Skipper Duke Posted November 4, 2023 Author Report Posted November 4, 2023 19 minutes ago, Garrett Duke said: Garrett glances in his rearview mirror to make sure Bill and Ernie were still following him as well as to make sure that Rosco has yet made his way out of the pond that they lost him in several miles back. Sighing heavily, he looks back ahead just in time to see the old Duke farm coming into view. His heart sinks with dread at the thought of delivering Bill and Ernie at Bo and Luke's door step and know how excited they will be when they see the NASCAR legend at their farm, seeking their help. Despite the dread and anger the thought brings to Garrett, he knows that there is no other option and that if he wants Ernie and Bill to be taken care of as well as their vehicles, that there is no other option. Other than maybe Cooter's and after his earlier encounter with the mechanic, this seemed to be the better option. Pulling into the Duke farm, his emotions swarm heavily within him to see Jesse standing out front with Bo, Luke, and Daisy all stepping out of the farm house to see who was coming. Garrett ignores them and pulls through the barn to the opposite side, so that Ernie can pull his car and trailer into the barn in a vague attempt to hide it. Watching them pull up and park in the garage, Garrett pulls his car back around out front. Climbing out of his car, Garrett takes a deep breath in attempt to calm or hide his emotions. "Jesse," he nods at his uncle and then at Bo, Luke, and Daisy. "So I um..." he lets his sentence drag and Ernie and Bill slowly walk out of the barn, "I like to introduce you to a couple of friends who are in need of hiding from your law." Garett pauses to let them join them, "This is -" "You think we're dumb, Garrett?" Bo snaps, "That there is Ernie and Bill Elliott! How were they so unfortunate to run into the likes of you?!" "Bo," Jesse states sternly in attempt to halt any upcoming fights, "be nice." "Yes sir," Bo sighs reluctantly. "Well," Bill dryly speaks, poking his brother in the side, "it's Garrett that's the unfortunate one as my brother here literally ran into him." "Will you give me a break, already? I mean you were there and the stop sign was clearly covered by the tree branch," Ernie jokingly covers for himself before turning to face the family in front of him, "But he's right...Garrett's the unfortunate victim here. We're the fortunate ones as he has been able to protect us from your clown like law you got. If it weren't for him, we'd be having to sign a deal with a fat man in a white suit and he'd probably have the man he called a sheriff driving my car. " Bill nods. "But now they know where our car was and where we were hiding to get our car ready for the race," Bill continues Ernie's story, "the sheriff was there to do something with it. He was spying on us." "If that's what you want to call it," Ernie interrupts his brother, "he couldn't have been any more obvious." "Sounds like ol' Rosco," Luke chuckles. "So thanks to Garrett here," Bill continues, pointing at Garrett who leans back against his car; wishing he was invisible to it all, "he suggested y'all are the ones to trust during this time so that we can protect our car and get it ready for the race. I. . .I," Bill stutters nervously, glancing at the family in front of him, "I'm sorry to just welcome ourselves to your farm and to show up uninvited. If y'all would rather we go else where, we would be glad to go and fully understand." "Leave?" Luke questions, "Not a chance that will happen until you are ready to leave. We can shut them doors and have someone out here to guard the barn at all hours until the race comes and you have to leave." Jesse nods. "The boy's right. You are always welcome here," he smiles welcoming, "anyone who disagrees with the law here, are friends of ours." "We appreciate it," Bill responds looking from person to person. "Since Garrett forgot who we are," Bo rudely states, "I'm Bo Duke, this is my cousin, Luke Duke," he points at Luke and then points at Daisy, "this is our cousin, Daisy Duke. And then," he motions at Jesse, "that's our uncle, Jesse Duke." "So..." Ernie slowly states, "I take it that y'all and Garrett here don't get along." Jesse glares over at Bo momentarily and then at Garrett. "Those two are twins," he slowly states, "who don't see eye to eye." Jesse finally answers. "They all have different views and attituded. Garrett here grew up in Atlanta and in the city life. Bo here, grew up here in Hazzard in a small town. Maybe one day, they'll be mature enough to put their differences aside and accept each other." "It's not just me," Bo says defensively, "we've all had our issues with him. Even ask Cooter." "Cooter's not here to ask," Jesse quickly snaps at him, "we are here to welcome these folks to our farm, not scare them away with your rudeness! I am sorry Ernie and Bill. Not all of us are as rude as Bo here is." "I agree. For now, let's just forget about Garrett," Luke responds, "no, no not forget about him. But about our differences with him." Luke shakes his head in disgust with himself at how that came out. "I think we should focus on helping you all out. Thank you Garrett," Luke nods at Garrett, "for bringing them to the farm and allowing us to help you all." "Bravo Garrett!" Daisy claps her hands in excitement, "You brought NASCAR legend to our farm! Thanks to you, we all will be able to race alongside the great Bill Elliott!" she cheers. "Well not us all. Jesse and I will be spectators, but the boys, Garrett will be out there racing." Garrett nods in appreciation at her. "Don't thank me," he dryly shrugs off the appreciation, "I did it for them. So maybe thank the tree branch for hiding the stop sign that allowed them to hit me." "In other words," Luke laughs, "thank Rosco for all his speed traps?!" Everyone laughs at Luke's comment. "Talking of which," Ernie states after the laughter fades away, "he should be climbing out of the pond right about now that Garrett shoved him into on the way here. I'm sure he won't be too happy with us." More laughter erupts. "Well, we will be ready for him if he makes his way to the farm," Jesse slowly states as he eyes the sky for a moment, "but for now, supper should be about ready. Is there enough for everyone, Daisy?" "Sure is," she smiles around at everyone. "We better get to it before it gets too cold." Bill looks unsurely at them and the back at the barn and Luke catches up on it. "We can keep an eye on it from the table by keeping the door open. It'll be fine." Garrett watches them move to the house before Jesse stops and motions him in. "Thank you Jesse, but I got to get back to my apartment," Garrett nods at his elderly uncle before turning around and getting back into his car and drives down the drive way. He stops at the road before stopping and watching everyone disappears inside the old farm house before he lights another cigarette and drives away. CUE ROGER OR SKIPPER Balladeer:"Uh oh. It looks like ol' Rosco got Cooter to fish him out of the pond, and here he comes right to the farm. I can't look." Rosco's siren is heard. The Dukes look up from dinner, and all sigh. Uncle Jesse:"Bad news is here boys!" Daisy:"What's new?" Luke:"I don't know how he does it! He always manages to show up between blessing and vittles." Laughter erupts around the table. Rosco has stopped got out of the car, and knocks on the door. Rosco:"Alright you Dukes! Come on out of that house with yer hands up, an' don't try no funny business!" Uncle Jesse:"I'll bet you potatoes to turnips that J. D. Hogg put him up to this, an' they're settin' you fellas up fer somethin' bad!" Luke:"We ain't gonna find out if we're sittin' in jail." Bo:"Let's go out this way." The go out the front door, sneak around to the General Lee, get in and take off. Rosco:"Oooh there, there