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I just checked IMDB and the rating is up and it is "R". That means probably a few F bombs and nudity among other things that do not belong in Dukes of Hazzard.Definitely a no buy for me,I won't even rent it. I as a Dukes fanatic refuse to accept this crap and if you are as passionate about Dukes as I am.Don't buy this.Boycott. I realize that I'm probably wasting my time posting this as most of you don't care anymore just as long as it says Dukes on it,you'll buy it.



It's Fun To Stay At The


Come on now sing along and make this thread as fun as the other one. You know you want to. :lol:

Anyway the movie doesn't come out for at least a few more months. Who knows , things change.



It's Fun To Stay At The


Come on now sing along and make this thread as fun as the other one. You know you want to. :lol:

Anyway the movie doesn't come out for at least a few more months. Who knows , things change.


Not funny. This thread is about the movie being Rated R, it has no relevance to the other thread...


Thank You georgiagal1 for sticking up for me. I don't appreciate needless sarcasm when I'm merely passing on some info I discovered but I've come to expect that from the Capt. By the way the release date is March 6th 07.


Tim you need to grow up. Quit taking things so personal.

Capt was just trying get you liten up. Don't think you think we are tired of your belly aching. You are not the only Duke fan out there. Your word is not god, people are going to buy the dvd no matter what you say.


I think that us Duke fans need to make up our own mind as to whether or not we buy this. And if we do decide to check it out, it does not make us any less of a DOH Fan.


Tim, thanks for posting the official release date. I've been slacking lately and haven't been digging around for the gritty details. And I do mean gritty. Or maybe slimy? Heh heh.

Everybody is entitled to their opinions, and ALL opinions are welcome on HazzardNet.

Because we stay on friendly terms with WB, we'll be promoting this flick, whether or not all the HNet staff personally agrees with the content. We're not looking to alienate the orthodox fans of the original series - but nor will we alientate those who want to see the movie.

Of course we have our own opinions, and as prior threads have proven, we can display more poor taste than just about anybody.

On another note, we are also going to promote John's movie, Collier & Co. As soon as I get off my duff and do the write-ups. This movie is more to the original Dukes spirit, though it's not a Dukes of Hazzard movie, per se. But hell, it's got a Charger in it.



No problem Brian. I got the date from someone in the industry. Jessi your reply has just proven my point about very few caring anymore and buying it regardless. You'll buy something that you know contains foul language and other bad elements but if I started using the same foul language on this board or started posting naked pictures on here you'd have a hissy fit on top of getting removed . Yes I take Dukes personal.Oh well deal with it. That's what seperates a fanatic from a fan and there is a difference look it up. I don't claim to be god of Dukes, sorry if I come off that way.I'm just trying to keep passing on the good morals Dukes should have like your namesake Jessie Duke would do.


First off you don't know me and to say i'm going buy something that said Dukes. Is wrong. For me to buy something Dukes it has have the real Dukes not wanna be losers on it. Dude if you know me you know that I'm a total Duke fan. I have been a fan long befor you where even thought of. So quit act like your the only Duke fan out there.

. I have been a fan long before you where even thought of.
Umm I don't think so. I'm almost 43 probably older than most everyone on here. Let's see I'm member number 36 your 445 hmm. Do some research before you make that kind of statement. I've had a 69 Charger since 1981 and it's been a General since 89. You say you'll only buy stuff with real Dukes.I assume you mean the original. Why are you arguing against me then? These new ones are wanna be Dukes so were the ones in last years movie did you buy it?If you did you just contradicted yourself.. I didn't realise that wanting the Dukes franchise to remain family oriented would cause such a uproar. I agree some will buy it no matter what. Which is sad because every copy sold just sends a message to WB that this is what we want to see and encourage them to make more like it.

There are ways to get around buying the video and still seeing it. Many of us want to see this DVD because of curiosity sake. First off, renting it with as many friends watching with the one time rental is one way to get around it. There are also things such as Limewire to watch it.

