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And so! Now I'm gonna see just what kinda detail you've got in that database with my own trivia question. Khee! :)

I noticed this watching the early episodes, the ones filmed in Georgia. I don't know if this detail carried over to CA. (Jax can probably tell us. ROFL)

Bo and Luke's bow and arrow sets, although looked similar, apparently had different model names. What was Bo's called and what was Luke's called?

A round of drinks at the Boar's Nest on me if ya get the answer! Khee!


The answer is no, the names of the boys' bows did not carry over from GA to CA! LOL...Luke's is a Martin Cougar, Bo's is a Martin Warthog...About the only thing that did carry over was the color...Bo has a brown stock, Luke has a black stock! That fact never changed in the seasons! So...looks like you owe me a round of drinks! ;)



The answer is no, the names of the boys' bows did not carry over from GA to CA! LOL...Luke's is a Martin Cougar, Bo's is a Martin Warthog...About the only thing that did carry over was the color...Bo has a brown stock, Luke has a black stock! That fact never changed in the seasons! So...looks like you owe me a round of drinks!


I'm impressed! Khee! A round of drinks it is!




Make mine a buttermilk!!

Hey Min, your database is indeed a labor of love. Thanks for revealing all those details...I've sure been wondering.

When the show was out originally I started writing stuff for my map about the third season. Of course there were reruns and that helped but I still struggled to get it all organized Also, the geographical inconsistencies and difficult things to hear (sometimes they talked too fast) made things tough. This DVD set is great because I've been able to "rewind" things that were difficult to understand. I wish I would have thought about "Closed Caption" earlier so I could have had more acurate spellings but (as Rosco would say) "there's good news, good news!"....that just gives me an excuse to start over again. I wouldn't want inaccurate spelling on my map. By the way, would you prefer to be called Jax?


Here's 3 from "Dukes in Danger"

easy) Who sang an altered version of "Old McDonald had a farm" when he thought he would be getting the Duke farm?

medium) How long did it take the boys to change a tire on the General?

a) 43 seconds B) 53 seconds c) 63 seconds

tough) What fell off Boss's car at the end? If you look close you can see it was lose when he drove through the hay pile.


Also, here's 4 from "Lawman of the Year"

easy) Who nominated himself for the award?

medium) What kind of store did the bad guys rob? a) jewelry B) television c) CB shop d) bakery

tough) Who was the secret observer for the Support Your Sheriff Committee who awarded Cletus and Enos with "Lawmen of the Year" honors at the end?

Min) What holiday is mentioned in this episode?

Also, here's 4 from "Lawman of the Year"

easy) Who nominated himself for the award?

medium) What kind of store did the bad guys rob? a) jewelry B) television c) CB shop d) bakery

tough) Who was the secret observer for the Support Your Sheriff Committee who awarded Cletus and Enos with "Lawmen of the Year" honors at the end?

Min) What holiday is mentioned in this episode?



cant remember the other two


You're right, Rosco nominated himself and the bad guys robbed a jewelry store. As for the tough question, she's a citizen of Hazzard who even had an episode named after her. The answer to the final question can be found on another (posted yesterday) thread. I'm gone.

You're right, Rosco nominated himself and the bad guys robbed a jewelry store. As for the tough question, she's a citizen of Hazzard who even had an episode named after her. The answer to the final question can be found on another (posted yesterday) thread. I'm gone.

Sadie Hogg or Mz. Tizdale.

You're right, Rosco nominated himself and the bad guys robbed a jewelry store. As for the tough question, she's a citizen of Hazzard who even had an episode named after her. The answer to the final question can be found on another (posted yesterday) thread. I'm gone.

Miz Tisdale is the observer and its the 4th of July that's mentioned!


PS. Roger, I prefer either MinDuke or Jax..either one is fine with me! :D

You're right about Miz Tisdale and the Fourth of July MinDuke. If you get a chance, go back several posts to catch the ones from "Dukes in Danger".

Oops I missed that one! Whats the date?


Wow Bo, that's a good one. The only one I can think of is "Baa Baa White Sheep" when Bo was with the Marine Corps Reserves.

Hey MinDuke, I posted two different episodes on July 4, "Lawman of the Year" and "Dukes in Danger". (I was off work so had a little time on my hands)

Here's 3 from "Dukes in Danger"

easy) Who sang an altered version of "Old McDonald had a farm" when he thought he would be getting the Duke farm?

medium) How long did it take the boys to change a tire on the General?

a) 43 seconds B) 53 seconds c) 63 seconds

tough) What fell off Boss's car at the end? If you look close you can see it was lose when he drove through the hay pile.


