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*he doesn't know what to do or what to say. He wants to help his friends, but he doesn't want to lose his job 'cause he loves it. After a long pause he picks up the CB again*

OK sheriff. I'm getting there.

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I saw Bo here, sheriff. I left him here waiting for you while I was out looking for Luke.

*holds his hat stronger, thinking 'bout Bo's words. Was everything a lie?*

*gets in patrol car and sees the general pass by*

*picks up cb*

Enos did you see that' date=' I'll follow the General and i'll meet you at the Duke Farm.

*puts down cb*

I love it I love it! Hot pursuit![/quote']

* gets in patrol car and looks for the Dukes*


*scowls back*

Well ha ha, I didn't see you go inta the court house an' sneak around trying to find the papers. I had to think of somethin' t'get Enos outta there so's I could get into Boss' office and get them. But you know, from the sounds of it Rosco's on his way here with Enos so you better hide...


*looks to the door, clenching his jaw a little as he grabbed the file and slid it behind the Bookcase, making sure it was completly hidden before checking Luke was also hidden and opening the door*

Enos? Hey, what's up?


"Now hang on...youc an't do no such thing without no hard evidence an' you know that Enos. You didn't see me take any papers did ya? And ya certainly don't see em here now do ya? If you arrest me, Uncle Jesse'll have you an' Rosco thrown in jail for false arrest..."

Bo warned softly, knowing Enos was conflicted as to what to do, torn between duty and friends, so was offering him a legal and very true way out of having to arrest him at such a difficult time.


Jesse *authoritive and gently* Now Enos, you know that Bo is right. You also know that you took a sworn oath to uphold the law and that oath you took was with your right hand on the Good Book. *tilts head* I know you did because I was there for the swearing in ceremony. All us Dukes were. Luke even went on leave from the Marines to witness it, he was so proud of you.

Now, what's more important to you son, your oath before the Almighty or obeying an illegal order that you know ain't lawful *voice raises* ain't legal and plain old ain't right.

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