Garrett Duke Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Ya gotta point there, Garrett. Khee!Am glad to see someone on the law side of things see my point of view on at least something now. Though just out of curiosity, how long you going to make me sit here and wait before you tell me what my pathetic bail is gonna be? As Lori conveniently pointed out, I do have better things to do than to sit behind bars for something we all know I didn't do.
DaneyDuke Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Am glad to see someone on the law side of things see my point of view on at least something now. Though just out of curiosity, how long you going to make me sit here and wait before you tell me what my pathetic bail is gonna be? As Lori conveniently pointed out, I do have better things to do than to sit behind bars for something we all know I didn't do.Yeah it would nice to enjoy a beverage with you at the pool hall. *looks at MaryAnne and Brian, wondering if they will reveal the bail terms now.*
Garrett Duke Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 *Joins Daney at the bars and nods in appreciation* A nice cold beverage right about now sounds pretty good.
RogerDuke Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Though just out of curiosity, how long you going to make me sit here and wait before you tell me what my pathetic bail is gonna be?I think it's going to be awhile Garrett. I saw Brian fly by the Boar's Nest with your motorcycle. If he lets you out of jail he'll have to give it back. You might be stuck there for awhile.....or at least until he runs out of gas.
Brian Coltrane Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Though just out of curiosity, how long you going to make me sit here and wait before you tell me what my pathetic bail is gonna be?I think it's going to be awhile Garrett. I saw Brian fly by the Boar's Nest with your motorcycle. If he lets you out of jail he'll have to give it back. You might be stuck there for awhile.....or at least until he runs out of gas.*eventually wanders back to the courthouse, strolling over to the jail cell, whistling to self, evidently in a good mood* Waaal, Garrett! Rumor has it you're curious about your bail. Now that ah've had some time to think about it...heah's whatcha need to do. Just write us a story. A nice, entertainin' yarn about the Dukes. It don't have to be real long, and I don't rightly care who's all in it. It's up to you how long this takes. The sooner yer done, the sooner you can be free. Meantime, like Roger said...that motorcycle's gettin' me around pretty good. You can have that back when somebody repairs my car. Ah'd say that's a fair enuff deal.
Garrett Duke Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 *Watches Brian* Seeing as how I've got the only keys to MY motorcycle, must mean you musta hot wired it. You do know that's illegal, don't you? It should be you sitting in this here jail cell instead of me! *Shrugs and lights cigarette* Oh better be in one piece when I get outta here and without a single dent or scratch on. Better be as perfect as he was when you supposedly borrowed it from me.*Inhales smoke and lets it go in the back of the cell* It's about time that I've been served my bail price...was beginning to think you actually liked me and didn't want to see me leave. Hmmm a story? From me? I spose that is something I could probably work on...if I had paper and pen. *Looks around* Which I don' I'll have to borrow it from someone. You have any paper or pen on ya Brian? You can have the paper and the pen back when I am done with my fancy story I am gonna have to write now.By the way, my motorcyle better be full of gas when I get outta here on acount that I just had it filled up when I was so wrongly arrested.
Garrett Duke Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Though just out of curiosity, how long you going to make me sit here and wait before you tell me what my pathetic bail is gonna be?I think it's going to be awhile Garrett. I saw Brian fly by the Boar's Nest with your motorcycle. If he lets you out of jail he'll have to give it back. You might be stuck there for awhile.....or at least until he runs out of gas.You saw Brian fly by on my motorcycle?! Well no wonder why they arrested me, he wanted my motorcycle! Here I am arrested and locked up and can't do a dang thing about it...dang he's lucky I'm locked up! HA HA. It better be just as I left him when I was arrested and escorted into their fancy little hotel here.