they go! Khee khee it's hot pursuit time Flash!" Flash loves the Dukes,and wines her disapproval of her daddy's actions. CUE ROGER OR GARRETT Garrett Duke and RogerDuke 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted November 8, 2023 Report Posted November 8, 2023 Jesse looks out the window and watches the General kick up dirt with Rosco not far behind. He then reaches for his red hat and turns to the dinner table. "Now Daisy you stay right here. It's not every day you get a NASCAR legend over for dinner but I'm going to go after 'em. I ain't gonna be able to catch 'em but maybe I can help in some sorta way. I just can't sit around when my boys are being set up by this disgraceful excuse of a police department." He opened the door. Daisy popped out of her seat. "Oh no you don't Uncle Jesse. I'm going with you. And we're taking the Jeep. It's faster than that old Ford of yours." She then turned to the dinner table. "Pardon me, but Southern hospitality don't take a back seat to much....but it does to family." She darted past Jesse who looked to the table and responded. "Well, you boys just eat your supper and make yerselves at home. When Daisy gits like this there ain't no stopping her." He tipped his hat and went out to the Jeep where Daisy had already fired up the engine. Skipper Duke 1 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted November 11, 2023 Report Posted November 11, 2023 Garrett Duke slowly steps out of the diner where he had stopped after he had left the old family farm and glances around the small town before lighting a cigarette and walking over to his beloved car. Momentarily his gaze rests upon the old garage where Cooter is seen outside working on a car and shakes his head before climbing into his car and slowly driving away from his parking spot. Originally he had planned on going back to his apartment after supper, but feeling lost and alone, he finds himself driving back out in the country area just to get out of town and to just drive and clear out the thoughts of the past events. The loud wail of the sheriff's familiar siren interrupts his thoughts and he sees the bright orange car far down the road with the sheriff's car right behind him. Part of Garrett would love to see the sheriff win just one time to arrest Bo and Luke and to see them locked away in jail. Then they wouldn't give him such a hard time and he could go on and live his life without them pestering him and interrupting his life. Then again, it's not their fault he is stuck in this dumpy town. And the sheriff and his partner are corrupt and dirty and don't deserve the chance to ruin anyone's lives; even Bo and Luke's. Shaking his head he quickly turns onto off road and parks between a couple of big bushy trees and watches from afar as Bo maneuvers the orange muscle car down the road in attempt to shake the pesky sheriff off their tails and to limit their chances of being arrested. Part of Garrett feels he should stay out of it. They could outrun the sheriff with their eyes covered. But the other part of him refers back to his old street life of crime and would love the opportunity to ruin any chance of any police achieving what they want...especially Hazzard's. Garrett grins as the orange car goes by in a blur and glances and waits for the sheriff's car and just as the loud annoying siren gets closer, Garrett pulls out and braces himself as the old patrol car runs right into him. He grimaces at the damage he just did to his own car, once again, but he did what he had to do. Garrett shoves his car into park as he watches Rosco throw his driver's door open and stumbles out of the car, landing on his hands and knees before angrily getting up pointing at him. As Rosco approaches his car, Garrett slowly rolls down his window and says, "Sheriff Coltrane," he pauses to light a cigarette, "it's fancy meeting you out here. In the middle of no where." "You hush boy!" the sheriff yells at him, "You gone and done it! You pulled right out in front of me and banged up my patrol car!" Garrett shrugs. "So it seems like I did. But I'm sure it's use to it by now," Garrett pauses momentarily, "I'm sure your buddy Cooter will give you your member discount for how much service you bring to his crummy shop." "My ol' buddy! Any friend of Bo and Luke's ain't no buddy of mine!" Rosco angrily sputters pulling out his handcuffs. "Well then. I guess that makes us friends, then!" Garrett grins coldly at the sheriff. "You hush it boy!" Rosco yells again at him, "I ain't got no friends with the last name of Duke. All you Dukes are trouble!" Rosco pauses in frustration at the conversation . "Never mind about who my friends are and who aren't my friends. That's none of your business! What is your business, is, is that you are under arrest for damage of public property and aiding and abetting Bo and Luke!" Rosco giggles, "You finally get your wish to return to Atlanta, Garrett. This time you'll be wearing orange and behind bars." Rosco laughs again at his own jokes. Garrett only shrugs. "It won't be the first time I'll be wearing orange behind bars in Atlanta," he smirks, blowing smoke at Rosco who coughs and tries to wave it away, "and trust me when I say, it's a lot better than this trashy town of yours." "Trashy town?! Duke! You make Bo and Luke look like angels! At least they see the beauty of Hazzard and working their own way to protect their beloved town. You on the other hand only disgrace us with your ugly face and bad attitude. I'm doing everyone here a favor by arresting you!" he yells at him before taking a deep breath and continues on with an authoritative voice, "OK Garrett. I need to put out your cigarette, get rid of the butt, and step out of the car. Nice and easy. With your hands up." Garrett eyes the sheriff with cold smokey gray eyes as he smashes out his cigarette and puts it in the ash tray. "Well I did the first part, but as you clearly see," he motions to the patrol car that continues to be smashed against his drivers door, "I can't get out." "Don't be a smarty pants dummy!" Rosco yells motioning across Garrett's car, "Give me your keys!" Rosco throws his hand open and waits for Garrett who slowly complies by throwing the keys way past Rosco and into the ditch. Without flinching or looking at the keys, Rosco points across Garrett's car again and sternly says, "Slide over, nice and slow. Keep your hands above your head where I can see them and get out the passenger door!" Garrett sighs heavily and disappointed by the fact that Rosco thought about his keys and then wasn't distracted by him throwing them past him to disarm his idea of running away from him. "OK, OK!" Garrett yells at him as Rosco impatiently points again across the car and Garrett slowly climbs across to the passenger side with his hands up while Rosco runs around the hood of the car to the other side. As Garrett gets to the passenger door with his hands up, Rosco pulls the door open and pulls Garrett the rest of the way out and shoves him against his car, face forward. "Garrett Duke," Rosco states in his authoritative voice once again, "you are under arrest for aiding and abetting and getting in the way of the police as well as for damaging public property. Namely my car. And attempting to harm a police officer." He continues on reciting the Miranda Rights. "Let's go punk!" he giggles as he walks Garrett past his car and to the backseat of his patrol car. He shoves Garrett into the back of the police car and states, "It's a shame you did all this for Bo and Luke and they are no where to be seen to help you. They are probably celebrating the face that you will now be out of their hairs for the next thirty years!" With that, Rosco slams the door shut and climbs back into the patrol car where he backs up and drives back to town where they ride in silence. After what seems to be