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and BL...a nice warm plate from the cafe sounds great. Would really hit the spot after that cookie. It'll be kinda backwards eating the cookie or the desert before the main dish, but hey this place seems to be a little backwards at the moment. Afterall, aren't you suppose to be arresting people that you are thinkin' of being guilty? ;)

Garrett you should know by now this whole county is backwards *chuckles* I'll be back in a bit with you a plate from the cafe. *goes back up the stairs, leaving the courthouse headed in the direction of the busy bee cafe*


*Enjoys watching the others. Thinks a moment about one of Garrett's habits. Walks over to the cell and whispers* Please don't do anything to get the fire department called, Garrett. *louder voice* Hopefully they will announce bail soon...


*Raises eye lid momentarily before sitting up and walking closer to Daney* Me? What could I possibly do that would require the need of the fire department? Though it does sound like an intriguing idea. *Winks while grabbing a cigarrette out of pocket* By the way, you have a light? I left mine in my car before they dragged me away. ;)

Yeah bail...no one has told me anything 'bout bail yet...wonderin' what's taking them so long. I'm starting to think of that as another form of abuse.


Just a sec,*gets lighter and holds out for Garrett*Maybe they are enjoying the interaction between you and others? *speaks fondly and grins at how Garrett has changed* You haven't always the most social Hazzardian... *looks to see if Brian and MaryAnne are ready to make an announcement*


*checks to make sure the coast is clear, styrofoam take out plate in hand* sorry it took me so long Garrett there was a pretty long line at the cafe. *turns plate up on its side handing it through the bars*


*Inhales the smoke and nods in appreciation* Me not the most social Hazzardian? Are you insinuating that I've changed? *Raises eye brow* You better keep that there info to yourself that I've changed...I'd never let that down.

Hmmm they're enjoying my interaction with others? Possibly...but I have a sneaking suspicion that they have other reasonings behind it all. ;)

Thanks for the light, Daney...it is very much appreciated.


*watching all the commotion around Garrett's cell for awhile, before finally strolling up to it. Dark eyes give a flat, hard stare at the incarcerated Duke*

Seems yer little friends are gonna supply you with food, so there's no reason for the county to splurge on bread and water for ya.

And about your bail....*takes out a cigarette and a lighter from jacket pocket, and lights up a smoke, clenching the cigarette between teeth* Your bail is gonna be high. Mighty high. 'Cause unlike your silly little friends, you got real charges to face.

*exhales a long stream of smoke* For one, bein' an accomplice to the destruction of county property. Two, aidin' and abettin' an escape attempt. Three, yer a smarty-pants. Four... I don't like your haircut.

*leans in closer to the bars* And five...if you attempt to bust outta heah, I'll have your hide for a throw rug.

That bein' said, I'm still considerin' the price of your bail. You'll make it easier on yourself, if you tell me who dismantled my car. Oh, I gotta pretty good idea who's done it....but I need witness testimony to keep some facade of legality goin' when I bust 'em to hell and back.


First of all...thanks BL...that sure does smell good! :D

*Takes a long breath in from own cigarette* Nice of ya to come and visit me, Brian. Long time no see. And yeah...forget about the bread and water, this is a whole lot better stuff than what that has to offer.

Real charges? Can you prove any of them charges you have against me? Very highly unlikely. But have fun trying. But I'm still waiting to see what bail you have in mind for me.

That being said *pauses to take take another long suck of cigarette smoke to blow out the smoke through the bars* I have no clue what you are talking about who dismantling your car. All I know is, is that it wasn't I that did it. Too bad though, sounds like a fun idea.

*watching all the commotion around Garrett's cell for awhile, before finally strolling up to it. Dark eyes give a flat, hard stare at the incarcerated Duke*

Seems yer little friends are gonna supply you with food, so there's no reason for the county to splurge on bread and water for ya.

And about your bail....*takes out a cigarette and a lighter from jacket pocket, and lights up a smoke, clenching the cigarette between teeth* Your bail is gonna be high. Mighty high. 'Cause unlike your silly little friends, you got real charges to face.

*exhales a long stream of smoke* For one, bein' an accomplice to the destruction of county property. Two, aidin' and abettin' an escape attempt. Three, yer a smarty-pants. Four... I don't like your haircut.

