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Courtney was also friends with Bo Duke in high school. They both went to Hazzard High together and would go to each other's houses and hang out.

She wears alot of pink outfits. Like tank top shirts and some capris and jean shorts.


Courtney was also friends with Bo Duke in high school. They both went to Hazzard High together and would go to each other's houses and hang out.

She wears alot of pink outfits. Like tank top shirts and some capris and jean shorts.

  • 2 weeks later...

Amanda Paige Robson

Date of birth: August 28 1984

Age: 21

Height:5 feet 3inches

Weight:110 pounds

Hair: Blonde


Vehicle: Red 1974 Plymouth GTX

CB handle: Little Red Riding Hood

Amanda Paige Robson was born to Linda Mae Robson and Thomas Lee Robson an August 28 of 1984. Amanda, or Mandy was born and raised in Hazzard County. She learned farm life and how to drive young. She has been know to get her self in trouble once in a while. Mandy is ussually aided by the Dukes. Particularily her boyfriend Chet Duke, son of Bo and Gabby Duke.

Mandy moved to Atlanta when she was 16 to pursue studies in Political Sciences and Botany. She Graduated at the age of 19, in the year 2002. After graduation she retuned to Hazzard and ran into trouble on the way. Which is how she meet Chet.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jason Alexander Duke

He drives 'Old Betsy" this a !970 Plymouth Trailduster in Faded Big Bad Blue with Rust throughout the truck.

He was born in Hazzerd , but later moved with his family to Cleveland,Ohio.

Jason is Twenty-Four years Old.

Joshua Andrew Duke

He drives "Fireball" and she is a Bright Red 1984 Pontiac Fiero.

Joshua is Twenty-Two years Old.

Jonathan Elvis Duke

The "Elvis" come from that his Mother was a fan of Elvis Presley.

Jonathan is Twenty-One years old.

Jesse Harold Duke

He is named after Uncle Jesse and his father like Conway Twitty but used his real name instead of his stage name

Jesse is Twenty years old.

Julie Alexandria Duke

She drives a Black 1977 Pontiac Trans Am, she was born the same day as Jason but six years later.

Julie is eighteen years old.


Love's Sacrifice by Dixierose_00 and Canadian Country Cousin

Name: Jessica Mae Parker

Nickname: Jess, Jessie, Jessie Mae

Born: May 20, 1962

Car:Usually rides with Daisy or Bo and Luke and can often be seen driving Dixie or the General

CB Handle: Country Rebel or Rebel

Hair: Long blond hair with slight waves

Attire: Short- shorts and a tank top with heels or jeans a flannel shirt and boots, also wears a tank top with jeans and cowboy boots

Job: Works as a waitress at the Boars Nest with Daisy

Jessica's parents were good friends of Jesse Duke's so when her parents were killed in a car crash when she was 10, Jesse took her in instead of lettting her go to an orphanage. Bo and Luke weren't too impressed with her when they were growing up though she made fast friends with Daisy. When Jessica hit 16 Bo and Luke finally took notice of her. Though they both flirted with her she fell in love with Bo and it wasn't too long before they were dating.

Jessica is soft spoken but if pushed the wrong way tends to lose her temper. Instead of using a gun if she needs to she insists on carrying a bow and arrows just like Bo and Luke. She often helps Jesse and Daisy get Bo and Luke outta trouble with Boss.


Love's Sacrifice, By Canadian Country Cousin and Dixie Rose

Mabel Justine Lynn


Age: 22

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Born in Hatchebee County where she stayed her whole life untill she found herself in a bit of trouble with county cominsioner Hugh Hatcher. She found herself at the mercy of his gang and running for her life.

That's when the Duke family found her in their barn asleep and seeking refuge. Her and Luke HIT it off right away, you've gotta read the story for more details on that.

But as for what Happens next, I don;t really know yet! So stay posted and I'll let ya'll know! But I can say it's gonna be a happy ending!

  • 2 weeks later...

These characters are still waiting for a story, but it's coming, soon!

Name: Jeffery Grant Duke

Age: 20 in 2005

DOB: June 23 1985

Height : 6' 4"

Eyes : Deep Blue

Weight: 190lbs

Vehicle: Blue Plymouth Fury, and if he's lucky the General Lee!

