BoDuke80 Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 What is it about a show from the 1980's that appeals to today's generation ? granted I'm a second generation fan, I find Dukes funny entertaining and better than anything out there on t.v. do Y'all feel about the Dukes, what's the show mean to you ? Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 What is it about a show from the 1980's that appeals to today's generation ? granted I'm a second generation fan, I find Dukes funny entertaining and better than anything out there on t.v. do Y'all feel about the Dukes, what's the show mean to you ?The Dukes mean a lot to me and im only 14......i watch it cause its somethin i can leave my 6 year old cousin the room to watch by her self while i go get somethin to eatand then theres the castSonny- EnosCatherine- DaisyJohn- BoTom- LukeDenver- Uncle JesseSorrell- Boss HoggJames- Roscothere all so awsomelol and Sonny, John and Tom are cute...thats my last reason for lovin the Dukes Quote
texasdaisy09 Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 My number one reason for loving The Dukes of Hazzard is the fact that i can let my kids watch it without being scared that they will pick up so much junk...other shows are really not kid oriented anymore. My second reason is that no matter how often you watch it it's always interesting. I also love the cast. They couldn't have picked better people. I'm definetly a Dukes fan for life and I think my kids will be too. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 Why I love the Dukes...better question is, what's not to love about the Dukes? It is a family show and as was mentioned, there doesn't seem to be much more of them kind of shows out there any more. Sadly. It has an awesome cast of actors/actresses with great characters that had helped build the show. I have seen each episode (Bo and Luke episodes...have watched Coy and Vance's episodes, but only a few times each or so) and no matter how much I've seen an episode, I still find it funny and interesting to watch. The show has a little bit of something for everyone - action, comedy, good looking people, and of course the famous orange car of The General Lee. Plus no one ever got really hurt and everything turned out alright by the end - as Waylon once said "They tend to like happy endings in Hazzard". Or something to the effect at least. The show builds a warm enviroment that just makes you want to pack up and move to Hazzard, Jesse has such a warm and welcoming personality that he almost makes it feel as if he were your own uncle. And though Boss and Rosco may be crooked and do almost anything to get dem dang Duke boys in jail and out of their way so they can freely control Hazzard to get the money and power that they want, they always had their limits and their own set of morals about them. Though crooked in their own right, they went out of their way to make sure no one got hurt in thier schemes to get the Dukes in jail...or should I say, try to get them in jail. Then of course you have Bo and Luke, Daisy and Cooter, and sweet Deputy Enos Strate. All willing to help out and to be there when needed - to go out of their way to help others and to make things betterPlus if I'm having a bad day or something is wrong or worrying me and I by chance happen to put in a DVD of the Dukes, for that hour or so, things seem to be just fine while I watch Rosco and Boss in hot persuit of Bo and Luke...As I said, the show has a little something for everyone and has an awesome cast of characters...I think the cast that they picked out and the characters that they created is what made the show what it is and how great it is. Oh and don't forget The General! Quote
DUKES1466 Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 The Dukes reminds me of my childhood, it lets me escape to a more innocent time for a couple of hours. I think we could all learn a few things from The Dukes about basic family values, that the world we live in today seems to have forgotten.And it has The General Lee! Fun and car chases, nobody ever gets really hurt, even the bad guys. There's always a moral to the story and a happy ending.Oh yeah, and Tom Wopat is Hot. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 Because they rock..duh. 'Nough said about it. Heh, Nah.I love the dukes because I love my family. When I watch the Dukes, it reminds me of my family so much that it isn't funny. It's a southern show, and you don't see much of those anymore, unless people want to ruin the image of the old south even more than they already have. They show reality and what is really like, with the corrupt politicians and politics. Poverty in the south and how farmers got by.It's a show that children can watch without picking up a line that has something to do with sex, drugs, or rock and roll. There's crime in it of course, but they always show that justice will prevail. And in the end karma turns around and bites boss hogg square in the behind. It has great moral values and lessons to be learned in each episode. As I said previously, it rocks...and that's all there is to it. Quote
RogerDuke Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 These are some great posts. I especially liked yours Garrett.I could write a book on why I like the Dukes so much. Besides God and my family, there is nothing in my 49 years of living that has shaped my life more than the Dukes of Hazzard. I am so grateful to all the people here on the HazzardNet who can relate to why I love the show so much. It's because of folks like you, I look at this place as my second home. Quote
