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Yep that's correct I was going to update my previous post saying it was March 6th which my contact in the film industry told me originally it was but it is now the 20th as he updated the info a few days ago and I forgot to come back here and correct my original posting.

  • 1 month later...

The latest release date for the "Beginning" DVD is showing as March 13, 2007. Just to keep things confusing.

Ahh, this brings back fond memories. Remember when we were trying to pin down the opening date of the big-screen movie? Heh!


I saw that..and was going to post it, but ya beat me to it.

I thought that was a little odd. I mean why do that instead of trying to get $$ from DVD sales. Or are they trying to see if this is a hit and will they try to make a tv show outta it????


This is a very smart marketing ploy by WB.They show you a CLEAN version of the film to get the unaware fan all hyped up to go out and buy the DVD thinking your going to get the TV version when in reality they are gonna get something totally different. They must be doing some serious editing to get it on ABC family.


Or maybe its not as bad as everyone thinks.

As for ratings..on another MB someone wrote this

Fact of the matter is that anything that is planned to go direct to DVD from the start doesn't get submitted to the MPAA, so it's all unrated. Any rating on there is put on by the studio itself.

If someone can say otherwise cool. I'm no expert on the matter.

Furthermore, have you seen "unrated" movies. They are complete BS. They aren't any worse than the R rated ones.

Still, if this does well I would like to see a new series. That would be cool.


I wouldn't. Not with the current ultra-retard direction they've been taking the characters. Now, maybe if someone actually went down south and interpreted modern southern life as a Dukes show like they did back in the day. That's why the show was so successful when it started, 'cause you had southerners representing the south in Hollywood and middle America ate it up.


I can't see a new series.It would be far too expensive of a venture. 69 Chargers are too rare a car anymore.Especially if they plan on doing actual stunts and jumps. If they use CGI to save doing actual stunts, that looks fake even with todays technology plus CGI is very expensive as well.Most of these cars are now in the hands of collectors that know what they are worth. You can't even touch a rust bucket one nowadays for under 5,000 and if you can you are very fortunate.Why do you think they started using miniatures for jumps in the later seasons? The supply of cars was quickly diminishing on top of other factors.Us Charger collectors don't want anymore Chargers destroyed anyway.It's bad enough they destroy one at Dukesfest every year. Even if they updated the car to a newer car it wouldn't work today's cars are just as expensive as a 69 Charger would be just with a better supply of parts. Plus very few if any of us hardcore fans would accept the General Lee as any other car than a 69 Charger so there goes a vast majority of of the viewing audience.


Well I know hardcore fans no matter what wouldnt want another series. Debating about a new car would be pointless.

CGI doesnt look fake. You must be watching some really shi**y movies if ya think CGI looks fake. Besides, they could use old footage or use footage from the movie. Some of the jumps used in the old series were used a few times.

I doubt if it would happen, but I wouldnt mind if it did. If done right it could be fun.


CGI in TV rarely matches up to the quality of CGI in movies. It happens, but rarely.

I was just wondering, anyone in the know out there? How possible would it be to fashion Charger-shaped fiberglass bodies over a chassis to make the jump cars? I was just pondering how Knight Rider had a legitimate shell over the car so no visible damage could be seen on camera (although the car would get messed up underneath). Was thinking, why can't that concept be toyed with so real jumps could be done and no Charger actually destroyed in the process?

If that's possible, a bunch of jump cars could be manufactured, there'd be a hero car, and maybe one or two trashy Chargers to take minor damage in collisions and such could be an economical way to a new series. Not that I really want one with current directions.


A lot of Knight Riders jumps the bigger ones were done with miniatures. Your idea has been debated before but I don't know why it hasn't been implemented yet.It sure would save a Charger at Dukesfest and could be re-used a number of times. Maybe it wouldn't be as cost effective as we both think it would be or maybe it's just not feasible don't know for sure. Agreed if a series would continue in the vein of this "American Pie" ideology that the new movies are I wouldn't waste my time watching it regardless of how much I love the car.


The idea of using a shell is a great idea. You can make a shell of the General Lee and make it fit any car. Look at what Nascar does; same frame, different shells. It would actually be a good cost affective way to do a new series if that were the case. Using rusted Camaros or whatever, and just putting a shell on it would cost less than half of finding, restoring, then trashing a 69 Charger.

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