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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Beth every Duke sipped a little shine at 16! Actually I was 30 for my first sip of shine and it was no where near as good as Jesse's!

    I think one of the most food I've seen Boss eat was in the show OSAGE. Where Boss and Rosco ended up in the Osage work camp with Bo and Luke and the guards used food to trade for most of Boss's property in Hazzard. There was a massive pizza, fried chicken, tables and tables of food!


    Cooter and the Dukes boys have breakfast at Cooter's garage on Sat.'s where they dine on Dounuts and beer! (From One Armed Bandits I think)

    Lol! Well there WAS that one time me and...never mind... We'll keep that to ourselves... wouldn't want Mary Anne to arrest that Duke boy who gave it to me! lol

  2. Luke wondered how he ever let that happen. He slumped in his seat, feeling just like Uncle Jesse had been right behind him, looking over his shoulder when he'd read that paper. "How could you let this happen?" he heard Jesse's voice saying in the back of his mind. "And why did you run, Luke? Dukes never run."

    Bo wondered how this had happened. He believed it in his head, but it hadn't clicked in his heart. His cousin had a son...a son that none of them had had the joy of getting to know as such.

    Luke closed his eyes against the urge to cry. He wouldn't cry. He was a grown man, and a Duke man at that. He couldn't cry. He'd cried enough. He'd cried when he'd the problems that lead to his son's birth had happened. And he wouldn't do it again! But he felt like crying like a lost little boy.

    And it hurt him that Bo wouldn't look at him. He closed his eyes and turned to the window, wishing he'd just disappear.

  3. Jesse laid the washcloth on Luke's head, and started rubbing his arms to bring back his warmth. Daisy was rubbing his other arm, and Bo was rubbing his legs.

    "Come on, Cuz," Bo said softly, praying that his cousin would wake up.

    Luke was still kind of blue, and Uncle Jesse looked real worried. The old man began to pray, still rubbing Luke's arm.

    Jesse walked calmly over to the shelf, and pulled out a jar of his best shine. He lifted Luke's head and put the jar to his lips. Bo breathed a sigh of relief when his cousin's lips shaped to take a sip. Jesse poored in some of the liquid, and Luke swallowed, although he wasn't really awake... more acting on reflex.

    Jesse smiled as the shine seemed to bring back a little color to his nephew's face.

    "What're we gonna do now, Uncle Jesse?" Bo asked, ever impatient.

    "Well, Bo...we're gonna wait."

    Bo cursed, not even being upset when Uncle Jesse gave him "the look." Waiting was one thing Bo was not good at.

  4. "Oh, Lord," Bo Jr. said, shaking his head.

    Dixie put her arm around Luke and said, "He'll be OK when he sleeps it off."

    She looked down at Luke. "He looks so young and innocent," she thought, knowing that nothing could have been further from the truth. Luke had lived a pretty rough life between keeping one step ahead of the law and being a Duke...being expected to be the kind of man Uncle Jesse was, when, although much was the same about the two men, so much was different.

    But Luke was a good man, though perhaps a little too safe and cautious. He had a hard time taking chances. Bo had always been the risk taker. Luke was never good at that.

    Meanwhile, in the General, Beth was in the front seat, leaning over on Bo's shoulder half-asleep. She put her arms around his arm, and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Bo Duke," she said softly.

    "I love you, too," he said.

    "Y'all are so sweet!" Daisy said from the back seat, finding a familiar emptiness in her heart. She had hoped that a visit to Hazzard would bring Enos Strate back into her life... But he was in California, working with honest lawmen, which had been what he'd wanted all along.

    Bo smiled. Life was never better. He hoped that life would hold good things for all in his family.

    Coy, Vance, and Jeb were in Beth's car, and the longer they drove, the more worried she got. Three slightly intoxicated Duke boys driving her car. But they all arrived at home without a hitch.

    Ruth Anne had put the little ones to bed, so that was good. Especially when Bo had to carry Luke in over his shoulder. As he laid his cousin on the couch, Bo said, "Lord have mercy. I don't have the back I used to have."

