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found this on the hazzard retreat:

Hi everybody. I just wanted to pass along some information that I received on Sunday after speaking with Mr. Don Schisler, the in charge of the first General Lees ever built for 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. Without me asking him about the possiblity of another 'Dukes' movie, he said, "I don't know if you've heard, but there's definately another movie in the works. Although it's probably a couple of years away, I've heard that they're going to do it right this time as far as the casting and and story goes." I know that rumors about the possiblity of another 'Dukes' feature film have posted on various websites, but Don Schisler, who still works in the film and television industry with his son, is really the the first person in the business that I've heard mention the possiblity of another movie



A couple of years could mean 10 or 20. Who really knows.

I'd love to see another DOH movie, but I think they have to let the bad press from this one die down first. I dunno.


Heres another quote "Don Schisler told me a couple of weeks ago that the word in the "business" is that another 'Dukes' film has definately been given a greenlight, but it will more than likely be a couple of years away. He said that they're wanting the 2005 movie to become a faint memory before releasing another film. He did say that he's heard that the next film will be cast far better than the '05 film was and will be closer to what the series was...family entertainment."


I think they shouldnt make a sequel for 2 reasons. First if they keep making sequels us fans wont have any more Dodge Chargers to buy for ourselves and that will also jack up the price of the already very expensive muscle car. Second I thought the cast did a fine job in the first one so I see no reason to make a sequel with different actors.Just my opinion but I thought I made some good points.



"First if they keep making sequels us fans wont have any more Dodge Chargers to buy for ourselves and that will also jack up the price of the already very expensive muscle car."

Theres still thousands of chargers and besides even if they become scarce they will start making "crate chargers" . As for the cast I think they did well at playing the parts the way the director wanted them to, but truthfully some of the charactors had little or no resemblence twords the origanals. Boss and Rosco , wern't exactly Boss and Rosco. Uncle Jesse wasn't exactly a family patriarch eather.


There maybe thousands of 68-70 Chargers left but most of those are owned by private owners and collectors who wouldn't sell them especially to a movie studio knowing they are going to be destroyed. I don't know what you mean by "Crate Chargers". Do you mean start reproducing them? There is enough of a demand now so why haven't they done that yet? Chargers are already considered scarce. I know I wouldn't sell my General Lee to Warner Bros.


If you missed the the Hot Rod issue about the crate camaro a company now reproduces the body of a 69 camaro convertible(there going to come out with a 69 hard top along with other classics.) In other words you can now buy everything to build a brand new 69 comaro convertable from scratch.

Yeah your probobly right, most charger owners would not sell their cars to the studios. From what the DVD extras said they just went on ebay and bought a bunch of chargers. I guess the production company could buy them and make it appear as if it was being sold to a private party.

Personally, I think if WB was smart, with all the rumors that charger prices wher going to skyroket when the movie was released, that they would of aready bought a bunch of chargers to use for the sequel and put them in storage.



havent posted here in a while, but this is what i gather:

Somehow i dont see a sequel happening. The duke boys can only save the family farm so many times until the series cancellation in the eighties. with that being said, dont just ask yourself if another one is in the works, but ask yourself what possible plot could be made to make a sequel work.

What possible Hazards could the boys get into behind the wheel of the general next?

my mind personally just rewinds 25 years back to the original series on how they mixed up pot shipment (or as rosco would call it, "Major-wana!") with a hot water heater. but thats just one of many possible examples.

get my drift?

it was All done on the small screen and Re-done on the silver screen. Yes, theres tons of ideas out there, but will those ideas appeal to investors for another film?

the Big question is outside of hazzardnet and Duke Fest is there a big enough of a demand for another high speed hot pursuit flick? because Unfotuneately its all about the money these days. if it doesnt/wont make money the idea is rejected or the series cancelled.

So IF a sequel is in the works the plot has to be somewhat fresh, new and even more exciting than the last to make some real dough. Like Indiana Jones, Star wars, Back to the Future, Batman and Saw. because alot of other sequels just dont cut it and end up ruining the original flick (unless the original sucked in the first place. ie: Garfield.)

hell ya, i want to see a sequel! bring it on! Just dont ruin the original, keep the original cast (somehow i dont think that'll be an easy task) to keep the momentum flowing and new challanges! what else could possibly challange the general? honestly? LOL jk

my insight into a sequel is some street racing. make money off of it, pay off some debts before your knee caps go Bye-bye. i dont know.

Any other plot ideas for a sequel guys?

im gone.




Very well put. I agree with you on how many times you can rehash the same plot over and over(although the the series did for 7 seasons) .

I would love to see a sequel with the same cast. Probably just a little more character delevopement especially with Boss Hogg and Roscoe and their fued with the Dukes. But with the movie there was only so much you could put in and after all it was 1:46 long movie.

After all , like you said, there is only so much plots that the Dukes had. But Hollywood will and can do anything unfortunately.

Hey as far as Garfield - My 3 year old son LOVES that movie. Watching it a few times Bill Murray grew on as Garfield. I still love the cartoon series though.

I'm gone


I agree with you on how many times you can rehash the same plot over and over(although the the series did for 7 seasons) .

How did they rehash the same polt, with the Dukes saving the farm? Was that not the point of the series, because I thought it was.