*leans in closer to the bars* And five...if you attempt to bust outta heah, I'll have your hide for a throw rug.

That bein' said, I'm still considerin' the price of your bail. You'll make it easier on yourself, if you tell me who dismantled my car. Oh, I gotta pretty good idea who's done it....but I need witness testimony to keep some facade of legality goin' when I bust 'em to hell and back.

First of all...thanks BL...that sure does smell good! :D

*Takes a long breath in from own cigarette* Nice of ya to come and visit me, Brian. Long time no see. And yeah...forget about the bread and water, this is a whole lot better stuff than what that has to offer.

Real charges? Can you prove any of them charges you have against me? Very highly unlikely. But have fun trying. But I'm still waiting to see what bail you have in mind for me.

That being said *pauses to take take another long suck of cigarette smoke to blow out the smoke through the bars* I have no clue what you are talking about who dismantling your car. All I know is, is that it wasn't I that did it. Too bad though, sounds like a fun idea.

Then enjoy your stay, sodbuster. 'Cause your bail just went up. In fact, since yer bein' so uncooperative, Garrett...we might have to bring in a couple of your friends and throw them in the cells downstairs.

*turns away* We'll see if another night heah improves your attitude. Remember that bail is set for people who want a chance to git out. Tho' you ain't none too concerned, onconna Dukes got no jobs...no social life to speak of...

*plucks the jail keys off the wall, taking them along, heading for the door*

First of all...thanks BL...that sure does smell good! :D

*Takes a long breath in from own cigarette* Nice of ya to come and visit me, Brian. Long time no see. And yeah...forget about the bread and water, this is a whole lot better stuff than what that has to offer.

Real charges? Can you prove any of them charges you have against me? Very highly unlikely. But have fun trying. But I'm still waiting to see what bail you have in mind for me.

That being said *pauses to take take another long suck of cigarette smoke to blow out the smoke through the bars* I have no clue what you are talking about who dismantling your car. All I know is, is that it wasn't I that did it. Too bad though, sounds like a fun idea.

Enjoy *smiles then see's black clad Coltrane, decides it best to make tracks*

Then enjoy your stay, sodbuster. 'Cause your bail just went up. In fact, since yer bein' so uncooperative, Garrett...we might have to bring in a couple of your friends and throw them in the cells downstairs.

*turns away* We'll see if another night heah improves your attitude. Remember that bail is set for people who want a chance to git out. Tho' you ain't none too concerned, onconna Dukes got no jobs...no social life to speak of...

*plucks the jail keys off the wall, taking them along, heading for the door*

*had been quiet up til now* Dukes got no jobs?! What do you call servin you beers and cleanin' up after you every Friday and saturday night?! Pleasure!? Think again!

Then enjoy your stay, sodbuster. 'Cause your bail just went up. In fact, since yer bein' so uncooperative, Garrett...we might have to bring in a couple of your friends and throw them in the cells downstairs.

*turns away* We'll see if another night heah improves your attitude. Remember that bail is set for people who want a chance to git out. Tho' you ain't none too concerned, onconna Dukes got no jobs...no social life to speak of...

*plucks the jail keys off the wall, taking them along, heading for the door*

Well how'm I suppose to know that my bail just went up since y'all have seemed to have forgotten to tell me what my bail is?! *shakes head* Nah I think it's just your way of trying to threaten me into telling me what you want to know...trying to scare me into ratting out a friend. Well Brian, if you think that little trick will work with me, you obviously don't know me very well. I'd rather sit here locked up with nothing to do than to rat out a friend.

Think of arresting more innocent people, are ya, Brian? Good luck at catchin' any of them...I think by now they're wise enough to know once they see you comin' to run and escape becoming another one of your victims. But hey by the minimal chance you do catch some of them, at least I'll have company even if I have to yell down the stairs to talk to them. ;)

And how doubtful that another night will adjust my additude one bit...seeing on how I've been in jails bigger and badder than this one on a few other occasions in my past. This is like a stay at the Hilton compared to them jails in Knoxville.

And who needs a social life when we got the local law to watch as entertainment? ;)

*Watches Brian takes the keys and begins to walk away* By the way, my name may be Duke, but I have little else in common with them so don't mistake me as being like them.


