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Hank held her close. "I was engaged. My...my fiancee went to town on Fly t' get her wedding dress....Fly come home without her....found her later on the side of the road..." Hank looked down and shook his head. "Only one able to steal my heart since her was Fly...til you came along."

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Loraine got up and looked to him, putting her forehead on against his, closing her eyes,"Im sorry Hank, I truley am... Ive never known what its like t' be loved, Ive never had anyone like you t' come along. My parents were killed when I was 11 years old, and I ve been on my own ever since."

Loriane opened her eyes to look into Hank's.


Joe slowly pulled out the paper and looked everything that was on it over, finding out how they were going to rob the bank....and it was obvious the writing was female and the plan intelligent...not a Frank and Jesse James plan.

He sighed and stood up, heading out the room.


Loraine swallowed and kissed Hank passionaltey. When she pulled away she looked down and then back to him,"I know it aint darlin, there wasn't no man strong enough to tie me down, a couple has tried but I never felt anything with them..."

She failed to mention though, that she had used them to rob the banks of the their towns. Her original intentions was to use Hank, but she couldn't now.

Jesse stood in behind Frank, gun pointed towards Joe as well, as he laughed evily.


Jesse walked around Frank grabbing the ropes from a nearby chair, He tied them around Joe's hands and bounded his feet together as well, putting a gag around his mouth as well. "Were we gonna take him to Frank?"

Loraine smiled as he kissed her again this time she wqasn't pulling away from him.


Jesse smirked throwing Joe over his shoulder carryin him out to their horses, he looked to Joes horses and untied them smacking them on the rear end,letting them takin off in the other direction. Jesse slung Joe on the back of his horse climbing on. they took off towards the near by pond or lake.

Loraine smiled and told Hank,"You sure do know how t' charm a lady darlin, more of a gentleman than ive ever seen."


Loraine gigled a little,"Ohh I wouldn't say im such a fine lady, thatd be stretching it a little far....."

Jesse took off with Frank following behind, they saw Joe's horses and his buggy run past them on a nearby dirt road, speeding off.


Loraine swuinted her eyes as she could make out two black horses and a buggy, with no driver. "Hank, thats yer Uncle's cart, and his horses!! no ones driving it though."

Loraine looked to Trigger and climbed on him taking off after the runaway cart.

Jesse saw the pond upahead and looked to Frank,"There it is Brother!!"


Hank sighed. Part of him wanted to say since Joe could make trouble he could get himself out of it...but deep inside he knew that as mad as he was at Joe, he didn't want him hurt...and he too had a bad feeling. He unhitched one of Jeremiah's horses tying the other to a tree with a rope from th back of the wagon. Climbing on the horse, he looked to Loraine. "Come on...ya!"


Loraine nodded and climbed on trigger and with a "ya" Trigger accelerated and caught up beside of Hank, Loraine saw one of the crossroads,"You go ne way Hank and Ill go another, itll be easier, if we dotn have no luck, we'll meet back here."

Jesse pulled Joe off and drug him down to the lake, with Frank's help they picked him up and lsung him in. Jesse laughed and looked to Frank,"We beeter head off, for that no good Loraine finds out and gets on our tails!!"

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