Granted the image of DOH has been blurred by the WB, but any remembrance is better than none at all. For those who stereo type the show saying its just rednecks having fun, really haven't done their cultural homework. There is something deeper to the original series than the stereo type of rednecks.

Let’s face it. Hollywood is too removed from the real lives of those who work the land and grew up working the land. It's sad really. To say that they will ever get it right again, like they did the first time around is very doubtful. The only way to ever see it done right again, is to see the original cast themselves in the movie again and to have them direct it. Those who made the Dukes of Hazzard we all know and love are pretty much the only ones who could correctly copy it and create that extension of squeals.

So we must forgive the ignorant and be grateful that they haven't completely forgotten rural America, and thankful that our beloved following is still remembered as much as it is.


By the way Tim, this comes from someone who was born at the beginning of the age of 'Duke'. So yes, I'm young but age is just a number and timing is just a matter of circumstance. Does that make me any less of a fan because I'm young, or because I don't own every piece of Duke memorabilia there is?


*Hardy applause, standing ovation...*

Very well put Val! I applaud what you said and its 100 % true. Just because some of us werent born when the Dukes originally aired, or were very young when they did, doesn't make us less of a fan. And not all of us own General Lees but our DOH memorabilia that we do have is just as precious.

Thank you Val


. I have been a fan long before you where even thought of.
Umm I don't think so. I'm almost 43 probably older than most everyone on here. Let's see I'm member number 36 your 445 hmm. Do some research before you make that kind of statement. I've had a 69 Charger since 1981 and it's been a General since 89. You say you'll only buy stuff with real Dukes.

So, since you are member 36, and you have a 69 Charger. Great. I just dont see what that has to do with the conversation. Seems like you want to flaunt your stuff, in other words, you want attention. Well guess what? I dont care that you are member number 36, that you have a GL, and that you are almost 43. What does all that have to do with being a Dukes fan? besides owning a GL? Nothing. I know a guy who is almost 43. I know a guy who has a GL, he's had it since '75. And he is probably member # >36 somewhere. I am just getting tired of coming on here and trying to read news about the Dukes and it seems like you are always arguing with somebody. Grow up, we all have different opinions on things. I like to have haircuts. Some people dont. Do i go around and trash people who have different tastes then me? no, cause I respect their opinion. I respect yours to a certain degree. Arguing about it is never going to change anybody's opinion on the new movie coming out. I for one, having grown up during the Dukes original run, am looking forward to the new movie. Times change. If they were to make the movie exactly like the series, people would know it was fake, or should I say, not buy into it that a teenager would say, Gosh darn it instead of the other thing. Anyways, I've rambled on longer than I should have, and you're probably going to jump down my throat next, so, blast away my friend, blast away.


I've just got to add my two cents worth to this one. I don't know yet if I will see the new movie but am thinking about doing so. It's not that I am not a die hard Dukes Fan because I am like many others are. I grew up on this show being born when it first aired so ya might say I cut my teeth on it and was in LUVE as cooter says in 'Limo One is Missing' when I was actually old enough to know what I was watching. I agree that the new movie last year was a poor imitation of Dukes as we know it and love it. But although this one will probably have the vulgar language in it same as the other along with nudity it's sort of an insight to what the Dukes were before we met them in 1979. We also have to be realistic about the foul launguage it was a little rougher in the first season that it was in the last because they toned things down after that first season upon finding out so many kids across america were watching the show. Ok I'm done now just wanted to voice my own opinion.

B.L. Davenport


I know some people are going to see it out of curiosity - and I don't have any problem with that. This is a free country, and people are going to do whatever they want. Personally speaking, I think 'Happy Birthday, General Lee' was a good enough origin story for me. It showed how the General came into existence AND how Daisy got to work on the Boar's Nest ... and they did it without sex and foul language. To me, that's good enough, and it satisfied me. :)


Ok, time for my two cents. I agree with other people on this board, dude your doing way too much complaining. I respect other peoples opinions also, but I aint one to wanna hear it over and over. Complaining is complaining.

