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Sorry Roger, I can't remember the answer to your question, but I have a related aside. Back in 1983 I had a Pac-Man watch which had Dixie as its alarm tune. How cool was that? Not only could I play Pac-Man on my watch, but it also had the General Lee's horn as an alarm. I wish I'd kept it - they go for a fortune on Ebay.

When I did a quick Google search to confirm my memory of the alarm was correct I found that a similar watch can be heard on some versions of 'Rock the Casbah' by The Clash - click

and listen at about 1:52. I can't hear it on the version used with the released video, but it does feature a convertible white 1970s Cadillac (a '75/'76 I think) with horns on the hood, and the director of photography was John Hazard - you can see that one

I think that's enough tenuous Dukes links for one post :).

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Lizzy and BL are right.

Right after I posted the question I saw the post about sharing birthdays with the stars of the show. Cool coincidence!

From "Deputy Dukes" who said "We're country boys. We don't use no money. We just barter our way through life. Ya know, if you was to offer me a bushel of corn there ain't no tellin' what I might do for ya."?

A) Bo

B) Luke

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From "Deputy Dukes" who said "We're country boys. We don't use no money. We just barter our way through life. Ya know, if you was to offer me a bushel of corn there ain't no tellin' what I might do for ya."?

A) Bo

B) Luke

Here's a question from a couple weeks ago that nobody's answered yet.

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