an eternity, they arrive and Rosco pulls Garrett out of the car and leads him into the sheriff's station where they are greeted by Boss Hogg. "Looky, looky Boss at who I caught!" Rosco giggles, "Fair and square too!" "Oh yeah?" Boss asks smugly, "What charges?" "Well, I was after Bo and Luke, and he came out of nowhere and forced me to run into him. So I got him on aiding and abetting Bo and Luke, damage to my police car, and attempting to harm a police officer. That's me," Rosco states confidently. "I'm glad we all figured out who the police officer is," Garrett sarcastically states as he eyes Boss with cold hard eyes. "You hush it!" Rosco yells at him. "Nice work, sheriff," Boss smugly smiles at him, attempting to ignore Garrett. "Lock him downstairs and call Atlanta to come retrieve their criminal before yesterday! We want this punk out of our town and for good!" "I'm on it, Boss," Rosco giggles as he shoves Garrett forward and down the stairs where Rosco fingerprints him on the table before shoving him into the jail cell and slams the door shut as hard as possible before locking it and pocketing the keys. "Enjoy your stay, Garrett. Because them Atlanta boys will be here soon to take you back home...where you belong!" Garrett coldly eyes the sheriff who slowly turns away and walks up the stairs. Garrett listens in as he hears Rosco on the phone before going and sitting back down on the old, tattered bed that hangs on the wall. "Well there goes the race," he mutters as he begins to ponder on how many times Bo and Luke were here on wrongful charges. Skipper Duke and RogerDuke 2 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted November 25, 2023 Report Posted November 25, 2023 "Good morning Hazzard County!" the chipper DJ on the radio yells out as the sun begins to shine through the darkness of the early morning, "It's the morning of J.D. Hogg's big annual race and this DJ just got word that there is a big NASCAR name that will be in the mix. If any of y'all watch NASCAR, y'all will be excited to know that I got an inside source that says that Bill Elliott will be racing his number nine car in today's race!" The DJ goes silent on the radio momentarily, "Which may put a dinger in the normal outcome of the annual race that has been won by them Duke boys in the orange General Lee in the past few years. Will the Dukes be able to outrace the legend himself or will the legend be able to ruin the Dukes' good luck?" "Good luck?" Cooter questions the radio that plays in his shop, "Luck got nothing to do with them boys winning!" "I also go word that Garrett Duke got himself arrested last night as he got in the way of the sheriff's pursuit," the DJ continues on, "so that will be one less contender the Duke boys, as in Bo and Luke, will have to worry about. Now my source says his driver will have the horse power to win today's race with their eyes shut. So the money is on line as to who will win the race. If you are wanting to come by to watch the race and put a friendly wager on who the winner will be, the race will start at noon sharp and the winner will win Hogg's annual $1000 plus a year full of bragging rights. I wonder if all this has got them Duke boys nervous for once as their good luck will be bound to come to end sooner or later. And with my source's driver being so good plus Elliott himself being in the race, this year may be the year their luck runs dry." "Fat chance Hogg lover," Cooter rolls his eyes and angrily turns the radio off before stopping to stare blankly at his own racing car that he had signed up to race in today's race. "Mr. Davenport," an unknown voice thickly laced in southern drawl breaks through the thick silence to force Cooter to jump in surprise before slowly turning around to see a man with a red racing hat over light brown hair. "Sorry sir. I didn't mean to startle you." "Oh no. Not at all. I was just lost in thought," Cooter slowly stands up, "May I help you?" The man shyly shrugs as he shoves a hand out towards Cooter. "I'm Ernie Elliott. I'm Bill Elliott's crew chief and brother. You may have heard a thing or two about him." He firmly shakes Cooter's hand. "If what you heard was good, it's true. Anything bad, is a lie." Cooter laughs. "Yeah I heard a thing or two about your brother and I'm pretty sure they are all true," Cooter states as they drop hands and he motions his newcomer into his garage, "I do believe this is the first that a professional crew chief has come seeking me." Ernie laughs nervously. "Well I am sure your shop is the best around, but I am here seeking help in town. Rather for my car," Ernie slowly starts. "I have heard a thing or two about how you and Garrett Duke don't normally see eye to eye on things, so I am willing to accept that you may not want to help me out." "Woa wait a minute here," Cooter states with a smile, "I just heard about Garrett being arrested. I am not too big of a fan of him, but I am not a fan of our law either." Ernie nods. "Y'all got a crooked law system here. It's almost funny," Ernie slowly states before he slowly goes into the past couple of days of how he met Garrett and then the Dukes. "Bo and Luke are out practicing with my Bill. Bill really didn't want to go out and practice. He feels reliable for Garrett since Garrett has stuck his head out to help us to make all this possible. So Bo and Luke sent me to you. So here I am." Ernie shrugs. "This is what I get for running through the stop sign and into Garrett's car...right after he left your shop the other day." "Karma!" Cooter yells with a smile. "I say that towards Garrett. Not you. He comes running his attitude at me. He deserves to get hit. Sadly it collected you and Bill," Cooter slyly shrugs, "But with that said, I'll be glad to help you get Garrett out. But first, what he do to get arrested?" Ernie stares at Cooter for a long moment before slowly telling him what he heard that had gotten Garrett arrested. "Sounds like ol' Rosco at his finest," Cooter responds, "surprisingly he actually was able to arrest someone. Bo and Luke are always smart enough to escape from his schemes." "Always?" Ernie asks unbelieving and Cooter slowly shrugs, "Because the only reason they escaped, was because Garrett shoved him off the road." "Oh, yeah, that," Cooter slowly responds, "so what all do you need of me?" Ernie shrugs. "Well at least take me to whoever I need to see to pay for his bail so that he can at least race in today's race," he responds. "Let's do it," Cooter tosses down his grease stained rag and walks out of his garage and motions Ernie to follow him and they walk across the street and into the police station. "Alrighty alrighty, hold it right there," a familiar voice rings out from behind them as they step into the police station and they both turn around to find Sheriff Coltrane standing behind them with his hands on his hips, "why is this grease bum in my building?" "He's actually helping me. I'm Ernie Elliott," Ernie responds, "I'm here to bail Garrett Duke out of jail." "Garrett Duke?" he questions in disbelief, "Who would want that lowlife out of jail?" "Well," Ernie responds, "my brother for one. You may have heard of him. Bill Elliott." "I ain't no dummy!" Rosco yells, "Of course I've heard of him. But why would he want Garrett out of jail?" "First of all. That's a double negative. Which makes a positive. So you just called yourself a dummy," Ernie states with a smirk. "You hush it boy! You are working on joining that jail bird downstairs!" Sheriff snaps at him. "Just saying it as it is," Ernie shrugs, "but back to Garrett. Bill has made it clear that if you want him in your race today you will drop your charges against Garrett Duke before the race or else Bill and I are leaving and taking our sponsors with us." "OK. Well good bye," Rosco shrugs nonchalantly. "Wait a minute Sheriff," a short