Bo_Duke_girl Posted February 18, 2006 Posted February 18, 2006 Luke: Do you know why you have them hiccups?Bo: (hiccup) No, why?Luke: it's cause you scarf food down like tommorrow is the first day of a six month famine Quote
Iloveschnieder Posted February 18, 2006 Posted February 18, 2006 I love that line. Luke really had some good ones on Bo. "Swamp Molly"Luke to Bo: "You have the IQ of a turnip, a small one." Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 Luke to Bo in Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Duke: Do your mouth a favor and keep it shut Quote
Bo Duke's Girl Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 Luke to Bo in Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Duke: Do your mouth a favor and keep it shutMy favorite too! Quote
Iloveschnieder Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 That is a good line. I don't know why I like it so much when Luke gives Bo a hard time. I just do. lol Quote
Guest Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 My funniest quote is one he says in " When You Wish Upon A Hogg"after the boys have pulled over to side of the road and Bo is asleep.Luke : Do you wanna drive ...... i guess not . Quote
Clayfreak24 Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 I liked the quote in Nothing But the Truth where he says "If everything is coming your way, chances are you're in the wrong lane." Quote
boiscute2007 Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 i lke it when luke says to bo - you have the iq of a turnip, a small one. i laugh when i hear it. my friend makes me laugh when she says it. Quote
Qualapec the She-Wolf Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 I love from "A baby for the Dukes" when Rosco and Enos come riding up on their horses and the sirens that look like hats on the horses are going off and Luke says:"What in the world is that?"Very simple but very well delivered.~She-Wolf Quote
spotop Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Bo and Luke have been caught by Rosco, Luke's left hand is cuffed to Bo's right. They escape and run to Dixie.Bo: Oh great, just what I need, three hands on a steering wheelLuke: Well I'd drive but you'd have to run alongside then. Quote
North_of_Border1 Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 It may not be the the exact wording but it went something like this:Bo: Yeah I did the laundry so what?Luke: So what !?! I got ring around the collar on the waistband of my boxer shorts that's so what ! Bo: Well then YOU do the laundry!Luke: I would if didn't have dishpan hands up to my neck!It's one of my favourite scenes. I laugh everytime.Luke did have a lot of great funny lines. Quote
goodolboy85 Posted July 31, 2006 Posted July 31, 2006 I think one of Luke's funniest quotes is:from Luke's Love Story:Amy Kreevy: Let me show you what the opposite sex can do.Luke: Oh, I know what the opposite sex can do, I just do think a car is the proper place to do it! Quote
iloveluke'ssmileCNH320 Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 my favorite is in one armed bandits when rosco is running for sheriff:Luke: I'm collectin these.Bo: Why's that?Luke: Linein' the rabbits cage. (then he opens the door and looks at Bo.)Face up! Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 Has to be the one from Route 7-11.Daisy: Luke's got that look in his eye again...Bo: Yeah. Right after he gets that he goes 'I got it, let's go Bo' and I get in trouble.Luke: *grins as he comes out of his thinking stupor and snaps his fingers* I got it! Let's go Bo!Love it, gives me giggles everytime Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted February 11, 2007 Posted February 11, 2007 Okay, some of these quotes are Bo as well but Bo has loads in his favourite quotes thing and I didnt think it was fair lol. But I think some of these are just such a good example of how Bo and Luke play off each other :-) Enjoy...there are quite a few for your entertainment :-S------The Hazzard Connection....Luke: If you don’t slow down yer gonna get another speeding ticket.Bo: Ah Luke your just jealous ‘cause that nice new waitress down at the Boar’s Nest took a cotton to me and not you.Luke: Jealous, I ain’t Jealous! Her legs are too skinny.Bo: Luke, her legs are not too skinny!Luke: Maybe it’s just in comparison ‘cause you got shoulder’s like a line backer.Bo: It ain’t funny….That is not funny.