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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Beth was squeezing Bo's good hand so tight he felt sure she was going to break it, too. He put his arm around her waist to reassure her. She looked up at him, and their eyes met in support and love for each other.

    Bo was the first to find his voice. He was strengthened somewhat by Jesse and Luke, who were quietly nodding at him. "Everybody... me and Beth are... We're havin' us a baby." He said the words carefully, as if he was afraid of letting the wrong word out.

    Daisy, Jeb, Coy, and Vance all looked at one another. Daisy's look was bordering on knowing, or just not being surprised. She wasn't, really. She knew her cousins. All of them, but especially Bo and Luke. And she knew that their "jukin'" rarely ended at the Boar's Nest. Although Daisy was the protected girl-child of the family, she wasn't stupid. And she was also the confidante of all the boys. She had always been afraid this would happen. But she couldn't help wishing she could have protected Bo from it. And Beth was one of her dearest friends.

    But Daisy stood up and smiled. She walked over to Beth and gave her a hug. "God bless ya, honey!" she said, kissing Beth on the cheek. Beth couldn't help smiling a little.

    Jeb, who was sixteen, stood up. He walked over to Bo. He didn't say anything, but a look passed between them. Bo looked at his cousin, trying to figure out what Jeb thought about all this. Jeb just nodded a little. "I gotta go. My band's playin. I gotta be there in a few minutes."

    Bo knew he and Jeb would talk later. They had gotten along really well all their lives, but when Jeb had hit 16, it seemed to have changed alot of things. The two of them had alot of clashes now. It bothered Bo. Especially the way that Jeb was looking at him this minute.

    Jeb headed upstairs to change. Coy and Vance came over, but they, being only 12 and 14, knew what was going on, but didn't fully understand all of the implications. But both knew that Bo and Beth had gotten themselves in alot deeper than they could have ever planned on.

    Bo smiled just a little as Beth relaxed her grip on his hand. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, "I love you."

    Cue Dixie

  2. The ladies were all crowded, along with all the guys, into the tiny courtroomon the upper level of the jail. The women's faces were sure, so much so that the guys were even worried just a little. Bo smiled, knowing that the girls had a plan. He'd seen all of them with those looks on their faces before... with the exception of Debbie and the younger two. But he smiled again, knowing that, thanks to Jeb, Debbie had some personal ties to this case. And that was a good thing. He figured it couldn't be too bad having the law on your side.

    The other cousins felt the same way. They all knew the girls well enough to know that they had one heck of a plan.

    The magistrate walked into the courtroom, and the men all looked at him. Bo had to grin just a little, since the magistrate was one of the Duke family's old moonshining buddies. He knew that his cousins were thinking the same thing, since Luke, who was on his right side, and Jeb, who was on the left, both nudged him just a little. Bo shook his head a little. How many good people were endin' up on the wrong side of the law.

    Each of the boys had his name read, then the charges were read. Each was a little worried. But their bond was placed at $500 each. Which, for all four of them was $4000. Bo was only glad they'd get that back when they showed up for their court date. Daisy walked up to the magistrate, and handed over the deed for the farm. The man looked at it with shock on his face. "Well...Miss Daisy... this is..."

    "It's Uncle Jesse's farm. So you sure better take care of it. The boys'll be here when you say. And when they are, I want this land back." Daisy's facial expression was strong. The man knew one thing... you never mess with a Duke's determination.

    As they walked out of the courtroom, Daisy hugged each of her cousins, and the younger ones. Then, the hugging craze spread to the rest of the family. Daisy turned to look at the older boys. "Listen, we still have to go to court," Luke said. "And this here may not be exactly the same as it used to be, but it's still Hazzard County."

    "Don't worry about that," Dixie said, smiling, as she looked at him. "We got one of y'all's friends at the Boar's Nest to show us the security tapes. It's obvious who swung first in every instance. So every single one of y'all will probably be off the hook with a fine."

    Bo smiled. "Yeeeeeehaaaaaaa!"

    They all had to smile just a little, when they looked at Debbie, who had still not left Jeb's arms.

    Cue Dixie

  3. Bo called Beth. She was coming over the next night for supper. Bo thought alot about what his uncle had said. "You and your family always have a home here." It had really hit Bo at that moment. He had a whole new family. A family of his own. And it also hit him just how much love there was in the family he had been raised in. Jesse was right. There had never been a time when there wasn't enough for another person or two. And he knew that there would always be a place for him, Beth, and their baby to stay.

    As he got ready for bed, he looked at his cousin, who was also getting ready for bed. "Luke," he said, softly.

    "Yeah?" Luke replied, pulling on his flannel pajama bottoms, knowing it was going to be a cold night.

    "Do you think... Do you think me and Beth can do this? I know Jesse thinks we can, but I ain't that sure." Bo felt sure that asking Beth to marry him was the right thing, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to do right by her or the baby.

