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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Bahaha! Nicely put, MaryAnne.

    Honestly, let's put this into perspective. Tom grew up on a dairy farm in WI, workin' his rear end off in all temperatures, through the heat of humid summers through bitter cold winters. I don't remember how many brothers he has, but he probably grew up learning how to fight at an early age as the result of some friendly family brawls. He also survived 2 years at the University of WI Madison, which is no place for the timid. Hell, the city of Madison alone is no place for the timid, and the university itself could be used to define the term, "rowdy".

    There is no way in hell, let's make it clear, let's just put this to rest right now - that Tom was in any way, shape or form - a geek. His youth and young adulthood required a lot of physical, emotional and mental strength. Whether he had to wear glasses or contacts was immaterial; it didn't hold him back.

    John, for that matter, was asthmatic and somewhat overweight as a kid. I'm sure he was teased and given a hard time by kids in school. It didn't hold him back, either. I'm sure that the girls who scorned John in grade school are now wishing they'd treated him a helluva lot better.

    The moral of all this is: Nobody's perfect, everybody's got something to overcome or deal with - but successful people don't give in to it.


    Lol! I'd be willing to bet on that one!

  2. Okay, Jam argues that we need to watch all the episodes again before we pick a least favorite. (she's the older and wiser sister)

    Amanda (younger "Cooterlike" sister) doesn't like episodes in which Daisy gets involved or even flirts with anybody other than Enos.

    Both agree that "Strange Visitor to Hazzard" was pretty pathetic and that the show was on it's last legs. Nor are we all that fond of Coy and Vance, but we're glad that they made two new characters rather than have new actors playing Bo and Luke.

    Very good point, there! Hazzard County folks always make ya think!

  3. "Oh, Lord," was all Luke could say as he realized that they were all in deep trouble. And, as always, he was caught in Bo's trouble. He hadn't done anything but come looking for his cousin, but he was the one in trouble.

    "Oh, Lord," Bo repeated. Beth was shivering. It was so cold, and Bo felt bad for bringing her out. But he had to talk things out with her, and the sooner the better.

    Luke put a brotherly arm around Beth. "Are you alright, Beth?"

    "I'm...OK. Other than being a little cold."

    "A little cold?" Luke said. "Girl, you're probably near-froze."

    Bo was walking alone behind his cousin and his girlfriend. He felt alone. Very alone. And very stupid.

    Luke and Beth walked up to her house, Bo close behind. The older Duke turned to the younger. "Well?" he said, somewhat sternly.

    Bo looked at his cousin helplessly. Lucky for both of the boys, Beth was a quick thinker. She handed Luke his jacket and went back to her bedroom window. "I'm gonna try to just slip in," she said softly. She raised it and climbed through with Bo's help. She leaned back out the window to kiss him on the cheek, then closed the window. Relief washed over the boys as they headed back into the woods.

    Cue Dixie

  4. Well, Jake wasn't kidding. As Dixie pulled up beside him, Jake floored the gas pedal in his '72 Firebird. Dixie knew her friends automatic transmission Accord had nothing on that car, but she refused to be beaten for not trying. She floored her own gas pedal, quickly realizing that it was no use with Jake shifting up to the next gear to pass her.

    Debbie was holding on for all she was worth, and Dixie was laughing. She hadn't had this much fun since she'd convinced Luke and Cooter to let her drive a Mustang in a race against them, and a few other friends.

    Jake yelled, "Yahhoooo!" as he came up on a jump. He took the jump without a second thought. After having seen Bo and Luke jump Dry Creek in the General, he figured his Firebird could handle it. He found himself wishing Bo, Jr. was with him to enjoy the moment.

    As they pulled into the driveway of the Duke farm, Beth walked out on the porch trying to figure out just what was going on. "Oh, my Lord!" she said, as she walked out onto the porch to see Jake's car screeching into the driveway sideways, followed by Dixie and Debbie, the brakes screaming as they tried to stop the car.

    Jake got out of his car, laughing hard, followed by an equally amused Dixie, and Debbie, who was not amused in the least. "You scared me to death, Dixie Davenport!" she exclaimed.

    "Aw... No need to worry. I've been hangin' around the Duke boys and Cooter forever. Ain't nothin' to worry about."

    Beth walked over. "Don't listen to her," she said. "Being around the Duke boys and Cooter is more likely to make you a dangerous driver than anything."

    "Hey, Aunt Beth," Jake said, hugging her.

    "Hey, Honey! How are you?"

    "I'm doin' alright. Came over for supper. Dixie asked me to, so I could talk to Luke when he calls."