    Beth kissed him. "You're not old, Bo."

    "I'm old enough," he said, kissing her in return.

    Beth started figuring out places for everyone to sleep. Daisy was going to share a bed with Ruth Anne, who didn't mind, knowing that she and Daisy would probably talk for an hour or two after lights went out. Dixie was going to sleep in a roll away bed in the girls' room. Luke was going to sleep on the couch since he wasn't going anywhere, and Coy, Vance, Jeb, and Cooter were going to sleep at various places on the living room floor.

    The family all eventually went to sleep, but the women were up early, helped by the girls with the rest of the huge supper for later that night.

    "So, Dixie," Beth asked, "was it as hard as you thought it would be?"

    "Nope. Harder," Dixie said. "I don't want to talk about it right now, but alot happened between me and Luke, and it isn't easy being back with someone like that. But I care about him."

    "Speaking of Luke..." Daisy began as they saw him making a bee line for the bathroom, "he's awake...and he's regretting last night."

    The women had to laugh. "Poor Luke," Beth said. "I shouldn't have suggested Uncle Jesse's finest."

    Dixie smiled. "He would have had enough beers to make up for it."

    "True," Beth agreed.

    All kinds of thoughts were running through Luke's mind as he felt the effects of his drinking. But the one overwhelming thought was getting to talk to Dixie again and straighten things out. If that was even possible...

  5. why oh why did they have to pick johnny 'jackass' knocksville for luke

    i thought they were gettin rid of jessica simpson as daisy - still better than britney spears

    what next - cooter in clean overalls

    uncle jesse without a beard and hating moonshine (Jesse is Willie Nelson)

    boss slim with a full head of hair (Boss is Burt Reynolds)

    rosco smart

    flash as a doberman

    this film had such potential - and now it has reduced to next to zero

    oh the humanities

    this is against the geneva convention i reckon

  6. At the table, Bo answered Cooter's question, "Well...There's still a few who were here when Rosco was around... But not many. Boss has been gone a while now...so not much trouble goes down anymore..."

    Cooter grinned, "Hazzard must be boring, now."

    "Nah. It's still wild. Especially tonight. Have you seen how many beers Luke's had on top of that shine?" Bo asked.

    "Oh, Lord," Cooter said. "I lost count after about the sixth or seventh."

    "Well, there have been alot more after those..." Bo said, looking warily at his half-drunk, all-crazy cousin.

    Beth looked at her husband, "Bo, you better stop him. I don't want any of y'all to come in too drunk when there are children in the house."

    "I know," Bo said, standing up to go over to his cousin.

    Meanwhile, across the room, Bo, Jr. was still standing with his friends, one of them being his former partner in crime, Jake Miller, the friend with whom Bo had first smoked, first had beer, and first driven too fast. Thankfully, only the last habit had stuck to the young man. But he would've liked a beer. Or some of Jesse's shine.

    "How's it goin', college man?" asked Jake, who, despite some of the things they had done together, was still a good friend to Bo.

    "Good. There ain't nothin' to do in Hazzard. How bad can it be, when your Mama and Daddy go to the Boar's Nest with ya, and you sure as heck can't drink with them around.

    "Lord, looks like y'all are havin' a big reunion tonight."

    "Yep...we are... Uncle Luke, and Jeb, and Coy, and Vance, and Aunt Daisy came. Heck, even Cooter and Dixie came..."

    "Dixie? Who's that?"

    "Cooter's sister. She and Uncle Luke used to go together, and for some reason, they decided to pick back up tonight."

    "Man, there's a party tonight that's gonna be out of this world over at Nicole Hartman's house," Jake said.

    "I can't go tonight. Gotta drive Uncle Luke's truck."


    "Cause Uncle Luke is drunk...big time."

    Jake smiled. "Been there, done that. Well, reckon I better get going."

    "OK, thanks for tellin' me, anyways."

    "No problem, man."

