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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Everything was fine until Bo, Jr. stood up to dance with Jessica and Jake with Laura. They were having a great time, but something was wrong. Jake knew it. He just didn't know why. He felt like someone was watching him. And he didn't like the feeling.

    It didn't take long for him to know why. Laura's old boyfriend, Nick, was there. And he was still sore about the last fight, in which he had decidedly lost. Even though he and his friends had outnumbered Bo, Jr. and Jake. But he had a plan this time. A plan that he was pretty sure would work. He walked over to where Jake and Laura were dancing. "Hey, Laura," he said, in somewhat of a harsh tone.

    "Nick," she said, coldly. When he heard the voice of the other man, Jake had turned around quickly to face him.

    "Hey, Jake," he said, trying to act calm. "I got a proposition for you..."

    "What would that be?" Jake asked, not trusting the young man at all.

    "You and me have us a one on one fight, no body else..."

    "Just what do you mean by 'nobody else'?"

    "I mean nobody but you and me."

    "Jake..." Laura whispered. "Don't do it..."

    "Sorry, Laura," he whispered. Then he turned to Nick. "You're on. When and where."

    Nick smiled, and punched Jake hard in the nose. "Right here, right now."

    That made Jake mad, and he jumped on Nick like a duck on a junebug. He was mad. Very mad. Nick was swinging, but since he'd had far more to drink than Jake had, he was swinging wildly, and very rarely hitting his mark.

    "Da--," he said, becoming angry at his inability to hit Jake.

    Bo, Jr. just stood back, knowing that this was his cousin's fight. Until a friend of Nick's, who was less drunk than his friend, jumped in to help. Jake was outnumbered, again... And Bo, Jr. didn't like that at all. So he jumped in to do his part.

    Meanwhile, at the adults' table, Beth was looking angrily at Bo. "Go do something!" she said.

    "Honey, this is the boys fight, let 'em fight it."

    "But, Bo..."

    "Beth, they're grown, and until they need me, I'm just fine lettin' them handle it."

    Beth just glared at him.

    The fight was progressing well for the Dukes until...

    Cue the future Mrs. Luke Duke

  2. Yep... Luke was Lucas K. Duke... Bo was Beauregard... I love that! It's just so awesome! For General PT Beauregard. LB Davenport was named Longstreet for General Longstreet, and JEB Stuart was who Jeb Duke was named for! All Confederate generals. Not to mentiont the good ol' General Lee...

  3. "Yeah?" Jesse said, trying to get Bo to keep going.

    "Un...cle Jesse, me and Beth. We did kinda have a little bit of a problem. Not a... not a fight so much... but... a problem," he said. "Da--..." he added under his breath. "I ain't never had to say nothin' like this before."

    Beth took Bo's good hand and squeezed it. He looked at her as if to ask if it was OK for him to continue. She read his mind. "Yeah, honey," she said softly. "Go ahead."

    Bo nodded. "Uncle Jesse... me and B...Beth... We got us... We got a baby on the way." He immediately hung his head.

    Jesse was raging mad. "You WHAT?"

    "We're havin' a baby, Uncle Jesse." Bo didn't look up. He couldn't. He couldn't look his uncle in the face after what he'd told him.

    Jesse walked over to Luke and handed him his set of keys. Under any other circumstances, he would have been celebrating, but seeing Bo and Beth both so scared, he could do nothing but take the keys and walk silently out of the room. Jesse walked over to Bo and Beth. "I ain't tryin' to be un-neighborly..." Jesse said. "But, I need to talk to Bo... Alone."

    Beth nodded. "Yessir. And Uncle Jesse?"


    "I'm sorry. Please don't be too mad at Bo."

    Beth walked out of the house and to her car. She couldn't help worrying about Bo.

    In the house, Bo knew what was coming. Jesse walked over to him. The old man knew that his nephew was nearly grown, but at this point, he didn't care. He made Bo lean over the couch and tanned his hide. Bo didn't fight. Not even a little bit. He just took it. Then Jesse took out his old worn-out Bible and read Bo so many Bible verses it made Bo's head spin.

    The old man finished reading and said, "Now, Bo... I love you. I love all you kids, just like you was my own. But I expect you to take responsibility for this."

    "I plan to, Uncle Jesse. Do you know how much that girl means to me?"