    "Oh! It'll be good to have you around some! We've missed ya since Bo, Jr. went back to school."

    "I've missed y'all, too."

    They went inside, talking all the way.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    At MSU, Bo, Jr. had just gotten a call. Jessica. She just wanted to talk, and that was just fine with him.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Luke was so tired he could barely hold his eyes open. And yet he'd promised Dixie he'd call. He picked up the phone and dialed the number. As he waited for the phone to be answered, all he could think about was seeing Dixie again.

    Speaking of Dixie... Cue Dixie...

  5. Dixie woke up early the next morning. She got up quickly, before realizing that she was in Hazzard, and it was Saturday. She went to the bathroom, took a shower, then went down to the kitchen. She wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. So she fixed some coffee, enough for herself, and Bo. Beth had been ordered to drink decaf, which didn't exactly please her.

    Upstairs, the smell of coffee woke up Bo first, then Beth. He turned over and pulled Beth close. "You alright this morning, honey?" he asked her.

    "Yeah. I'm fine."

    "I knew you were sick last night, but by the time I got awake, you were coming back to bed."

    She nodded. "It's gonna be a boy."

    "How'd you figure that out already?"

    "Only the boys wake me up in the middle of the night. The girls wait until morning. And that includes the one I didn't give birth to." She smiled at Bo. He was known for getting a little excited and waking people up in the night.

    "Well, then." He smiled, and pulled her closer.

    "Bo, I don't know about all this. I can put up with a bunch of Duke boys now, but by the time this baby gets into his big-time trouble causin' years, I'll be gettin' to be an old lady."

    He grinned, "You're tougher than that, Sunshine."

    "Love you."

    "I love you, too."

    They got out of bed. Bo pulled his jeans on, and Beth put on her robe. Before they left their room, Bo put his arms around her again, and pulled her close to kiss her. She smiled, but pushed him away. "Come on! As much as I'd like to just stay here, we have company."

    Bo smiled and kissed her again. "Company can wait when it ain't but six on a Saturday morning. Besides, Dixie's family. She's free to do whatever."

    "Beauregard, we've got stuff to do."

    "Well, Elizabeth, that ain't got nothin' to do with gettin' up this early."

    She smiled, but said firmly, "Come on. Let's go."

    The two of them walked down stairs to find Dixie drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen. She was currently studying her engagement ring for the umpteenth time. Only a few minutes later, Debbie came down. They all had coffee, except for Beth, who had a cup of hot cider, a new love introduced by one of her friends.

    "Have you heard from Luke?" Bo asked.

    "Yeah," Dixie replied. "He's workin' a fire. I'm worried about him."

    "You know Luke," Bo replied. "He's too cautious to get hurt."

    "If it was Bo," Beth said, sliding her arm around her husband, "Then, you'd have something to be worried about."

    "Very funny," Bo said with a sarcastic smile. "Thank you very much."

    Debbie smiled. She liked the Duke family. She knew that her friend was lucky to be becoming a part of it. Bo and Beth were so in love, and so were Dixie and Luke, though as of yet, she hadn't seen them together.

    The adults sat together awhile before the kids woke up, and all the wildness of a Saturday morning set in.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Meanwhile, in Alabama...

    Cue Dixie

  6. Bo waited until everyone had gone to sleep to sneak over to Beth's house. She slept on the first floor, so he went to her window and tapped on it gently. "Beth?" he whispered.

    She opened the window as silently as possible. "Bo," she whispered.

    "Can we talk?" he asked.

    "Bo..." she said, trying to be the strong one. "It's after midnight."

    "I know. But I have to talk to you."

    She nodded, and climbed out the window, where his arms were waiting to catch her if she lost her balance. He kept on hand on her to keep her from losing her balance. As soon as she got out, he put his arm around her shoulder. She pushed his arm off, not quite sure how to feel. She wanted to let him hold her, but wasn't letting him hold her the whole reason they were in the mess they were in?

    "I'm sorry, Bo," she said softly, afraid that she had hurt him.

    "No. I understand. I really do. I... I want to say I'm sorry for doing this to you," he was looking at his feet, but forced himself to raise his sad blue eyes to meet hers.

    "Bo..." she looked at him, fighting tears. "I love you, Bo." She moved close to him, letting him hold her this time, her head buried in his chest. She let all her tears go. The ones that had built up over the past two or three days, and they all spilled over to soak Bo's yellow t-shirt.