Eh maybe you did, but you had to have known I wouldn't have listened to your warning to begin off with. You should know by now that, that kind of warning goes in one ear out the other. Right? Plus it keeps life interesting. ;)

And what you snickering at? Sooner or later it'll be your turn to be sleeping on that ol' cot here, locked behind them bars...then what you going to do? *Pictures Lori in jail* Sounds about right to me. :)

I warned ya Garrett...one day your stubborness was gonna land ya in a heap o' trouble...tsk, tsk, tsk. *snickers*
Well how'm I suppose to know that my bail just went up since y'all have seemed to have forgotten to tell me what my bail is?! *shakes head* Nah I think it's just your way of trying to threaten me into telling me what you want to know...trying to scare me into ratting out a friend. Well Brian, if you think that little trick will work with me, you obviously don't know me very well. I'd rather sit here locked up with nothing to do than to rat out a friend.

Think of arresting more innocent people, are ya, Brian? Good luck at catchin' any of them...I think by now they're wise enough to know once they see you comin' to run and escape becoming another one of your victims. But hey by the minimal chance you do catch some of them, at least I'll have company even if I have to yell down the stairs to talk to them. ;)

And how doubtful that another night will adjust my additude one bit...seeing on how I've been in jails bigger and badder than this one on a few other occasions in my past. This is like a stay at the Hilton compared to them jails in Knoxville.

And who needs a social life when we got the local law to watch as entertainment? ;)

*Watches Brian takes the keys and begins to walk away* By the way, my name may be Duke, but I have little else in common with them so don't mistake me as being like them.

Hmmm seems to me Garrett that perhaps you may need to curb your tongue a little considering youre the one behind the bars and Brian is the one with the key to those bars. Its not a very smart move to taunt your jailer...And being in bigger and badder jails than this one isnt a bragging point because they can easily make things a lot worse for you like chaining you to your cot and locking up with a rabid dog. Would that be what you'd like to make your stay more comfortable? Or badder? Just remember, getting out is going to be up to you and like Brian said, you dont seem to want to get out at all...so sit back and relax, something tells me you'll be here awhile...

Eh maybe you did, but you had to have known I wouldn't have listened to your warning to begin off with. You should know by now that, that kind of warning goes in one ear out the other. Right? Plus it keeps life interesting. ;)

And what you snickering at? Sooner or later it'll be your turn to be sleeping on that ol' cot here, locked behind them bars...then what you going to do? *Pictures Lori in jail* Sounds about right to me. :)

*snorts* Hmph. We'll see how interestin' life gets while you're stuck in behind bars for awhile, buddy roe.


Thanks for the advice Alex...I will take it into consideration. Whether I act like it or not, I do want to get out, but I do find it hard to cooperate when my charges are fake to begin with. Give me something I did wrong, I'll be glad to do the time and be a little cooperative.

As for you Lori, you are having way too good of a time at my misfortune here. I thought friends were suppose to be there for one another, you know to help out and so forth? ;) Oh it's interesting...I can catch up on all my lost sleep and not have anyone else tell me to do something else with my time. Thanks for visiting. :)

Thanks for the advice Alex...I will take it into consideration. Whether I act like it or not, I do want to get out, but I do find it hard to cooperate when my charges are fake to begin with. Give me something I did wrong, I'll be glad to do the time and be a little cooperative.

As for you Lori, you are having way too good of a time at my misfortune here. I thought friends were suppose to be there for one another, you know to help out and so forth? ;) Oh it's interesting...I can catch up on all my lost sleep and not have anyone else tell me to do something else with my time. Thanks for visiting. :)

Really Garrett...for someone who's wanting out of jail, you're not helping yourself any. I'm sure Brian'll allow you all the time in the world to catch up on so many of your sleepless nights...*smirks* Not tryin' to tell ya what to do with your time and all, but surely you can find something much more productive than "catch up on lost sleep".


Dang it Lori I hate it when you're right! I could be out workin' on my car right about now if it weren't for these there bars or going for a ride on my motorcycle. *Shrugs* Oh well...whenever bail is set and when I make bail, I guess I have a few things to catch up on as well. I'm sure I'll be well rested up to do so. ;)

Ya gotta point there, Garrett. :popcorn: Khee!

Well Garrett does have a point but the local law is also the law no matter what...and again for a man behind bars hes not exactly saying things that are going to help him get out any sooner! *chuckles*

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