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wow. It does look better than the movie. :lol: Oh the irony.

I couldnt see it very well due to the fact I'm on dial up...but the actors look very much like the originals.


At first, I was really skeptical about the casting of Christopher McDonald as J.D. Hogg. I just couldn't figure out why the would once again have a thin/average-sized actor portraying a character that's supposed to be a little on the chubby side. :wink: However, after seeing McDonald in the trailer, he looks like he does a pretty decent job. He's leaps and bounds better than Burt Reynolds was in that role. Then again, just about anybody would have been better than 'ol Burt was in that role. :) Too bad this newest 'Dukes' adventure went straight to dvd. It would have been nice seeing it on the big-screen.


  • 3 weeks later...

Well, even though I like the 1st movie I think this one looks leaps and bounds more like the Dukes than it did. I too am sorry it is straight to DVD. It would've been great to see this one at the drive in too. Capt. you know what I am talking about.



does anyone know how one judges if DVD sales are good? I mean this is a direct to DVD, so I was wondering.

If it does well Im sure there could be others. That would be an interesting twist.


hey yall BO here it does share some aspects of the show except what looked like moonshine being loaded into the ol General why can't Hollywood get it right we fought against moonshine maybe they will get an earfull somehow and make some changes keep em tween the ditches BO


Well the budget was around 8 million or so I heard. So I assume it would have to make that amount for them to consider making another.Straight to DVD's usually don't fair very well unless its a Disney animated thing. YoungBO remember this is a "prequel" so the story line must be before they got busted for running shine and got probation.A lot of inconsistencies to the TV show as far as the General goes. We've actually already have a prequel in the episode Happy Birthday General Lee.According to that episode the boys didn't even have General Lee until after they were on probation. I must be watching a different trailer than everyone else.I see too many scantly clad women,Bo and Luke acting like idiots again,and Daisy being way too provocative but it's my opinion.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey yall Bo again just cuz it is a somewhat sequel we will see how it fares if sales for this DVD are above marginal then maybe they will retool and make a better movie than the original movie (sorry johnny and Stifler) it wasn't true to the dukes... But Willie Nelson as Uncle Jesse was ok he could've been more like the original again thats where Hollywood is set askew in my humble opinion STICK TO THE ORIGNAL PLOTLINES OF THE SHOW nothing more nothing less any way I am buyin the dvd just in case


couzin Tim is also right about when they get the General but maybe they don't use the General right off the bat maybe they bring it in like the show states after thet probation ya never know

It still ain't gonna be as good as the show.
Nothing WB comes up with will ever be.Unless they would clone all the original cast and they start making 69 Chargers again.LOL
  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of '69 Chargers.. if this is "before" the other movie, isn't it kind of odd they have the actual General in this one? Don't get me wrong, I love the General, but shouldn't it be the 'pre' General like in the first movie, or is this not supposed to have anything to do w/ the first movie? :o



To be honest I'm not clear whether this is a before the 05 movie story or not. It is a before something.If it is supposed to have nothing to do with the 05 movie as I first heard then why did they recast Willie as Uncle Jesse? It is all a bit confusing. Both movies aren't consistent with the TV show story lines.Of course the TV series was inconsistent at times as well but the movies are way off.As far as I'm concerned the only "pre" General Lee is an old black Charger that Bo and Luke bought from the junkyard period.The General was never a spray bombed orange Charger with a spray bombed 01 on the side with no flag in my opinion.. They never had General Lee when they were running shine according to the TV story line.


That's what I thought too, however in the movies (which obviously don't go by the tv storyline) they have the "General Lee" or at least some variation of it..

I didn't hate the movie per se', but at this point, I'm looking forward to a better rendition of it..

  • 2 weeks later...
Wait a minute wasn't a runner car always Black and ordinary looking if I remember from the show.

Not always black, though darker colors are good for night running, but fairly ordinary looking. Though not so "ordinary" usually that it wouldn't have somethin' fast under the hood. In that business, revenuers got outrun almost as often as they were snuck past.


  • 4 weeks later...

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