    "Well, I hope she means enough for you to treat her right. 'Cause if you don't... her daddy won't have to hunt you down. I'll do it for him."

    Bo nodded. "I love her, Uncle Jesse. I love her, and I'm gonna take care of her and the baby... My... my baby."

    Jesse nodded. "You better, Bo. You sure better."

    Bo got up off the couch and walked across the room before Jesse said, "Bo..."

    Bo turned around, a lone tear in his eye. He felt so ashamed, and so sorry for hurting Beth, and Luke, and Jesse so much. "Yessir, Uncle Jesse?"

    Jesse smiled a sad smile. "Here's your keys, Bo."

    Bo took the keys, managing to choke out, "Thanks, Uncle Jesse."

    "You better go help Luke tune the General," Jesse said. "Wouldn't want Ralph to lick 'im."

    Bo couldn't help smiling. Neither he nor Luke had said anything to Jesse about the race.

    Cue Miss Davenport!

  4. This is what happened when I was bored, and thinkin' about the Dukes and the Dillards...

    It's a rewrite of Dooley....


    Jesse was a good ol boy,

    He lived on Hazzard Hill,

    Jesse had two nephews,

    And some 40 gallon stills.

    Jesse watched the boiler,

    Jesse watched the spout.

    Daisy corked the bottles,

    And the nephews fetched 'em out.


    (Just take the original chorus and replace Dooley with Jesse.)

    Jesse was a trader,

    When in to town he'd come,

    He bought corn by the bushel,

    And sugar by the ton.

    The revenuers came for him,

    Slippin' thru the woods,

    But Jesse stayed ahead of them

    And never lost the goods.


    (Just insert Jesse for the rest of the song...)

    :oops: Gah, I'm weird!

  5. Bo walked downstairs. "Uncle Jesse, I need to use the phone," he said, so softly that Jesse barely heard him.

    "Well, go ahead," Jesse hoped that Bo would soon come to his senses and tell the truth.

    Bo walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone. He called Beth, and listened to the phone ring. "Hello?" said a child's voice. It was Beth's little sister, Laura.

    "Hey, Laura," Bo said.

    "Bo!" Laura was just a little girl, 7 years old, but she adored Bo.

    "Hey. Is Beth there?"

    "Yep. She's in her room. Lemme go get her."


    Beth answered the phone a second later. "Hello?"

    "Hey, honey? It's Bo."

    "Hey, Bo," she said softly, her voice filled with a sadness Bo had never heard in her.

    "Honey... I... We need to talk to Uncle Jesse," Bo said, knowing that Beth wasn't ready for this just yet.

    "Bo... I can't. Not yet." Beth was on the verge of tears. SHE couldn't even believe that she was pregnant, and she SURE wasn't ready to tell anyone else.

    "Listen, Beth... Luke said if we don't tell Jesse by noon, he's gonna tell him."

    "Why'd you have to tell Luke anyhow?"

    "Beth...honey... I had to talk to Luke. I thought he'd know what to do."

    "Bo... I can't tell Jesse! Or my parents."

    "Well, honey... I can't tell him alone. I really wish... Well... Please honey! I need you. Do you want Luke to tell him?"

    "No! No. But..." she trailed off. They had no other choice. "When do you want me to come?"

    He thought for just a moment. "Come over at 10. Jesse's always better after he's had several cups of coffee."

    "All right. I'll be there."

    "OK. Oh, and Beth?"


    "I love you. And I'm sorry."

    "I..." she trailed off as tears threatened to choke her. "I love you, too."


    True to her word, Beth arrived at the Dukes at 10 on the dot. She parked her red and black Z28 and walked toward the porch. Bo ran to her from the barn.

    He took her hand in his own. He looked her in the eyes for a long moment. "Well, Sunshine," he said. "Whatever happens, happens to both of us."

    Cue Ms. Davenport!

  6. I copied these from two other threads started for this... before I realized this was a better idea...

    "Some days, ya just can't jam it into second.... Even if ya don't clutch it." ~Cooter

    "Breaker one, breaker one, might be crazy but I ain't dumb...any ya'll lost sheep out there on the Hazzard net come on?" ~Cooter

    Cooter: What do you suppose ol' Burt Reynolds would do at a time like this?

    Luke: I don't know. But I'm sure he'd be doing it with someone a whole lot prettier than you.

