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Brian Coltrane

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Everything posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Mufn, have you been spiking the egg nog? I can't even believe you went there. I should moderate that entry, but seeing as how you outrank me, I'll just pretend I didn't see it. Meantime, I'm stayin' clear of your next moderator motivational meeting, just in case. As for Alex...that's another lump of coal you've earned, buddy. Roger, I didn't find those 500 complimentary posts, so I'll have to chalk that up to a reckless exaggeration on your part. The good news is, you can still write those 500 complimentary posts, and that way I won't be disappointed. General Grant, you're right. I think the new folks stick around longer if we don't talk to them. Heh! And no, we don't really walk around here with any of that kinda nasty stuff. Just ignore all the other posts you'll find scattered about concerning the same topic.
  2. Bahaha! I knew I had a purpose around here. Which reminds me, it looks like the spelling you put for the "Compliment Department" sign, on my desk, is incorrect. It looks like "Complaint Department." That might explain why so many of the compliments are backhanded ones. Got a problem? Technical issue? Unanswered questions? Feedback? Then stop by and slap our moderator upside the head. Don't worry, I get my revenge when I have to relay it all to MaryAnne. Chain of command, ya know.... *SLAP!*
  3. Well-spoken, Roger. As always you've got a nice way of puttin' a few words about HazzardNet, and we appreciate you too. Mufn, you caught me by surprise with all that. Here's to the next 10 years and counting. I wouldn't be anywhere without you and MaryAnne. Hard to believe how much has changed in 10 years. What's really cool, though, is how much stayed the same. Like how HazzardNet has kept going despite the personal challenges and life events that have tested us all at one point or another. And how our friendships have made it through the good and the bad. I don't have the right words at the moment - it's been a long day and I'm fadin' out here - but this deserves a better reply so I'll add something tomorrow. In the meantime, mush right back atcha. Brian
  4. That's what clean livin' gets ya, Roger. You said some compliments? Hmm, I'd better ..*yawn, stretch* ... go look around the place. Now if I was a compliment, where would I be.... Tho' I gotta look out for those back-handed compliments. Those can hurt. Then again, when I'm gettin' back-handed, it's probably not meant as a compliment. Heh.
  5. Huh? What? Oh. *THUD* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... Wait a minute, it's December already?! I overslept. GAH!!! I haven't updated the home page since....uh...September. Time to start lookin' busy. Looks like we've had some new faces arrive too! Welcome ya'll ! Brian
  6. Amen, brother. It's never too late for a happy childhood and all that. Ya know, I'd start a HazzardNet Hedonism thread where we could all post about our favorite guilty ( or innocent!) pleasures, but I can see that one getting out of hand right off the bat. It's really too bad that I'm a moderator; censoring myself tends to eliminate some of my better posts.
  7. Roger, that would be a great title for a Dukes fanfic about....uh, mature topics. Ya know, like income taxes, life insurance.....bahahaha.
  8. You were invited, but you said you had to stay home and water the plants or something. But there's always more hedonism where that came from! Book now and save 20% with our frequent sinner package.
  9. It's hard for me to accept that there's going to be permanent break between you two, because y'all have been guests under my roof. We had a night of hedonism out on the town that summer and I got the pictures to prove it. I had no idea then that things would end up like this, someday. I realize why, I know there's two sides, but both sides are my friends. Maybe things can't be just like they were between you. But what about basic civility? Is it so impossible to start over, and start small?
  10. That's the spirit. This isn't a scrap at this point, it's a reconciliation. But boy howdy you shoud see our scraps. Or maybe you have already. Heh!
  11. I look at it this way. If "Doc" Pendragon was awright with making the opening gesture in front of everybody, I'm awright with responding in front of everybody. If any of the involved parties would rather not say anything in this thread, they don't have to. They can email as they choose or try to coordinate schedules to yap in AIM. I'm not holding a gun to anybody's head. (Tho' it would accelerate the diplomatic process, no doubt!) Besides, there's also value in showing that sometimes people here have a disagreement or misunderstanding and it can still be worked out. I'm not speaking for everybody and assuming everything is going to be happily ever after. All I want is civil discourse. Anythang else is a bonus.
  12. Nobody is swearing here or really getting out of line. I don't think anybody was going to post specific details or have it get into a full-on fracas. And we can't always AIM because all parties involved are not on the same schedules. So that leaves a trail of multiple email threads, or the bold route, being public affirmation via HNet. Personally I think this is the higher road so long as it remains respectful and doesn't go beyond the usual minor scrapping. HNet united us to begin with. For HNet to be the place where we reconcile is completely appropriate, in my book. But you're the boss. You can delete this whole topic, though I'd rather you didn't.