What I really want to see is a DOH the next generation TV show.

Why? Cause I want to see the fast cars, crazy car chases and stuff like that. I miss it. I'm sick of comedies with pretty girls living in apartments they could never afford in NYC.

I guess thats one reason I'm looking forward to Heist. Looks like there could be some cool car chases in that. :D


I know this is all speculation based on a new rumor from a more reliable source Don Schisler,a man I know fairly well. If what he says is true this Dukes movie is not so much as a sequel but a whole new movie as he says they are wanting the recent one to become a faint memory before they release the next one. A total recast according to him and going to be mostly like the original show a family friendly movie. I'd be all for that.Again this is all speculation. I tend not to believe rumors even though this one comes from a more legitimate source. Anyway the soonest we'll see it will be at least 2008 probably early 2009 according to him.

I agree with you on how many times you can rehash the same plot over and over(although the the series did for 7 seasons) .

How did they rehash the same polt, with the Dukes saving the farm? Was that not the point of the series, because I thought it was.

How many times can you save the farm or get framed to go to jail for something Boss Hogg tried to do?.......147 times... :D

I'm gone


I know this is all speculation based on a new rumor from a more reliable source Don Schisler,a man I know fairly well. If what he says is true this Dukes movie is not so much as a sequel but a whole new movie as he says they are wanting the recent one to become a faint memory before they release the next one. A total recast according to him and going to be mostly like the original show a family friendly movie. I'd be all for that.Again this is all speculation. I tend not to believe rumors even though this one comes from a more legitimate source. Anyway the soonest we'll see it will be at least 2008 probably early 2009 according to him.

Gotta love the internet...."The Truth Is Out There" :roll:

I'm gone


I agree with you on how many times you can rehash the same plot over and over(although the the series did for 7 seasons) .

How did they rehash the same polt, with the Dukes saving the farm? Was that not the point of the series, because I thought it was.

How many times can you save the farm or get framed to go to jail for something Boss Hogg tried to do?.......147 times... :D

I'm gone


Apparently so :)


I know I am probably beating a dead horse, but I have been so busy trying to produce my horror film, I haven't worked on my Dukes sequel in a while. I also haven't finished, well besides basic summaries of plots for 13 episodes of a "Next Gen" series called The Dukes. I am hesitant to put the summaries up for the eps, because of all the legalities that could be gotten into, but send me a private message and I will be glad to tell you about them.

The plot that I came up with for a Dukes Movie Sequel is

A couple of Hoggs frame Luke with an attempted murder charge against Boss Hogg. Hughie and Jamie Lee also have their own plans to swindle Hazzard County right out from their Uncle Boss' feet, should he fail to pull through. Luke and Beau, along with their cousin Daisy and Uncle Jesse must find the real assassin before the law, including Sheriff Little catches them.

Click on my name and look for my posts and tell me what you think,

I'm gone...


I agree with you on how many times you can rehash the same plot over and over(although the the series did for 7 seasons) .

How did they rehash the same polt, with the Dukes saving the farm? Was that not the point of the series, because I thought it was.

How many times can you save the farm or get framed to go to jail for something Boss Hogg tried to do?.......147 times... :D

I'm gone


Apparently so :)

Anything else to add ????????


No its not whining, but really let it go. You really dont have to nit pick. This movie is so last year, nobody even remembers it. With the exception of Dukes fans because its a complete outrage.


Why let it go ? Other people are bringing it up, not me. I stopped bringing it up . I just post an occasional comment that I AGREED with someone else and that is what I did here. Nothing bad and not bashing the movie haters. Why didn't you address that poster? .....

Georgiagal - you seem so quick to try to let things go that you don't agree with - this and the Tom Wopat/DUI. But these are topics for discussion.

This a forum to express opinions -good or bad, liked or disliked. No arguements...

By the way I am Dukes fan from the begining (1979) and I LOVED the movie..

I'm gone



I was asking *you* how they rehashed the same plot, since *you* made the statement. Not once did I even say you were bashing movie haters, and if I did then please point this out to me.

Georgiagal - you seem so quick to try to let things go that you don't agree with - this and the Tom Wopat/DUI. But these are topics for discussion

1) Im not dismissing things I dont agree with, Im stating my opinion, that this movie has gotten old. Again this is only *my* opinion and I could care less if anyone agrees with me.

2) About the DUI, I dont think its anyones business. Its Tom's *personal* life. So if you think that's "letting it go", fine. To tell the truth I dont care.

By the way I am Dukes fan from the begining (1979) and I LOVED the movie..

So? Thats great, Im glad you liked it. I didn't.

BTW I wasn't trying to start an arguement :D


The way they did the movieof DOH was not to my taste,but I did enjoy the action of the General Lee.

The driving was awsome and it made the General Lee stand out and look smart,camera work or not,it was still awsome to see.

As for the rest,i've said enough about that. As for a sequel,I don't mind the same cast for the dukes except for a blonde Daisy and unshaved dukes,but I'd like to see them play out uncle jesse as the way he was,with the same familly morals.

I woould also like to see Boss Hogg fat,caniving and funny.Also want Rosco to be more clumbsy and humorious,is this too much to ask??

No tits,no drugs and no foul language,let's see some of the t.v series in the next movie of DOH if that is ever possible, thank you!

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