I watched it again, giving it another go, and still, I found it ok, but was quite bored with it.The first time I watched, I was kinda of disgusted about J.R. drinking /driving racing, of course that was before I found out it wasn't really liquor in the whiskey bottle. All and all, the show was ok, I did not mind watching it, but it's not a show I would want to watch again.After the second time I seen it, I had a hard time not to press stop. I was getting right bored and the only reason I watched the whole thing, is to see if they would mention what J.R. stood in J.R.Colier, and I never did find out.At the end of the movie, I did notice in the credits, that John's full name is John Richard Schneider, I did not know. So I assumed that is what J.R. stands for. Anyways, the point of this thread is, what did you think of the movie, notice anything in the movie that had Hazzard references? Like I said, I liked the show, but I was bored when seeing it again(something that don't happen while duke watching,. Back to my question, notice any Dukes of hazzard references? I sure did, something I liked about john adding to it. The silver shelby J.R. raced with, bared the plates CNH 320, wild!!! Danielle wore a cap with 01 on it, when J.R. made the jump over the yellow car, Tex and the other fellow, refered to the show dukes of hazzard:). At then end, you see a wee model of the General Lee, cool. So did any of you notice other Dukes items on the show Collier &Co.?