  13. Are you kidding, I'll take the public airing of private angst any day. Whatever stance one takes on the HNet forums, for good or ill, is like putting your money where your mouth is. Alex, here's something you rarely hear me say... leave Daney alone. She was only trying to help in her own way. I'm sure there's enough mortification to go around by now. I'm still welcoming Doc et all back to the fold. Brian
  14. I've tried giving the new KR a chance, because I was hoping for a good action series that involved cars. Cars, cars cars! But I can't get over the crappy parts, of which there are far too many. The new KITT has no real personality, and everything is too crowded, too slick, too artificially presented. It's just not the same kind of fun.
  15. It takes a lot of guts to air something this personal out in public. Alex, your reply to Doc sounds less than receptive, and I chalk that up to your calcified nature. Hold a grudge if you want, but you'll be holding it alone. Doc, welcome back. I know some circumstances have changed in life, but that doesn't mean any friendships have to end. I'd rather have you here than not, and be able to talk to you than not. I know an olive branch when I see one, and I'm happy to accept it. Because I'm gonna need it to beat Alex over the head with. Seriously, life's too short to keep score over who said what and who got feelings hurt over what. I'm wiping the slate clean. Hell, if I held grudges or had grudges held against me, I wouldn't have any friends at all by now. It's enuff for me that you came back. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have made the effort. Heres's to fresh starts. Mush back at ya, Brian
  16. Thanks for posting these, cousin. I'm sittin' down to reading them tonight. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
  17. Alex, I might have a ghost gig at the moment, but you're the one who's gonna disappear if ya keep up the sass. Oh, and in case you forgot. Mwwuaahahahaaa!!! BEWARE!!!
  18. Alex, that's from a classic joke about.... ah, nevahmind. I'm surprised Mufn hasn't posted it somewhere on the site. Anyhow, MeadowMufn ol' commander n' chief, I think yer gonna halfta sweeten the pot. Without proper and due motivation, MaryAnne and I might nevah finish our stories. You wouldn't want that, wouldja?
  19. No, you're just not payin' any dang attention to what you're doin'. Oh, I forgot. Booowaahahaha!!! Gotta remember to keep the basics covered. Let's see...wail n' moan...that's easy, I do that enuff...and make the stairs creak, ok that's easy....and make things go bump in the night. *BAM!* *crash!!* Ooops. Didn't know my astral from my elbow there. Poltergeistin' ain't as easy as it looks.
  20. Well, we only had a ghost of a chance getting through this with any dignity. You know what I can't believe, is that everybody else finished their stories! Far as I know! I'm looking forward to reading them. I know MaryAnne's working on sorting them all out for uploading. Hm, this puts a whole new twist on the "ghost writer" thing, don't it. Which gives me another idea for a challenge within a challenge. Since MaryAnne and I are the last two without finishing a story....maybe we should have a spook-off. A contest to see who can finish their story first. The winner gets to un-ghost upon completion of the story. The loser.....well, what should the loser get? I gotta be careful just in case that's me. Hmmm. I'll have to dwell on it a spell.
  21. You're enjoyin' this just a little too much, Alex. Now, as to your question. Namely, does this spectral circumstance apply to any of our other...haunts. Heh! Going off of the original spirit and intent of the challenge - it was meant for HNet. I really didn't think about going beyond that, as I didn't figure I'd end up going beyond to begin with, but heah we are. BOOOOOO!!! Sorry, that's been kinda buildin' up. Had to let it out. Where was I.... Oh yeah. I was gonna say, I'll let MaryAnne weigh in on this - or weightless in on this, as the case may be. I kinda think, at first pale, that it would be difficult for MaryAnne to manage her blog with this ghost post shenanigan going on. To anybody not in on the scheme, it wouldn't make sense. It wouldn't affect my blog at all, since I hardly ever update the thing these days. Anyway, MaryAnne manages the DOHFF site too, and whether she decides to honor this condition any further and elsewhere is up to her. I'll go along with whichever way the wind blows. In the meantime, let's give her time to ghoul that one over. Man, it'll be a mercy when this thang is over with so my bad jokes will stop. MUAHAHAHAHAA! BWAAHAHAHA!!
  22. That's a good wish! Tho' I was thinkin' like something I could mail. But who knows, I might just show up for chocolate cake.
  23. You're summoning already? The irony is, you'll probably get more response outta us now that we're immaterial. O' course, we always been immaterial, or we couldn't afford to work here. BAHAHA--- ahem. Anyhow, what the hell do ya want, Alex?
  24. Alex, you turned out more like a zombie than a ghost, but you're a good ghoul all the same! Man, I wouldn't wanna see this face across the table at breakfast...
  25. I should ghost you up anyway. MUAHAHAHAAA!!!
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