******(Bo and Luke are driving in separate Junkers, yelling out the windows at each other.)Luke: She got skinny legs and crooked feet!Bo: Then the moon’s made out of cream cheese buddy!(Bangs into Luke)Bo: You’re just jealous because she’s four inches taller and that threatens your masculinity.Luke: Well if you’d take off them platform cowboy boots she’d be eating off the top of your head too!********Bo: Ah Enos, what are friends for huh?Luke: Which reminds me Enos…ain’t you and Rosco been paying us Dukes a little more than our share of attention lately?Enos: I’m sorry Luke, that’s police business, my lips are sealed.Bo: You know Enos, we kinda thought you’d say that.Luke: Still in all it don’t seem right to me a fellow should think something bad about his friends and not tell them about it.Enos: Well gosh Luke I’m sorry, I just can’t tell you.Bo: Well Enos I sure wouldn’t want it on my conscience that I wouldn’t let a buddy of mine defend himself against – Luke: Ohmigosh!Bo: What?Luke: The brakes!Bo: The Brakes?!Enos: Do something Luke!Luke: I am I’m praying!Enos: I can’t do it! I can’t meet my maker with it on my conscience!Bo: With what on your conscience Enos?Enos: Sheriffs investigating Augie Detweiller. Thinks he’s a smuggler.Luke: Smuggler? Augie Detweiller?!Enos: Sheriff don’t know what he’s smuggling, only that Cooter and you Dukes is in on it and maybe Jesse and Daisy too!Bo: Well if that ain’t enough to slow a fella down…(Luke slows down)*******Luke: You got that right…Unless we beat Rosco to the punch and find out what Detweiller is smuggling before he does! Its simple!....Wonder why I didn’t think of it before….********Bo: Well…I count four of them in the crew, that’s two a piece…but seeing as you’re my buddy you can have one of mine…Luke: You’re generous to a fault.********Bo: Well whatever we’re looking for ain’t in here.Luke: O’course it ain’t!Bo: Nah it ain’t…*********Luke: But we’re gonna need some help Uncle Jesse. We got a couple of guys madder than hornets behind us lookin’ to sink there stingers into some embarrassing places. (With this one, what makes it so comical is the way he says embarassing...makes me giggle every time.)********* These are from various epsiodes that I cant remember where they come from lol *******Luke: There’s your smugglers Rosco, you better grab them. I’m gonna go after Bo and the evidence I’ll be right back.*********Luke: If brains was dynamite Rosco couldn’t blow his nose.*********(At a warehouse. There is a guard in front of the door. Luke starts walking towards the door.)Guard: (seeing Luke) Hey you!Luke: Howdy.Guard: What are you doing?Luke: Well actually I’m looking for someone. (Bo jumps down off the roof and on top of the guard) Oh and here he is now!Bo: (gets the guard off the floor)Luke: This here’s my cousin Bo.Bo: (knocks the guy out cold.)**********Bo: That sure was a funny place to put a barn.Luke: You try a fool stunt like that again and I’ll find an even funnier place to put one!**********Bo: Ha ha. He sure is good. Luke: Well you can tell him that. He's gonna catch us any minute the way you're pokin along. Bo: Well I was gonna let you take that bow and hit his tires but I'm afraid you' miss and hit ours. Luke: I sure wish there were some girls around here. Maybe you'd show off and drive faster!**********Bo: Looks like we lost RoscoLuke: Cousin we never lose him, we just misplace him.**********Luke: You ARE aware this road goes to Dry Creek? Bo: I AM aware this road goes to Dry Creek. Luke: You are aware there's no way to get OVER Dry Creek? Bo: [stepping down on the gas, grinning] I am aware there is ONE WAY to get over Dry Creek! Luke: Oh, Lordy! We're gonna die!**********Bo: Luke, I told you not to go this way.Luke: How was I supposed to know the bridge was out?!Bo: By that big, white sign that says ‘Bridge Out!’**********Jesse: "When You (Bo) was hungry, or wanted something, you used to scream like... like a baby!" Bo: "Wait a minute! I was never--" Luke: "Some things never change, do they?"***********Luke: Take that shortcut over there.*points* Bo: That’s not a shortcut. Luke: It will be once you take it! Bo: You got a point.