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Thanks to RogerDuke for this suggestion. This is the place to post trivia questions for others to guess. Or if you have a question about one of the episodes and can't find the answer, post it here and maybe someone will answer it for you!


Hi Gang!

Let me be the first to break in this new forum!! LOL So heres some Season 1 Trivia for all you DOHers...

One Armed Bandits:

1. Who was driving the Sheriff's car?

2. Where did Bo & Luke meet their friends?

3. Who was also running for Sheriff?

4. What was Luke using the re-election posters for?

5. What is the name of the prison guard (deputy) that took Daisy to the restroom?

6. Name the roads Bo & Luke's friends were staked out on.

7. On what side of the head does Bo get hit by Daisy's tray?

8. What is the design on Daisy's handbag when she is distracting the two fertilizer truck drivers?

Post your answers and if someone gets it right Ill have more questions!

:) Thanks for playing!



1. Cooter

2. At the junkyard

3. Ledbetter

4. For the rabbit cage, face up :lol:

5. Hazel

I can't remember the answers for the last three questions... Of course I could cheat and look up in the DVD, but what would be the fun in that? ;)


HI Eleonora,

Well so far your answers are right! Congrats! But what about the rest of the questions? Going to take a shot at them? Anyone else out there know the answers? LOL ;)



Hi General Lee---

Well you are very close to getting them all correct! My congrats! But I do need the specific routes that Bo and Lukes buddies were staked out on and I'm afraid the design on Daisy's bag is incorrect! :( I'm sorry...go ahead and try again! ;)



Here's one that is on "Ode to Mis Tizdale" but since there are more viewers here, I'll repost it. In addition to the post office, which business in town does Mis Tizdale work at?


Does anyone know what the official spelling of ole is (as in "good ole boys")? Is it 1) 'ole 2) 'ol 3) ol' 4) ole' or something different? Also, did we ever officially determine which one was really Denver's birthday, May 11 or Dec 25?



Besides being Post Mistress, Miz Tisdale ran the Hazzard Cab Company. And to answer your second question its ol' as in Good Ol' Boy! Denver was born May 11th and died Christmas of 1997. Hope this helps! :)



There are two answers but you are right about the Hazzard Cab Company. By the way, JulieDuke beat you to the correct answer in the "Ode to Mis Tizdale" thread. ...who can get the other? Incidently, the Cab Company was from season 3.."The Hack of Hazzard". I'm gone.


Correct. In back to back episodes in season 3 they had her at the Hazzard Gazzette, Cab Company and Post Office. Considering she had 3 jobs, it's amazing she still had enough energy to ride wheelies and flirt with Uncle Jesse. I wish he would have gone on at least one date with her. What would have looked more romantic...both of them in Hazzard Swamp on her dirt bike or both of them at a drive-in-movie on Maudeen the mule?...don't answer that, it's not really a trivia question...just a fun thought. How about this tough one, in which episode did they paint the General Lee green? Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.



The only two roads into Chickasaw County are Highways 3 and 16...They are mentioned by Luke in my all time favorite episode, My Son Bo Hogg...and if you don't believe that you can also see the road sign for 3 in the episode itself...;)



WHOO HOO!!! *hearty applause* You're right MeadowMufn!! Congratulations! :)

yeah Mama Coltrane was going to throw herself off a building... even at 48 Rosco was just a boy and too young to get married LOL...;)


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