I'll tell ya something Tim Duke, I am 20 years old. I was only about 15 when I arrived here at Hazzardnet and I didnt know a damn thing about the Dukes of Hazzard. I got interested in them because my older brother liked the General Lee, and I explored from there. I never saw any of the original airings of the Dukes [duh.. Im 20, they aired 27 or so years ago.]

But does this make me any less of a fan then you or anyone else out there? Or any less of a DOH writer? I dont think so. Ask anyone of the awesome older writers around here, and all of them will tell you, that my knowledge of the Dukes makes me no less then any of them. Hell I havent even seen all of the original episodes and Ive been here 5+ years now.

I dont own a 69" Charger, and I dont have even 1/8th of the original memoribilia. So what... I love the Dukes and I love writen fanfiction. And if you dont mind I'd sure like to get back to the news that this topic was posted for.

Dont spill the milk dude...

~Chet Duke

I know some people are going to see it out of curiosity - and I don't have any problem with that. This is a free country, and people are going to do whatever they want. Personally speaking, I think 'Happy Birthday, General Lee' was a good enough origin story for me. It showed how the General came into existence AND how Daisy got to work on the Boar's Nest ... and they did it without sex and foul language. To me, that's good enough, and it satisfied me. :)
Thank you Kelly I agree 100 %. At least you seem to be on my side.I wasn't trying to show off. I was just defending myself against Jessi's comment and it got taken out of context as showing off. You don't like me complaining tough.I have a right to post here same as everyone else. I don't care buy the darn thing.I just don't want to see anyone saying how hard it was to watch it with all the language and stuff cause I'll be the first one to say I told you so.Seems everyones defense of the trend of the raunchier Dukes is"It's not supposed to be like the original" Well what's the point of calling it Dukes of Hazzard then? Enough I guess I'm clearly outnumbered.

Personally, I feel that "TimDuke" is a getting a bad wrap here. I have met Tim on a couple of different occasions in the past and not once has he ever presented himself as anything but a nice guy. Tim isn't bashing anyone here for liking the 2005 'The Dukes of Hazzard' movie or being interested in 2007's 'The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning', he's simply passing along info he's heard about the film and posting his own opinion. He shouldn't be bashed or ridiculed for that.



Actually, while this thread started for information purposes, Tim has clearly stated that in his expert opinion anyone who likes the new Dukes or has any interest in them is not a TRUE FAN. I too grew up with the General Lee and the Dukes in the livingroom every week, and my 4 y/o son is a big fan of the show. I did enjoy some aspects of the 2005 movie and also do intend to see the new movie and I might even but it. Oh by the way, I also own the 2005 movie. So according to Tim, I am not a true fan of the original because I am interested in the new Dukes as well. I have not been here on this site in quite a while because I was tired of reading the same ol' complaining all the time and the TRUE FANS saying that I am not one of them. I thought maybe things had changed so I came back to check in and am very discouraged to see this great site and community reduced to this. With that said, I apologize if I offended anyone.

Actually, while this thread started for information purposes, Tim has clearly stated that in his expert opinion anyone who likes the new Dukes or has any interest in them is not a TRUE FAN. I too grew up with the General Lee and the Dukes in the livingroom every week, and my 4 y/o son is a big fan of the show. I did enjoy some aspects of the 2005 movie and also do intend to see the new movie and I might even but it. Oh by the way, I also own the 2005 movie. So according to Tim, I am not a true fan of the original because I am interested in the new Dukes as well. I have not been here on this site in quite a while because I was tired of reading the same ol' complaining all the time and the TRUE FANS saying that I am not one of them. I thought maybe things had changed so I came back to check in and am very discouraged to see this great site and community reduced to this. With that said, I apologize if I offended anyone.

Bubba you did not offend me. But I agree with you on one thing. I sick and tired of Tim's who a TRUE FAN. The way he talks he's the only Duke fan out there. I can beat you 75 thousand people who was at Dukes fest would tell him different.

  • 2 weeks later...