***********Bo: they're shootin at us!Luke: course they are, what'd you expect em to do? Throw darts?***********Bo: It’s just a bugs bunny doll, who would shoot at a bugs bunny doll?Luke: Elmer Fudd.***********Bo- "Ya got any idea what's wrong with it?" Luke- "Only that the problem's religious in nature." Bo- "Religious?" Luke- "Yeah, you'd better pray I can fix it."***********Bo: Enos, you been taking Rosco pills?Luke: What he means is, are you gonna give us a ticket fer somethin’ we didn’t do?************Luke: Hey Bo, do you wanna drive….*looks and sees Bo is asleep.* I guess not.************Luke: If everything is coming your way, chances are you’re in the wrong lane.************Bo: You figured out if it's us he's chasin’?Luke: Yep got it all figured out. See anybody in front of us? Bo: No Luke: Then it's us!************ Quote
morgan Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Has to be the one from Route 7-11.Daisy: Luke's got that look in his eye again...Bo: Yeah. Right after he gets that he goes 'I got it, let's go Bo' and I get in trouble.Luke: *grins as he comes out of his thinking stupor and snaps his fingers* I got it! Let's go Bo!Love it, gives me giggles everytimeI guess more if this line are lost in the italian version, 'cause I don't remember most of this phrases.But this one is quite the same and it's very very funny! Quote
traintownofcowee Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 my favorite is in one armed bandits when rosco is running for sheriff:Luke: I'm collectin these.Bo: Why's that?Luke: Linein' the rabbits cage. (then he opens the door and looks at Bo.)Face up!I SECOND THAT! Quote
morgan Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Well, maybe the italian version is a little different, so I write some funny phrase how they has been translated and putting the meaning between (); they are both in the episode "Big brothers"Bo: Zio Jesse, comprami dei calzini(Uncle Jesse, buy some socks)Luke: Sì, compra i calzini al piccolo!(ya, buy some socks for the baby!)Bo and Luke are driving the General and following a little camion; Bo go out from the General and climb the camionLuke (laughin): E' bravo quasi quanto me!(He is good almost like me!) Quote
morgan Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 From "Brotherly love" (don't know if someone just write this):Luke (he weakes up after the accident): I risked to drown if I don't made him (Bo) stop cryingBo: laughA funny, cute scene Quote
Lukas_KD Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 Bo: Zio Jesse, comprami dei calzini(Uncle Jesse, buy some socks)Luke: Sì, compra i calzini al piccolo!(ya, buy some socks for the baby!)Bo and Luke are driving the General and following a little camion; Bo go out from the General and climb the camionLuke (laughin): E' bravo quasi quanto me!(He is good almost like me!)Just thought you might enjoy the English versions too!:Bo: Uncle Jesse, get me some socks, will ya?Luke: (eyes rolling) Yeah please, get him some socks...(From his expression, I think Bo had been borrowing all his! lol)Luke: He did that almost as good as I would've...(This was as much proud as teasing - but high-spirited definitely) Quote
Lukas_KD Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 Also...Luke (he weakes up after the accident): I risked to drown if I don't made him (Bo) stop cryingLuke: I just couldn't stand to see a grown man cry... Quote
morgan Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 Thanks! Well, the last one has been translated very different from the original... Quote
morgan Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 6th episode of 6th season:Bo (to Luke): we did lots of street together, now we can think the same things, tooLuke: yes, it's fun, don't you?Bo remains perplexed, don't sure if Luke meant that he can't ever think like him..From "the boy's best friend" (this is not fun, but very sweet).Bo (seeing a boy without his parents): that make me come back for some years.Luke: I don't remember to be so sad, but I had you and Daisy Quote
morgan Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 7th season, "welcome back to Hazzard, Cale Yarborough":Bo: -don't worry, Cale! We found ourselves in worst situations-Luke: -remember me when!- Quote
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