    The adults were gathered at the table, where, not even Bo's insistence that Luke drink no more alcohol, could put a damper on what the dark-haired man was feeling. Not seeing Dixie in so long, and then having her here with him...This was going to be something so different... He wouldn't be able to explain it, just live in it's light.

    Bo looked at his watch. "Good Lord. It's 2:00 in the morning."

    "Oh, Lord, Bo!" Luke said, "We used to hang around till they closed at 3:00 or kicked us out, one."

    "Well, I've got a family, now. And my kids are at home, and Ruth Anne's probably still awake. So we gotta get on home."

    This statement bothered Luke somewhat. Sometimes, after Bo had become a family man, Luke wondered how much the family he had grown up with meant to him.

    But he obediently stood, as Bo and Beth and the others gathered to go back. Bo, Jr. came over quickly lest anyone take over his place behind the wheel of Luke's truck. Bo had to help Luke just a little, since he was quite drunk. They all loaded up and headed home, Dixie in Luke's truck, right at his side.

  7. Bo saw the glimmer in his wife's eye. "What?" he asked her.

    "Oh, nothing. I just love that song."

    Bo smiled, knowing full well when to take a hint. He stood up and put his arms around Beth, and the two of them took to the dance floor.

    Cooter asked Daisy for a dance, and she agreed. Coy, Vance, and Jeb each found a pretty waitress to dance with, and Bo, Jr. sat at the table, kicking the table leg in dissapointment. Everybody was in their own happy little world, dancing with new friend, old friends, and old flames...at least in Luke's case... Even his parents were dancing, and he was sitting at a table all alone. Was something so wrong with him? He looked just like his dad, and from his understanding, during his high school years, Bo had always had a girl on either arm. What was the problem with him?

    Bo, Sr. was absorbed in his wife's blue eyes, when she said, "Bo...Dixie still loves him..."


    "I said Dixie still loves Luke. She loves him, and she came back to see him."

    "Oh, Lord..." Bo said. "This road just keeps windin'."

    Beth laughed at her husband. She looked over at Luke and Dixie, who were just outside the door, still lost in each other's arms, and just smiled. "Let's just hope it's gettin' itself straightened out tonight."

    Bo looked at her. "You really think it'll be this easy? I mean, good Lord... You saw what happened to them two last time. You think they can make it work now?"

    "I don't know, Bo. But look at those two... What do you see?"

    Bo grinned, "I see Luke gettin' even more drunk a few hours from now. Keep that jar of Jesse's shine hidden."

    Beth laughed. "I see a couple of teenagers who just grew up too soon."

    "Kinda like us, huh?" Bo said. They both knew what he was talking about. Bo, Jr's birth wasn't planned, and it had happened when they were both teenagers. But all had turned out all right in the end.

    "No...not exactly...although we were... I mean they're like teenagers who forgot how important it is to be in love."

    Bo pulled her close. "Honey, have I told you today how much I love you?"

    "Yep. But tell me again...I think I mighta forgot."

    Bo smiled and said, "I love you more than anything," then kissed her gently.

    "I love you, too. Always."

    "Well, I think we better get back home. Don't want Ruth Anne up too late keepin' an eye and ear out for the young'uns," Bo said. "But we're gonna hafta do this again before the family leaves out."

    "Absolutely," she said, pecking him on the cheek. "I wasn't ready to leave, though."

    "Me neither."

    "I told Ruth Anne it was gonna be a long night, and she said she was gonna watch some movie that was coming on anyway."

    "Well then, we'll just have to continue this little party," Bo said, smiling as his wife rested her head on his chest.

    Meanwhile, outside...

  8. Bo, Luke, Coy, Vance, and Jeb all loaded up into two vehicles, the General, who was still in his place on the Duke farm, and Luke's truck. Bo, Jr. asked his dad if he could go.

    Bo, Sr.'s blue eyes looked over at Beth. "Is it alright with you, honey?"