    Cooter: If you can't make this thing go any faster do ya'll mind if I just jump out and run ahead?

    "Give or take a few minutes cuz I ain't got no watch." ~Cooter

    Cooter: (after seeing Rosco fall into wet cement) Thank you Lord for a perfect day!

    "Ahhh! Ya'll done scared my dog....you want me just ta put a window up there so you can just climb right on threw?"~Cooter

    Enos: Possum on a gumbush!

    Enos: You wanna keep looking Sheriff or do you wanna go eat?

    Rosco: Enos, just forget it okay? Forget it.

    Enos: Okay Sheriff...This is Enos...forgetting it.

    Cooter: I'd like to report a stolen car, it's a blue Plymouth...

    Enos: We know what it looks like Cooter, we been chasin' the ding dang thing all day!

    Rosco: Enos, why don't you go look at Daisy and lust in your heart?

    Enos: Yes sir, sheriff! But I've been tryin' to taper off.

    Enos: It's not that I don't trust you boys, but last time you hung me on the wall.

    Enos: (Seeing Rosco hanging from a tree by his gunbelt) Gee Sherriff, you look like a poor little ol' sparrow with a hurt wing awwww.

    Enos: I'm just following you Sheriff, isn't that what you said? Monkey see, monkey do.

    Daisy: Does this mean you don't want my autograph Rosco?

    Enos: I do Daisy!

    (after counting all the moonshine jugs filled with water)

    Enos - "Yep there's ten in each trunk"

    Extra - "Are ya sure Enos?"

    Enos - "Yes sir, I counted 20, then divide by 2"

  7. The next day was Thursday, and Bo and Luke were awake before dawn. Luke was still in a bad mood, and Bo was in an even worse one. Jesse had let them know that the barn needed attention, and as soon as the sun was up, they had to get to that. But before that, Luke sat Bo down for a talk.

    "Cousin... you've got to tell Jesse what's goin' on!" He was not going to give up on that race Saturday. Especially considering that he had $100 riding on that race. That, and a whole lot of pride. His competitors included Ralph Green, his main rival. The man who'd taken his first girlfriend, Robin, away from him. And he had to when that race. Which was going to be impossible without the General Lee.

    "Luke, you know I can't do that. You don't understand. I love Uncle Jesse to death, but if I told him..."

    "Bo... Listen. You're gonna hafta tell him sometime. Besides, when Beth starts showin', everybody's gonna know. Jesse knows Beth wouldn't cheat on you. He'll know the baby's yours. So do yourself and everybody else a favor and just tell him.

    "Luke, you know what he's gonna do to me?" Bo demanded.

    "Yep. He's gonna tan your hide."

    "Well, thanks for the encouragement. But, yeah. That's what he's gonna do. And I sure as h--- don't want that."

    "Well, you shoulda thought about that before you started messin' around with that girl, and not usin' your good sense."

    "What do you call it when you mess around with every girl in Hazzard, not just one?"

    "That's beside the point... Besides... did you ever think about what anybody else wants? I've been plannin' on this race for almost a month. I owe Ralph one more good helpin' of havin' his rear-end whooped, and I can't even tune the car without the keys."

    "Have Cooter hotwire it for ya."

    "No. Jesse'll tan my hide and Cooter's too."

    "Luke. I can't do it. Not yet. Give me some time. Why's my life got to revolve around you and Robin and Ralph anyhow?"

    "Shut up, Bo. Just shut up."

    "Fine." Bo shook his head, hoping maybe he'd wake up, and it would all go away.

  8. Bo, Jr. and Jake were the biggest daredevils of the group, and Beth was just glad that everyone was wearing warm clothes, because Bo, Jake, Jesse, and Caroline were getting extremely muddy. Coy and Daisy were getting their fair share of the mud on them, and Vance was just waiting to get in on the fun, since the mudhole was only so big. Cooter was going a little slower since he had Michaela on with him. But she yelled, "Come on, Uncle Cooter! I drive this thing faster than that!!!"

    Cooter laughed and upshifted. Michaela laughed hard. This was more fun than riding alone, she decided. All of the kids loved their family. Including the Davenport branch.

    They took a curving dirt path away from the house. Beth was snuggled very close to Bo, trying to keep warm. The wind was blowing hard on them, and Beth had no desire to get too cold and get sick.

