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"Flapjacks on a Ferris wheel! MaryAnne's ok!" Cletus exclaimed as he chewed on his popcorn.

"Cletus! That ain't funny! Quit jokin' around, MaryAnne's..." Enos chastised Cletus. When Valerie looked up and finished his sentence, "Alive"

Enos stopped when he seen his sister respond like a flower reaching for sunlight.

"She's alive 'E'! She's alive!" Valerie smiled in surprise at her brother. She quickly hugged Enos then Cletus. Then the trio had a big group hug on the roof. They all dried their tears and were counting their blessings that MaryAnne Coltrane was among the living.

As Valerie dried her tears she looked at Enos and slightly chuckled, "Crickets and Crocs...!"


**Sorry I wasn't on last night. I was spending time with my family. It looks like that I must have missed one heck of a show!

This won't be too long of a post, and I may borrow y'alls characters for a line or two. This is a different approach to the storyline.

This is also my last post in fic unless y'all would like to borrow my character for a line or two! I enjoyed writing with y'all. Maybe we can do it again soon! Take Care! ** :wink::)



BALLADEER: Y'all are about to see a different side of the Chickasaw Redhead. A side of Vicki that normally doesn't come out very much!

"This is one heck of a crazy fight," remarked Sheriff Little as he walked over to Vicki, who was sitting by herself watching Maryanne & Brian below them.

"Yeah," said Vicki in a angry tone, not really watching as she was looking in her purse for something.

"Vicki, is there something wrong? You don't look too well to me," asked Sheriff Little.

"Neither does Maryanne. I think that Brian just shot her," said Vicki as she peered down at the fallen Deputy.

Sheriff Little looked down at the fallen deputy. He then saw her move.

"She must be all right, Red. She's moving. She must be as tough as you are sometimes."

"That's good. I'm glad that she's tough," said Vicki as she took a cigarette out of her purse and lit it. When she's stressed, she smokes a cigarette every once in a while.

Sheriff Little looked at her in shock. So did a few others that were sitting closeby, including Bo & Luke.

"What is it, Red? You never smoke like this unless your upset about something," asked Sheriff Little as he looked concerned at Vicki.

Vicki blew out a puff of smoke. "You know, if it wasn't for my friends fighting today, I would have stayed back in Chickasaw. I have a mountain of paperwork waiting for me there," sighed the redhead as she stared at the clouds then added, "Plus we need to clean up that mess in that jail cell caused by those young people."

"Oh...you're thinking about what happened a couple of hours ago. You don't have to worry about them anymore, Red. I already sent a couple of APB's to State Police Headquarters through Boss Hogg's fax machine," said Sheriff Little.

"That's good to know," said Vicki sarcastically as she put her cigarette out as she continue to watch Maryanne & Brian.

"Yeah, Vicki. You did your job earlier. What those young people did was wrong. Maybe the state police will catch them for evading us in our county like that. And if they don't, we will," said Sheriff Little, smiling at his young deputy.

"That makes me feel better, Sheriff. Thanks," said Vicki, smiling at her boss.

"Don't worry about it anymore, Vicki. You did your job right. It's those young people that did wrong," said Sheriff Little as he peered down at Maryanne & Brian then added, "It looks like that they're going to be okay. Let's head back to Chickasaw."

Waving at her friends, Vicki smiled at her boss. "That sounds good, Sheriff. Let's head home."

Looking at Maryanne & Brian and her friends one last time as they were leaving in the Chickasaw County patrol car, Vicki thought to herself,

"Take Care, Y'all. Everything will be all right. Y'all don't worry."


Riddick decided that he was no longer needed there, he turned and began to walk away. He took a quick glimsp at the red headed officer, some how he wished she wouldnt take what he did to her personally. He had spent 2 years in a slam and had no plans of returning. Riddick disapeared into the woods as the Chicksaw patrol car pulled away.


Hilery had heard what Vicki said, and she and Wiz had watched Riddick walk away into the woods. The young german held his friend while she broke down. She didn't want to go to jail, and she didn't spray paint a patrol car. After all, she ain't dumb enough to mess with Sheriff little. She might be crazy like her cousin, but she cirtainly wasn't dumb. Wiz also wasn't sure about what they would do either. he comforted her as best as he could, having become her friend when he had first come to Hazzard.

They both sighed, they knew the state police or Rosco would probably try to arrest them soon. Her best bet would just be to face Rosco. If all didn't work out with him, she could flee the state or follow Riddick, and bring Wiz along even if they didn't particulary get along. Wiz was thinking similar. Hopefully the sheriff would listen.

"C'mon Wiz, we might as well try talking to Rosco." the german boy listened and walked behind her obediently.

"Rosco, I didn't spray paint sheiff Littles patrol car." Hilery said plain as day. It had to have been someone wholooked like her. She was sure that the chickasaw sheriff had a spray can that was taken, and it probrably hadn't been finger printed. Sure she had been in the county when teh car was painted, but she had been going to visit a friend. Earlier she had to go get parts for a car, it was really a short notice repair. "I'm not dumb enough to mess with that danged sheriff."


Daisy had climbed down from the roof with Luke. They walked over to Hilery. Rosco had since walked to his cousins.

"It ain't up to Rosco, Hazzard is his county not Chickasaw." Daisy told the young girl with a smile.


Daney let out a big sigh of relief seeing Brian and MaryAnne hug.

A smile came over her face.

The brunette glanced went quickly from Rosco moving toward his kin to her young blond cousin on the roof, Daisy walking pass Hilery and her friend. Luke heading back up the ladder.

She waved to her oldest cousin, Min, Bo, Val, Enos, Cletus, Vicki and Sheriff Little. Then turned back to watch the Deputy and her favorite bad guy.

The private investigator felt a gentle squeeze on her shoulders and grinned at Daisy.


(Min can't post at the moment and Val gave me permission earlier in the week...)

Daney watched the folks come off the roof after giving MaryAnne and Brian a standing ovation after the Deputy bowed. They mingled in with the rest of the crowd heading into the Boar's Nest.

It was late Friday afternoon and everything was alright in Hazzard County.

  • 3 weeks later...

I', giving 3 ranking for the test.

MAX: 0a, 1b, 0c, 1d, 6e; 3/4ths a Davenport

BILLY:0a, 0b, 0c, 0d, 8e; 100% Davenport

SANDRA:0a, 2b, 0c, 2d, 4e; 50% Davenport mixed with 2 other hazzard types

  • 1 year later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 month later...

1. B.Family honor

2. d. Radio for Help, just in case it's worse than it looks.

3.B. Turn it in to the Authorities.

4.b. You'bve got a Happy home.

5. E. Remind everyone that you fix their cars.

6.b. driving?fishing/skinny dipping.

7. B. YeeHaaa

8. c. it all depends, ya see

I got definitly Duke material.

  • 6 months later...

I'm all Hogg with a dash of Coltrane...My Halloween Costume (I am attempting is Boss JD Hogg. If I pull it off, I will send y'all a picture. All I need to find is the hat, the Coat, and the pocket watch.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

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