    Bo, Jr. was mad. He was sick of having to know if everything was OK with his parents. But he figured it was better than not going to the Boar's Nest...

    He was even more upset when his mother agreed that he could go as a designated driver, since not even a Duke boy was good behind the wheel after too much beer at the Boar's Nest... She was just thankful that they were saving the rest of the jar of Jesse's finest until they got home.

    As the six men headed over to the Boar's Nest, Beth and Daisy couldn't help but worry. All their menfolk quite drunk was not a good picture in her mind. But she and Daisy had to get supper ready, along with the help of Ruth Anne, Caroline (12), and Michaela.

    Things were only made harder on the two women by 14-yr-old Jesse's protests that he wanted to go with the men.


    At the Boar's Nest, everyone seemed to be having a good time... even Bo, Jr. when he realized that drinking wasn't the only thing to the Boar's Nest. There were still lots of pretty waitresses in short shorts, and no 18-year-old boy can say he doesn't like that.

    Bo, Sr. proposed a toast to his family, and beer mugs clicked together. Something was still bothering Luke, which in turn, bothered Bo. He and his cousin had been best friends all their lives, and he knew something was wrong. Especially when Luke ordered more than his usual number of beers, on top of the shine they'd had back at Bo's house.

    "Luke, you OK?" Bo asked.

    "Why wouldn't I be OK? Huh?" Luke was in a bad mood. That was for sure.

    They heard the sound of another vehicle pulling into the dirt driveway of the Boar's Nest, and in to the room walked Cooter Davenport, a good friend of the Duke boys, who they hadn't seen in ages. He walked over to the table where all the Duke's were sitting, and sat down.

    "Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!" Bo yelled, only to be echoed by Cooter. "Well, now! This seems just about right. All of us at the Boar's Nest drinkin' too much for our own good."

    Cooter nodded his agreement. He met Bo's son, and was shocked at how old he was. He hadn't seen him since the young man was a small child.

    "So, Cooter, where's Dixie?" asked Bo.

    Luke could have hog tied him on the spot. He didn't want to know where she was.

    "I left her at your place helpin' the women folks," Cooter said with a smile. "She was always close to Beth and Daisy. 'Specially Beth."

    Luke sighed. Why did Dixie have to be best friends with his cousin's wife? But at least for now, Dixie was a problem he wouldn't have to deal with.

  9. "Yeah. Cooter said he was comin'. Might be bringin' his sister, too."

    "That's good. I sure have missed Cooter," Luke said.

    "Yeah, me too. Hard to believe it's been that long since we were drivin' around here in the General...gettin' chased by Rosco..."

    "Goin' to jail?" Luke added, with a tense laugh.

    "Yeah, that too," [edited here...i messed up] BO said with a grin.

    The two cousins walked over to see Jeb, but there was a gnawing bad feeling in the back of Luke's head. Somethin' was gonna go wrong. It had to...especially in Hazzard County.

    Bo knew something was wrong with his cousin, and it bothered him.

    But he pushed the bad feeling to the back of his mind, as Beth came out, wrapping her arms around her husband's waist.

    "How 'bout some of Uncle Jesse's finest? There ain't many jars left, but today's a day that calls for some," she said, planting a firm kiss on Bo's lips.

    Bo smiled weakly. "Sounds good."

    Bo's oldest daughter, Ruth Anne, who was 16, came out with the jar a few minutes later with glasses for each of the men.

    It didn't take long for the shine to make the men loosen up. This was going to be a fun night...

    For all, except, perhaps, Luke.

  10. Bo Duke, Sr. and his wife, Beth, were sitting on the front porch of the house that had once been Uncle Jesse's. When Uncle Jesse had passed on, and all the other cousins had left Hazzard, Bo's cousins had been kind enought to let the farm become Bo's. He and Beth had raised their five kids under the same roof Bo had been raised under, and things had been pretty darn good. He and Beth had done alright for a couple of teenagers who'd started off with nothing but love and their son, Bo, Jr.