TimDuke from the CGLFC board http://www.cglfc.com/wforum/viewtopic.php?t=11342&start=0

"Like I said on Jon Hollands board,if I want to see the beginning I'll just watch "Happy Birthday General Lee "again. Thats the only beginning as far as I'm concerned. Boy I need you guys to be on Hazzardnets message board.I posted the info about the rated R thing on there and my total distaste for it and I got my gluteus maximus reemed out. Seems almost every one there is all for this crap."


Just read where almost everyone here is for the new direct-to-DVD movie. That has nothing to do with it. Nobody has stated they are , they just want to see it. It is the way you go about getting your point across. I have gotten into disagreements with you about this quite a few times in the past. And as you can see others on here feel the same way too.

Look at ther thread on CGLFC board that you answered the quote on . I t got out of hand about a mispelling about a fart. Do you get on those who want to have some fun?

Like I said you don't have to consistantly state your distaste in EVERY single thread and say the same crap everytime someone says something you don't like. You do it on every board and say the same crap.

I originally answered this thread hoping to have some fun like in the other thread but you felt I was getting on you and took it to another level. And it wasn't me who took exception to your rhetoric either.

Just get off your soapbox and have some fun. This is HazzardNet....

I'm gone



What I post on other boards is my right. I'm as tired of people trying to tell me to stop posting my opinions or telling me what to post.If you don't like it take it to Brian or Muffin.They control this board not me or you.Clearly no one saw there is a difference between being a fanatic and being a fan, there is a difference.So to anyone that I offended by saying they are not a true fan I apologize.They are just not a true fanatic.Fanatics are not for changing story lines and don't accept major changes and accept very few minor ones.By the way I didn't start that thread over there but so far everyone there is in agreement with me and a few of them maybe headed this way so you maybe in for more of the rhetoric from them.Let's see ..wanting to see it is not equal to being all for the movie.I fail to see the logic in that.


Merriam- Webster Online www.m-w.com

Thesaurus: fanatic

1. fan

2. zealot

Depending on dictornary entry viewed, Etymology:

fan is short for fanatic.

Possibly back on topic, there are far worse things the WB could have the DOH Beginning cast be like...

lawn burning, white sheet wearing KKK clan members.



Possibly back on topic, there are far worse things the WB could have the DOH Beginning cast be like...

lawn burning, white sheet wearing KKK clan members.


Not to sound off-base but here is another.......

Bo & Luke - "Brokeback Mountain"esque


I don't think anybody is ripping anyone a new one here, but this section of the board is for the open discussion about the movies, be it the '05 or the straight to DVD release. Whether one likes the movies or does not, we here at HNet really don't care, we only ask that things be kept fairly civil around here. We (as in Brian, Mufn and myself) do not attempt to force our opinion of the movies on the board members here and certainly would never expect them to all conform to one single opinion. We try to be open minded around here. We will post information about the movie as we find it, just as we did with the '05 movie. We will drop an opinionated tidbit from time to time. But we encourage open discussion and at any other forum board, some of threads in this topic would have been probably been deleted long ago.

Everyone has varying opinions. This is the great thing about America. We're allowed to have difference of opinions. Y'all may disagree with someone's opinion, but y'all should show some respect for different opinions. So far y'all have kept it to kicking dirt over each other boots and we've let it slide. But don't think we're not watching.

Whether folks like the movies or show an interest in seeing them in order to justify their likeness or further their contempt for them, neither action makes those people any less or more of a DOH fan than the next person. The fact that we're here talking about this proves we're DOH fans. It means we all give a damn, one way or the other.

The original show will always be here, on DVD and very readily available. It runs on CMT and there's new fans finding it every day. The original show has proven itself over time as a lasting institution. I believe the movies, whether liked or disliked by a majority, will only prove to be a passing fancy, an effort on WB's part to cash in quick. The films will probably be forgotten, except when they do a "Where Are They Now?" program on say....Jessica Simpson. A brief clip of her in her shorts talkin' about something bouncing up into her undercarriage just before they talk about her Kennedy Center meltdown.

Meanwhile, the original show will be enjoying it's 48th Anniversary... :)



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