    They were having a great time. They rode for a few hours. Dixie and Debbie were enjoying themselves immensely, so their drivers, Luke and Jeb, respectively, decided that it might be OK to try a few more daredevilish stunts. Luke hit a mudhole, swinging the back wheels around. Dixie yelped, but then began to laugh. Jeb turned down another path, then turned a hard left without slowing down. He came back up in 4th gear, and hit a large bump. In a slow gear, it would have been nothing, but Jeb hit it so hard that all 4 wheels left the ground. Debbie screamed, and tightened her arms around him so that he could barely breathe. "Whoa. Easy now," he said calmly. "I ain't gonna letcha get hurt. I promise."

    She found herself snuggled close to Jeb, her head lying on his shoulder. "You OK?" he asked her.

    "Yep," she said softly. "I'm just fine."

    Lunch ended up being at 3:00, because it took everyone that long to get cleaned up. Daisy, Dixie, Debbie, and the girls made a huge pot of vegetable soup, which everybody loved on such a cold day. After sitting around talking for a few hours, Bo stood up. "Alright, everybody. Ruth Anne said she'd keep the young'uns if y'all wanna go out jukin' at the Boar's Nest."

    Debbie, who happened, by some twist of fate to be sitting beside Jeb, looked at him. "Huh? What's jukin'?"

    Jeb laughed. "Just go put on somethin' perty, and we'll show ya."

    Debbie looked at him just a minute, unsure what he meant exactly. But Dixie smiled at her. "Just come on, honey! It's fun!"

    She led Debbie upstairs to pick an outfit.

    They all met in the living room, at 8:00. Debbie was wearing a blue denim dress, a little past knee length. Beth thought she was crazy as cold as it was, but something was different about Debbie that night. She'd done her makeup, and Daisy had done her hair. Daisy was the go-to woman for hair in the Duke clan. Jeb looked at her, a little smile on his face. Dixie was wearing a new pair of jeans and a button top over a tank top. Beth was dressed comfortably in a purple button top and jeans. She was just glad she wasn't showing all that much. At least on a jukin' night. Daisy was dressed in a pair of jeans, and an off-white top.

    All of the men were dressed in button tops with the top few buttons undone.

    They headed out to the Boar's Nest. They went inside, and the DJ was playing, "Could I Have This Dance." Luke and Dixie were the first on the floor, followed by Bo and Beth. Jake saw Laura across the room, and Bo, Jr. couldn't help smiling when he saw Jessica with her. As the music played, Jeb walked over to Debbie. "Well, Miss Debbie, would you like to dance?"

    She smiled. "I sure would."

    They went out on the floor, and Jeb pulled her very close. She laid her head on his chest without thinking. When the song ended, he lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "And that..." he said in a gentle tone,"...is jukin'."

    Cue Dixie

  9. The weeks passed, far too slowly as far as Luke, Dixie, and Bo, Jr. were concerned. The adults wanted to get back to Hazzard and finally get married. Bo, Jr. wanted to get back to Hazzard to see his family and Jessica. From what he'd heard, Jake and Laura had become an item as well.

    Thanksgiving came, bringing Bo, Jr. home for at least a few days, but went just as quickly, sending him back to MSU for the final stretch. He couldn't wait until Christmas break, when he'd move his stuff to a dorm room at GA Tech.

    It took forever, but December finally came. Bo, Jr. said good-bye to Matt a little over a week before Luke's wedding, and set off, towing a U-Haul behind his dad's truck, since he'd left Stormy in Hazzard.

    When he pulled into the driveway of his home in Hazzard County, all he could do was smile. There were all the extra cars in the driveway. Dixie's Aspire, Luke's truck, Jeb's motorcycle, and Coy and Vance's cars. There was Cooter's wrecker, Daisy's Jeep, and an Accord Bo didn't recognise.

    Bo parked the truck and headed inside. When he walked in, he was immediately met by his mother at the door. "Hey, Mama," he said, kissing her cheek and hugging her.

    "Hey, honey! I'm glad you got back before tonight."

    "Why's that?"

    "There's supposed to be snow and ice tonight."

    "Did you say snow and ice?"


    Bo, Jr. grinned, "Prime weather to bust out the 4 wheelers."

    "Spoken like a true Duke boy," she said with a smile.