    Bo looked at Beth with that Duke smile that noone could imitate. "Honey," he said, "Everybody's finally comin' home." He hadn't been that happy in a long time.

    Their youngest daughter, Michaela, who was ten years old, walked out onto the porch, so quietly that neither Beth nor Bo heard her footsteps. "Hey, Daddy," she said softly, startling her parents. "Isn't that Uncle Luke's truck?"

    Bo couldn't hold back his old rebel yell when he saw the truck pulling into his driveway, "Yeeehaaa!"

    Beth stood there, looking at her husband, and seeing in his place, the wild teenager she had once known. The Duke family reunion was going to be a fun time indeed.

    It wasn't too long before Daisy showed up, followed shortly by Coy and Vance. But both Bo and Beth were awaiting seeing their son, who had been gone for almost two months.

    When he pulled into the driveway in his own rebuilt '69 Charger, the whole family rushed to see the oldest Duke child. He climbed out of the window of his car in true Duke fashion, and immediately wrapped his arms around his little sister, Michaela, swinging her into the air. She barely let him go long enough for the other family members to greet him. In fact, he had to hug his mother and his other sisters with Michaela between them.

    "How's my Mikey doin'?" he asked the little girl.

    "I'm OK! I missed you, Bo!" she said. He'd missed her, too. He'd missed Hazzard, and his brother and sisters and everyone else.

    Bo, Sr. made his way over to his son. "How are ya, son?" he asked, extending his hand.

    Bo, Jr. smiled, and shook his father's hand, only to be pulled into a hug. "I'm fine Daddy. I've missed y'all."

    Luke turned to look at his cousin's oldest son. He'd been so close to the boy when he was younger, and the expectant look in the young man's blue eyes hurt him. But all he could bring himself to say was, "When'd you get the car, son?"

    Bo, Jr.'s face fell. "Right after I graduated. Me and Daddy restored it before I left for college."

    He had been so close to Luke, and it hurt that after not seeing him for so long, his father's cousin could only ask him about his car. He wondered just what could be wrong with Luke.

    But Luke quickly recovered himself, and added, "I sure have missed ya, son."

    The smile that Bo, Jr. had taken from his father once again spread across his face.

  11. "Luke, you get up right this minute!" Daisy insisted. "You're gonna get sick."

    "Well, maybe it would be better if I did..."

    "Luke, Uncle Jesse might lose the farm, and he sure as heck can't afford to pay your Doctor bills," Bo said, running a hand through his hair.

    "I'm feeling kinda warm, Bo..." Luke said.

    "Oh, Lord, Bo! He's freezin'!" Daisy said, holding back tears.

    "Go get Uncle Jesse!" Bo yelled as his older cousin closed his blue eyes.

  12. Chapter 3: A Hard Night

    "Good Lord, Bo Duke, what's gotten into you?"

    "I don't know. Me and Becky...we didn't mean to. I didn't mean to get her pregnant, Luke."

    "Dang it, Bo! What did you think was gonna happen if y'all kept foolin' around?" By now, Luke's voice was at an elevated volume level to say the least.

    Reckon anybody ever thinks of what'll happen if they don't quit foolin' around?

    "Don't yell at me, Luke. Good Lord! Do you think we thought about that?" Bo was crying hard, and he hated himself for it.

    Luke rested his gaze on his younger cousin. "Nah. Nah, I reckon not."

    Bo looked at Luke, fighting back the tears. "Ya don't hate me...Do ya?"

    "No! Lord, no! You're my cousin, and I could never hate you. I feel the same about you as I would a brother if I had one."

    "Thanks, Luke," Bo said softly.

    "Don't thank me for doin' what I always do. I'm just bein' your cousin, and that'll never change. No matter what."

    "Dang it, Luke. I can't even see the darn road. You wanna drive?"

    "Do you want me to?"

    "Shoot, no! But we'll never get home if ya don't."

    "Well, all this fuss sure hasn't seemed to affect your sarcasm none," Luke said jokingly as he climbed out the window.