1) Boss Hogg.

2) 63 seconds

3) The bullhorns fell off... Boss almost got poked in the backside with them! LOL



Right as usual MinDuke. Here's 3 from "Dukes Strike it Rich"

easy) Did the Dukes pretend to strike it rich with gold or oil?

medium) Who pretended to be the Dukes chauffer?

tough) The actor John Wheeler is the County assayer. What business in Hazzard does he own?

Here's a Waylon qoute from that episode "Ya know, just when ya think ya got things under control in Hazzard, ya run into a natural Hazzard Hazzard."

Right as usual MinDuke. Here's 3 from "Dukes Strike it Rich"

easy) Did the Dukes pretend to strike it rich with gold or oil?

medium) Who pretended to be the Dukes chauffer?

tough) The actor John Wheeler is the County assayer. What business in Hazzard does he own?

Here's a Waylon qoute from that episode "Ya know, just when ya think ya got things under control in Hazzard, ya run into a natural Hazzard Hazzard."


1) Gold.

2) Cooter

3) Mr. Rhuebottom also owns the general store...

LOL great Waylon quote...


Hey Jax, how about waiting longer than 30 minutes to answer some of these trivia questions and letting some of the rest of us have a shot? LOL

I normally do...sometimes I wait days but this time I happened to be signed on....:lol:



Hey Gang!

Here are the newest trivia questions I posted about a dozen pages ago:

Mary Kaye’s Baby:

1. What is in the back seat?

2. Whose car is it?

3. Where is Mary Kaye headed?

4. Who does Luke hit with an egg?

5. Where was Enos parked at the start of the chase?

6. What amount did Mary Kaye have with her?

7. How much did the Duke boys give her?

8. What colors are in the quilt that is covering Mary Kaye?

Sorry this is so late! but here are the answers!

1. Moonshine

2. Cooter's

3. Florida

4. Leo (McQuade's bodyguard)

5. Parkins Road

6. $118,254.37

7. 10 bucks and some change

8. Pink with white, black and red checkered squares.

And since MaryAnne wants more trivia lets go on with season 1...

Heres some from Repo Men:

1) Who drove the car that Bo and Luke wanted?

2) How much did Ace want for the car that the boys wanted?

3) Which of the boys had the papers for the Rolls Royce?

4) What did the boys do to the car Ace jumped into?

5) How much did Bo ask to borrow from Cooter?

6) Which club does Lulu Hogg belong to?

7) What is the number of the car that the boys want?

8) What is the breed of dog the boys to distract the bad guys' guard dog?

Here's some from High Octane:

9) What is the license plate number of General Lee?

10) What is the prize for the contest?

11) What are Jesse's and Luke's initials?

12) How often do the Dukes have to report to their probation officer?

13) T or F. Bo's tie is undone when Boss and Jesse discuss the contest.

14) What happened to the shine when Agent Huntley discovered the still?

15) What is Agent Huntley's first name?

16) How many bags of sugar do the Dukes use to make shine?

You know thanks to the new database I can double my questions!

Whoo hooo!!! ;)

Good Luck Trivia Hounds! :D



Right on all 3 from "Dukes Strike it Rich" MinDuke.

Here's 4 from "Big Daddy"

easy) Whose Big Daddy came to town?

medium) Who used to be a rent-a-cop at the all night pizza parlor on Frontage Road?

tough) Waylon called an old pick-up truck a (blank) Cadillac?

Min) What famous cowboy was mentioned?

Right on all 3 from "Dukes Strike it Rich" MinDuke.

Here's 4 from "Big Daddy"

easy) Whose Big Daddy came to town?

medium) Who used to be a rent-a-cop at the all night pizza parlor on Frontage Road?

tough) Waylon called an old pick-up truck a (blank) Cadillac?

Min) What famous cowboy was mentioned?


Why dont you give mine a try? I posted a lot of questions! LOL



You got two of my questions right Julie. Boss's Big Daddy came to town and Waylon called an old pick-up truck a "Country Cadillac"

Hey Min, here's some additions to Julie's answers.

From "Repo Men" #4 is that they shot the tires with arrows. #6 is the Hazzard Ladies Auxilary and Julie missed #8, it should be Doberman.

From "High Octane" #9) the General's plate is CNH 320

#10) the prize was $20,000

#12) the Dukes report monthly

#14) the moonshine got dumped after she passed out

I got agent Huntley's first named on the tip of my keyboard--UGH!!

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