round man in a three piece white suit jumps out through a door way, "didn't you just hear what he asked you?" "Well um yeah," the sheriff stutters, "he wants us to drop all the charges that I have against Garrett and let him walk free." "Good. Go do it," the short man states lighting a cigar. "But Boss. I arrested Garrett fair and square. He broke the law. He ran into me. He assaulted me. Your sworn officer," Sheriff Coltrane argues, "you can't just expect me to drop all charges against him on what he says." "Oh yes I can you numbskull! You refuse his request a well known NASCAR driver is withdrawing from my race. He withdraws with his sponsors so does the fans that will come to watch as will all the money they will be bringing in for me. Um...I mean for Hazzard!" Hogg holds his cigar up in anger. "Now go down there and drop the charges against the Duke boy." "He also deserves an apology," Ernie states, enjoying the skit before him, "I mean he was only looking out for the best interest of his cousins that you were wrongfully going after. You have caused him great trauma through all this!" Rosco glares at Ernie for a long moment before looking at Boss who nods in agreement. "This is the worst day of my life!" Rosco sulks as he turns around and goes down the stairs to where Garrett is locked away at. Garrett looks up from staring down at the floor as he had been trying to listen into the conversation that was taking place upstairs, but only to hear voices that he couldn't place. As foot steps echo down the stairs, he looks up to see the sheriff angrily walking down the stairs and as he reaches the cell where Garrett sits, he reluctantly takes out a set of keys. "OK Duke," Rosco's voice is stern and full of anger, "your luck has finally went your way. For now." Garrett watches him slowly open the door before he stiffly stands up. "What you talking about, Sheriff?" he slowly asks, waiting for a trap. "I am here to release you and drop all of my charges that I rightly had against you," Rosco slowly responds. "Rosco!" Boss' voice echoes down the stairs. "And to tell you that I am sorry for arresting you and putting such trauma upon you," Rosco states as he rolls his eyes at Garrett. "You are free to go." Garrett flashes a rare smile at the sheriff before nodding in appreciation at him. "Why thank you sheriff," he slowly states and Rosco motions him up the stairs. "Next time," the sheriff whispers in his ear as they get to the stairs, "you aren't going to be so lucky. Next time, you'll be getting your free trip to Atlanta. Understood?" "Yes sir. Loud and clear," Garrett states as he quickens his step up the stairs and as they reach the top floor he is relieved to see Ernie and Cooter. "Ernie and Cooter. A sight for sore eyes." Cooter forces a smile at him. "I'm sure you didn't get much sleep last night," Ernie places a hand around Garrett's tense shoulders, "but I spent last night working on your car. You think you will be ready to race against Bill this afternoon?" "Really?" Garrett's eyes light up as they walk out of the sheriff's station and Ernie nods. "I'll be ready!" "Great. I'll take you to your car. Bo, Luke, and Bill are practicing now. You and Cooter can join them," Ernie responds as they head outside and back across the street to Cooter's Garage. Hobie Hartkins, Skipper Duke and RogerDuke 2 1 Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted November 25, 2023 Report Posted November 25, 2023 I still can't get used to Cooter being called " Mr. Devenport"! ....LOL Garrett Duke, Skipper Duke and RogerDuke 1 2 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted November 25, 2023 Report Posted November 25, 2023 14 hours ago, Hobie Hartkins said: I still can't get used to Cooter being called " Mr. Devenport"! ....LOL I was going to say sir, but that didn't seem to fit well either. LOL. It was odd to type that out as well. LOL RogerDuke, Skipper Duke and Hobie Hartkins 1 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 12, 2023 Report Posted December 12, 2023 As Jesse tossed crushed corn to the chickens he looked up and noticed Daisy hopping in her Jeep. "Where are you going at this early hour?" "Work, of course!", she quickly responded. "It's the day of the big race and Boss has all kinds of things that need done at the Boar's Nest to get ready." Jesse looked a little upset and Daisy could tell. "What's wrong Uncle Jesse? Did you have other plans?" "Nah, that's fine. You go on honey. I just have to make a call and see how much bail money Garrett needs. I'd sure hate to see him in the pokey on the day of the big race." Daisy looked down, knowing money was tight around the farm, especially since they had just had to shell out $800 for tractor parts. "Uncle Jesse, maybe Bill and Ernie can bail him out. Or maybe he broke out. Or, I wouldn't put it past Garrett to talk his way out. He's a smoother talker than 'ol Hughie Hogg himself. Don't you go worrying about him. I'll look into it." Jesse conceded. "All right then, but I'll need to know before I head into town for the race. Bo, Luke, Bill and Ernie are pretty busy so might not be able to take care of it." He paused. "Garrett is a Duke and us Dukes stick together." Another pause. "Even though he does have a tendency to go astray on occasion." Daisy walked over and hugged her uncle and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You just make sure you stay by the CB and I'll let you know how Garrett's doing." In seconds she was putting Dixie in gear. Skipper Duke and Garrett Duke 2 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 14, 2023 Report Posted December 14, 2023 Cooter Davenport looks over the old fair ground where the race will later be held. He had signed up years ago to help get things set up and ready for the races that is annually held there. Not to help Hogg or his crooked law. But to help the town raise the little money Hogg will let slide through his fat fingers for the town. Plus it's racing. And cars. But this year it's going to be bigger and better. Bill Elliott himself was going to be in the race. A celebrity. A true NASCAR driver. In Hazzard County. Racing against his best friends and the community. Cooter shakes his head in disbelief and feels a large smile cross his face before he starts to ponder how upset Bo and Luke would be if he were to cheer on Bill instead of them this year as he always does. His smile slowly fades as his thoughts fall onto the troubled Duke that seems to throw negativity and anger everywhere he goes. This will always be the first time that he will be racing in this race against Bo and Luke. Who knows what he'll be bringing onto the dusty dirt track. Cooter shakes his head in disgust at himself for giving Garrett the credit to have the ability to beat Bo and Luke. To beat Bill Elliott. "Not a chance, punk," Cooter mutters as Daisy's dirt splattered Dixie pulls up besides him. "Hey there Cooter," she forces a smile as she gets out of the jeep, "you know today's the day of the big race. Why you slacking for?" "Who me?" Cooter gives an ornery look, "I was just torn on who to go for. And how mad Bo and Luke would be if I were to go for Awesome Bill from Dawsonville." "You'd trade your loyalty to my cousins for a celebrity NASCAR driver who has millions of fans?" she questions, giving him a disappointing look. Cooter shrugs. "Maybe they'll wreck Garrett and come in tied," he smiles at her. "Still holding that grudge, huh?" she questions. Cooter gives her a cold glare. "I had it from the day he stepped foot in Hazzard. That boy is nothing but trouble. I know he's your cousin and your uncle taught you that family is family," Cooter shakes his head, "but he don't belong here any more than I belong in the city! Heck. He don't deserve to be related to you, Jesse, Luke, or Bo. Poor Bo being his twin." Cooter shudders. "At least