Brian Coltrane Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 *Watches Brian* Seeing as how I've got the only keys to MY motorcycle, must mean you musta hot wired it. You do know that's illegal, don't you? It should be you sitting in this here jail cell instead of me! *Shrugs and lights cigarette* Oh better be in one piece when I get outta here and without a single dent or scratch on. Better be as perfect as he was when you supposedly borrowed it from me.*Inhales smoke and lets it go in the back of the cell* It's about time that I've been served my bail price...was beginning to think you actually liked me and didn't want to see me leave. Hmmm a story? From me? I spose that is something I could probably work on...if I had paper and pen. *Looks around* Which I don' I'll have to borrow it from someone. You have any paper or pen on ya Brian? You can have the paper and the pen back when I am done with my fancy story I am gonna have to write now.By the way, my motorcyle better be full of gas when I get outta here on acount that I just had it filled up when I was so wrongly arrested.Yap, yap, yap! Talk less, write more. Heah! *hands over a notebook and a pen* You musta been takin' Chet Duke pills. You sound just like him. Which ain't a compliment. If you're really worried about your motorcycle, you'll have one of your little friends put mah car back together nice and neat. 'Zactly the way it was, in good workin' order.*pauses, and narrows eyes* Or your motorcycle will be the least of your worries. *from somewhere in the background, dramatic music swells ominously*
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Takin' Chet Duke pills? What makes you say something crazy like that for? I honestly did nothing to you...I didn't touch your car. Heck I didn't even look at your car so you are definately punishing the wrong person here. As for my motorcycle, I don't take it very kindly when someone such as yourself threatens me! I have little to say or do with who ever had fun with your car or if they wish to put it back together. You'll have to find the guilty party for that, of which is not me, and talk to them about putting your little ol' car back together again. Thanks for the notebook and pen. *Sits down and opens the front cover to begin to write* Once upon a time there was a great man by the name of Garrett Duke. . . Yap, yap, yap! Talk less, write more. Heah! *hands over a notebook and a pen* You musta been takin' Chet Duke pills. You sound just like him. Which ain't a compliment. If you're really worried about your motorcycle, you'll have one of your little friends put mah car back together nice and neat. 'Zactly the way it was, in good workin' order.*pauses, and narrows eyes* Or your motorcycle will be the least of your worries. *from somewhere in the background, dramatic music swells ominously*
Brian Coltrane Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 I honestly did nothing to you...I didn't touch your car. Heck I didn't even look at your car so you are definately punishing the wrong person here. As for my motorcycle, I don't take it very kindly when someone such as yourself threatens me! I have little to say or do with who ever had fun with your car or if they wish to put it back together. You'll have to find the guilty party for that, of which is not me, and talk to them about putting your little ol' car back together again. *snorts in amusement* Like a Duke pleadin' innocent has evah meant anythang in Hazzard. Who ya kiddin', boy?And whoevah did do it, seems content to let you sit heah and rot. Your only hope is that story.
RogerDuke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 We have ourselves a histerical moment coming up (or is that historical?) Brian is about to get his 2,000th post. I hear to celebrate he got himself a new outdoor hot tub. Wait a minute. That hot tub looks kinda strange. Hey Garrett did your motorcycle have a sidecar?
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 A side car for my motorcycle? Not a chance. Musta stole that motorcycle from Miz Tisdale...perhaps he's trying to start a motorcycle collection. Though his collection will be down one once I get outta here.
Brian Coltrane Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 We have ourselves a histerical moment coming up (or is that historical?) Brian is about to get his 2,000th post. I hear to celebrate he got himself a new outdoor hot tub. Wait a minute. That hot tub looks kinda strange. Hey Garrett did your motorcycle have a sidecar?Bahahaha! Pass the bubble bath.
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 *Shakes head* Glad you find all this amusing...then again, I would to if the roles were switched. If history proves anything, a Duke don't mean much of anything in the eyes of the crooked law in this here town. Which leads me to believe you all are prejudice against me due to my last name. Eh can't blame that certain someone who ruined your pretty car for not coming forward...why would they? Especially since I now have a pen and paper and I can write my own way out?*snorts in amusement* Like a Duke pleadin' innocent has evah meant anythang in Hazzard. Who ya kiddin', boy?And whoevah did do it, seems content to let you sit heah and rot. Your only hope is that story.
Brian Coltrane Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 *Shakes head* Glad you find all this amusing...then again, I would to if the roles were switched. If history proves anything, a Duke don't mean much of anything in the eyes of the crooked law in this here town. Which leads me to believe you all are prejudice against me due to my last name. Eh can't blame that certain someone who ruined your pretty car for not coming forward...why would they? Especially since I now have a pen and paper and I can write my own way out?So WRITE already! Good grits n' gravy, man! I swear, you got no intentions of evah leavin' this joint!
DaneyDuke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Y'all continue having fun, I'll go see if anyone has started to fix Brian's car yet.*turns away from the cell bars and walks toward the door*
RogerDuke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 So WRITE already! Good grits n' gravy, man! I swear, you got no intentions of evah leavin' this joint!Hey Brian, if Garrett never leaves does that mean nobody else can be arrested?I sure would hate to see Garrett in there for life but if it would keep the rest of us Dukes out?.....Hmmmm.......maybe us Dukes should vote on it.
B.L. Davenport Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Takin' Chet Duke pills? What makes you say something crazy like that for? I honestly did nothing to you...I didn't touch your car. Heck I didn't even look at your car so you are definately punishing the wrong person here. As for my motorcycle, I don't take it very kindly when someone such as yourself threatens me! I have little to say or do with who ever had fun with your car or if they wish to put it back together. You'll have to find the guilty party for that, of which is not me, and talk to them about putting your little ol' car back together again. Thanks for the notebook and pen. *Sits down and opens the front cover to begin to write* Once upon a time there was a great man by the name of Garrett Duke. . . *tip toes down the stairs after Brian has left having been listening from the top of the stairwell* I brought ya a plate from the cafe *sticks it through the bars* You can tell Brian his car will be good as new by tomorrow, I'll get started puttin' it back together right away *sighs* shoulda never dismantled it in the first place.