    Every tear seemed to cause Bo physical pain. "I'm sorry," was all he could say against the knot in his throat.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Meanwhile, at the farm, Luke was a whole lot smarter than Bo gave him credit for. He knew that Bo wasn't asleep, but had let Bo think that he thought so. Luke had pretended to be asleep. When Bo had left, Luke had decided to give him some space. But when he didn't show up after three hours...

    Cue Dixie

  7. "I'm just fine, honey! Don't worry about me. It's gonna be awhile before this baby starts causin' any trouble. Unless it's a boy."

    Dixie laughed. "Oh, Duke boys are trouble. But it's worth it, huh?"

    "Oh, yeah. It's definately worth it." Beth smiled again.

    "How are Bo and the kids?"

    "Oh, they're just fine. Bo's workin' on General Lee right now. Something's wrong with the distributor. And Bo, Jr. called last night. The girls are at school, so I'm trying to catch up on my housework."

    "Elizabeth Anne Smith Duke, you go sit down right this minute and rest! No more runnin' like a chicken with your head cut off. You need to rest!" Dixie said.

    "I'll rest when the time comes. Besides, I'd feel bad resting with Bo out there working like that."

    "Honey, when Bo carries the baby, Bo can rest. Now you go lay down and take a nap."

    Beth laughed. "I owe him at least a clean house."

    "You better not be cookin' supper!"

    "I'm not," Beth said, grinning. "Bo insisted that until I had the baby, that was the girl's job. But I'm allowed to help. You'd think the man had never been a father before."

    Dixie smiled, knowing full well that when and if she and Luke had kids, he'd be exactly the same way. "Well, I'll be there soon. Love ya."

    "You, too! Be careful!"

    Dixie promised. She smiled as she drove on. She loved her new family.

    Cue Dixie

  8. Bo, Jr. was alone in his dorm room. Matt had gone out with his girlfriend that night, and Bo was chilling out at the dorm room. He had started unpacking his clothes, and found the little pocket notepad that held something very important. A phone number belonging to Jessica Hansen. He looked at his watch, and it was still early enough that it should be OK to call. He dialed the number, and waited patiently.

    "Hello?" said a female voice on the other line.

    "Is Jessica there?" he asked, just to make sure, although he would have recognised her voice anywhere.

    "This is Jessica," she replied.

    "Jessica! Hey, this is Bo Duke. Bo, Jr., I mean."

    "I know," she said. "How are ya?"

    "Just fine, and you?"

    "Great. Even better since you called," she replied.

    "Um... well, I'm... Next semester, I'm planning on going to another college," he said.

    "Is it closer to Hazzard?"

    "Yep. I'm going to GA Tech."

    "What!? Wow! That's great!" She was so excited to hear from Bo, and now this news made it even better.

    "And I was wonderin' if you'd mind if... If you'd like to go out with me when I get back. Be my date to Luke and Dixie's wedding."

    "Oh... well..." she trailed off. "Sure!" She'd thought he'd never ask. So many guys she'd danced with at the Boar's Nest had asked for her number, but never called her. This Bo Duke was quite extraordinary.

    "Um... Luke and Dixie are gettin' married December 21, but I'll be back by December 14. So maybe we can get together before the wedding a time or two."


    Neither of the young people had ever been so excited.

  9. Jesse was waiting for the boys when they arrived. "Well, Bo?" he said, looking at his nephew suspiciously.

    "Well, it's broke for sure, and Doc Applebee had to set it. Gave us a bill for $25, but he said y'all could work out a trade."

    "Sure..." Jesse said.

    "Uncle Jesse, he gave me some pain killers, and they're makin' me sleepy. Can I take a quick nap?" Bo said.

    "Sure. That's just fine, Bo."

    Bo went upstairs, but not to rest. The pain killers weren't even hitting him hard yet. He needed to think, alone. And so he thought. About himself, and Beth. About how he'd ruined both their lives. About how she'd been so set on going to college, and he'd ruined her plans. About how everything was his fault, and now he would have a child to raise. And more than anything, he wondered how he was going to tell his Uncle and Beth's parents, and his younger cousins. Jesse was going to kill him, right on the spot. And then Beth's daddy was going to take what was left of him and feed it to the buzzards. Yep, he was thoroughly messed up. His whole life was basically over.

    Cue Dixie

  10. Bo, Jr. arrived at his dorm on the campus of Mississippi State University later on on Monday. His roomate, Matt, wasn't home from classes yet, so Bo took it easy a few hours. His friend finally arrived at the dorm, and Bo was glad to see him. "Hey, man!" he said, shaking hands with his friend.

    "Hey," Matt replied. "How are things back in Hazzard County? Your family and all?"