General Grant Posted September 20, 2009 Posted September 20, 2009 Hey Everyone!I really liked all of your posts. Those are excellent reasons to LOVE the Dukes. I do agree with everyone who said that the shows now-a-days just don't have the moral fiber they had back then. As a very wise person once said, "Common Sense just isn't common in this country anymore." The Dukes did provide all the common sense, family values, and good ol' fun to sustain one for a lifetime. In my opinion, anyway.Roger, I really think that was great what you said about it is the people on this website that make it like a second home. I really think that this is a wonderful group of people! You are all Just GREAT! I'm so grateful to know that there are other people out there who feel the same about the Dukes, and who value quality shows, such as the Dukes of Hazzard! Thank you to everyone who has responded so far. I really enjoyed reading about why y'all Love the Dukes of Hazzard! General Grant Quote
dukefan Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 when I was 7, or was it 8, and we finally got cable tv, we used to watch The Dukes on TNN, and I was so obsessed for the General Lee, seeing it jump, the sound of the horn and all that.It was all about the car for me back then. As I grew older, I became fond of the duke family and what they stood for, fighting the system, helping stop Boss from doing his schemes and such.As I grew closer to the duke family, I began feeling like one of them, their pain was my pain and their happiness was my happiness, and their sorrows were my sorrows, especially if anything happened to Jesse.In my teen days, I started noticing how sexy Daisy was, what a beauty, but not was she only sexy, but she was sassy and smart, like that in a woman, but yet, I would take the General Lee over her any day...lolWell I say that, but being a man, Catherine would probably win, even now.Anyhow,To this day I still watch the dukes from my dvds, especially when I want to escape the real world, and I feel so much better after.I love this show even more for the closeness of each other, like a real family, with fights and turmoil, the whole nine yards.I love how they all bonded together, even when Boss despised the dukes, he still didn't want to see them hurt or killed.Or like when Rosco thought the duke boys had drowned in the pond, him not being able to swim, when he had to tell Jesse, I was so hurting for both of them, for Rosco, to tell Jesse, and the pain he felt, and the pain in Jesse's heart when he was told the news.Anyways, that's a lot of why I love this show, it was a perfect cast, everyone connect with others and thus made us feel connected to them. Quote
RogerDuke Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 Nice post dukefan. The only thing that I didn't understand is when you said you watch Dukes to escape the real world. I thought Hazzard is the real world. (If it's not, I don't want to know so please don't respond to this post) Quote
dukefan Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 Nice post dukefan. The only thing that I didn't understand is when you said you watch Dukes to escape the real world. I thought Hazzard is the real world. (If it's not, I don't want to know so please don't respond to this post)I was talking about escaping my world to be in the dukes world, leave my worries behind and soak up some dukes world. Quote
RogerDuke Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 I knew what you were talking about dukefan. I was trying to be funny. By the way buddy, congratulations on post number 1000!! I'll meet ya at the Boar's Nest after we fix the fence on the south 40 and we'll celebrate while we talk about your next 1000. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Congratulations Dukefan! Dang I must be like the slowest moving person...look at everyone reaching a thousand posts and beyond and then you look at me! I'd been here for what seems to be forever and yet I don't have the posts to show for it. Oh well. Once again, I have room for improvements. Quote
dukefan Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 RogerI knew what you were talking about dukefan. I was trying to be funny.By the way buddy, congratulations on post number 1000!! I'll meet ya at the Boar's Nest after we fix the fence on the south 40 and we'll celebrate while we talk about your next 1000.GarrettCongratulations Dukefan!Dang I must be like the slowest moving person...look at everyone reaching a thousand posts and beyond and then you look at me! I'd been here for what seems to be forever and yet I don't have the posts to show for it. Oh well. Once again, I have room for improvements.__________________"Play by the rules, you're gonna miss all the fun!" ("Jacky Don Tucker" Toby Keith)@ Roger, I figured you were funnin', am feeling sick, so I was the slow one getting, I didn't even know I had reached my 1,000, seen you say something like that to Daisy, when she finally introduced herself...lolYou may not have 1,000 yet, but your post carries weight and importance you know.You always have good things to post, and you're a very great friend too.@ both of you, Thank you for the congrats, I appreciate that. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Thanks Dukefan! That means a lot to me! You are a great friend too! I hope that you are feeling better. Quote
dukefan Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Thanks Dukefan! That means a lot to me! You are a great friend too! I hope that you are feeling better.I am still feeling sick from the flue, but emotional wise i am a wee better since I got back in here. I was surprised I did not have you on my list of friends, thanks for requesting the add.I thank you for being there for me, I appreciate that very much. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I am sorry to hear that you have the flu...that is definately not fun. I hope you will have the chance to relax, rest, and recover quickly. As for emotional-wise, I am glad that you are a little better, it all takes time. Just know that I am...we are here for you. I was surprised to find that I didn't have you on my list either! You are welcome and thank-you for accepting. I am glad and lucky to have met such a big Duke fan as myself and a good friend. By the way Dukefan...I don't know if you like NASCAR or not, but if you are, I have a NASCAR group here. It is public, but if you are a fan or like it and want to join, let me know and I can send you an invite! But don't feel like you have to, I just thought I'd let you know about it.I hope you are having a good weekend! Quote