    Bo came into the livingroom to meet Debbie and see all the others.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    First thing the next morning, Bo, Jr. was awake before anybody else. He figured it was too early to call Jessica, but calling Jake was a different story.

    "Morning, Jake," he said, when his cousin picked up the phone.

    "Hey, man! What's goin' on?"

    "Nothin' much. I'm back in town, now, though. The whole family is. So we talked last night, and decided to go out ridin' 4-wheelers today, after breakfast. You wanna come over and bring yours?"

    "Sounds like a winner to me," Jake said with a smile.

    The family had breakfast, and Jake showed up. Then they headed out for a ride.

    Everyone began climbing onto 4-wheelers. Bo, Sr. and Beth were on Bo's green 300. Bo, Jr. took his own blue 300 with Caroline riding behind him. Coy took Ruth Anne's red one with cousin Daisy in place behind him. Vance was on Jesse's light blue 250 with Ruth Anne. Jesse wanted to drive one, but with the number of adults, he had to ride on Jake's green 300. Cooter and Michaela took a gray 300. Luke and Dixie took a purple one, and Jeb swung into place on the last green 300. Debbie took a seat on the back of the truck, when Jeb realized she was the only one not riding. He looked around, then said, "Hey, Debbie, hop on!"

    She couldn't help smiling at him. He smiled back as she swung into place behind him on the 4-wheeler. He turned around and looked at her, their faces a little closer than what Debbie was used to, but she wasn't complaining. "You ever done this before?" he asked.

    "Nope," she said over the top of the scarf she was wearing.

    "Well," he took her hands and put her arms around him. "Hold on tight and get close. You'll freeze your butt off."

    She had to laugh. But she felt a little strange being so close to him, but it wasn't a bad strange. She smelled cologne, and it smelled really nice. "You ready?" he asked, as he got ready to take off.

    "I think so."

    Jeb nodded and stomped the gear pedal. The 4-wheeler shifted into first gear, and Jeb pressed the throttle with his thumb.

    The group headed down into the woods, where they commenced to slinging mud everywhere. They were all having a great time.

    Beth slid close to Bo and said softly in his ear, "You be careful, and remember you've got three people on here."

    Bo grinned. "I know."

    Debbie couldn't believe how much fun she was having. And being with Jeb Duke made it even more fun. He was really nice, and Debbie liked him. Alot more than she'd thought she would.

    Cue Dixie

  10. Luke poured coffee into a thermos, knowing that as cold as it was, strangely enough for September in Georgia, they were going to need something warm while they were chopping wood. But strange or not, it was cold. And the coffee was going to be handy.

    As Luke chopped wood, Bo was trying to figure out how to do it with one hand. He finally realized that he wasn't going to be able to, so he was going to have to do something else. He carried the wood to Luke, Luke chopped it, and Bo carried it to the house. "Hey, Luke," he said, as his cousin chopped a pile of wood.


    "What are we gonna do? Jesse's got the keys to the General, and..."

    "You shoulda thought about that before you snuck off," Luke said angrily. There was a race that weekend, and he was entered in it, but with no General Lee, there would be no race.

    "Well, I had to talk to Beth. Da--it. I messed up so bad."

    "Sure as he-- right about that."

    Luke was mad at Bo. Not only had his cousin been incredibly stupid, but his stupidity had cost them both the keys to the General. Not that the boys didn't know how to hotwire, but that would have only dug their hole deeper.

    Luke wouldn't talk to Bo anymore, so Bo just turned away. "Fine."

    They finished their work silently.

    Cue Dixie

  11. ****Name: Beauregard Jackson Duke, Jr.

    Born: June 22, 1972

    Vehicle: 1969 Dodge Charger, black, named Stormy

    CB Handle: Storm Cloud

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 6'3"

    Additional Info: Son of Bo Duke and Beth Smith Duke, Bo, Jr. is the spitting image of his father. He attends Mississippi State University, but is trying to transfer to GA Tech.

  12. Bo, Jr. called his family first thing the next morning. "Hey, Dixie!" he said when she answered the phone.

    "Hey, yourself! How are you?"

    "I'm great! Didn't know you were back in Hazzard!"

