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  • 1 month later...

hey ya'll, i'm new to the hazzardnet family,but that's beside the point!! John is cute, but he was soooooo fine as Bo Duke!! I might get his autograph if i go to duke fest this year!! anywho...i hope to hear from ya'll soon :D

much love,



At work, someone asked me what the appeal was of Dukes of Hazzard. A male coworker immediately said, "Daisy." I looked across at a female coworker and fellow Duke's fan and she immediately said, "Bo! He is so hot!"


I have all three season dvd sets at home, myself. Did you ever catch all the Dukes hints in Smallville like one of guests stars was on Dukes was also on Smallville's second season as well.

  • 3 weeks later...

Beings that I am a guy, I'm not going to comment on Bo's hotness, but no matter who you are, you gotta admit the man has aged well.

Wasn't it nice to hear a fresh YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAA!!! tonight on CMT?? I still say the original cast would have been best for that new movie.


I have to agree that the CMT awards were great. Yeah out of everyone John is still the hottest. I loved seeing his smile agian and the YEE-HAA! But it was great to see everyone together agian. Yeah and I agree about the new movie. I am in no way impressed the casting of it. It is like they picked whoever is "popular" among teens right now. And like I heard a qoute that if you can't take your kids to see it is not The Dukes of Hazzard. I saw a few pics from the new movie I am not at all impressed. I would not waste my money. I am investing it in the Season 3 DVD set instead!!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

It's so werid I have been a fan since I was eight years old...and started watching the show again and love it just as much...I always had a thing for Bo :wink: .... and it's like hanging with a old friend...the show brings so many memories back for me...

I guess I'am a Duke fan and always will be....

GO BO!!!!!!!!!

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Uh huh. He looks very fine for being a 45. hahaha. Still hott, even though I think he was hotter in them pants in the Dukes, but hey. He's aged welllllll. te he. :wink:

Amen! i luv him in Dukes and i luv him now! LOL! cuz i watch Smallville just to see him! and ur right! he HAS aged well even tho i like him better in Dukes but he still hot!!!^.^

  • 2 weeks later...

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