RogerDuke Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Oh no, I hope it's not the swine flu (Or as we say on the HazzardNet...the Hogg flu).I hope you're feeling better!!!! Quote
dukefan Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I am sorry to hear that you have the flu...that is definately not fun. I hope you will have the chance to relax, rest, and recover quickly. As for emotional-wise, I am glad that you are a little better, it all takes time. Just know that I am...we are here for you. I was surprised to find that I didn't have you on my list either! You are welcome and thank-you for accepting. I am glad and lucky to have met such a big Duke fan as myself and a good friend. By the way Dukefan...I don't know if you like NASCAR or not, but if you are, I have a NASCAR group here. It is public, but if you are a fan or like it and want to join, let me know and I can send you an invite! But don't feel like you have to, I just thought I'd let you know about it.I hope you are having a good weekend! I like nascar ok, I don't know any racers names though, just like to watch...only racer I know is The classic Tom. Quote
dukefan Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Oh no, I hope it's not the swine flu (Or as we say on the HazzardNet...the Hogg flu).I hope you're feeling better!!!!I hope it ain't the hogg flue either...lolI know I have to get rid of it quick, have to find a job too, no money coming in, and hard to find work when sick... Quote
dukefan Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I like nascar ok, I don't know any racers names though, just like to watch...only racer I know is The classic Richard Petty.I had to fix my boo boo, was thinking of Richard Petty, but I wrote tom instead...ooops Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 LOL I knew what you meant The king of NASCAR himself Quote
dukefan Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 LOL I knew what you meant The king of NASCAR himselfThanks for the invite Garrett, I will need to catch up for sure now. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 18, 2009 Posted October 18, 2009's hard to answer this question-how much time have I got?My love began when I was four and my brother and I would gather in his room (being older he had his own tv) and sit on his bed (well, he made me sit on the floor-typical brother) and we would watch it complete with a bowl of chips or maybe ice cream. It was one hour that we would cease being brother and sister and laugh together like best friends despite the four-year age difference. I treasured it.Now I value that the show is one I can let my kids watch without worrying.Having met the cast, it brings back great memories with each of them...when I want to smile all I have to do is pop in a dvd and watch Boss Hogg yell at Rosco, or listen to Luke and Bo banter, or watch sweet Enos fumble around Daisy...I can't help myself...Another testimony to the Dukes is the relationship between me and my buddy Bo James- Bo don't kill me for putting this... haha. It was through the Dukes that we met and bonded as friends... considering we are across the ocean from each other, one wouldn't think we would form a friendship as close as we have-it's amazing. To me though it is just more evidence of the Dukes spans generations,sure...but it also spans countries...oceans...time zones....Dukes bring people together, no matter where you are. In the words of our beloved sheriff "I love it, I love it!" Quote
goodolboy85 Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 Why I love the Dukes...better question is, what's not to love about the Dukes? It is a family show and as was mentioned, there doesn't seem to be much more of them kind of shows out there any more. Sadly. It has an awesome cast of actors/actresses with great characters that had helped build the show. I have seen each episode (Bo and Luke episodes...have watched Coy and Vance's episodes, but only a few times each or so) and no matter how much I've seen an episode, I still find it funny and interesting to watch. The show has a little bit of something for everyone - action, comedy, good looking people, and of course the famous orange car of The General Lee. Plus no one ever got really hurt and everything turned out alright by the end - as Waylon once said "They tend to like happy endings in Hazzard". Or something to the effect at least. The show builds a warm enviroment that just makes you want to pack up and move to Hazzard, Jesse has such a warm and welcoming personality that he almost makes it feel as if he were your own uncle. And though Boss and Rosco may be crooked and do almost anything to get dem dang Duke boys in jail and out of their way so they can freely control Hazzard to get the money and power that they want, they always had their limits and their own set of morals about them. Though crooked in their own right, they went out of their way to make sure no one got hurt in thier schemes to get the Dukes in jail...or should I say, try to get them in jail. Then of course you have Bo and Luke, Daisy and Cooter, and sweet Deputy Enos Strate. All willing to help out and to be there when needed - to go out of their way to help others and to make things betterPlus if I'm having a bad day or something is wrong or worrying me and I by chance happen to put in a DVD of the Dukes, for that hour or so, things seem to be just fine while I watch Rosco and Boss in hot persuit of Bo and Luke...As I said, the show has a little something for eve Quote
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