AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *feels moisture sting own eyes, at this, and clutches MaryAnne's hand in return* ...Ah'm sorry, cousin.... *ragged drawl full of remorse* ...ah'm sorry. Don't fuss now, ah'm fine...*tries to sit up, but feels pain rake sharply through body. Lays self back down, carefully, and offers a weak smile* ...awright, ah'm not fine, but it hurts too damn much to die.Hey hey! *still having on arm around MaryAnne, with the other reaches out to gently touch Brian's shoulder* easy man... you met a horse at full gallop and got tenderized...*helps him lay back down* Im just glad youre awake...*looks at MaryAnne..* you okay... *moves hand from Brian's shoulder and reaches into jacket pocket taking out a bandana* here...*offering bandana to her*
MaryAnne Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 *feels moisture sting own eyes, at this, and clutches MaryAnne's hand in return* ...Ah'm sorry, cousin.... *ragged drawl full of remorse* ...ah'm sorry. Don't fuss now, ah'm fine...*tries to sit up, but feels pain rake sharply through body. Lays self back down, carefully, and offers a weak smile* ...awright, ah'm not fine, but it hurts too damn much to die.*chuckles softly, relieved to hear Brian's sense of humour seems to still be intact* Yeah, take it easy, you were injured pretty bad. You got some busted ribs, some internal injuries and a dent on your thick head there. But to see you awake and talkin' is good. *brushes away tears upon her face, accepts bandana from Alex* Yeah, I'm okay. *manages a small smile* Thank ya...
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *chuckles softly, relieved to hear Brian's sense of humour seems to still be intact* Yeah, take it easy, you were injured pretty bad. You got some busted ribs, some internal injuries and a dent on your thick head there. But to see you awake and talkin' is good. *brushes away tears upon her face, accepts bandana from Alex* Yeah, I'm okay. *manages a small smile* Thank ya...*nods at MaryAnne's words, looking at Brian..* shes right, you need to just rest okay? *smiles as MaryAnne takes the bandana* I knew youd be able to reach him...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *nods at MaryAnne's words, looking at Brian..* shes right, you need to just rest okay? *smiles as MaryAnne takes the bandana* I knew youd be able to reach him...*gives MaryAnne a chance to sort herself out, smiling at her 'thick head' remark. Looks from her to Alex, nodding, and then abruptly thinks of something, own expression falling* ....What about Garrett? I remember mah gun went off....when I got hit. Is he....
Kristy_DUke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Parks truck in front of the court house and steps out before seeing Chet ride away on his horse and the people at the clinic. Worry and curiosity fills her as she makes her way to the clinic. Upon seeing Garrett lying upon the table, his shirt cut, her fear strikes her. Seeing Brian on the other table, badly beaten, her fear and worry rushes within her. Clearing throat* What happened? *Slowly makes her way to Garrett's still body, eyeing her brother momentarily, before looking up and watching Brian a moment and then at the people that make up the room; looking for an answer.*
MaryAnne Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 *gives MaryAnne a chance to sort herself out, smiling at her 'thick head' remark. Looks from her to Alex, nodding, and then abruptly thinks of something, own expression falling* ....What about Garrett? I remember mah gun went off....when I got hit. Is he....*Parks truck in front of the court house and steps out before seeing Chet ride away on his horse and the people at the clinic. Worry and curiosity fills her as she makes her way to the clinic. Upon seeing Garrett lying upon the table, his shirt cut, her fear strikes her. Seeing Brian on the other table, badly beaten, her fear and worry rushes within her. Clearing throat* What happened? *Slowly makes her way to Garrett's still body, eyeing her brother momentarily, before looking up and watching Brian a moment and then at the people that make up the room; looking for an answer.**is about to answer cousin when Kristy walks in. Steps back so that Brian can see Garrett lying on the other table* He was hit... He's alive tho'. He's stable. *looks to Kristy* Kristy, I'm sorry. It was all an accident. A terrible accident...
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *watching Chet ride off, pounds fist against the porch railing, not knowing that at least one of the patients is now awake. Leaning back against the wall of the clinic, head bowed.*
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *gives MaryAnne a chance to sort herself out, smiling at her 'thick head' remark. Looks from her to Alex, nodding, and then abruptly thinks of something, own expression falling* ....What about Garrett? I remember mah gun went off....when I got hit. Is he....Garrett is still out Brian, but it looks like hes going to be okay...*turns to look at the still out Duke..* The bullet passed through a pec, I did some stitch work and gave him some blood. I worked on Garrett, Chet worked on you...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *is about to answer cousin when Kristy walks in. Steps back so that Brian can see Garrett lying on the other table* He was hit... He's alive tho'. He's stable. *looks to Kristy* Kristy, I'm sorry. It was all an accident. A terrible accident...*closes eyes briefly in relief that Garrett is alive. Then looks to MaryAnne as she speaks, murmuring agreement* Ah nevah meant to shoot him. Ah swear. Mah only thought...was to flush Chet outta hidin'. *pauses* Worked like a voodoo charm, too. Worked too damn well.
