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  • 2 months later...

I still say that his birthday is Dec 25. Not all of these websites are right. IMDB has John Schneiders birth year wrong after all. It was stated by Catherine Bach that his birthday was Dec 25th in the commentary of "One Armed Bandits" This was during the scene when Uncle Jesse found the slot machines.


She too could have made a mistake when she said that...I have always heard it to be May 11th - even before the disc set had came out.

They have John Schneider's birth year wrong because when he walked in for the role, he gave them the wrong year in order to present himself to be older. He was only eighteen years old and they were looking for someone who was twenty-four or so. He told them the wrong birth year to get the job and that is what they wrote down.

I know Denver died on December 25th and maybe Cathy is right when she said that. Afterall, she did know Denver personally and had worked with him. Perhaps she said it wrong and she or no one else caught onto it until it was too late.

Whenever his birthday is...happy belated birthday Denver.

Keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke

  • 10 months later...

I was also surprised when I heard her say Christmas Day. Now I'm wondering about the other birthdays I have. Does anybody know if these are disputed? Luke-Aug 9 Bo-April 8 Daisy-March 1 Boss-Jan 4 Rosco-July 20 Enos -Aug 28 Waylon-June 15 Coy-April 17 Vance-Feb 21 Does anyone have Lulu's?

  • 1 year later...

I know there's some question if Denver Pyle's birthday is December 25 or May 11.

Until I hear it confirmed that it's December 25, I'll still celebrate it on May 11 like I have done since the Dukes first came out in 1979.

With that thought in mind, let me say that Uncle Jesse is my hero. I'm only 48 but it is my hope that when I'm older I'll be just like he was on the show....loving, wise, caring, a family leader, respected, reverent, fun to be around, strong, gentle, community-minded, polite, honest, patriotic, and respectful of his fellow human beings (and a pretty good ridge runnin' wheel man to boot)

Happy birthday in Hazzard Heaven my hero. Keep an eye on Boss up there. I'm sure the Good Lord needs your help on occasion to make sure old J.D. isn't trying to scam them angels.

We all love you Uncle Jesse.


The Social Security Death Index lists Denver's birthday as May 11 1920, and date of death as December 25 1997.

I'm sorry to say that Cathy was incorrect in her statement. She may have just confused the fact that he died on Christmas day.

Since today is the 11th, I join with Roger there and wish Denver a happy birthday up there in Hazzard Heaven.


gotta love uncle jesse. i wish i would of been able to meet him. i forgot all about his birthday (i'm not sure how tho) it's a little late but


i'm sure he's celebrating along with boss in hazzard heaven


i was wondering about wether his b-day was dec. 25 or may 11 too.

  • 11 months later...

Happy birthday to my hero Uncle Jesse (Denver Pyle....Monday May 11)

If anybody wants to know how I feel about him, just scroll back 5 posts. None of that's changed in the last year and it never will.

We love you Uncle Jesse.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DENVER! You are very well missed!

I had always heard and believed his birthday was on May 11th...I think I only heard it once of the December 25th one. I know he died on December 25th...So, until I hear elsewise, his birthday will always be remembered and celebrated on May 11th by me.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DENVER! You are very well missed!

I had always heard and believed his birthday was on May 11th...I think I only heard it once of the December 25th one. I know he died on December 25th...So, until I hear elsewise, his birthday will always be remembered and celebrated on May 11th by me.

HAPPY BDAY DENVER!!!!!!!, (sorry for that)

hope you have a great one up there inside those pearly gates, we miss you, tell Boss we said hi and we'll see yall when whe all get there


Hey, my wife's cousin had a baby girl today on Uncle Jesse's birthday.

I tried to talk them into naming her Jessie (or Jessi) but no such luck.

She does have something in common with Jesse Duke though. She lives in Georgia!!!!!

  • 11 months later...

Happy birthday, Denver! Hope you have a great one. As I posted before, you are missed greatly. Though am glad to know you are in a better place. Hope you have a very special birthday, Uncle Jesse!

PS: You have yet to answer the question Roger as to what your wife's cousin named her daughter...is she having a big year old birthday party?


Happy birthday Uncle Jesse........90!!!!!

I know I've said this many times but I just can't say it enough.........

You are my hero.

We'll meet ya at the Boar's Nest to celebrate.

Garrett, it's Lilly. They live way down south in Dixie so we won't see her for her birthday since we're way up here on Lake Erie. Thanks for asking.

Guest SleepysRose

Happy Birthday to a very special man to us all. We miss you dearly Denver. Happy Birthday!

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