daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 17, 2009 Posted February 17, 2009 Yes Enos came with us but he is outside in his police car ", says Bo,then Daisy started to relax and gave Bo a hug and went outside to see Enos.Meanwhile over at the hospital Luke was the same but in a lighter coma ",unfortunetely his eyes were still shut tight every now and then Uncle Jesse would get his hopes up when one of his eyelids would flutter then suddenlyLuke started thrashing on his bed and Uncle Jesse called in his doctor and hisshe came rushing in and said Oh God he's having another Seizure ", then shegave him a shot of lorazapan about 20 minutes later Luke was asleep again.Cue Daisy Duke exEnosstraitDaisy said "Enos, i found out that the guy Gabe, the one i almost married in high school, he ran over Luke, but hes not heartless, it just doesnt make sense"
Julieduke Posted February 17, 2009 Posted February 17, 2009 Daisy said "Enos, i found out that the guy Gabe, the one i almost married in high school, he ran over Luke, but hes not heartless, it just doesnt make sense"Just then Jake come and spots Julie and grabs her from the back and Says "She staying with me everybody."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Just then Jake come and spots Julie and grabs her from the back and Says "She staying with me everybody."Cue AnybodyDaisy gets out of Enos's car "please Jake no!"
Julieduke Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Daisy gets out of Enos's car "please Jake no!"Julie Says "Let me go right now, I won't say nothing please."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Julie Says "Let me go right now, I won't say nothing please."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "please"
Julieduke Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Daisy said "please"Julie Says "But Please, I won't say nothing I promise you."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Julie Says "But Please, I won't say nothing I promise you."Cue AnybodyJake says "fine, but i swear if you say anything, ill hunt you and your cousin Daisy down " and just then Gabe wraps a protective arm around Daisy and Julie when Jake lets Julie go
Julieduke Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Jake says "fine, but i swear if you say anything, ill hunt you and your cousin Daisy down " and just then Gabe wraps a protective arm around Daisy and Julie when Jake lets Julie goJulie is upset but won't him see it right now.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Julie is upset but won't him see it right now.Cue AnybodyDaisy sighes
Julieduke Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Daisy sighesJulie Says "I'm never doing this ever again Daisy."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Julie Says "I'm never doing this ever again Daisy."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "me either"
Julieduke Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Daisy said "me either"Julie had left with everybody she had fell asleep and it was understandable right now.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Julie had left with everybody she had fell asleep and it was understandable right now.Daisy sighed as she sat staring out the car window
Julieduke Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Daisy sighed as she sat staring out the car windowBo had wondered why his sister was so scared and so tired right now and Says "Daisy, what went on in there and looks like somebody hit her I couldn't say it around her before now."Cue Anybody
Kay Darleen Duke Posted February 19, 2009 Author Posted February 19, 2009 Meanwhile over at the hospital a miracle happened Luke woke up ", in the room with him and he said " Oh My God Luke your awake " Jesse said. so he said " who are you ?", Jesse just looked speechless and said " it's me Luke your uncle Jesse and this pretty young lady is Mary-Jane your girlfriend.but Luke still looked all puzzled and said " um i don't know who y'all are ",then Luke's doctor came in and was shocked that he was awake because shethought for sure he wouldn't wake up ", then she said " Mr. Duke your awake" how do you feel ?", Luke said " well I got a major headache , i feel dizzy ",and i don't know who these people are ?", then the doctor said to Jesse.Then the doctor told Luke that she will have a nurse come in and give him a shot of something for his headache , a sedative so that he can get some rest.then the doctor asked if she could talk to Jesse and Mary-Jane out in the hall,so as they went into the hallway a nurse came into Luke's room and gave hima shot of ibuprofen , some morphine so he can get the rest he needs.Meanwhile out in the hallway Luke's doctor was telling Uncle Jesse that Luke hasAmnesia and to not worry it should go away , has a concussion but she justtry to remind him of stuff , don't treat him any different , just go on normally.then Jesse said " what if he never remembers who we are doc ?", then doctorsaid " well I doubt that will happen Amnesia usually goes away within a week,or longer but just try to tell him that his name is Luke Duke , where he lives.Cue Julie Duke