    Luke drove home, and the boys got to their chores. Bo fed the chickens and gathered the eggs, and Luke fed the goats and the cows. Then they hosed the General down, since he was covered in dust.

    Bo raised the hood of the '69 Charger. "Bo," Luke said, softly. "Are you OK?"

    "Fan belt' near-bout shot. Spark plugs need replacin', too," Bo said, more to himself than to anyone in particular.

    If you're wonderin' just what on earth he's talkin' about, the Duke boys love cars. And fixin' cars makes 'em feel better.

    "Bo, just what in the Sam Hill are you talkin' about?"

    "The General. Gotta go over to Cooter's and get some stuff."

    "What's THAT got to do with anything?"

    "Nothin'. I just gotta fix the General."

    "OK, now that we got that established...are you gonna be alright?"

    "Fine, I reckon."

    "Bo, you ain't fine. You know you ain't fine. And you gotta tell Uncle Jesse."

    "Aw, man! Uncle Jesse. Lord. I never even thought...What am I gonna tell Uncle Jesse?"

    "I don't know. I really don't know."

    Poor ol' Bo. He's never been in trouble that Luke couldn't get him out of.

    Luke rested his hand on Bo's shoulder, and felt his cousin flinch beneath his grip.

    "What's a matter?"

    "I just...I never messed up like this before."

    Luke had to agree with that statement. Bo had messed up more than his share of times, but this one took the cake.

    "Bo, I just don't understand how you always get yourself into these messes. How do you get yourself in a mess like this?"

    "Dang it, Luke! That's a stupid question. Didn't Uncle Jesse have that little talk with you?"

    "Very funny," Luke said.

    "Wasn't meant to be funny. You're just askin' stupid questions is all."

    Luke nodded, defeated.

    See, even a Duke boy knows when he's been beat.

    "I reckon so. But, Bo, there's still the fact that you are in this mess, and you're gonna have a whole heck of explaining to do when Uncle Jesse gets ahold of you."

    "You think I don't know that?" Bo snapped.

    "Well, yeah, but..." Luke fumbled for words.

    "Sorry, cousin. I didn't mean to talk to you like that."

    "I know...I just hate this whole thing."

    "And ya think I don't?"

    "No! Dang it, Bo! Would you calm down and quit jumpin' down my throat every time I open my mouth?"


    "Well, we gotta get back to work before Uncle Jesse thinks somethin's wrong."

    "Yeah. Reckon so."

    Bo went inside to ask Uncle Jesse if he could drive his white pickup over to Cooter's garage to pick up some stuff. Uncle Jesse gave his permission, and Bo drove over to Luke to ask if he needed anything while Bo was in town.

    "Nah. Reckon I'm fine. Can't think of anything," Luke said.

    "Alright. I'll see ya." Bo said, then drove off alone.

    He arrived at Cooter's a few minutes later, and managed to smile at his old friend as the mechanic walked out of the garage. "Hey, Bo!" Cooter said with a smile. "We sure whooped them fellas at the Boar's Nest, huh?"

    Bo forced a laugh. "Yep. We sure did."

    "Ol' city folks oughta know better than to pick fights with country boys like us."

    Bo smiled, but got straight to business. He told Cooter the parts he needed, and Cooter found them quickly.

    "Sorry to rush, Cooter. But I gotta get these parts home so me and Luke can fix the General tonight."

    "Well, I wish you boys had-a told me. I coulda given you a real good price."

    "I know. I just needed somethin' to keep my hands busy. Uncle Jesse always says that idle hands are the devil's workshop."

    "Well, I never knew Uncle Mr. Jesse to be wrong. Reckon you better get back before them hands of yours get idle."

    "Yeah. Reckon so. See ya, Cooter."

    "See ya."

    Bo drove home with a strange feeling of loneliness weighing him down.

    He and Luke worked together on the General, doing alot of different things until late that night. Luke decided to turn in at 11:45, but Bo said he needed to finish up a few more adjustments. Luke let him stay, figuring out quickly that his cousin needed time to think more than he needed time to tinker with the car.