they are nothing alike nor look alike!" Daisy silently nods. "Well whether we understand Garrett or not, we are still family. God made us family for a reason, so I am not going to question that nor whether or not we deserve it. But talking about Garrett," Daisy states, "Jesse is worried about him sitting in jail on the day of the big race. We don't have mo-" "He deserves to be in jail, Daisy. Rosco finally got something right!" Cooter states angrily, "But your uncle can stop worrying his honest head over that fool boy. Ernie Elliott found me this morning and talked me into bringing him to see Rosco. He told ol' Rosco that if he didn't drop the charges and let Garrett go, that Bill and his fancy sponsors were going back to Atlanta." Daisy raises an eyebrow. "What did Rosco do?" Cooter laughs. "He told Ernie bye," Cooter laughs some more, "but then Hogg walked in and talked some crooked sense into him and why they don't want Bill to leave before the race. So Hogg made Rosco drop the charges. Ernie then said that he had to apologize to Garrett. Hogg made Rosco do that as well." "Oh boy," Daisy grins, "that'll help Jesse out a lot. Thank you Cooter." "Don't thank me, Daisy. If it were up to me, that boy would be on his way to the state jail in Atlanta right now where he belongs! You all can thank Ernie. For once, I agree with poor Rosco," Cooter flashes a smile, "today is the worst day ever." "Oh Cooter. It's going to be a great day!" Daisy grins getting back into her jeep, "Now I got to let Jesse know and get to work." RogerDuke and Skipper Duke 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 15, 2023 Report Posted December 15, 2023 Jesse was thrilled after getting the CB message from Daisy. He was worried that Boss would make the bail too high and he wouldn't be able to pull it off. Garrett might not act like Bo and Luke but he was still a Duke and still his nephew. The idea of Garrett sitting in jail sickened Jesse, especially on such a big day. The idea of anybody sitting in jail sickened Jesse for that matter. He was old enough to remember the old days before Boss took over, when Hazzard County government and police actually cared about justice. Now, Jesse knew that 90% of the people Boss had arrested were just part of some scheme. Still, Jesse wondered what was going on. Why did Boss let Garrett out? He certainly wouldn't do it out of the goodness of his heart. There is no goodness in his heart. Jesse then realized that there may be a little goodness, like last Christmas Eve when he showed up at the Duke farm with presents. But today was the big race. And that meant big money. Boss's greedy heart has no goodness inside when big money was around. Jesse finished his chores and hopped in his F-150. His mind wandered all over the place while driving down Mill Pond Road. A big race was always a festive occasion that brought the community together. No other event was bigger. Couple that with a big time NASCAR driver being part of it and this was destined to be an epic day in Hazzard's history. But still, anytime Boss Hogg has his hand in something, bad things follow. What a day ahead though!....the General Lee vs Bill Elliott! The thought of that made Jesse feel like he was 50 years younger. Skipper Duke and Garrett Duke 2 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 22, 2023 Report Posted December 22, 2023 Garrett Duke parks his car at the starting position of the race and as he slowly steps out of his car, he notices Jesse approaching the General Lee several cars ahead and gives him a slow nod before glancing around the large slew of cars that are lined up ahead of him. Something about him not being from Hazzard had set him in the back while Bill Elliott is up front with the General Lee since he is bringing in the fans and money. The General Lee will start since they had won last year's race. After eyeing the competition, he looks around at the herd of people that is surrounding the cars, their talking and yelling echoes off the buildings while the sun shines brightly upon them. "Yo rookie," a voice rings out from behind to break Garrett's attention and thought and he slowly turns around to face Ernie, "you nervous?" Garrett nonchalantly shrugs. "I'm Garrett. I don't get nervous," he states dryly, "I'll either win or lose. But thanks to y'all...I'm here for the fight. I appreciate you and Bill stepping up for me." "Well we couldn't have you in jail with the dumb law around here," Ernie grins, "I just wish I could get you from the back to the front. I can't believe such a crooked law system even exists and they get away from it." Garrett nods. "It took me a moment to believe it myself when I moved down here," Garrett agrees, "yet here we are." He goes silent. "As for the race, this will give me the opportunity to prove myself to these losers. Ernie claps him on the shoulder. "Everyone but Bill," he laughs, "you beat him, I may get you a ride on the circuit." Garrett raises an eye brow. "Now that's some heavy motivation," he states as he watches Cooter walk past their car and start his way to the orange car up front, "as if beating those guys isn't enough motivation." "You got this," Ernie states as he looks at his watch, "hey," he looks back up at Garrett, "we are about to get this party started. I better hop up front and offer Bill some motivation to him as well. Stay out of trouble. I'll be rooting for you." Garrett offers him a rare smile. "Thanks Ernie. I appreciate it," he states as Ernie claps his shoulder once more before giving him a high five before he slowly walks away from Garrett, following Cooter to the front where Bill is standing, talking and signing autographs of several people and children. Skipper Duke, Hobie Hartkins and RogerDuke 3 Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 26, 2023 Report Posted December 26, 2023 Jesse wasn't on the crew and wasn't supposed to be getting near the cars this close to the race start but that didn't concern him. He walked up to the General Lee, expecting to see his nephews behind the raised hood but it was only Bo. Jesse caught the corner of Bo's eye immediately and he looked over at him. "Oh, hey there Uncle Jesse! I was beginning to worry you weren't going to make it. I thought you were going on a date with Miz Tisdale." Bo smiled like he had gotten away with something. "Ha Ha. You are a funny one" responded Jesse. "Shouldn't you be focusing on the race instead of fantasizing about women. I'm starting to suspect you are the one with a crush on Emma. You are always joking about her." Bo laughed and looked back at the engine, reaching his hand in and getting serious. "I am Uncle Jesse. I'm just making sure nobody has gotten under the hood and sabotaged the General. And right now Luke is getting some of Boss's overpriced corn dogs." "Sabotaged!" said an alarmed Jesse. "Why, what happened?" Bo responded quickly. "Don't worry Jesse. Nothing happened. I have no reason to suspect anything....." Jesse finished his nephew's sentence. ".....but it is Boss Hogg and big money is involved so better safe than sorry." Garrett Duke and Skipper Duke 2 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 27, 2023 Report Posted December 27, 2023 Garrett Duke sighs heavily as he lights his cigarette and leans against his car as his mind goes through the past couple of days before forcing himself to focus on the scenery around him. Mainly the cars and the drivers he will be competing against. Blocking the hot bright sun from his vision he spots Bill still signing autographs and talking to the people of Hazzard, while Luke brings corndogs over to the orange car and hands them to Bo, Jesse, and Ernie before looking under the hood of the car. Silently Garrett looks at the hood of his car, thinking maybe he should take a final look through of everything. He slowly votes against it as he had looked at it all before he had entered the fair grounds and parked his car, in the back of the line up of good old boys. A line up where he doesn't belong. A line up, that he could beat with his eyes tied shut. Suddenly a loud ringing sound penetrates the audience excited laughter and talk and everyone goes silent as the commissioner steps onto the podium, holding a large black loud speaker with his deputy standing loyally behind him. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!" he yells into the speaker, "Today is the day. The Day we've all been waiting for. The day of the Great Hazzard Race. The day to see my driver, Rosco Coltrane finally take over and break the General Lee's winning streak and to beat over a well known NASCAR driver!" the crowd begins to boo and hiss at him. "Oh it's not that bad," he tries to shake them off, "OK fine. Today is the day to see if the orange clunker car will continue with it's hideous streak or if NASCAR legend, Bill Elliott will break through and win!" with that the crowd goes from booing to cheering. Several loud calls for Bo and Luke and The General with several other loud calls yelling for Bill. "We are honored to have Bill Elliott and his brother, Ernie Elliott in our presence and to have Bill out on the track today as we go for my trophy and $1,000 prize money. Today, this race, will go down as one of the greatest of our history as never before has there been a NASCAR legend racing among us." "Or I," Garrett states to himself as he throws the butt of his cigarette onto the dirt and stomp it out. "OK ladies and gentlemen," Hogg yells out again, "it's time for everyone to get to their seats and for the drivers to get into their cars and to turn them on! I will be firing the starting gun in five minutes! Let's have a great race, everyone!" With that, Hogg throws the loud speaker at the deputy and rushes off the podium. Garrett watches everyone start to scurry in the stands to their seats, drivers begin to climb in and slam their doors as loud powerful engines pierce through the sunny day. After a long moment, Garrett slowly sit down in his car, and smiles as he turns his car on to hear it's powerful engine come to life. Skipper Duke 1 Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 28, 2023 Report Posted December 28, 2023 On 12/26/2023 at 8:04 PM, Garrett Duke said: A line up, that he could beat with his eyes tied shut. LOL great line Garrett! Garrett Duke and Skipper Duke 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 28, 2023 Report Posted December 28, 2023 After all the corn dogs were quickly wolfed down and Jesse started to walk away, Bill called him over, talking loudly over the engine noise. Bill still didn't have his helmet on but he knew the race wouldn't start until he was ready. "I just want to thank you Mr. Duke for your hospitality....and for your friendship. You and your family are a classic example of Southern hospitality and I'm honored to meet you all." They smiled at each other and shook hands. Then Jesse's face turned serious, even a bit angry looking, even though he was faking it. "Don't get too used to it because in a few minutes we won't be friends. I will be cheering for the General Lee to beat you by a country mile." They both then smiled. "Mr. Duke, I know this is a strange time to ask but why did you never have kids of your own?" Jesse laughed "Well, Lavinia and I just decided that chasing those 3 around was more than enough. All 3 were a handful, especially Bo. Lavinia even nicknamed him Chase since she spent so much time chasing him around and watching him chase stuff around." Bill laughed "Chase? Strange nickname but I kinda like it! Now if you excuse me sir I have a race to win." Jesse laughed. "Ha! I should call you Chase since you are going to be the one chasing the General all race and eating his dust." Bill returned the laugh and as he was putting his helmet on responded "We shall see sir. We shall see." Skipper Duke 1 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 30, 2023 Report Posted December 30, 2023 On 12/28/2023 at 2:22 PM, RogerDuke said: LOL great line Garrett! Thank you Roger. RogerDuke 1 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 30, 2023 Report Posted December 30, 2023 On 12/28/2023 at 2:48 PM, RogerDuke said: Jesse laughed "Well, Lavinia and I just decided that chasing those 3 around was more than enough. All 3 were a handful, especially Bo. Lavinia even nicknamed him Chase since she spent so much time chasing him around and watching him chase stuff around." Bill laughed "Chase? Strange nickname but I kinda like it! Now if you excuse me sir I have a race to win." Jesse laughed. "Ha! I should call you Chase since you are going to be the one chasing the General all race and eating his dust." Bill returned the laugh and as he was putting his helmet on responded "We shall see sir. We shall see." You had to outdo me with this one, didn't you? Great hint towards the future. RogerDuke 1 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 30, 2023 Report Posted December 30, 2023 Putting on shiny black helmet and snapping it under his chin, Garrett grips tightly onto the steering wheel, looking at the cars around him as impatience heavily sinks in. What's taking the three piece suit clown so long to fire the starting gun? "I could have won the dang race," Garrett mutters under his breath. Suddenly a big smack lands besides him and he jumps as he sees black gloves clinched tightly onto his open window. "I got you, boy, didn't I? I saw you jump!" Rosco laughs and Garrett feels the fire of anger surge through him. "Sheriff," he musters back his anger, "I need you to step away from my car. I got a race to win." "Khee, khee," Rosco laughs, before going serious, "you think you are real funny, don't you? You, " Rosco removes his hand from the window to point it into Garrett's face, "think you can beat the legendary Bill Elliott in this heap? Even if you drove an identical car to Elliott you'd come in dead last." Rosco laughs some more. "Nah. I can see into the future boy and your's isn't looking too bright. But mine," Rosco smiles proudly, "mine's looking real bright as I beat that ugly orange car and to defend off the NASCAR champ himself!" Garrett laughs through his anger. "What are you on, sheriff? Because you obviously ain't thinking straight or seeing straight if you honestly believe all that," Garrett spits back at him, taking another anxious look at the cars around him, "Now if you don't mind," Garrett states again, "I need you to back away from the winning race car. I got a race to win." Rosco only laughs at him. "You're the one delusional, boy. Ain't no way I'd let a scumbag like you win the race," Rosco seriously states as he claps the open window again, "especially after all you did to me yesterday. You should be in Atlanta by now, looking through the bars and hanging with your home boys." "And yet," Garrett smiles coldly at the sheriff, "here I am. Free as a bird and about to give you some driving lessons." "You hush, boy! If memory serves me correctly," Rosco pauses, "and it does. I outdrove you to arrest you yesterday. And I'll do it again today!" Garrett shakes his head and looks away from the sheriff in attempt to hide his dark emotions that would otherwise earn him more time in jail. "Rosco!" a thick demanding yell pierces through the conversation silence and above the loud engines to force Garrett's and Rosco's attention to behind him where Boss runs at them and pointing his cigar at Rosco, "What in the world are you talking to this loser for?! It's time for the race. Get in your car so we can get it started!" With that Boss takes a hold of Rosco's ear and begins leading him towards the front where his car lies parked. "It's about time!" Garrett yells out at them. RogerDuke 1 Quote
