DixieDavenport Posted January 18, 2010 Posted January 18, 2010 Dixie walked back to the garage and put out a call for anyone seeing Cooter, then she called Luke, "Can you bring the keys to the wrecker by the garage? So I don't have to hot wire it. You know how Cooter gets mad when I do that, but I think we're in need of an emergency tow job. Well, nothing actually needs towed just pulled." She said innocently. She thought to herself that if the Hazzard law didn't arrest the folks truely guilty of crimes or at least set bail for those they wrongly arrested at least she may be able to post BL's bail a little early. And since there was still a bunch of folks in and around the jail she might jsut get the bars off the window and gone before anyone seen who was actually driving the wrecker.
Garrett Duke Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 *Slips tall glass of cold chocolate milk through the bars to BL* There ya go. . .just don't let 'em know it was me that gave it to ya.
B.L. Davenport Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 *takes a big sip of the chocolate milk* Mmm hits the spot thanks Garrett...no worries I won't rat ya out B.L.*Slips tall glass of cold chocolate milk through the bars to BL* There ya go. . .just don't let 'em know it was me that gave it to ya.
Garrett Duke Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 Glad to be of some help BL:)...I knew I could trust ya!
Brian Coltrane Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 Waaal, lookit heah. All these people hangin' around the jailhouse. It's a good thang I came over, in case somebody's tempted to give B.L. a boost outta the cooler. Coincidently, looks like MaryAnne pulled over a towtruck outside. It was actin' mightly suspicious. Reckon we might have more guests for our county hospitality center!Which leads me to your bail, B.L. We're gonna halfta make some room so I'm gonna need you to earn your exit. Now, seein' how you're a Davenport, I'll expect you can swing this one. My car, and MaryAnne's car, take the same grade of oil as the General Lee. You'll need to supply us with a case of oil.I also need to know you'll get the right kind of oil. So, to git outta jail, tell me....what kind of oil would go into a 1969 Dodge Charger? I'm not talkin' Penzoil or Quaker State, s' got nothin' to do with brands, it's about the thickness.
B.L. Davenport Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 You'll need to supply us with a case of oil.Would that be one case each or a case to share?
Brian Coltrane Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 Would that be one case each or a case to share?We're not greedy. A case to share is fine.
B.L. Davenport Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 Well there's some descrepency which is better 5W30 or 10W30 all depends on the car and owner.
DixieDavenport Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 After gettting the keys to the wrecker Dixie made her way out side teh jail window and got BL's attention hoping to cover the distinct clang of teh J hook hooking the bars on the window. So far so good, that is until she saw Mary Anne at the wrecker. She quickly left teh chain piled in the bushes and went downstairs. "BL got in touch with Cooter, he's in Atlanta picking up some oil and things for the garage." Dixie paused, "He said he'd be back as soon as possible."
B.L. Davenport Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 Thanks Dix, there's no hurry I reckon I'm gonna just sit here and bide my time until I'm released legal like. Did ya bring the case of oil Brian said he wanted?
DixieDavenport Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 Ummm ABout that oil ---- Looks liek the General got the last case for the big race and that part of what Cooter went after.
B.L. Davenport Posted January 19, 2010 Posted January 19, 2010 *sits down on the bunk dejectedly, eating another one of the delicious chocolate cookies* Ummm ABout that oil ---- Looks liek the General got the last case for the big race and that part of what Cooter went after.
Brian Coltrane Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 Oh, don't git all dee-jected. Tell ya what. Name the right grade of oil and give us an I.O.U. for the case of it, and you'll be free to go.Your guesses are close, but I'm looking for something thicker. We're talking cast-iron block V8 motors. Try once more.
Brian Coltrane Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 10w-40 is the answer I was lookin' for. And with your promise for a case of oil bein' good, since Davenports are honest folk... I suppose I can letcha out. S' usually MaryAnne's job but she's still dealing with that towtruck. I wonder how you impound a towtruck, if there's nothin' else to tow it with....*gets keys and unlocks door* Congratulations! Hope you enjoyed your stay!
DixieDavenport Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 Dixie looked at BL wondering what she was waiting for. Dixie turned and started to the stairs hopin' BL was not far behind her. They all could hear Cooter from outside. "Mary Anne, what are you doing messin' with my truck? Don't ya know a man's truck is his castle!"(Took the 'liberty' of a Cooter comment since none of the Cooter's have been active on HN since 2007.)
B.L. Davenport Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 *follows Dixie up the stairs in no hurry to stick around*
Cowboy Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 Hot damn Brian! 10w40? Is that what you run in your Impala? What the hell do you do to that thing? You'd be sunk if it sprang a leak... Cooter would be hauling your ass to the junk yard, that engine would be toast. ~Chet
Garrett Duke Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 YAY BL on your newfound freedom...take a deep breath in, don't the fresh air of freedom have a sweet smell about it?
B.L. Davenport Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 It sure does Garrett and I'ma gonna be more careful 'bout hangin' 'round this place in the future.
RogerDuke Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 Congratulations B.L. I'll meet ya at the Boar's Nest to celebrate. I'm buying. How's buttermilk with a little 10W40 mixed in sound?Hopefully Daisy will put it in a clean glass this time.
MaryAnne Posted January 20, 2010 Author Posted January 20, 2010 They all could hear Cooter from outside. "Mary Anne, what are you doing messin' with my truck? Don't ya know a man's truck is his castle!" "I know that Cooter! I's just making sure your castle isn't havin' any issues...." *sees BL walk out of the jailhouse* "And it's not! See? That wasn't so bad was it? Have a nice day, Cooter!"*Goes inside the courthouse, looks to cousin* "Man, judgin' by the look on BL's face, you and I may find our cars dismantled in the mornin'..."
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