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Okay, the idea of this game is.

I'LL post quotes, and the first person to give me the right episode it came from will be the winner no matter how many people post the right answer. I'll keep track of the scores to see how people do. :) Hope people get involved in this.

Here goes the first one.

Luke: If you took off them platform cowboy boots she'd be eatin' off the top of your head too!


You got it Daisy, Hazzard Connection is the right answer. For those of who who couldn't remember, this is the one with the Demolition Derby. The scene? When the boys are smashing two clunckers around and Luke is trying to get Bo riled up to make it more interesting. :) Take a look folks, its a great episode. Season 2 Episode 8.

Okay next quote

Daisy: Ohh no...Luke's got that look in his eye again...

B: Yeah and right after he gets that look, he goes *snaps fingers* I got it, let's go Bo. Then I get in trouble.

Luke: *snaps fingers* I got it...let's go Bo.

Bo: See?


Got that right Darleen, Route 7-11. The scene...the family and the guy who they're helping are sitting trying to think of a plan, and of course Luke comes up with one.

Okay next one,

Luke: I got hit by a girl!

Bo: Again?! Luke what the heck did you do this time?!


DaisyMaeDuke: 1

Kay Darleen Duke: 1


Sorry BL, but Kay Darleen was right. That one did from from Cooter's confession. Luke's plan goes a bit wrong and the female hijacker knocks him out after her boyfriend failed to. Luke's a bit stunned and when climbing into the General, suddenly comes out with that quote, to which Bo responds with his funny line. Poor ol' Lukas Dukas.

Next Quote:

Bo: Oh great. just what I need, three hands on the steering wheel.

Luke: Well i'd drive but you'd have to run alongside then...


DaisyMaeDuke: 1

Kay Darleen Duke: 2

B.L Davenport: 0

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey Roger,dont steal my quic thread! You got two leave mine alone! lol No seriously though, could I run this one... :( I like having one of my even if no one plays.

As for the quote I put before Roger rudely interrupted (lmao only a joke buddy) I dont actually remember which eppie this came from myself now lmao, I lost the sheet of quotes I had to do on here so now I have to start again there...which I did a few days ago so now have loads to test your brains :D I'll start this game up again in a couple of days, if you would like to play, please post that you would by Monday Morning :) Thanks


Ok so I have now signed up for the game:

Jessi Duke

Daisy Duke

Roger Duke

Lori Davenport

BL Davenport

Please no one else post here as your scores will not be counted. Ok those playing, I need to know how you want the scoring to be done. I can either do it so that if you put the answer down and get it right you get a point, or you can have it so the first one to post the right answer gets the point. Its up to you guys!


kk thanks BL, I'm just asking because some people were complaining about how sometimes int he quizes and things people only post when they know an answer and therefore get a longer streak or something cause they dont take a chance. :) Just wanted to know how people want this done

It would be more fair to give everyone who posts the correct answer a point than to give the point to the first one to answer because others may know the answers but not be able to post for whatever reason until a later time. Just my two cents worth

yep, I agree.


I know whatcha mean Bo...

Well I can tell you if we waited until I came online I would never get a point...cuz I work during the day, others have school, etc. And Rog doesnt generally come on til night....so I definately think it should just be offered and scored by who gets it and who doesnt.

As far as streaks and stuff...well I am competitive by nature, I admit. But I honestlly dont care about streak and stuff...I just wanna have fun.

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