of things for right now, but ready to act if necessary. Brian's returning sense of humor is encouragement that things really will be okay.*
Garrett Duke Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *chuckles, leaving Brian to his sweet dreams, then turns to her another patient, raises eyebrow at Garrett* I know that look, do I need to sedate you too before I start?*Raises a questioning eye brow* What look? *places innocent look on face*
pendragon1980 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 That ready-to-bolt look. I'm only trying to help. You want some painkiller before I look at your wound? I don't think you need the same octane as Brian at the moment.
Garrett Duke Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 That ready-to-bolt look. I'm only trying to help. You want some painkiller before I look at your wound? I don't think you need the same octane as Brian at the moment.*Eyes doctor for a long moment* Well now that it ain't secret, perhaps now's the perfect time to make my escape. *Attempts to sit up, ignores the pain to look at the blood stained bandage upon bare chest before lying back down* Though I think I'll wait until the room ain't so crowded to do so. *Eyes the door and back at the doctor* I appreciate you trying to help, doctor, I do. It's just. . .*Goes silent to let my sentence hangs* If you are gonna touch it or anything around it, I suggest you do something for the pain.
pendragon1980 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Alright, but you must stay at the clinic, at least for the night. Even if the wound weren't so bad, the painkillers would make it dangerous for you to go home. *takes a different vial from the cabinet* This is will more of a local. (apologies, i have to stop here for the night, very ill. Brian Coltrane has permission to move Doc as needed)
Garrett Duke Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *Forces a deep breath out of frustration, focusing on the pain within.* Guess I ain't got no date for tonight anyway. So, you're the doctor. *Forces a small smile at the doctor before eyeing Brian momentarily once more as the events flood through me. Looking back up at the ceiling, I close my eyes in attempt to block everything out.*(Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, Pendragon. I hope you get feeling better real quick!)
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 *Bolts out the main entrance doors of the Boars Nest and makes a bee-line for my horse. Sucks air into my lungs as I run wishing I hadnt left my form of transportation at the very back of the building. Finally I see the rump of my horse as I turn the corner, he stands waiting patiently as any good steed does. Puts my hands out in front of me preparing to vault onto the horses back.*(Ready when ya get here MaryAnne.)
MaryAnne Posted February 24, 2010 Author Posted February 24, 2010 *Bolts out the main entrance doors of the Boars Nest and makes a bee-line for my horse. Sucks air into my lungs as I run wishing I hadnt left my form of transportation at the very back of the building. Finally I see the rump of my horse as I turn the corner, he stands waiting patiently as any good steed does. Puts my hands out in front of me preparing to vault onto the horses back.*(Ready when ya get here MaryAnne.)*follows a moment later out the front door, seeing Chet as he heads toward the far end of the building. Follows after him, rounding the building to the back. Sees him heading straight for his horse, ready to vault onto the animal**keeps after him, closing the gap between them. Knows he'll have to slow down to jump on the animal and then get the horse moving. It would only buy MaryAnne a few extra moments and she would need every bit of them if she was going to have a chance to catch him* CHET!
B.L. Davenport Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 *follows a moment later out the front door, seeing Chet as he heads toward the far end of the building. Follows after him, rounding the building to the back. Sees him heading straight for his horse, ready to vault onto the animal**keeps after him, closing the gap between them. Knows he'll have to slow down to jump on the animal and then get the horse moving. It would only buy MaryAnne a few extra moments and she would need every bit of them if she was going to have a chance to catch him* CHET!*I upright the table as Chet and Maryanne fly out the door, wiping it off readying it for more customers. Shakes my head wondering if Chet will get away.*
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 *Plants my hands on the horses rump startling him alittle but pressing up hard and vaulting onto his back. I land in my saddle and fumble to my reins in the dark touching my heals to the horses sides he turns away from the building and stretches his long legs to move into his gait while I still struggle to get hold of my tangle of reins in the dark.*
MaryAnne Posted February 24, 2010 Author Posted February 24, 2010 *Plants my hands on the horses rump startling him alittle but pressing up hard and vaulting onto his back. I land in my saddle and fumble to my reins in the dark touching my heals to the horses sides he turns away from the building and stretches his long legs to move into his gait while I still struggle to get hold of my tangle of reins in the dark.**As Chet struggles to get a hold of the reins and the horse is turning away from the building and taking steps to begin its gait, MaryAnne runs flat out toward the animal and rider. There's the scuff of hooves in the dirt and the creak of leather from the saddle and in the moonlight MaryAnne can see just enough to know she's close enough to reach out and grab hold of something. Just as the horse is launching into its gait, grabs hold of the saddle, gripping the straps of the saddle bag....**....and hangs on for the ride...*
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 *Feels the sudden hard pulling on my saddle bags, which are tied to my saddle and drags on that side. My horse is young, the young son of my former steed and he prances to the side in confusion. Turns quickly in my saddle drawing back hard on the reins to see MaryAnne holding on for dear life. Stops my horse immediately as much as possible, hes alittle frieghtened and side steps.* LET GO MARYANNE! I DONT WANT TO HURT YOU BUT IM NOT GOING TO BE ARRESTED!! *Grabs at her hands to pry at them.*
MaryAnne Posted February 24, 2010 Author Posted February 24, 2010 *Feels the sudden hard pulling on my saddle bags, which are tied to my saddle and drags on that side. My horse is young, the young son of my former steed and he prances to the side in confusion. Turns quickly in my saddle drawing back hard on the reins to see MaryAnne holding on for dear life. Stops my horse immediately as much as possible, hes alittle frieghtened and side steps.* LET GO MARYANNE! I DONT WANT TO HURT YOU BUT IM NOT GOING TO BE ARRESTED!! *Grabs at her hands to pry at them.**With the horse all but stopped, puts feet on the ground, but doesn't completely let go of the saddle bag. Taking one hand free, grabs hold of Chet's arm* You are gonna be arrested because otherwise you're gonna end up dead! And I don't think you want that!
