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Do you really think it is the end of the world?  

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  1. 1. Do you really think it is the end of the world?

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    • No
    • I Don't Know
    • I Don't Care
    • Maybe

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Howdy Y'all...There is a news story right now saying that tomorrow may be the end of the world. I dunno if y'all heard it or but I was just wonderin what y'all thought...to make it short for those who ain't heard...there are these scientist(in Switzerland(sp) I think) who tomorrow morning(Wednsday) they are going to shoot particles at each other hoping that they can recreate what happened with the theory 'the big bang'. THey want to find what the universe is made of and have spent billions of dollars on it...There are some saying that by doing this it is going to create microscropic black holes that are goin to gobble the world up and well THE END....thats it in a nutshell...here is a little more info bout it if you wanna read up on it.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24556999/?GT1=43001 Either way I dont think it is goin to be the end of the world but you never know...so if it is it was really nice talkin to y'all and if it aint then here's to many more good times on hazzardnet! What do y'all think?


Wanna know what I think?

It's a load of malarkey... Why? When the Lord wants this earth to end I think HE makes that decision not some scientist... when its our time to go he's gonna call us, now...it could be tomorrow, could be the next second, or it could be years from now. I've been going around school and hearing talk about it and quite frankly it's getting out of hand and is quite ludicrous in my opinion, even if they screw up It wouldn't kill us, the only thing it is likely to do is make a small black hole that isn't even powerful enough to suck the enitire earth in to itself... but, that's just my opinion on the subject.


Well, I hadn't heard anything about this until just now reading what y'all have wrote. . .but I agree with Lori and what she had said. God made this earth and I think it will be up to Him to when He decides to end it. . .not just a couple of scientist -no matter how smart or how much money they put into it.

There's my two cents worth. . .


Ok y'all I just wanna say one more thang...I aint never said that those scientist were going to end the world...I agree with both Lori and Garrett...I dont believe the Big Bang Theory or That we evolved from monkeys...not trying to tick anyone off...but God made this world and he will decide when to end it...heck we could all die in the next minute no one knows...Maybe he wants us to be sucked up by a bunch of little black holes...who knows!? No one but him...Anyways just wanted to say that in case anythang came of what I wrote...if that last sentence makes any sense. Oh and quite frankly I really could care less bout what the universe is made of...its there and we're alive, and I see no point in wastin billions of dollars to do somethang they dont even know if it is goin to work or even show what they want...but thats just me...ok I shut up now.


Well Redneck Girl, as I said, I didn't read your article nor heard anything else about it until I hopped on here tonight and read what was wrote. So I probably shouldn't have stuck my nose in where it don't belong by posting my opinion by the little information I had. I agree with you both. ;) Hope I didn't get you upset if I assumed the wrong thing by what I read.


The end of the world? Tomorrow?

Ooops, I'm looking when you wrote your post... and tomorrow it's today.

In Italy it's 8,30 p.m. The day is almost over... and... not.... It's not the end of the world. :wink:

Anyway, speaking seriously....

I think that atomic phisics is great. I like Nature's misteries. And I like to think 'bout dimensions of Universe (10-11 dimensions? WOW).

Black holes? The Universe is beautiful... scaring and beautiful at the same time. The Nature is beautiful.

I don't think there is a God who can decide when (or if) destroy the world. And anyway, in the Universe there is a lot of "life" (not only on the Heart).

Why human beings are so egocentric?

Maybe there's a Spiritual Being above everything and everyone. This Spirit is everywhere.... it's the Nature.

Only a thought. Hope I didn't offend anyone. Sorry if I did.


Hey Everyone,

First off....it's great to see you around Redneck, Lori, and Garrett! :)

Redneck, I have to say, you always put threads up that are very thought-provoking. I don't think that what you wrote was wrong at all-nor do I think that anyone is offended with anyone else. This was just a great idea on getting others to write down what they think, so that others can listen to both sides and make up their own minds.

I am happy that the world didn't end today! :D I guess that they called that one wrong, happily!

Okay, that's all I wanted to say. Everyone have a great rest of the day!

Laura Duke:D


Don't be confused about how the press is twisting this. Scientists are not trying to create a Big Bang or black hole. In order to do so you would have to have an infinite ammount of energy and that's not something that can be found on a shelf in some lab. They are trying to recreate conditions AFTER the Big Bang....or at least as close to it as possible. In doing so they can learn a lot more about how the Universe began. I think scientists are making a mistake by trying to become God-like but if you study this enough and don't just listen to the press (they love to make things more dramatic than they really are....boring doesn't sell newspapers) you'll find out that we are a long way from creating black holes.

I do have two big concerns with this particle accelerator. Is it going to be a complete waste of 9 billion dollars that could have gone to something better...and...if it's not, and we do learn a lot, will we use the technology to make weapons even more powerful than the ones we have now?


Well seein' as it's the next day and we're all still here... I gotta agree with ya, Roger.

I guess I didn't know enough about the whole thing ahead of time to ever think there might be black holes or whatever; just figured if it didn't work the mountain might explode or something. Which would be bad enough in itself but... definitely not the end of the world.

Plus we all lived just fine through Y2K; I've gotten rather skeptical on end-of-the-world announcements, heh.


Yes, I have to agree with Roger on this one. The press is just uniformed as usual and the majority of common reporters don't understand some science concepts and basically dramatize things so they can get headlines and sell stories.

Yeah, Lukas, I kind of agree with you there about skepticism. Well our next chance to be skeptical is Dec. 12, 2012 when the Mayan calendar runs out. Supposedly it's suppose to be the 'end of the world' then. In the year 1900 there were tons of people thinking the world was going to end then and look where we are now. It's 100 years later and we have communications with people who are on the other side of the planet in the blink of an eye, and transportation is next. Just give us another 100 years and see where we are. There will probably be a new threat that future reporters can use for a 'end of the world' headline, like an attach of killer tomatoes, or the sun being ready to change phases in it's star life, or a 100 foot Staypuff marshmallow man.

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