Brian Coltrane Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 The irony is, that the Dukes movie would have made four times the money than it did... had they done a better job in honoring the original. S' funny, the 2005 movie just about ruined the career of anybody associated with it. Johnny Knoxville is still out there having anvils dropped on his head, but I haven't heard much out of anybody else. Quote
waikiki23 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 The irony is, that the Dukes movie would have made four times the money than it did... had they done a better job in honoring the original. S' funny, the 2005 movie just about ruined the career of anybody associated with it. Johnny Knoxville is still out there having anvils dropped on his head, but I haven't heard much out of anybody else.I totally agree! I really wish they had done a better job. But no movie could ever be like the original, no matter how good it is. It just isn't the same. And I'll stubbornly stick by that! Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 Johnny Knoxville is still out there having anvils dropped on his head.That's what I felt like doing after watching the movie. Quote
waikiki23 Posted October 14, 2010 Posted October 14, 2010 That's what I felt like doing after watching the movie.Me too. I didn't like any of 'em. Quote
SheriffRoscoPColtrane Posted December 5, 2010 Posted December 5, 2010 Are you guys serious? DOH was a good series, but it wasn't Citizen Kane or something like that. Lets be honest here, DOH didn't really have much in terms of plot and direction; it was purely a fun show. I was actually amazed it turned out as good as this and not some ripoff joke. It is what it is, fun and nothing else. Same with the Beginning movie. I don't think a movie 100% based on the series would do well; in fact, from what I remember, Season 5, 6, and 7 pretty much killed the series, because it slowly drifted down to childish plots or ideas that have been reused and reused over and over again. I wouldn't call the Reunion movies a success either...they were mostly shelf-warmers here. Sean Willam Scott was kinda of poorly cast, but the rest did their job. WB did the right thing for this one...can't say I mind Jessica Quote
waikiki23 Posted December 5, 2010 Posted December 5, 2010 Hate to say this SheriffRoscoPColtrane, but I don't agree with you. I really love the original series and no one could ever change my mind. Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 DOH was a good series, but it wasn't Citizen Kane or something like that. Lets be honest here, DOH didn't really have much in terms of plot and direction; it was purely a fun show. I gotta disagree too. Citizen Kane had absolutely no influence on my life.With the exception of God and family, nothing has influenced my life more than the Dukes of Hazzard.That kinda blows the theory that it was only fun and had no direction. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 Looks like the can o' worms has been opened again...The series, be it purely for fun or not, will always mean something different to someone; It's going to mean more to someone than it will to another person. So yes, people do tend to get serious about it when it comes to something they're passionate about. IE you join a Dukes site, be prepared for some serious die hard fans that hold the series close to their hearts; that's like with a Lord of the Rings site, a Harry Potter site and dare I even speak it...a Twilight site. ...even though for the latter of the choices you're more likely to find the psychotically obsessive fans. I know there's a few twi-hard fans on here, and I only hope you're not like this. With that being said, whether they are psychotically obsessive or not over a show (and I'm not saying Dukes fans are) there's always a reason as to WHY they are and that's what truly matters. So, "it is what is; fun and nothing else" may only apply to you and those who simply watch the show for just that; fun. Having spoken my piece on that, I will go on to say that I can't really disagree with SheriffRoscoPColtrane. While growing up, yes the show did mean something to me and it still does (it did help me grasp the concept of what's right and what's wrong) I can now say that I mainly watch the show these days, if at all anymore, to get a few kicks out of it. There truly was no one set plot line either (having the characters work towards something) UNLESS you consider the boys, maybe, working towards the end of their probation a plot line and a possible direction, in which case I would have to disagree with there being no one set plot line/direction to the story. Quote
SheriffRoscoPColtrane Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 There truly was no one set plot line either (having the characters work towards something) UNLESS you consider the boys, maybe, working towards the end of their probation a plot line and a possible direction, in which case I would have to disagree with there being no one set plot line/direction to the story.There was barely a plot except for, yes, the Dukes working towards the end of their probation, but it was a blurry one. But really-did you really expect a plot from a show involving a orange car? I sure didn't, and to be honest, I didn't care either. I just like to watch movies for fun and I don't really like movies that are too serious. That takes away the fun for me. If you want a plot that also involves cars, go watch Vanishing Point, one of the American Graffiti movies, the recent Gone In 60 Seconds or any film in the TFATF (a favorite for me actually) series. But that's only for the people that are interested in the plot, if you are the kind of people that like hardcore drama and thinking then car movies/TV shows are not for you (which is what DOH really is). Just kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride IMO. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 There was barely a plot except for, yes, the Dukes working towards the end of their probation, but it was a blurry one. But really-did you really expect a plot from a show involving a orange car? I sure didn't, and to be honest, I didn't care either. I just like to watch movies for fun and I don't really like movies that are too serious. That takes away the fun for me. If you want a plot that also involves cars, go watch Vanishing Point, one of the American Graffiti movies, the recent Gone In 60 Seconds or any film in the TFATF (a favorite for me actually) series. But that's only for the people that are interested in the plot, if you are the kind of people that like hardcore drama and thinking then car movies/TV shows are not for you (which is what DOH really is). Just kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride IMO.The thing that was hard about the 2005 movie, for me, was that WB had an opportunity in it's hand to make this a much better movie than it was. They threw some money at it, but made assumptions that the original fan base didn't care.Hello, we're living proof that the original fan base did care. We're still here. I haven't seen too many websites devoted to the 2005 movie. (other than WB's own one, and the numbers ain't exactly stellar.)Now, take Disney as the opposite example with a TRON sequel that's coming out...what, 30 years after the original?Was the original TRON so serious that Disney should have put as much time, energy, and exacting detail in the sequel as it has? What Disney's lesson is, is that the original fan base does indeed matter. If you can't capture the people who were loyal to the original to begin with, then why bother?To each their own on the 2005 Dukes movie. But to cap off my point, The Dukes of Hazzard was a top 20 show when it was cancelled. The two reunion movies had decent ratings when originally aired, enough to support the releases to DVD. Along with a lot of Dukes merchandise as a whole, ect.And these little shindigs called DukesFest. 100,000 people through the gates at Nashville. I'll never forget that one, as I was working for the gig at the time.Anyway, I'll never stop anyone from supporting whatever they enjoy about the Dukes of Hazzard. If it's the 2005 movie, good for you. I'm also very much into the "old school" car movies you mentioned, though some of them ( like Vanishing Point) might be too edgy for our younger fans. The hero in that one kills himself, so no, I'm not exactly gonna promote it in our merchandise section. But if you're paying attention, I've dug up some Ron Howard/Roger Corman team-ups in our last newsletter, that broach the subject. Nothing wrong with enjoying a car flick, I just try to stick with happy ending stuff that goes with the Hazzard flavor we have.Maybe Nasty the Reindeer will be handin' out copies of the 2005 movie to the bad boys and girls at the Christmas party. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 Maybe Nasty the Reindeer will be handin' out copies of the 2005 movie to the bad boys and girls at the Christmas party. I'd rather get a copy of Strange Visitor to Hazzard. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 I'd rather get a copy of Strange Visitor to Hazzard. Nasty's got you covered. You shoulda wished for somethin' better tho'. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 Nasty's got you covered. You shoulda wished for somethin' better tho'. Dingdangit! Well, I suppose I coulda gotten something worse... Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 Dingdangit! Well, I suppose I coulda gotten something worse...You will. Nasty's gonna throw in a copy of Robot P. Coltrane, too.MEANWHILE! I been goaded into sharing a YouTube clip of "Eat My Dust." I know it has nothing to do with the 2005 movie, but it's a car movie. It's close, right? Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 I guess we get out of things what we put into them. I probably get more than just fun out of the Dukes because I put so much into it.The bottom line is that it doesn't matter why you love Dukes....or how much you love Dukes. What matters is that you're a fan for whatever reason you want to be a fan. Of course, my above comments only apply to the original series. Things get a little more complicated when you thow the 2005 movie into the debate. Since I don't consider that movie to be "The Dukes of Hazzard", it's a non-argument to me. It's like comparing kindergarten T-ball to Major League Baseball. Sure, they're both "baseball" but they're really not the same thing. Quote
TimDuke Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 Amen Roger.The big wigs at WB were just looking to cash in on the name and that's about it. I totally disagree with the statement that a movie 100% based on the show would not have done as well.Well judging buy the responses here that statement is incorrect.In fact that's what a majority of us are complaining about the movie,that it wasn't anything like the show. The movie didn't really do all that well either considering the budget they had.It only took in a little over 100 million world wide and the budget was right near 70 million including a 20 million law suit settlement that they didn't have the rights to even make the movie.DUH By Hollywood standards that isn't a very good profit margin which explains the direct to DVD Beginning "prequel".They weren't gonna risk another huge budget on a potential loser big screen production. It's all water under the bridge now and thankfully I believe they learned their lesson as there aren't going to be anymore to be made. Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 8, 2010 Posted December 8, 2010 I'd rather get a copy of Strange Visitor to Hazzard. Is that the one that has Brian Coltrane in it? Woops, never mind. I'm thinking of "Strange Visitor to HazzardNet" Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted December 8, 2010 Posted December 8, 2010 Is that the one that has Brian Coltrane in it? Woops, never mind. I'm thinking of "Strange Visitor to HazzardNet"Roger, I'm gonna halfta whap you clean upside the head with this rolled up Dukes of Hazzard movie script I been workin' on heah.'Cept I been savin' it for Warner Bros. If only they'd return my calls. *sigh* Quote
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