garysmom Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 I just had to write this to see if other old school Dukes fans who use to play Bo and Luke or Daisy when we were kids have kids who do it now? My 9 year old son who has really gotten into the show and the games (which he is playing on Playstation as we speak) is now only wanting to get into the car thru the window! He thinks its the coolest thing to do it this way because thats how the Duke boys do it. I just love it because in this day 'n' age there are so many things he could be emulating and I love that he is picking the Dukes to emulate. Although if he starts sliding across the hood of the car like we did back when we were kids, I might have to put my foot down on that one to protect the paint!! ............he is even starting to like country music and saying yeehaw! Gotta love it! Quote
Officer Barbrady Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 I would consider my two nephews, ages ten and five, to be part of the new generation. It must've been sometime after CMT started running episodes, and I was sitting with Bowen, the older one (yep...guess what his nickname is? ). We were talking about some stuff we saw on TV the other day, and out of the blue he said, "I've been watching this show called Dukes of Hazzard. It's so cool!" He doesn't do the hood slide, but will answer phone calls from family members with "This is Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane!" and refers to his pet basset hound Buford as "Flash." He also complains when I complain that an episode needs more Cooter.The five year old loves the General Lee. Quote
bethie88 Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 My daddy's friend has a 2 year old nephew who says things like, "This is Sheriff Rosco P. Coltraine!" And "Rosco was chasin' them boys, and they went, 'Yeeehaaa!'" lol... He also does the Rosco laugh. lol. Quote
Crazy_C Posted September 1, 2005 Posted September 1, 2005 My friend who is 14/15 (not sure) has just seen the new film and is now into the Dukes, but she thinks that Jessica Simpson is better as Daisy, that the new Bo is better than John Schneider, and the general looks better in the reddish colour than the orange!!ARRGGGHHHH - She does not know the error of her ways!!! Quote
bethie88 Posted September 1, 2005 Posted September 1, 2005 I'm 17, and I know better... Everybody knows that John Schneider's sexxiness will never be matched! Quote
DixieCJ-7 Posted September 1, 2005 Posted September 1, 2005 My four year old loves the Dukes. He watches everyday @ 6 on CMT and is playing with his dukes cars right as we speak. He also loves to play my playstation games. Though he doesn't actually play he loves to free roam and drive the General Lee. Thankfully my Walmarts have started to finally carry the cars and models. Quote
garysmom Posted September 1, 2005 Author Posted September 1, 2005 This is so awesome guys....its great to know there are alot of young kids as well as older ones who love the Dukes! Of course alot of the teens (not all) will love the new Dukes better, but thats to be expected I guess. For me John Schniender will always be the hottest Duke ever!!! 8) Quote
charger_general Posted September 13, 2005 Posted September 13, 2005 Dukes are awsome! im almost 18 now, but i rmember watching them when i was about 6years old, i loved them and still do! and always will! Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 13, 2005 Posted September 13, 2005 My eight year old cousin has become a full blown Dukes fan. One day she was looking at the Season one DVD cover and tapped me on the shouder, she paused then thoughtfully asked, which one do you think is the toughest? I looked back and asked her who she thought, she immedeatly pointed to Daisy, Oh defenitly her! She replied.On a different occasion while watching the Dukes she asked, Who would you rather date? Bo or Luke? Again I asked her, Hmm...she thought, Bo's cute...but kinda dumb, and Luke's Smart and cute too. But Bo's more of a baby face...Hmmm Bo cause he'd be more fun I think!!We were watching the first part of Ten Million Dollar Sherrif, when it was over she stood over me and looked me dead in the eyes smiling...More Dukes she cried and started chanting and dancing around the room, More Dukes!!She now likes to say things to me like Ten Four Cousin! And The fox is in the hen house!! And calls my dog Flash.He he! It's great cause I get to hang out with my cousin and talk about the Dukes! Which is easy with her, she's eight going on forty!! LOL Quote
1hellraiser Posted September 13, 2005 Posted September 13, 2005 As some know I have 2 kids, my wife has (she includes me), and they both love the dukes. My son who has turned 8, has been playing with my old dukes toys, (thank god my folks saved them, it saved me alot of money on ebay), and my daughter, loves to play daisy, shes five. When I come home from work, (7 am), they are up watching the dukes dvds, and my burt reynolds movies. I'm thankful they aint in to pro wrestling. Quote
GENERAL CHARGER Posted September 13, 2005 Posted September 13, 2005 I play with my General Lee die-cast model often...even though it's just a blinged up Charger painted like a General. Quote
charger_general Posted September 13, 2005 Posted September 13, 2005 I love the models, i got two general lee models, one 1969 daytona dodge charger, and just an ordinary 1969 dodge charger, i love that car! Quote
Pandora_44 Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 My mom didn't use the doors on her car for her whole 16th summer... guess why LOL, now I'M a huge fan! Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 My younger brother is a huge fan. I was driving him back from kindergarden one day and there was a sherif car that passed us and he said "This is Sherif Rosco P. Coltrain!! I love it I love it!!" I cracked up laughing. He's really into it. For his birthday I bought him the little matchbox cars (both sets) because he likes to line up all of his 400 cars and "jump" them. I was sittin downstairs and all of a sudden a loud YEEEHAAW came from It's real sweet, he's even Bo Duke for Halloween. te he. I love it i love it. lol. Quote
