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Jesse *lowers chin and looks at Luke with caring and wise eyes* Welllll, of course it matters, why wouldn't it? You boys have had spats in the past, this couldn't be that bad. *face turns stern* Now, yer either gonna tell me all about it right here and now or yer gonna hop in dat there stock car and race on over ta the Boar's nest and see if he's there. Now which one's it gonna be young man?


*kicks at a rock by his feet*

"Well for one I caught him with tears in his eyes in the barn...I ried to talk to him...he denied it...got mad at me...that shouldn't surprise me I guess but...*sighs*we almost got pulled over this morning...for nothin...an just...after everything...everything I did...to make sure this birthday would be good for him...despite...despite everything..."


Jesse *voice sounding light and bouncy* Well, the best way to feel better when yer down is to see someone that ya love smile. *hesitates* It looks like ya might have something in yer hand there that can do the trick. I don't know about you Luke but I'm heading over to the Boar's Nest *looks for a reaction from Luke* My throat's gitting a little dry. *walks toward drivers side door of truck*


*sighs very tempted to hand the small box off and have Jesse give it to him- he supposed he could follow Jesse there, though...it was a public place afterall* Alright...I'll see you there...*with that he crossed to the General Lee, sliding in the driver's side window, starting him up and taking off after his uncle*


*puts a look of mock indignation on his face*

Of course it matters! The one I dont go out with first will wanna know why I didn't pick her first so I gotta choose the most suitable explanation for her...see its all a very stratigically planned game Cooter...

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