    "Cousin, you just do what every Duke's always done in any situation... Work hard to earn your keep, and do what you have to do to take care of everybody who's important to you. You can do it, Bo. You just gotta set your mind to it, and do your best. That's all anybody can ask of you."

    Bo looked at him. "But Luke, is that enough?"

    Luke smiled just a little. "I reckon if you do all that, you'll be just fine."

    Bo smiled. His cousin was really his best friend. The best he'd ever had.


    The next day, at the Duke farm......

    Cue Dixie

  4. lol! My dad used to let us climb in and out of the windows of his little Mazda truck. He'd always be Cooter for us, since he was a mechanic.

    And this is another one of those things that may or may not be Duke's related, but there is this kid in my English class, who, without fail, will exclaim, "Hot Da--!"


  5. Daisy's Song...

    Bo- What're we gonna do?

    Luke- Uh...uh...run!

    Bo-We'll use the old Stonewall Jackson tactic. When they think you're runnin' away, attack.

    Luke- Yeah, but Stonewall Jackson had the whole Confederate army. I've got you.

    Bo-What's the charge?

    Rosco- The charge is cohortin' with known criminals.

    Bp- Sheriff, you know the only known criminals we consort with is you.

    Rosco- You got a nasty mouth on you, Duke boy.

    And some others...

    Balladeer- When Boss Hogg says somebody gets arrested, somebody's gonna get arrested. And Bo and Luke are prime candidates to be somebody.

    [in episode, Mary Kaye's Baby. Mary Kaye grabs her stomach and groans]

    Bo- If that ain't indigestion, we're in trouble.

    Boss Hogg- Now, Ace, you listen, and listen good, because YOU are stupid.

    Cooter: Just remember... the bigger they come... the harder they hit.

    Rosco-Everybody sues for whiplash. It's the American way.

    Bo-I ain't perfect. Just pretty.

    Rosco-Enos, can't you count faster, like Boss? His little fat fingers just fly.

  6. BALLADEER: Now if there's one thing no Duke has ever been good at... it's waitin'.

    Bo, Luke, Bo, Jr., and Jake were all steadily pacing around their cell, one right after the other, since there was no room in the cell for each to have his own pacing path. In the next cell, Cooter, Coy, Vance, and Jeb were doing precisely the same thing. Cooter tried to poke his head out through the cell door, but it didn't work, so he simply said, "Bo... Luke... What do y'all figure on doin'?"

    Both of them shook their heads. "I don't know, Cooter," Bo said. "This ain't the same as it used to be. We used to only have to get 2 or 3 of us out of here. This is eight. And on top of that, ain't nobody out there to bring us the General to get away in."

    "Good point," Cooter said. "That's usually my end of the deal, ain't it?"

    They had to laugh just a little.

    Bo and his son got tired really quick. Bo climbed into his bunk, Bo, Jr. into his. They rolled over and tried to go to sleep. But not Jake or Luke. They were too busy thinking about things.

    "Luke," Bo said, looking at his cousin.

    Luke looked at him. "What?"

    "Why don't you and Jake get some rest. We got to go before the judge tomorrow, and I for one don't think we should all be sleepy.

    Luke shook his head. "I ain't never been able to sleep good in a jail."

    Bo nodded, "Don't worry, man. I know how it feels."

    Cue Dixie

    (BTW, 1hellraiser, if you have a question, please PM either me or Dixie, it throws the story off to have a post in the middle of it with nothing to do with it... But we'll get back to you...Lemme discuss this w/ Dixie)

  7. Bo looked at Uncle Jesse, his young eyes more serious than they had ever been. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me, Uncle Jesse."

    "Well, now!" Jesse said with that knowing smile of his. "We'll have us a wedding AND a baby!"

    Bo just looked at Uncle Jesse. "You mean you're happy about all this?"

    Jesse smiled. "Bo... I'm not happy about you and Beth... foolin' around... without tyin' the knot first. But, a little baby ain't never a mistake. Babies... every single one, is as special as anything. I'm always happy to have a new baby around."

    Bo smiled. Then, he sobered again. "Uncle Jesse," he said, haltingly. "Do you think me and Beth can do this? I mean, get married, and take care of our baby and all?"

    "Bo, you're a Duke. And Beth's carryin' a Duke. Which makes her a Duke, too," Jesse said. "And a Duke can and will do anything he or she puts their mind to."

    Bo smiled. There was noone in the world Bo loved like he loved his dear old Uncle. Jesse had that way of telling you just what you needed at the right time.

    Jesse put his arm around Bo. "That baby of yours is gonna be just fine."

    Bo smiled, because he knew that his Uncle would never tell him a lie.

    Cue Dixie

  8. "Good Lord, Daisy, you nearly scared us to death!" Bo said. "I'm just glad it was you."

    Beth took Bo's hand. "Come on, honey. We've got to get back and find Garrett."