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 20, 2009 Posted February 20, 2009 Meanwhile over at the hospital a miracle happened Luke woke up ", in the room with him and he said " Oh My God Luke your awake " Jesse said. so he said " who are you ?", Jesse just looked speechless and said " it's me Luke your uncle Jesse and this pretty young lady is Mary-Jane your girlfriend.but Luke still looked all puzzled and said " um i don't know who y'all are ",then Luke's doctor came in and was shocked that he was awake because shethought for sure he wouldn't wake up ", then she said " Mr. Duke your awake" how do you feel ?", Luke said " well I got a major headache , i feel dizzy ",and i don't know who these people are ?", then the doctor said to Jesse.Then the doctor told Luke that she will have a nurse come in and give him a shot of something for his headache , a sedative so that he can get some rest.then the doctor asked if she could talk to Jesse and Mary-Jane out in the hall,so as they went into the hallway a nurse came into Luke's room and gave hima shot of ibuprofen , some morphine so he can get the rest he needs.Meanwhile out in the hallway Luke's doctor was telling Uncle Jesse that Luke hasAmnesia and to not worry it should go away , has a concussion but she justtry to remind him of stuff , don't treat him any different , just go on normally.then Jesse said " what if he never remembers who we are doc ?", then doctorsaid " well I doubt that will happen Amnesia usually goes away within a week,or longer but just try to tell him that his name is Luke Duke , where he lives.Cue Julie DukeJesse was glad that it was only amnesia instead of something serious
Julieduke Posted February 20, 2009 Posted February 20, 2009 Jesse was glad that it was only amnesia instead of something seriousBo, Jeb, Daisy and Julie had arrived and they heard the news from Uncle Jesse and Julie was awake but still looked scared right now as well.Back at the Hideout, Jake and Gabe Malone were there and Gabe Says "Why did you threaten the blonde girl that wasn't very fair do you really think neither one of those girls won't tell she's so scared right now. I hope she doesn't say nothing right now, everybody will be able to tell that you hit her as well and she's only sixteen that might consider that child abuse as well what is they try pressing that on you Jake."Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted February 20, 2009 Posted February 20, 2009 Bo, Jeb, Daisy and Julie had arrived and they heard the news from Uncle Jesse and Julie was awake but still looked scared right now as well.Back at the Hideout, Jake and Gabe Malone were there and Gabe Says "Why did you threaten the blonde girl that wasn't very fair do you really think neither one of those girls won't tell she's so scared right now. I hope she doesn't say nothing right now, everybody will be able to tell that you hit her as well and she's only sixteen that might consider that child abuse as well what is they try pressing that on you Jake."Cue AnybodyJulie had looked up and Says "Uncle Jesse he hit me, and told me I was first I was so scared I had no idea what he was talking about as well. They didn't even give me a chance to get away I almost to my car and one of the grabbed me he was too strong for me as well. I couldn't see sleep as well Jake kept coming in and taunting me about different things he didn't like he for some reasons I can't for the life of me figure out why he didn't now I never did anything to him."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 20, 2009 Posted February 20, 2009 Julie had looked up and Says "Uncle Jesse he hit me, and told me I was first I was so scared I had no idea what he was talking about as well. They didn't even give me a chance to get away I almost to my car and one of the grabbed me he was too strong for me as well. I couldn't see sleep as well Jake kept coming in and taunting me about different things he didn't like he for some reasons I can't for the life of me figure out why he didn't now I never did anything to him."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstraitDaisy says "and after that, Jake pushed me on the ground, by the way, i want my jeep, where is it"
Julieduke Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 Daisy says "and after that, Jake pushed me on the ground, by the way, i want my jeep, where is it"Julie Says "How come the nurse keeps watching me, really I'm quite fine Uncle Jesse geez all I need it some ice on my cheek and I'll be fine really."Uncle Jesse Says "Maybe because your sixteen and you just said somebody hit you that's all really who was it. Your lucky, because we can get whoever kidnapped you and Daisy even faster because of your age."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 Julie Says "How come the nurse keeps watching me, really I'm quite fine Uncle Jesse geez all I need it some ice on my cheek and I'll be fine really."Uncle Jesse Says "Maybe because your sixteen and you just said somebody hit you that's all really who was it. Your lucky, because we can get whoever kidnapped you and Daisy even faster because of your age."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "yeah Jul, because if they just kidnapped me it would be harder because im older than you"
Julieduke Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 Daisy said "yeah Jul, because if they just kidnapped me it would be harder because im older than you"Julie Says "I guess so Daisy, but I feel so vulnerable right now but you know they was kind of rough with as well."Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 Julie Says "I guess so Daisy, but I feel so vulnerable right now but you know they was kind of rough with as well."Cue AnybodyThe Nurse Says "Ms. Duke your hurt don't you see he must've hit you pretty hard because your all red on your cheek you should really let us check you out and Daisy wouldn't hurt on your part as well. And it's allright either on of you can tell us who kidnapped the two of you. I afraid that Julie might have to tell us now because of her age now and Mr. Duke she's under eighteen it's okay for us to treat right now."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 Julie Says "I guess so Daisy, but I feel so vulnerable right now but you know they was kind of rough with as well."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "its okay"
Julieduke Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 Daisy said "its okay"Julie had went to stand up and she passed out and it seems that it all she could take from everything going on right now.Cue Anybody
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