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Oh, now you are making me SO curious! I'm about 6 shows away from "Southern Comfurts" so I can't wait to watch it to see Uncle Jesse faint!

By the way, I think that I'm 5 shows away from "R.I.P. Henry Flatt" I like to watch them in order, so I don't miss anything. But, if you would like me to get that done for you as soon as possible, I wouldn't mind skipping ahead for you. You're choice. I'm okay with either one, skipping ahead or watching them in order. I just didn't want to hold you up from your map making.

Laura Duke


I have had some defective DVD's, but I usually found out they were defective in time and could return them and get a better DVD.

Sometimes I have problems with a DVD and I have found it helpful to get a soft cloth. Take the DVD out and kind of clean off the DVD player were the DVD sits in the player. Then, lightly clean the DVD (the side that you are playing, you don't have to clean the top if there is a picture on it). That has always worked for me. If you ever try it, let me know if that works or doesn't work for you.

Laura Duke

  • 5 weeks later...

Hello Roger,

I FINALLY was able to watch the show. There really weren't a lot of road and landmarks mentioned, but here were the ones that I heard:

* They have a cemetary called "Veteran's Cemetary"

(On this one, they mention a man who died-did you want his name?)

* Miller's Creek Road

(There's a right fork in the road that when you turn on it, it's a dead end. If you don't stop you end up in a pond(or creek). I'm guessing that since it's called "Miller's Creek Road", the creek is called Miller's Creek, although they didn't mention the specific name of the creek)

* Highway 7

(Sorry, but there's no other info than that. I couldn't find directions, road changes, etc. Hopefully you can find a way to weave Highway 7 onto your map)

Well, those were the ones that I caught. Also, special thanks to General Grant who helped me out a lot on this one. I couldn't have done it without the General. :D

Also, I'd like an update please-how's the map coming?

Oh, I saw the show "Southern Comfurts" today. I laughed when I noticed his feet when he fainted. You were right, it was funny! :D

Plus, on "R.I.P. Henry Flatt" I heard the coffin joke. I started laughing! I loved it. :rofl:

Well, that's about it.

Laura Duke


Wow Laura, you've been busy watching some good episodes. I'm glad you found that coffin joke. For those of you who don't know what we're talking about it's....What did one casket say to the other casket? Is that you coffin?...we've been wondering what episode Rosco said that was on.

Laura, that Uncle Jesse fainting scene is a true classic moment on the series. But then again, I love every second of the Dukes so every scene is great.

Thanks for the info about Henry Flatt.

Thanks for asking about the map. I have all the information I need checked and double checked. Now I need to get moving on it..once I get started I know I'll really get into it but just knowing what a big project this is going to be compared to another smaller (incomplete) map I made in the past is depressing me. The problem is that there's only so much time in a day and I like to spend an hour on an episode and an hour on Hazzardnet every night so spending time on this wall sized map means something's gotta give. Maybe I'll work on it every other night. That means only watching an episode every other night instead of every night *sobs*


Hey Roger!

I watched another show of the Dukes of Hazzard. I'm sure that you already know this, but Highway 7 forks to (the left I think) and takes you to the Boar's Nest. Also, Highway 7 is also next to the Dukes Property. Oh, I remember, this was from, "Carnival of Thrills-Part 1"

You know, until I started working on "Rip Henry Flatt" I never picked up on this before, but now that I do-you catch a lot more!

Sorry to hear that you can't watch Dukes every other night-that is sad! :(

But, keep me updated on your map!

Laura Duke


Thanks Laura. Highway 7 is mentioned quite a few times in the series. I assume it's also known as County 7 but there's no way to be sure if they are the same road or not. I appreciate your interest in the map. Mapmaking can be anything you want it to be. You should try it. You could just put a handful of major locations and main characters on a small map or make a medium sized map and use stuff from your favorite episodes. It doesn't have to be big and complex. The only thing that it should be is FUN.

  • 2 months later...

Hey there Roger!

I would love to make a map of Hazzard, the only thing is, I'm terrible at decision making! :p I would have an ulcer trying to figure all of this out by myself. If someone was with me, helping me out, then I could do it. But, I think that I would be awful at it if I had to figure it all out on my own-I would be overwhelmed! My hat off to you, you are accomplishing a huge project, and I sure hope that it turns out wonderfully. And, I'd be happy to help you in any way I can!