Iloveschnieder Posted January 16, 2006 Posted January 16, 2006 I remember playing with my die cast General Lee when I was a little girl in the dirt by my apartments door. Now this christmas Santa got my little girl the General Lee, Daisy's Road Runner and Roscos car. I gave my daughter a 01 Orange General Lee T-shirt that is like five sizes too big. It was the smallest shirt that I could find. My 11 year old son loves to hoodslide across my '88 Chevey Corsica, and my 9 yr old will open the door, open the window, shut the door, and proceed to climb in the window! Hey it is an old car with no paint job to protect, so I let 'em at it! What cracks me up is that my 11 yr old's giggle when he is being tickled hard sounds just like Rosco! guh guh! I love it I love it.My 14 yr old complained yesterday after my daughter got the song "Flash" stuck in his head that it is all my fault. I smiled and said it is, You got a problem with that?? I have used the shows many times to help teach the kids right from wrong and try to point out the morals in it. A 1st generation Duke fan and mother of 2 2nd generation Duke fans (2 out of 3 kids ain't to bad!) Quote
miz_smarteepantz Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 I am a first generation Dukes fan, the whole cast was my imaginary friends/enemies as a kid of like 4-5 years old *sniff* then the show went off the air. I have put together 2 general lees of my own and have some just toy cars which i haven't taken out of the pack. It has the general lee,dixie,and boss's convertible in the pack. LOL nowhere else would I admit this but here but I roleplay DOH the original cast of course not the movie. I have a 17yr old cousin who I can sit down and discuss the finer points of the show with in an adult manner. If I make it to dukefest this year in Nashville he'll be coming with me. I also have an 8yr old cousin who I started out on the Dukes back when the showed on TNN and I've started his 4yr old brother on the show with CMT and my DVD's they both love the show. LOL I had them singing John's in the driver's seat the other day at my grandmother's I'm sure she was thrilled because none of us was singing quietly. The oldest of the two can name the characters on site but the youngest lol he just calls the boys that duke boy or the other duke boy it's funny. I had to give the oldest my very first general lee model to play with and well lets just say that particular general hasnt been the same since LOL. I have to tell this story it's not about a family member but it's cute. One sunday we were sitting in church and everyone was talking quietly while we were waiting for the elders and decon's to get the sick list announcements gathered. Anyway suddenly from the church building not very loud but loud enough I heard it all the way on the last pew in the back "yeeehaaaw". I leaned over and whispered to my Mom that it was either the General lee or a horse. When she looked up front which I couldnt see from my seat she leans over and whispered back it was the preacher's son flying the General cos she had seen it fly over the pew. I had to stifle a giggle. But I don't think parents of today could ask for better role models or imaginitive games the kids could play.Brandy Quote
Iloveschnieder Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 I have to agree with you that they are really good role models. I don't think the movie is though, but I really can't say, since I haven't seen the movie. Not sure if I want to. My children have though, and the two boys liked it. My daughter didn't like it. Wasn't the real thing she said. Good for her! heheheI just bought her the Dukes of Hazzard tv show sound track. That is all she is listening to now. Quote
CalebDuke Posted January 21, 2006 Posted January 21, 2006 Heck! I'm 13 and I like Dukes a wicked lot. I mean some of my friends (maybe 2 or 3) like it, but others just make fun of me ( i just ignore them). My mom is always teasing me about why she 'thinks' i like it. I also have a cousin in my town, and my friend (which is blonde) and i (dark hair) are trying to get her into dukes (if you get my drift). So all i have to say is that i'll sure try to get my kids to watch it and like it. My AIM sn, GeneralLee0171 Quote
Bo Duke's Girl Posted January 21, 2006 Posted January 21, 2006 I would be acting like and dressing like Daisy Duke, I have brown hair like her. I wear alot of tank tops in the summer like she does sometimes. And In the one episode "Arrest Jesse Duke" I thought those blonde twins named "Francee & Floralee were cool, I thought of if I had 2 golden retriever dogs I would probably name them those 2 names. Isn't that cool? Quote
georgiagal1 Posted January 21, 2006 Posted January 21, 2006 Im 16 and I have ALOT of friends WHO LOVE the show. I dont think I've heard anyone make fun of it and I dont care if they do. I dress like Daisy in the summerm, I have really long legs (Im 5'10!) but I have blonde hair so I dont really look like her OR Jessica Simpson (who I hate so very much) Quote
Iloveschnieder Posted January 21, 2006 Posted January 21, 2006 I really think that it is great all you youngins liking the show. My oldest son who is 14 makes fun of me sometimes. But I think he likes the show too, just not as actively as I do. (being on this site etc.) I just feel that the show is always fun, and never boring to watch. It was a high quality show even if they didn't always have a large buget. Quote
DukesFan82 Posted February 28, 2006 Posted February 28, 2006 I am a 1st generation of Dukes fan, I remember I was a kid, I tried to get in my parent's car like John and Tom did get in the General Lee, It was hard to get in because I was copying how to do that back in the late 1980's. I loved watching dukes on living room at my house where I spent my childhood years. My parents know that I'm a huge fan of John's and the show, cast for years because I was crazy to watch, lol. Quote
Duke_It! Posted March 5, 2006 Posted March 5, 2006 I'm pretty sure that I'm a new generation Duke-er...I've almost been watching the Dukes for about 2 months now, which...ya know, seems puny in comparrison to you guys! But I can't get my mind off of the Dukes. I listen to the songs as much as I possibly can, I KNOW the songs for the most part, bar a few words, and I wake up in the morning singing the songs...strange, I know...It's almost like Hazzard County exploded in my head... And Jessica Simpson as a better Daisy!? ... now that's just wrong..... Even worse...Stifler (American Pie) a better Bo???....NO. Quote
Dukes Fan Posted March 8, 2006 Posted March 8, 2006 Hmm, im not sure if i am a first generation Dukes fan or newbie.But, i was into dukes of Hazzard at the age of 15, so i guess i am a new Gen Dukes fan been collecting all kinds of Dukes Stuff, Models, DVD's, Soundtracks, e.t.c. Quote
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