    She filled him in on why she was there, and the state of the garage. He couldn't help laughing about the thoughts of trying to live above the garage. He had been to Cooter's garage at least a million times, and the state of the upper apartments was no laughing matter when you wanted to live there. Then he asked her what was up with Luke being in Alabama. She told him about the fires, and he knew she was worried. "Don't worry, Aunt Dixie," he said. "This is Uncle Luke. He'll be fine. He survived my dad's drivin' when they were young... Surely a little forest fire ain't nothin'."

    Dixie had to laugh at his observation. "True. But still..."

    "You just worry about that apartment. I found out today that I'm outta here next semester, and back near Hazzard at GA Tech."

    "Good! See ya when ya get here, then."

    "Oh, I'll be home for Thanksgivin', too! Wish everybody could be there."

    "Me, too! But I know I'll be here! I have to stay here to make sure your mama doesn't cook too much. She needs to rest."

    "Try tellin' mama that," Bo Jr. said with a grin.

    They talked a little longer, then Dixie had to go back to the apartments to get more work done. She had so much to do...

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Luke was up and at 'em early every morning, but this morning, he woke up even earlier than usual and couldn't go back to sleep.

    He finally got up and got ready to fight the fire again. He was thankful that it was nearly contained at this point.

    As he went in, he could think of nothing but Dixie, and his family, and home. And mainly, getting the fire taken care of so that he could be with those people at home.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Dixie and Debbie, as well as LB and Jake were hard at work on the apartments. Dixie was excited when she realized that, if they continued to have Jake's help, the pace of getting all of this done would be a lot quicker. They might even be done by the next week...

    Cue Dixie

  13. Bo felt like he didn't have a friend in the world at that moment. But friends or no friends, he thought he had a good idea. "Luke, why don't we sneak in the barn and get our bow and arrows and tell Jesse we went early morning huntin'?"

    Luke looked at Bo. "We don't do no huntin' in the morning that you don't need dogs for. And besides, Jesse knows we wouldn't hunt with bow and arrows when we're just now learnin' to use 'em. We'd need shotguns."

    "We could tell him we decided to try our luck with 'em."

    "Bo, you have some dumb ideas." Luke shook his head. "But it's better than goin' in there without a good reason. Or tellin' him the real reason."

    The boys walked up the back way to the barn and opened the back door to the barn. They sneaked in and took their bows and arrows out. "They're too d--- clean," Luke said. "Jesse'll never believe it."

    "Well, get 'em dirty," Bo said, heading out the door. They did what they could to get the bows a little dirty.

    Then they walked up to the house. Jesse was waiting in the livingroom. "So you boys finally decided to come in, huh?" he said.

    "Well, huntin' was no good," Bo said. "I still need to get the kinks worked out of this thing."

    "You sure them kinks didn't have somethin' to do with your broke wrist makin' it impossible for you to use a bow and arrow?" Jesse said, sadly realizing that the boys were lying to him.

    Bo hung his head. "Yessir. That's probably it."

    Luke gave his cousin the look.

    "So where were you boys really at?" Jesse said, this time looking at Luke.

    Cue Dixie

  14. "Well, you ain't gonna do no such thing!" Bo insisted, his "I am your father" voice turned on.

    "But, dad." Ruth Anne was 16 years old, and she wasn't stupid. She knew that it would be a hard job, but she was a Duke, and she was up for the challenge. "Just give me a chance, and I'll prove you all wrong."

    Jake shook his head. "Lord, they make this whole thing look way worse than Luke said it was."

    "They sure do," Dixie agreed, knowing that, even though Luke said it wasn't that bad, she was going to worry about him until he was safe at his house.

    "Hey, Beth," Bo said, "I'm going to get something to drink, you want anything?"

    She smiled. "You can get me some milk. I really want some milk."

    "You got it. How about y'all?" he added, looking around the room.

    Dixie asked for a beer, Jake took a glass of tea, remembering the talking to Luke had given him last time he had driven after a few drinks, and Debbie had a Diet Pepsi. Ruth Anne jumped up to help her dad, and they went to the kitchen together.

    When they returned, Bo passed the drinks around.

    After a little while, Jake had to go. He climbed into his Firebird, and smiled as Dixie called out to him, "I'll take ya next time. Just let me get a good car."

    "I'm probably askin' for a good hide tanning now, so don't get me started."

    Dixie laughed, so glad that Luke's son was such a good guy.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    At MSU, Bo, Jr. ........

    Cue Dixie

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