CB Handle: Lost Sheep one (Taking over from his dad)

Birthplace : Hazzard County GA

Jeffery Grant Duke was born to Annabelle Duke and Lucas K. Duke in the spiring of 1985. Jeffery has dark hair like his parents and his father's blue eyes, like all his siblings do. He enjoys racing around Hazzard in his old Plymouth (a restored police cruiser, Thanks to Cooter). Like his father he is passionite about his father and doing what's right. He has a firey temper, but is easy to get along with. He routinly finds himself in sticky situations, especially is his cousin Bailey Duke is around.

Jeff and Bailey have defiantly decided to start running moonshine, agianst their mother's wishes. They have not yet been caught, but something tells me that's about to change. Jeff is a good ol buy in every way, he's caring and fights the system, and is a big pain in his parents necks.

Stephanie Lynn Duke

Age: 13 in 2005

DOB: April 13 1992

Eyes: Deep Blue

Hair: Brown

CB Handle: Little Lady

Birthplace: Atlanta (holiday)

Stephanie Lynn Duke was born to Annabelle Lynn Duke and Lucas K. Duke on April 13 1992. She loves cars and dreams of owning her own dodge charger someday. As far as her apperance she is the female version of her father, her features striking but still femine.

She enjoys teasing older boys about their cars, because she knows more about them than they do. After school she wanders over to the high school to wait for her brother Jeff, with her cousin Bailey. When Jeff finally finds her, she's ussually working under the hood of someones car.

Stephanie is quick to like someone and makes friends easily. She is always eager to help her brother and cousins out of trouble. But often can't help because she finds her self responsible for her younger brothers, when her parents go off to help Jeff.

Jesse Lucas and Kevin Beauregard Duke

Age: 11

DOB: Sept 22 1994

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

CB handle: Dr Jeckyl and Mr. hyde

These identical twins were born to Annabelle Duke and Lucas Duke on sept 22 1994. They are blonde bombshells, like their uncle Bo. Which gets their mother her fair share of teasing. They are trouble makers, that's all I can say. They try hard to emulate their cousin Bailey, another trouble-maker.

It is easy to tell that when the get older they're going to give Luke and Anna lots of headaches.

Wiley Jon Duke

Age: 2

DOB: Sept 11 2003

Hair: Brown


CB Handle: Baby Duke

Wiley Jon Duke was born to Anna and Luke Duke on Sept 11 2003. He is 9 years younger than the twins, and 18 years younger then Jeff, which makes the house hectic, to say the least.

Wiley is as intelligent as two year olds get, he can talk and walk. He understands everything that goes on in the family, and somehow settles the peace when there is a dispute.


Bailey Bryan Duke

Age: 18 in 2005

DOB: Nov 10 1987

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6' 2"

Weight 175lbs

Vehicle: 2006 Dodge Dakota 4x4

CB handle: Lost Sheep Two

Bailey Duke was born to Sara Lynn Duke and Beauregared Jackson Duke on Nov 10 1987. Bailey is the spitting image of his father, but is not as much of a good ol boy.

Bailey likes trouble, finding it causing it, getting into it, getting out of it, getting others into it. He thinks it's all a big game, and loves to find ways of angering the Hazzard county Sherrif's department. He can be a handful and has a temper that cannot be reckoned with. He tries to get his cousin Jeff into trouble, but ussually finds it himself.

Nicole Suzanne Duke

Age: 19

DOB: Feb 17 1986

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'11"

Vehicle: 2001 Jeep CI 7

CB handle:Rebel Girl

Nicole was born to Sara and Bo Duke on Feb 17 1986. She is the reflection of her mother, and has an attitude like her father. She is constantly trying to keep her brother and cousin out of trouble, but...because she's a duke she winds up hip deep in it like her family.


Rebecca Lynn Smith


She had dark hair and looks like Lynda Carter from Wonder Woman.

Rosco is her father , her mother is Brandy Smith and she told her and gave her a picture ofHim and her when she had died. Rosco doesn't know that he has a daughter out their right now but I'm sure he will soon find out about knowing how Hazzerd. Rebecca is a delicate cross between Rosco and Brandy. Which in time he sure to notice this as well. She is from Joshua Tree, California and she like being from there as well.