I'd like an update. Did you start working on it yet? How far are you? If you know how to, and it's alright, I'd love to see some pictures on your progress. I just need an update! I've been so curious!

Laura Duke:D


Thanks for asking. Since I intend for this map to be extemely accurate, after I recorded all the items in the catagories (see previous posts) I decided to watch the entire series again to confirm everything (using closed captioning for spelling confirmations) before I start putting it on poster board. I am now in the middle of the fifth season so I still have a little ways to go before the big project. I did this before many years ago but now with the convience of DVDs, this map will be much better and more accurate....and bigger.

Thanks for asking. Since I intend for this map to be extemely accurate, after I recorded all the items in the catagories (see previous posts) I decided to watch the entire series again to confirm everything (using closed captioning for spelling confirmations) before I start putting it on poster board. I am now in the middle of the fifth season so I still have a little ways to go before the big project. I did this before many years ago but now with the convience of DVDs, this map will be much better and more accurate....and bigger.

My personal favorite of Season Five is right now "Lawman of The Year".


Wow Roger! You certainly are precise when you take on a project, aren't you? Well, please write on here every so often to keep me up-to-date! I can't tell you how curious and excited I am about you doing this project. Also, if you figure out how, I would LOVE for you to put some pictures up of your finished map-even though that's going to be awhile from now!

Just keep me up to date!

Also, I haven't seen you around lately. How's everything going for you, Roger?

Laura Duke:D


Sure thing Laura but I'll have to have my son-in-law help me with that. My technical expertise doesn't extend beyond knowing how to post words on the Hazzardnet...pictures sound real complicated.

I hear ya laughin'.....


Well, I might have chuckled....a little! :-P

Yes, whenever you get around to doing some progress on your map, and can have your son-in-law take so time to get them up on HazzardNet, I would LOVE to see the progress.

Thank, Roger!

Laura Duke:D

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey wekke and dukefan1, go to page 5 to see how I broke down the catagories when putting things in my notebook. If you're serious about making a map, I'd recommend reading the 7 pages on this thread for some pointers and fun information.

Hey Bo's Brunette, I don't think anybody has a map that is complete. Stay tuned though....


Thanks! I'm getting started, I'm gonna write comments and/or draw little schematic maps for each episode and then try to weave them together...

That list of categories is great, a good way to organise everything.


wekke, I'm pretty excited that you're so interested in mapmaking. It's sure going to be fun to talk to you about different ideas. The nice thing about this hobby is that you can make any kind of map you want. If you want to make a huge one with every item ever mentioned, you can do that (if you want to put a lot of time in it.) If you want to make one with only the major characters, roads, waterways, landmarks, etc, you can do that too. It can be little or big. It can be accurate or you can have fun and put fantasy things like your own house on it. It can be artistic or simplistic. You can customize it pretty much any way you want or drive yourself crazy making it perfect.

The only requirement is...that you have a blast!!!

  • 8 months later...

OK, this is taking longer then expected. But I have written down remarks and sctetches for all episodes.

There's so much I don't know where to start the actual map.

I think I'm gonna start with map of 'downtown' Hazzard, then another one on a larger scale for the entire county.


Good thinking wekke. It's impossible to to make a detailed map of the town and county together. You could do it if you didn't want to list all the businesses but if you listed every business by name, you wouldn't be able to fit them in without making the town disproportionally large compared to the county. If you end up making a seperate county map, you can simply put an X (or whatever you wanted) in the spot where the town is.

Go back to some of the other pages on this thread to get other suggestions for mapmaking.


Okay, everyone...I'm dying to know how the mapmaking is coming! Are you doing the county or just the town? Are you a quarter, halfway, three-quarters, or more done? Do you have pictures? It sounds great!

Laura Duke:-P

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Well, my version of a map of Hazzard County and surrounding counties is on indefinite hold. I went over all the comments I made where they mention or show roads, towns, places, etc... : it's impossible. Nearly every episode mentioned different road names & numbers, and the general directions are contradicting all the time.

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