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *closes eyes briefly in relief that Garrett is alive. Then looks to MaryAnne as she speaks, murmuring agreement* Ah nevah meant to shoot him. Ah swear. Mah only thought...was to flush Chet outta hidin'. *pauses* Worked like a voodoo charm, too. Worked too damn well.*sighs, nodding* Youre right Brian it worked too well...*glances at MaryAnne* youre right too, it was a terrible accident...
Kristy_DUke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Tears swell in eyes as she eyes the injured Coltrane and MaryAnne and then at Alex before looking down at Garrett, taking it all in. Shaking her head, she looks up at Alex* Thank-you Alex for *takes a moment to wipe her eyes in attempt to clear her raw emotions* for what you did. He owes you his life if and when he wakes up from this. *Looks down at Garrett to run a hand through his dark blond hair while eyeing the covered wound.* I'm here for you, Garrett. Just wake up. *Sighing heavily looks back up and says to no one in particular* Well I was startin' to worry where he was after not coming home and all. Was beginning to think he got his sorry self arrested. *Eyes Alex again* Thank-you, again, for what you did. If there is anything I can do to repay you for what you did, please let me know.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *sighs, nodding* Youre right Brian it worked too well...*glances at MaryAnne* youre right too, it was a terrible accident...But what Chet did, was no accident. *the Atlantan drawl is still weak, but gaining a rougher edge with this pronouncement*
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Tears swell in eyes as she eyes the injured Coltrane and MaryAnne and then at Alex before looking down at Garrett, taking it all in. Shaking her head, she looks up at Alex* Thank-you Alex for *takes a moment to wipe her eyes in attempt to clear her raw emotions* for what you did. He owes you his life if and when he wakes up from this. *Looks down at Garrett to run a hand through his dark blond hair while eyeing the covered wound.* I'm here for you, Garrett. Just wake up. *Sighing heavily looks back up and says to no one in particular* Well I was startin' to worry where he was after not coming home and all. Was beginning to think he got his sorry self arrested. *Eyes Alex again* Thank-you, again, for what you did. If there is anything I can do to repay you for what you did, please let me know.*nods at the gratitude from Kristy* Dont worry, hes going to be you dont need to do anything to thank me, Im just glad that I was able to do something...when it first happened I thought they both might be in serious trouble beyond any help... *glances at Garrett**then hears Brian speak and sighs* No what he did wasnt an accident.. *looks around for Chet* and speaking of... where did he go?
MaryAnne Posted February 22, 2010 Author Posted February 22, 2010 But what Chet did, was no accident. *the Atlantan drawl is still weak, but gaining a rougher edge with this pronouncement**looks at cousin, hearing the edge in voice* Don't you be gettin' any ideas.... *takes hand cuffs from belt and cuffs cousin to the exam table* You're gonna stay put and recover. We'll deal with Chet in due time.
Kristy_DUke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *nods at the gratitude from Kristy* Dont worry, hes going to be you dont need to do anything to thank me, Im just glad that I was able to do something...when it first happened I thought they both might be in serious trouble beyond any help... *glances at Garrett**then hears Brian speak and sighs* No what he did wasnt an accident.. *looks around for Chet* and speaking of... where did he go?*Nods at Alex* Well thank-you. If not for you, he'd. . .*she lets her words trail as she looks down at her brother before taking his hand before losing herself in prayer for him to wake up soon. Despite everyone's reassurance on her brother's positive outlook on what happened, she wants Garrett to prove it to her.*
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *looks at cousin, hearing the edge in voice* Don't you be gettin' any ideas.... *takes hand cuffs from belt and cuffs cousin to the exam table* You're gonna stay put and recover. We'll deal with Chet in due time.*grins as the cuffs come out and Brian gets cuffed to the table* I can tell youre feeling better! *teases MaryAnne gently, but then the smile fades a little* Yeah we do need to deal with him....
DaneyDuke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Glances between MaryAnne pulling out a pair of handcuffs and Kristy praying for Garrett. Steps over to where Kristy is. Stares at Garrett a moment. Then whispers*Please let him wake up soon.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *looks at cousin, hearing the edge in voice* Don't you be gettin' any ideas.... *takes hand cuffs from belt and cuffs cousin to the exam table* You're gonna stay put and recover. We'll deal with Chet in due time.Hey now! What --- *protests as MaryAnne neatly clasps a handcuff around one wrist and attaches the other loop to the rail of the medical table. Thus shackled, watches MaryAnne give a behave-yerself look , which is not without affection, as she leaves the clinic to check on county business. * Guess ah'm not goin' anywhere, Alex. You handy with a bedpan?