Rebecca drives a white Pontiac Trans Am GTA and she loves just driving especially taken her care out on Route 66.


Nicholas James Taylor (Duke)

Nickname: Nick

DOB: August 17 1989

Age 12-16 depends which part of the story.

Hair: Dark brown and a bit messy.

Eye: Brown.

Build: Not really long and kind of skinny (but with a temper to make up for that)

(Adopted) son of Lukas K. Duke

Nick was raised in a very poor family, his parents made him and his little brother steel for a living. When his parents die in a car crash, a nice family adopts his little brother Tom, but Nick himself doesn’t do good in foster care. He can’t stand the family’s where he’s placed or they can’t stand him. After 4 different families he decides to take off and try it on his own, shoplifting and steeling for food. Just untill he runs in to the Duke family!

Nick has quite a temper, and some adjustment problems, but at hart he is a good boy.

Extra info: He's (very) afraid of hospitals.

  • 2 months later...

Joshua Andrew Duke Sr,

Age quite a bit younger then Uncle Jesse would be in the Saying Goodbye Part two.

Car: He has a 1980 Pontiac Bonneville with a 455 rocket stuffed under the hood from a Oldsmobile that he used to run shine for his brother Jesse Duke when he was younger. The ATF agents never could catch in that Oldsmobile when it was running smoothly.

Family: He is the wild little brother of Jesse and baby of the family kind of cocky and the father of Jason, Josh, Jonathon Elvis and Jesse Harry Dukes as well Julie Duke who is his only daughter.

This guy is quite a intersecting character to read in stories or if you want to Joshua Andrew Duke Sr and his Bonnie in your fanfiction go right ahead.


Name: Jag (Jag an only Jag)

Age: 28 Born June 2nd, 1977

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 240LBS

Eyes: Deep Grey Eyes

Hair: Black, short with a faint curl.

Attire: Usually wears a deep brown leather pilots jacket, dark blue jeans,

motorcycle boots, an often has a black motorcycle helmet with him.

Birth place unknown, often drives primar grey GTO Judge. A 8 mile long

record that keeps him duckin from the law 'when' there lookin for him.

(Curtisy of Author Dee)


Name: Sissy Carter

Age: Same as Rosco

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 120

Eyes: Grey-Blue

Hair: Dark Blonde, naturally wavey, long

CB handel(Splash or Smokey the Bear, depending on the day)

Occupation: Georgia State police Leutinant, Hazzard county Deputy Sheriff(Eventually)

Attire:Usually a Police uniform, or Jeans and a white t-shirt with black cowboy boots.

Attitude:Straigt forward, always tells the truth, very kind in nature, but if you get her mad you're gonna be sorry!

Born in Hazzard and moved to Savannah when she was 17.

Sissy and Rosco went to school together all the way up until high school, and they were very much in love, until Sissy's father got a job in Savannah breaking off their relationship for what they thought was for good.

Everyone in Hazzard remembers Sissy if they went to school with her especially Uncle Jesse and J.D, because one night she laid J.D out and Jesse and Rosco never forgot that.


Bonnie and Bylinda Michelle Duke Szenger are the twin daughters of Micheal Frank Szenger Jessica Lee Szenger and they are quite a handful they love to drive fast and both love to flirt with they guys at school.


This is a character I created one day when I was bored, no plans to use her in a story of my own as I feel I can't write well enough to do the characters we all know and love from the show justice. If anyone wants to put her in a story I'd be thrilled and honored.

Name:Charlotte Elizabeth Duncan (Charlee pronounced Charlie)

Age: 16

Height: 5'2"

Hair:long straight dark blonde (looks more light brown) usually in a ponytail

Eyes: Jade green

CB Handle: Wild Child (she's not really a bad kid just loves fun and pestering rosco same as the Dukes)

"Charlee" is a neighbor of the Dukes about 1/2mile down the road. She's more or less an

orphan just not legally. Her Mama disappears for weeks at a time sometimes and her Daddy

stays in a drunken stupor alot thus leaving her to take care of herself and consiquently

being 'adopted' by the Dukes. Charlie is a happy go-lucky kid and all around tom-boy despite

her home life, always ready for some fun with the cousins and Cooter. Her relationship with them all is more than just

a friendship, the Duke cousins are more like siblings with Cooter being more like a cousin him being

a Duke at heart.