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Roger, I am shocked that you of all people would suggest such a horrible idea as that! Shocked doesn't even cover it...I am down right insulted that you would suggest that aweful idea of yours! Never mind Roger, don't worry none, I plan on getting myself outta this dump and smell some of that free and fresh air that is out there somewhere. If my story don't cut it for them, well then, I'll bust outta here one way or another. But I'll have my story all wrote up and handed in just as soon as I get it finished. Perhhaps you can spell check it for me, huh Roger? Now if you excuse me, I have a story to write. *walks back to cot and reopens the notebook*Hey Brian, if Garrett never leaves does that mean nobody else can be arrested?I sure would hate to see Garrett in there for life but if it would keep the rest of us Dukes out?.....Hmmmm.......maybe us Dukes should vote on it.
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 *Jumps off of cot with the sight of food* Thanks BL! You're the do know that right? Um...even if it is you I'm spending time for. As for Brian's car, don't feel bad about it. If he arrested me for something I didn't do, I'd have dismantled his car as well. Wait a minute...he did have me arrested for something I didn't do. Hmmm what else can I do to pay him back? Perhaps I can re-dismantle his car once you get it put back together again...he'd be real happy about that I imagine. Eh I think I'm doing enough time as it is, better stick with my story I am left to write. I will pass along your message BL to Brian, I imagine he'll appreciate the news. *Nods at BL as I open the box of food to see the chicken and mashed potatoes and biscuits.* Thanks BL...this looks soo great. Perhaps I should stay put in this dump just so I can continue getting such great food snuck in here.*tip toes down the stairs after Brian has left having been listening from the top of the stairwell* I brought ya a plate from the cafe *sticks it through the bars* You can tell Brian his car will be good as new by tomorrow, I'll get started puttin' it back together right away *sighs* shoulda never dismantled it in the first place.
B.L. Davenport Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 *Jumps off of cot with the sight of food* Thanks BL! You're the do know that right? Um...even if it is you I'm spending time for. As for Brian's car, don't feel bad about it. If he arrested me for something I didn't do, I'd have dismantled his car as well. Wait a minute...he did have me arrested for something I didn't do. Hmmm what else can I do to pay him back? Perhaps I can re-dismantle his car once you get it put back together again...he'd be real happy about that I imagine. Eh I think I'm doing enough time as it is, better stick with my story I am left to write. I will pass along your message BL to Brian, I imagine he'll appreciate the news. *Nods at BL as I open the box of food to see the chicken and mashed potatoes and biscuits.* Thanks BL...this looks soo great. Perhaps I should stay put in this dump just so I can continue getting such great food snuck in here.*Smiles* Aww it's the least I can do Garrett....Yes I imagine he will *snickers* that would be a good one on him one minute its fixed the next in pieces again. Yes I think you are right best bet is to stick with your bail and not mess with his car if he don't leave you there no telling who else will join you, as his way of getting revenge. How about instead of you staying here and me sneaking it to you I'll take you to the cafe when you get out to celebrate my treat. I better go now before I get caught *smiles waving good bye going back up the stairs*
LoriDavenport Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 *Jumps off of cot with the sight of food* Thanks BL! You're the do know that right? Um...even if it is you I'm spending time for. As for Brian's car, don't feel bad about it. If he arrested me for something I didn't do, I'd have dismantled his car as well. Wait a minute...he did have me arrested for something I didn't do. Hmmm what else can I do to pay him back? Perhaps I can re-dismantle his car once you get it put back together again...he'd be real happy about that I imagine. Eh I think I'm doing enough time as it is, better stick with my story I am left to write. I will pass along your message BL to Brian, I imagine he'll appreciate the news. *Nods at BL as I open the box of food to see the chicken and mashed potatoes and biscuits.* Thanks BL...this looks soo great. Perhaps I should stay put in this dump just so I can continue getting such great food snuck in here.*shakes head*You keep talkin' like that AND keep on procrastinatin' on writin' ya're goin' to rot in this jail cell.
MaryAnne Posted January 30, 2010 Author Posted January 30, 2010 *shakes head*You keep talkin' like that AND keep on procrastinatin' on writin' ya're goin' to rot in this jail cell.Perhaps we should give him a tape recorder, than he could just yap a story instead of writing it.
LoriDavenport Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Perhaps we should give him a tape recorder, than he could just yap a story instead of writing it. *chuckles* Oh, he'd be pro at that, wouldn't he?
Brian Coltrane Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 *wandering around the place, pretending to look busy. Hollars towards Garrett's cell* Hey GARRETT! Ya done yet?!
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