    "Beth..." he looked at her for a moment, the pleading look in her blue eyes clearly getting to him. "OK."

    Daisy smiled. "Come on, y'all. We'll take the Jeep. Luke's got General Lee."

    Bo nodded, and the three of them walked up the hill together.

    (Cue anybody who wants to do something here...lol)

  9. Sheriff Strate tried to pull the fight apart, but there was no point. By this time, the whole bar was fighting, including Cooter, Coy, Vance, and Jeb. Some were fighting for the Duke boys, but many didn't have that amount of good sense. Sheriff Strate shook her head before opening the door and firing her gun directly outside. At least that got everybody's attention. They all stopped fighting to see just what was going on. Sheriff Strate shook her head again. She walked over to where everyone was.

    "You're all under arrest!" she exclaimed.

    "Oh, Lord," Bo managed to say.

    They all stood up. By this time, Beth, Dixie, and Daisy had left the ladies' room. They walked into the barroom. Beth could only shake her head, as one of Sheriff Strate's deputies put cuffs on Bo, Luke, Bo, Jr., and Jake.

    As the deputy directed them to the door, Luke could only say, "Da--."

    "Double da--," Bo added.

    "I second that motion," Bo, Jr. said.

    Jake agreed. The deputy was directing them toward the car. Bo and Luke hadn't been in a police car in a long time, and neither was looking forward to it.

    They knew one thing was for sure. This was going to be a long night.

    Cue Dixie

  10. Thank ya!

    This here's for you...

    Daisy: Luke's got that look in his eye again.

    Bo: Right after he gets that look he goes, "[snaps finger] I got it! Let's go, Bo." And I get in trouble.

    Luke: [snaps fingers] I got it! Let's go, Bo.

    Luke: "All hope abandon, ye who enter here"? Where'd ya come up with that little piece of sunshine, Rosco?

    Luke: I shoulda knowed better. I mean, Rosco can't even go night-night without Boss burps him.

    Luke: You get the feelin' this just ain't our day?

    Luke: Personally, I'd like to win that race on Saturday, so A. we need that Richard Petty car to B. get the parts to C. rebuild the General so he can D. and E. enter and win... F. ... [points at Bo]...am I gettin' through to you?

    [after Bo drives thru the barn]

    Bo: That sure was a funny place to put a barn.

    Luke: You try a fool stunt like that again, and I'll find an even funnier place to put one.

  11. Bo stayed up by Luke's side nearly all night. Daisy woke up nearly every hour, tried to convince Bo to go to bed, and failed. Bo was not going to leave.

    Jesse was up most of the night, trying to keep an eye on Luke.

    Luke slept, restlessly, but at least he was still alive. He was mad because he couldn't feel his legs.

    He woke up in the night, and smiled at Bo. Bo looked at him. "What is it?"

    "It's you," Luke laughed. Thankfully, he was truly awake, and OK for the moment. "Cousin, I'll be fine, so just calm down. Why don't you get some sleep before you die of exhaustion and all Uncle Jesse has left is Daisy."

    Bo grinned. "If that's what you want, cousin, that's what you got."

    Luke nodded, and Bo went off to go to bed.

    (Cue anyone.)

  12. Bo smiled as he walked back into the garage. It made him feel better knowing he was doing the right thing. He knew Jesse would be proud of how he was planning to take care of Beth and their baby. He couldn't wait to pay off the ring, tell Jesse, and then propose to Beth. He loved her. He really did. And he wasn't going to let his mistake change that.

    In the meantime, however, they had a race to get ready for on Saturday. And Bo needed his part of the prize money to put another payment on the ring.

    The boys spent the rest of the evening tuning the General Lee. Cooter was a magician when it came to cars. It was amazing. He had the General Lee ready to go in short order.

    Bo and Luke took the General out on a test run, this time, Bo was sitting happily on a pillow. As Luke floored the gas, the General took off flying, riding and driving smoother than he had in a long time.

    "Hot d---!" Bo said, "Cooter may not be real smart, but he's a genius!"

    Luke had to agree with that somewhat confusing comment. The boys knew that the car was ready. And that made 'em right happy.

    BALLADEER: If y'all don't know the Duke boys that well, nothin' make's 'em happier than a fast car or a perty girl.

    As the boys pulled back into the driveway, they couldn't stifle one good, "Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!"

    Cue Dixie

  13. "When Boss Hogg says somebody gets arrested, somebody's gonna get arrested. And Bo and Luke are prime candidates to be somebody."

    "If I was Mary Kaye's baby, I think I'd think twice about bein' born today."

    "Now to the Duke Boys, this is just like takin' Grandmaw on a Sunday drive."

    "Now, about Rosco's word: He has to have somebody else call his dogs, because they don't even believe him anymore."

    Cooter: Possum on a gumbush!

    Balladeer: Nope. It's Daisy on an RV.

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