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Who do you like better drivin the General? Bo or Luke? I like Luke because he really didn't drive much. Dont get me wrong because i love the jumps that Bo makes but its nice to see Luke in the drivers seat. :wink:

One other question, didn't the boys have another car? I mean like a big red convertable or somthin? I thought i remember it gettin stolen by two girls in an episode of season 1?


They're both very good drivers. Bo's always wanted to drive racecars, had NASCAR dreams, and Luke used to run shine a lot for Jesse. So they're both good. They do have slightly different styles and strengths though. Bo is great at the high-flying maneuvers and offroad, as well as just plain speed. Honestly though, from what I've seen Luke can pull some faster, more agility-driven moves on the road than even Bo can - dodging in and out around other cars and obstacles, pulling fast spins, etc. So... nearly impossible for me to say either one's better than the other.


I Like Luke driving better he rules when he gets behind the wheel. I have a question why didn't Tom drive much ? and he said " that he wore contacts on Dukes when he couldn't wear his glasses.


I thought it was cool that they made one person (Bo) the main driver, but Luke always revved it up when he got behind the wheel, so I don't really mind either one driving :)


I think that they are both excellent drivers...each has their strengths. I think that Bo does better at the fancy stuff, the 180's, jumps and so forth, but Luke does great with the over the road fast chases.

I kind of look at it like Luke probably helped Jesse teach both Bo and Daisy to drive, but Bo took to it "like a Junebug to punkweed."


  • 1 month later...

Ultimately I like Bo driving the General better. And for awhile it was almost strange to see Luke driving the General because he didn't seem to do it much in the first couple seasons, but it seems like now (in terms of the order they're being showed on CMT) he does it much more often and I'm getting more used to seeing it. I like them both but I'm still a bit partial to Bo. If I had to guess the reason Bo drives most of the time is because John was the better driver... and that's not my opinion that's a direct quote from the stunt guy on the CMT Inside Fame special they did on the show. Tom was the better fighter apparently.


Yea I must admit that even though I like both of em as drivers old Bo is pure poetry behind the wheel. That and Bo wants to be in the NASCAR circut so he'll do anything to get it.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

I like them both driving, but Bo was the more aggressive driver of the two. In reality, John was the better of the two drivers. Paul Baxley (I know that I misspelled his name, shame on me) said that John was a natural driver. He was allowed to eventually do some of the stunt driving, like driving up to the mirror in "And in This Corner, Luke Duke". Even on Smallville, the stunt coordinators, I belive it was, compliemented John on his driving ability and I also belived, allowed him to do some of his own stunt driving. There was a time, when John was thinking serously about becoming a race driver, but the country music was going really well for him at the time. John is a natural driver. Tom though was the better of the two when it came to the fighting. Tom was also a good driver, just had a more gentle hand with the General than John or Bo did. Besides with Bo driving, Luke got to do all the cool jumping from the General to the chased vehical.

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