Kristy_DUke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Glances between MaryAnne pulling out a pair of handcuffs and Kristy praying for Garrett. Steps over to where Kristy is. Stares at Garrett a moment. Then whispers*Please let him wake up soon.*Looks up at Daney and offers a weak smile* Thanks Daney, glad you're here. *Pats her gently on the shoulder.*
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Hey now! What --- *protests as MaryAnne neatly clasps a handcuff around one wrist and attaches the other loop to the rail of the medical table. Thus shackled, watches MaryAnne give a behave-yerself look , which is not without affection, as she leaves the clinic to check on county business. * Guess ah'm not goin' anywhere, Alex. You handy with a bedpan?*grins, glad to see Brian making jokes* Im handy with all sort of things...and considering your current state, it wouldnt surprise me if you did need that kind of help... *smiles fades looking at Brian with a more serious expression* You scared the hell out of me... *says low*
Lukas_KD Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *having stepped out of the room, returns in time to see Brian awake... almost rushing in, delighted... but then noticing who's *missing*, and deciding Brian's safe in Alex and Maryanne's hands for the moment, heads outside quickly to inform Bo and bring him and anyone else who lingers on the porch back inside... heading right back into the examination room then, finaly making my own way to Brian's bedside*Thank God, man... *a low exclamation, bit rough with emotion refused to be let out entirely... though grinning* You scared us all to death. *hand coming to rest on his shoulder, then slide down his arm for a careful squeeze at his forearm, perhaps the only spot hopefully not too battered*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *having stepped out of the room, returns in time to see Brian awake... almost rushing in, delighted... but then noticing who's *missing*, and deciding Brian's safe in Alex and Maryanne's hands for the moment, heads outside quickly to inform Bo and bring him and anyone else who lingers on the porch back inside... heading right back into the examination room then, finaly making my own way to Brian's bedside*Thank God, man... *a low exclamation, bit rough with emotion refused to be let out entirely... though grinning* You scared us all to death. *hand coming to rest on his shoulder, then slide down his arm for a careful squeeze at his forearm, perhaps the only spot hopefully not too battered**Looking up as Luke comes out, a smile lighting my eyes as he delivers the good news. Following him back inside and to the treatment room.* Dang is it good to see you awake. *stepping close to Brian* You did scare the heck out of all of us.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *having stepped out of the room, returns in time to see Brian awake... almost rushing in, delighted... but then noticing who's *missing*, and deciding Brian's safe in Alex and Maryanne's hands for the moment, heads outside quickly to inform Bo and bring him and anyone else who lingers on the porch back inside... heading right back into the examination room then, finaly making my own way to Brian's bedside*Thank God, man... *a low exclamation, bit rough with emotion refused to be let out entirely... though grinning* You scared us all to death. *hand coming to rest on his shoulder, then slide down his arm for a careful squeeze at his forearm, perhaps the only spot hopefully not too battered**answering Alex* I know, ah'm sorry. Alex, this thang didn't go accordin' to plan at all, and ah'm wishin' we'd just stayed in jail. The wages of sin make a pretty lousy paycheck.*turns head to meet Lukas's grin* You'll nevah be rid of a Coltrane that easy. *chuckles, wincing a little at the pain, and face quickly becomes serious* I don't know what you all heard, but you know me well enuff to know ah'd nevah shoot an unarmed man in cold blood. I don't know what Garrett's gonna think, though.
Lukas_KD Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I ain't heard too much *admitting* but I am sure that it was an accident. I know that Chet ran into you with his horse, and your gun went off at the impact. I don't blame you... I hope Garrett doesn't. *turning head to look over at the younger man in a quieter worry, still* Doc said he should be alright..?
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *answering Alex* I know, ah'm sorry. Alex, this thang didn't go accordin' to plan at all, and ah'm wishin' we'd just stayed in jail. The wages of sin make a pretty lousy paycheck.*turns head to meet Lukas's grin* You'll nevah be rid of a Coltrane that easy. *chuckles, wincing a little at the pain, and face quickly becomes serious* I don't know what you all heard, but you know me well enuff to know ah'd nevah shoot an unarmed man in cold blood. I don't know what Garrett's gonna think, though.*gaze bounches between both Brian and Luke..* You didnt shoot Garrett in cold blood, Garrett saw Chet come riding up on that damn horse of his and it slammed right into you...Hes going to think that truth, its his own brother's fault he got shot...
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