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 Let go! I dont want to hurt you! *Snaps at MaryAnne, grabs hold of my saddle horn to keep from being pulled right out of my saddle by the deputys hold on my arm. Turns my arm trying to break her hold and twist away. Presses my heal against my horses side to push him away from her hold.* I wont end up dead! No ones well enough to get me!
MaryAnne Posted February 24, 2010 Author Posted February 24, 2010 Let go! I dont want to hurt you! *Snaps at MaryAnne, grabs hold of my saddle horn to keep from being pulled right out of my saddle by the deputys hold on my arm. Turns my arm trying to break her hold and twist away. Presses my heal against my horses side to push him away from her hold.* I wont end up dead! No ones well enough to get me!*hangs on to both the saddle bag and Chet, moving with the horse as it moves* Alex looked pretty healthy last time I saw him. You can't tell me the thought of coming after you because of all that happened hasn't crossed his mind. I'm trying to keep from anybody else getting hurt, especially you! Chet... please...
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 Im not afraid of Alex! I never have been! Let him come after me! Ive fought for years to have this title and Im not giving it up easy! *Pries at MaryAnnes fingers, dropping my reins and working to get her to let go with both of my hands.* I wont LET you arrest me! You take me in and I'll either be dead or unconscious! IM NOT GOING!
MaryAnne Posted February 24, 2010 Author Posted February 24, 2010 Im not afraid of Alex! I never have been! Let him come after me! Ive fought for years to have this title and Im not giving it up easy! *Pries at MaryAnnes fingers, dropping my reins and working to get her to let go with both of my hands.* I wont LET you arrest me! You take me in and I'll either be dead or unconscious! IM NOT GOING!The hell you ain't! *Before Chet's fingers pry hers loose from his arm, she lets go of both the saddle bag and Chet's arm and then suddenly reaches up with both hands to grab Chet by his shirt and yanks him hard downward out of the saddle.*
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 @#$^%&!! *Curses loudly as I know Im going down, I let go of my horse and saddle altogether to keep from getting hung up. Puts my hands out as I hit the ground I roll over and get up and face the deputy.* I dont want to fight you! And I dont want to hurt you! But by Gawd I will if I have to! *Backs away getting into the lighting of the Boars Nest's parking lot, eases my hand behind me glaring at the deputy, rests my hand on the butt of my gun threateningly.*
MaryAnne Posted February 24, 2010 Author Posted February 24, 2010 @#$^%&!! *Curses loudly as I know Im going down, I let go of my horse and saddle altogether to keep from getting hung up. Puts my hands out as I hit the ground I roll over and get up and face the deputy.* I dont want to fight you! And I dont want to hurt you! But by Gawd I will if I have to! *Backs away getting into the lighting of the Boars Nest's parking lot, eases my hand behind me glaring at the deputy, rests my hand on the butt of my gun threateningly.**knows the hand hidden behind Chet's back has easy access to a firearm. Makes no immediate move for own weapon, however, right hand hovers close enough to holster and takes a few testing steps toward Chet* Yeah? What are you gonna do, Chet? Shoot me down?
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 I told you, I dont want to hurt you, but your not taken me in. *Backs up a step when MaryAnne moves foreward. Watches her intently not doubting that if I go for my gun she will go for hers. Whistles low to my horse.* Blaaaze... c'mon boy. *The horse is still alittle shakey and skittish and hesitates to come to me. I divert my eyes from MaryAnne to look too my frieghtened friend.*
MaryAnne Posted February 24, 2010 Author Posted February 24, 2010 I told you, I dont want to hurt you, but your not taken me in. *Backs up a step when MaryAnne moves foreward. Watches her intently not doubting that if I go for my gun she will go for hers. Whistles low to my horse.* Blaaaze... c'mon boy. *The horse is still alittle shakey and skittish and hesitates to come to me. I divert my eyes from MaryAnne to look too my frieghtened friend.**continues to step toward Chet and when he looks toward his horse, suddenly lunges toward him, tackling him down the ground. Stays on the offensive, pulling gun from holster, spinning it in hand to hold it by the barrell and pistol whips the Duke upside the head, knocking him out cold*Sorry, Chet but that was for your own good...
Cowboy Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 *Grunts as my back hits the ground with the tackle, I dont even get a moment to struggle. I raise my eyes and see the gun butt coming a split second too late. Slackens as the lights go out my head sinking to the side, eyes closed gently against a scarred face. The only time Im ever so still, the only time Im not so full of fight to no end. A quiet, slackened state, so unusual for me. My horse stands watching with ears perked in an alarmed manner, he nickers not understanding.*
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