    "Well, my mom's having another baby... and my Uncle...cousin... Luke is getting married now... after forever... and I met this girl, and she's absolutely awesome. And I'm transferring to GA Tech to be closer to home."

    "Dude, no way!" Matt said. "Leavin' me here with Professor Evil?" The young men had one class together, and it had to be taught by the meanest professor at MSU. But it was OK.

    Bo did hate to leave his friend, but he wanted to get back home, near Hazzard. There was too much excitement going on at home.

    He still had to finish his classes for that semester. Which reminded him... He hadn't done Professor Evil's homework.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Beth and Bo, Sr. were at home, sitting on the couch, resting. Beth was leaning on his arm, nearly asleep, when she looked up at him. "We have to start all over, Bo," she said softly.


    "We haven't had a child in over 10 years, 11 by the time the baby's born."

    "And we're gonna be just fine. Don't worry."

    "I know, it's just... worry... worry that we won't do it right this time, or that we'll be worn out by the time the baby comes, and we won't be good parents this time."

    "Beth, why don't you just calm down. Everything's gonna be just fine."

    As Bo pulled her closer, Beth realized that he was right. Everything would indeed be "just fine."

    Cue Dixie

  11. Luke did indeed have a talk with Bo and Jake about driving after drinking. They were both told that they would not be allowed to drive Luke's truck again unless they promised not to drink when they did. Both of them promised. Though alcohol was not hidden or kept from the boys, they were never to drink and drive. Once that was established, Luke's "lay down the law" mood was over and all was well. They sat down to a big Sunday lunch, prepared by Daisy, Dixie, and Ruth Anne with assistance by Caroline and Michaela, since they had decided that Beth should rest. Bo looked around the table at his extended family, and smiled. "I say it's time for the blessin' so we can eat." Everyone gave their hearty approval. They joined hands around the table and closed their eyes. Bo said the blessing. "Lord, first of all, we thank you for this food and those who prepared it. We thank you for this family, and how we've lasted even after we lost our craft and our land. Lord, we thank you for every person here, who's family in one way or another. Thank you for Cooter, who's always been part of the family. Thank you for Jake, and lettin' us find out that he's a part of this family. Thank you for Dixie and bringin' her in to become an official member of the family. And thank you for me and Beth's new baby. Please bless us with more family as the years go on. Amen."

    "Amen," echoed everyone. They all started passing food around, mashed potatos, green beans, yeast rolls, and hamburger steaks with gravy. As a family of Dukes, it didn't take them long to eat most of the food. When they were all finished, Ruth Anne brought out several apple pies which she had made herself. Everyone ate even more, and the pies were delicious. The younger girls washed dishes, and the men gathered on the front porch, along with Beth, Dixie, and Daisy, to enjoy the evening, and sip a little shine, with the exception of Beth. After a while, Luke and Dixie went off to talk.

    "Dixie... How long do you think it would take for them to transfer you somewhere over here?" Luke asked.

    "I don't know. A few weeks, maybe a little more depending on if they have a job open?"

    "I'l probably be able to get out of work pretty soon, too. When forest fire season's over. But... I gotta get a 9 to 5 here, and get everything settled... And then we gotta have those meetings with Mr. Brown..."

    "How about..." she looked at him. "How about we get married on December 21. That'll be a Saturday. Plus, all the school people will be out for Christmas, and it should be close enough that people can get off work if they work Saturdays. Then we can live over the garage until we get our home up on the back 40. LB doesn't use the room anymore."

    "Sounds good..." he said, thinking for a moment. How did she know it would be a Saturday? "Dixie, how'd you..."

    She read his mind. "I've been lookin at my calendar ever since you asked me."

    He shook his head. "Dixie Lee Davenport, you are somethin'."

    She smiled, and pulled him close to kiss him.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bo, Jr. looked at his parents. "I'm transferring to GA Tech next semester," he said, firmly, hoping that his tone would tell his parents that he wasn't backing down.

    He was shocked when his dad said, "That's fine with us, son."


    "Yes, really. It'll be good having you close again."

    "Wow!" He decided to start making preperations for that immediately. He was going to have to go back to school the next day. Only a few more weeks till he would be back home with those he loved.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Dixie and Luke filled everyone in on their wedding plans, and Bo, Jr. filled them in on his school plans, and it was agreed that the week before the wedding, another gathering would take place at the home of Bo and Beth.

    The next day, Bo, Jr. left early to go back to school, driving his black Charger, which had been fondly dubbed Stormy. The other family members all fell out a little at a time, until there was noone left but Bo and his family... or at least those of his family who weren't at college. Noone could wait until time would bring them back to Hazzard County, so that the family would be together again.