She drives a 1967 Camaro that, Cooter,Bo,Luke and Daisy helped her restore.

The car is the same shade of red as the background of the

confederate flag with navy blue stripse down the sides and white stats painted in the middle of it

Her car is named Trouble.


Hello all...

Welcome all new characters & fanfic writers to Hazzard County. May your stay here be a happy one! Mine has been a great one for the past nearly 4 years.

Miz smarty, your character Charlee sounds like a younger version of myself when my character & her family first came to Hazzard back in July, 1978. She was a one time Hazzard County Deputy before she moved to Chickasaw County in May 1981.

Just a little info for the newer writers.

Take Care!


  • 2 weeks later...

Bonnie and Bylinda are typical sixteen year old Hazzerdites they love driving there car around Hazzerd, even though there dad is a Deputy in the County. They have a cousin named Jesse K. Duke and little brother named Micheal jr, he is only five years old and underfoot all the time.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've made some changes to my character Charlee's bio. I wasn't happy with the name so that has been totally changed.


Name:Emma-Grace Forrest

Age: 16 (in 1982)

DOB: December 25,1966

Height: Petite 5'1"

Weight: 100 lbs soak and wet.

Hair:long wavy dark blonde (looks more light brown) worn in a ponytail most of the time. Worn down with

a barrett pulling sides back for dressy occasions or a headband.

Eyes: Jade green

Clothes: Black jeans,button down shirt with black boots and black hat with black hatband embossed with

silver design 3 silver rows of tiny chains connects the hatband at the front of hat. Button down shirt

sometimes exchanged for a tanktop and jeans exchanged for short shorts.

CB Handle: Little Britches (after a girl outlaw who rode with the Doolin-Dalton gang for a while)

Emma-Grace a neighbor of the Dukes all her life is the great great great granddaughter of Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest of the confederate calvary. She's more or less an orphan just not legally.

Her Mama disappears for weeks at a time sometimes and her Daddy stays in a drunken stupor alot thus

leaving her to take care of herself and consiquently being 'adopted' by the Dukes.

Emma-Grace is a happy go-lucky kid despite her home life. Always ready for some fun with the cousins and

the rest of the gang being more like a family to her than her own. She's got a firey temper when crossed

the wrong way,but she's got a sweet,friendly disposition the rest of the time.

She drives a 1967 black Cougar she restored with the help of Cooter,the boys and Daisy. She calls the car

'outlaw' to compliment her CB handle Little Britches.

  • 2 weeks later...

Joshua Andrew Duke III

age 21 like Ross is in " There's something strange in Town" he is son of Tequila and Josh Andrew Duke Jr, but his father took off after Tequila started talking about marriage. Years later she met up with her true love Jason and they got married and he raised as his own son.

  • 1 month later...

Name: Dusty Rose Duke

Nickname: Tiger

Height: 5' 2"

Weight: 122lbs

Hair: Long red hair with natural blond streaks

Eyes: Sapphire Blue

Car: 69 Dodge Charger name: Ridge Runner Colour: Blue, Red, and White

CB Handle: Red Riding Hood or Little Red or Red Sly

Love Interest: Rossco

Occupation: Waitress at the Boar's Nest and Depety

  • 3 weeks later...

(back with a new character! Was setting up my Skynyrd tribute band.)

Name: Duane Cooper

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 152 lbs

Hair: Long black hair (like a rock star)

Eyes: Brown

Car: beat-up '65 Dodge Coronet 440 2-door Hardtop, torn vinyl roof, sort of red

CB Handle: "Free Bird"

Occupation: Luthier (guitar builder), Guitar Tech, guitarist, etc.

Profile: Comes to Hazzard in late 1985 on tour with his band, The Firebirds. When scouting for a good location to play, he was caught in the middle of the latest chase between the Dukes and the law, he was broadsided by Enos. At that point he decided that he may like it in Hazzard.

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