Skipper Duke Posted December 30, 2023 Author Report Posted December 30, 2023 8 hours ago, Garrett Duke said: Putting on shiny black helmet and snapping it under his chin, Garrett grips tightly onto the steering wheel, looking at the cars around him as impatience heavily sinks in. What's taking the three piece suit clown so long to fire the starting gun? "I could have won the dang race," Garrett mutters under his breath. Suddenly a big smack lands besides him and he jumps as he sees black gloves clinched tightly onto his open window. "I got you, boy, didn't I? I saw you jump!" Rosco laughs and Garrett feels the fire of anger surge through him. "Sheriff," he musters back his anger, "I need you to step away from my car. I got a race to win." "Khee, khee," Rosco laughs, before going serious, "you think you are real funny, don't you? You, " Rosco removes his hand from the window to point it into Garrett's face, "think you can beat the legendary Bill Elliott in this heap? Even if you drove an identical car to Elliott you'd come in dead last." Rosco laughs some more. "Nah. I can see into the future boy and your's isn't looking too bright. But mine," Rosco smiles proudly, "mine's looking real bright as I beat that ugly orange car and to defend off the NASCAR champ himself!" Garrett laughs through his anger. "What are you on, sheriff? Because you obviously ain't thinking straight or seeing straight if you honestly believe all that," Garrett spits back at him, taking another anxious look at the cars around him, "Now if you don't mind," Garrett states again, "I need you to back away from the winning race car. I got a race to win." Rosco only laughs at him. "You're the one delusional, boy. Ain't no way I'd let a scumbag like you win the race," Rosco seriously states as he claps the open window again, "especially after all you did to me yesterday. You should be in Atlanta by now, looking through the bars and hanging with your home boys." "And yet," Garrett smiles coldly at the sheriff, "here I am. Free as a bird and about to give you some driving lessons." "You hush, boy! If memory serves me correctly," Rosco pauses, "and it does. I outdrove you to arrest you yesterday. And I'll do it again today!" Garrett shakes his head and looks away from the sheriff in attempt to hide his dark emotions that would otherwise earn him more time in jail. "Rosco!" a thick demanding yell pierces through the conversation silence and above the loud engines to force Garrett's and Rosco's attention to behind him where Boss runs at them and pointing his cigar at Rosco, "What in the world are you talking to this loser for?! It's time for the race. Get in your car so we can get it started!" With that Boss takes a hold of Rosco's ear and begins leading him towards the front where his car lies parked. "It's about time!" Garrett yells out at them. Boss Hogg(Over loud speaker):"It's time to get this race started! Alright now gentlemen, an' you too, you Dukes. Start yer engines. Now, I'm gonna say "Ready, set, go", an' then you go. Alright, on the start now. Ready, set-" The cars zoom away. "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Get back here! I'm the starter! I didn't say "Go!" Everyone in the grand stands are cheering and talking and consuming snacks and drinks. Balladeer:"Well, this race sure is off to a great start. Wouldn't y'all so say too?" The cars are in the fourth lap. Bill and the General are neck and neck. Uncle Jesse:"Come on boys!" Daisy:"Come on cousins!" Boss Hogg:"Uh oh! Looky there. They're in the fifth lap. Here come them Dukes! But the favorite Bill Elliott is no slouch an' here he comes. He just passed the General Lee." Rosco:"Khee khee I love it I love it!" RogerDuke and Garrett Duke 2 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 31, 2023 Report Posted December 31, 2023 Garrett Duke quickly maneuvers himself through the half of the racing field. Adrenaline rushes quickly within him as he is reminded of how much he loves and miss racing. He use to race illegally in Atlanta with his boys and it never got old. Just to feel the true power behind his car and all the hard work he has put into it makes him feel proud and for a moment he feels the anger and resentment he has felt towards everyone seem to melt away. Suddenly a big thud breaks his thoughts and emotions and he quickly glances into his rearview mirror to see Rosco's navy blue car right besides him as he clangs against him once again. "What are you doing?!" he yells gripping tightly onto the steering wheel, trying to push farther away from the sheriff. Just as he was about to pull away he feels a harder bang on the side and he feels his car lose traction on the track and as he begins to slide down the ditch, he angrily stomps on the breaks, only for the break petal to just fall to the floor. After a moment, a thick tree forces Garrett's car to a sudden halt. "Damn it!" he cusses, hitting the steering wheel and angrily looks up to see all the cars quickly rounding the turn and out of sight. He shakes his head and goes to open the door, only for the tree to be there and in the way only to increase his anger and frustration and he angrily pushes himself away from the driver's door and to the passenger side door. As he opens the door, the sound of feet running gather his attention and he looks up to see Cooter and Ernie quickly approaching on feet. "Garrett! You Ok?" Ernie asks while Cooter gives him a worried look. "I am. My car," he shakes his head as he looks at it, "not so much. Someone had to have cut the breaks. I tried breaking hard when Rosco ran me off the road and it went right down." "Well that's lower than low," Cooter slowly drawls, looking devastated at the wrecked car, "who in their right mind - " "I'll tell you who...the sheriff!" Garrett angrily yells, "he was so full of himself when he stopped by my car before the race. He went on and on about how he was going to beat me and I was going to lose!" Ernie and Cooter glance at each other. "I surely wouldn't put it past them. Boss probably put him up to it," Cooter slowly states as he looks around at the road race track and back at Garrett, "Well," he goes silent momentarily, "I'll go get my tow and how about you and Ernie make your way to Jesse and Daisy. They are worried sick about you. We ordered them to stay still and that the boys need their support, we would come check on you. Since we're the mechanics and all." He gives an ornery wink at Ernie. Garrett hesitantly nods and silently follows Ernie back to the grandstand where Daisy runs out and hugs him and he recounts what had happened to them. "I'm fine," he assures them, "my car not so much." Skipper Duke 1 Quote