    Sequel coming soon!!!!

  12. Luke was released from jail with the excuse that, "Rosco found out Luke wasn't involved in...whatever... it was just Bo."

    Jesse didn't buy the excuse, and went the next morning to talk to Rosco to see what the deal really was.

    "Well, Jesse, Luke just wasn't to blame. Bo was the one in trouble, not Luke. Khee!"

    Jesse eyed Rosco suspiciously. "Well, I've come to get Bo out."

    "You better have alot of money with you... Khee! Khee! Cause the bail is way higher than you're probably thinkin'! Khee!"

    Jesse gave Rosco another dirty look. "What is it, Rosco?"

    When Rosco quoted the figure, Jesse's eyes looked like saucers.

    (Cue Dixie... or Jessi)

  13. "Are you sure?"

    "Yes, Beth, I'm sure. That baby needs you more than these boys do. You need to rest."

    Beth didn't want to leave her son, but Luke insisted. As she headed up the stairs, Luke took the shine and went to work. The shine stung, but the boys wouldn't let on. "Now what happened?" Luke asked, as soon as Beth was out of hearing range.

    "Danged if I know exactly," Bo, Jr. said. "I just jumped in cause Jake here was outnumbered."

    "You know Nick Price, Mr... uh..." Jake asked, not quite sure what to call the older man who was his father.

    "It's Luke, if you don't mind that... And yeah, seems like I remember him... Not a real good kid if I remember right."

    "You remember exactly right," Jake said. "The kid... Da-- punk... He hurt his ex-girlfriend, so I had to do somethin' about it."

    "His ex-girlfriend, huh? She pretty?"

    "Oh, Lord, is she ever," Jake said with a smile. "Her name's Laura. Laura Campbell. And she's..." he looked at his father, who was listening intently. "Well, anyways... Nick hurt her, and I had to make him act like a gentleman, but he had some friends, and so... Bo here jumped in to help me, and we both ended up gettin' cuffed by Sheriff Strate. But Bo did some quick thinkin' and kept us out of jail. Lucky for us, 'cause we'd had a few drinks."

    "That kid is a punk," Luke said angrily. If there was one thing Jesse had taught them, it was that no good man ever lifts a finger against a woman. Then, one of the names Jake had mentioned rang a bell in his head. "Sheriff Strate? You mean, Enos?"

    "No, sir. It's his cousin, Linda."

    "Linda? Lord, Hazzard has changed more than I ever imagined," Luke said, wiping Bo's split upper lip with a cloth soaked in shine.

    It stung, but Bo didn't react outwardly.

    "Dang, fellas. It musta been one h--- of a fight," Luke said, turning to doctor a split place above Jake's eye.

    "It was," Bo said. "There was, what... five other guys... against me and Jake.

    "We took 'em, too, Luke," Jake said, grinning even though it hurt his lip.

    Luke grinned back. "I'll bet you did. You're Dukes. It'd take more than five guys to take you down."

    Bo grinned. He was glad Jake was his cousin. "Uncle Luke?" he said softly.

    "Yeah, son?"

    "Thanks." Bo had now been thouroughly doctored, and his face had a lot of band-aids. He knew he looked funny, but he didn't care.

    "No problem," Luke replied. "Now you two better hit the sack before the sun comes up." He patted the boys on the shoulders.

    They went up the stairs to Bo, Jr.'s room and laid out a pallet for Jake.

    "Hey, Bo?" Jake said.


    "Thanks for havin' my back tonight."

    "What's family for?" the younger man replied. "Night, Jake," he added, pulling the blankets up to his chin.

    "Night, cousin."

    As he started to doze off, Bo started planning some changes for his life. He was going to transfer to Georgia Tech so he could be closer to Hazzard. He and Jake needed more time to hang out, and that Jessica Hansen... wow! He really liked her.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Luke lay awake as well, also making plans. Plans of a house on the back 40 to share with Dixie, and hopefully a few kids. He pictured them living the life Bo lived... or at least, their own version of it. He and Dixie would have a good house with a big yard for the kids, and an extra room for Jake, in case he wanted to visit from time to time. But he figured that with Jake being 20 already, he'd soon be starting his own family with his own home. But still, Luke hoped that things would work out so that he would be able to get to know his son better.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The next day was Sunday, which found the whole Duke clan wearing their very best, headed off to church. Luke felt a deep sadness when he looked over and noticed Carl and Martha Ledbetter, Margie's parents. He wondered if they knew that Jake was their grandson. Nothing could have prepared him for what happened next. Margie herself walked into the church, and sat down at her mother's side.

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