    Luke knows Bo too darn good to ask if he needs him to stay.

    After Luke went in, Bo lay under the car, trying to be absorbed in his work. He tried not to think, but the thoughts kept letting themselves in. He finally figured he might as well call it a night. He switched off the mechanic's light and crawled out from under the car. He put his tools away, then patted the General's hood. "Well, General...looks like you can't even get me out of this one."

    He shook his head, his blonde waves tossing in the gentle summer breeze. There was no place prettier than Uncle Jesse's farm on a warm summer night. But Bo knew nothing of the beautiful night, because he couldn't get past the pain in his own heart.

    He went up to the bedroom that he and Luke had shared since they were babies. He took off his shirt and jeans and put on a pair of loose fitting cotton pants.

    By the time he was finally in bed, he felt the weight of the whole day hit him hard. It felt like the General was sitting on his chest. And that was a bad feeling indeed.

    Tears filled the dark blue eyes, but at firsy refused to fall. Bo heard Uncle Jesse and Daisy talking down stairs, and tuned his ear to hear what they were saying. When he heard Uncle Jesse say, "Daisy, I'm so proud of y'all. Luke, Bo, you... All three of ya. You're good kids. Don't give me alotta trouble. You're just good kids," the blue eyes lost control of the tears, and they streamed madly down the suntanned face. Bo had never known a pain like this before. It hurt so bad that he thought he would die. And he knew that telling his family would be the hardest thing he'd ever face.

    Now if nothin' else tells ya somethin's wrong, them tears oughtta do it. Cause Duke boys don't cry.

  13. ** Totally forgot to do the "me" character!**

    Name: Beth Smith

    Born: June 30, 1955

    Vehicle: 1971 Camaro Z-28

    CB Handle: Sunshine (Also Bo's nickname for her)

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 5'5"

    Additional Info: This character will be used more in the RR forum... but anyways. Yeah...She was born and raised in Hazzard County, and grew up with Bo and Luke. She had a crush on Luke as a little girl, but her best friend, Bo, grew on her, and she fell in love with him.

  14. Way cool!!

    Obviously the avatar thingy works here at HNet. LOL. I ain't even had a chance to test it myself because I haven't had a chance to make an avatar and upload it to my own website to have it pull from. ROFL.

    Awrighty, I'm gonna go put an announcement post up in Announcements so folks know how it works.

    Thanks Bethie! =)

    No problem, Deputy!

  15. **Lemme see! First of all, I myself am only 16, so any stories involving me and a romance with a Duke boy will involve me being born way earlier than I am for real!**

    **Character 1**

    Name: Rebecca Lee Dover

    Age: (in the current fic) 18

    DOB: June 13, 1954

    Vehicle: Doesn't have one...generally rides with either Daisy or Bo and Luke...

    CB Handle: Dixie Rose

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 5'3"

    Additional Info: Don't wanna give too much away... Moved to Hazzard County from South Carolina the summer of her Junior year in high school. Ended up dating Bo Duke. When she was 18, she became pregnant with Bo, and... well...I better leave it at that lest I ruin the story. :lol:

  16. (If you're reading "A Good Ol' Boy..." don't jump to any conclusions. I used myself as Bo's chic in this story, because it's the only way I'll ever get to be Bo Duke's wife. No matter how bad I want it! :lol: )

    Bo Duke, Jr. was the spitting image of his father. Nobody would ever mistake him for anything other than a Duke.

    He was 18 years old, and he'd left home that year to go to college.

    His parents, Beth and Bo, had called him to tell him that his Daddy's family was getting together to have a reunion the next week. Bo loved his Daddy's family. All of Bo, Sr.'s cousins were referred to as aunts and uncles by Bo's kids. Bo, Jr. had three sisters and one brother. Bo was closest to his daddy and his uncle Luke.

    But the young man had no idea what his return to Hazzard County would hold in store for him.

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