RogerDuke Posted January 4, 2024 Report Posted January 4, 2024 Daisy filled Jesse in over the walkie talkie. Upon hearing the news that Garrett's car had been sabotaged one thought popped into Jesse's head....Boss Hogg. He noticed Boss at the concession stand with both fists full of so many corn dogs that they almost looked like bouquets of flowers at a distance. He walked over to him fuming mad. "BOSS HOGG!" Boss looked at him with a smug face. "My my Jesse, what in the world has you all fired up?" "I tell you what has me all fired up you big marshmallow. Us Dukes stick together and when someone cuts the brake line of a Duke and causes him to crash, that someone has a fight on his hands." He poked his right finger into Boss's chest causing Boss to back up. Boss looked genuinely surprised "Now, now, you just listen here Jesse. Are you saying the General Lee crashed?" Jesse was still mad. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Garrett Duke is the Duke that crashed. You know that because you hired someone to cut his brake lines, didn't ya?" Skipper Duke and Garrett Duke 2 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted January 8, 2024 Report Posted January 8, 2024 Garrett Duke looks at his cut brake line in anger, disgust, and frustration for a long moment before slamming the hood down. The sound of the cars pierce the air and the smell of the cars fills the air. Breathing it all in, he momentarily watches the race where his cousins and Bill are racing against each other hard with everyone else racing behind them. Cooter laughs nervously to bring his attention back to the car. "What's so funny?" he questions, his voice surprisingly calm. Cooter shakes his head before pointing over to the concession stand. "Uncle Jesse is letting old Boss have it," Cooter states and Garrett looks up to see them both angrily arguing. "Uncle Jesse don't let no one mess with family. Including you. Look," Cooter pauses to bring Ernie and Garrett's attention back to him, "I apologize about earlier. I was a bit harsh." "You weren't the only one," Garrett acknowledges as he accepts Cooter's handshake of an apology. With that a loud squeal penetrates the air and everyone looks up in time to see Rosco's rigged race car slide off track and slam into a tree on the rear driver's door. After a long moment, Rosco throws open the door and shakily gets out of the car, raising a fist at the car just as his driver's door falls off and clatters upon the dry dirt. "Well at least the cheater's not gonna win the race," Ernie states to draw a dry laugh from Cooter. "Rosco never wins. His races normally end this way," Cooter responds as The General Lee and Bill battle up front. "But at least he got some pay back." Garrett shakes his head. "I could care less about this race at this point," Garrett finally states, "I just want my car back to health as it was before all this." He stares angrily at the damage upon his beloved car. "We will get it back to the way it was before the intact brakes," Ernie states, "Cooter says we can get it back to his garage once the race is over and I'll help pound it out and get it good as new." Garrett nods and gives him an appreciative smile before he glances back up at Jesse and Hogg. RogerDuke and Skipper Duke 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted January 12, 2024 Report Posted January 12, 2024 Jesse was still poking his finger into Boss's chest. Always one to take advantage of an opportunity Boss fell to the ground pretending to be hurt and squealing in fake pain. He yelled at the top of his lungs. "Help me! I'm injured. Jesse Duke is trying to murder me. Cletus...Enos, get over here and lock up this menace to society!" Cletus got over to them first after hearing the commotion from a distance. "What's going on here Cousin Boss?" "You heard me you dipstick. Arrest Jesse Duke for assault and attempted murder of a government official....namely me! He hit me so hard I can't even walk" he lied while still on the ground. Enos then ran over. "Mr. Hogg! This is terrible!" Boss responded "You'd better believe it. I'll probably never walk again after that brutal assault! Arrest that monster Jesse Duke!" Enos looked confused. "But Mr. Hogg. I was talking about the race. Rosco has done crashed into a tree!" Without hesitation Boss started running toward the crash. Jesse laughed "Crippled for life huh Boss?" Skipper Duke and Garrett Duke 1 1 Quote
Garrett Duke Posted January 13, 2024 Report Posted January 13, 2024 Garrett watches in half amusement at seeing Hogg on the ground before slowly getting up and trotting after the deputies as they head to Rosco's wrecked patrol car. Rosco glances over at Rosco as he kicks the tires of the car, as if it was the car's fault that he wrecked. Shaking his head he glances over at the race as the orange car takes a small lead ahead of Bill momentarily before Bill catches up alongside them. "Looks like your boys are giving Bill a run for his money," Garrett dryly states to Cooter and Bill, "I'll be right back." With that he walks away from his own wrecked patrol car and away from Bill and Cooter who nod before they themselves leave the car and start walking back to the stands to join Daisy for the rest of the race. Turning back around, Garrett walks over to Jesse who was leaving the concession stand to where he looked to be heading back to where Daisy was at himself. "Hey Jesse," Garrett slowly states to gather his uncle's attention. Taking a deep breath to swallow his pride and ego he gives him a slow smile before saying, "I saw you talking to Boss in what looked like a heated conversation." He pauses a moment, thinking his words through. "I assume it was about my cut brake line as it was right after we found out about it." He pauses again as he motions towards his car. "You didn't have to do all that. I know I don't deserve it." He flashes a small smile. "Thank you." RogerDuke 1 Quote
Skipper Duke Posted January 13, 2024 Author Report Posted January 13, 2024 39 minutes ago, Garrett Duke said: Garrett watches in half amusement at seeing Hogg on the ground before slowly getting up and trotting after the deputies as they head to Rosco's wrecked patrol car. Rosco glances over at Rosco as he kicks the tires of the car, as if it was the car's fault that he wrecked. Shaking his head he glances over at the race as the orange car takes a small lead ahead of Bill momentarily before Bill catches up alongside them. "Looks like your boys are giving Bill a run for his money," Garrett dryly states to Cooter and Bill, "I'll be right back." With that he walks away from his own wrecked patrol car and away from Bill and Cooter who nod before they themselves leave the car and start walking back to the stands to join Daisy for the rest of the race. Turning back around, Garrett walks over to Jesse who was leaving the concession stand to where he looked to be heading back to where Daisy was at himself. "Hey Jesse," Garrett slowly states to gather his uncle's attention. Taking a deep breath to swallow his pride and ego he gives him a slow smile before saying, "I saw you talking to Boss in what looked like a heated conversation." He pauses a moment, thinking his words through. "I assume it was about my cut brake line as it was right after we found out about it." He pauses again as he motions towards his car. "You didn't have to do all that. I know I don't deserve it." He flashes a small smile. "Thank you." "Why wouldn't I do it? You're family and a Duke. Family and us Dukes stick together thru thick and thin and come what may. We protect and look out for our own. Let's join Daisy up there shall we?" "Yes sir." Garrett happily states, following Jesse to 2 empty seats beside Daisy. They continue watching the remainder of the race together as a happy family. Balladeer:"Awe folks. Now, don't that warm yer heart?" Suddenly out on the track, the General Lee starts spilling out smoke like the stack on a steel mill. "What's wrong cuz?" Luke asks. "I don't know Luke. The General is breaking down." Both boys in unison as they draw an immediate conclusion. "Boss! He's behind this somehow!" RogerDuke and Garrett Duke 1 1 Quote
RogerDuke Posted January 14, 2024 Report Posted January 14, 2024 Jesse watches in horror at the sight of the smoke as everybody in the crowd gasps and moans at the black fog coming out of the orange Charger. Just as Bill started pulling away something surprising happened. The black cloud remained but the exhaust of the General Lee cleared up and it surged forward, leaving the smoke behind. The boys were back in it. They had some ground to make up but they still had a chance. Daisy cheered with glee and hugged Garrett then kissed him on the cheek. "I wonder what happened." Daisy asked. Jesse quickly responded "I think the General just had a temporary vapor lock. I think it worked it's way through. Let's just hope that's the last time it happens." Skipper Duke, Garrett Duke and Hobie Hartkins 3 Quote
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