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Everything posted by MoonRunner-01

  1. I will. I appreciate the kind words! It's good having fellow "Hazzardites" to share their love and knowledge of The Dukes.
  2. Yeah I wish a lot of them ole websites were still available. Especially when LEE 1 was being "Restored" would love to be able to find full measurements and what not of the Georgia Era General's. Flag dimensions and stars and bars measurements, the GENERAL LEE script sizes and spacing etc. And the 01 measurements on the door. I found one picture of when LEE 1 was being rebuilt of the roof. Has the measurements but the picture quality is poor and I can't read all the sizes Lol
  3. You are correct Cousin Skipper Duke! I remember seeing somewhere talking about his car in more detail with pictures. Had pictures of his car compared to the promo shots of season one and it was spot on.
  4. Hatchet
  5. I keep thinking it's "dukesofhazzard01" seems to be the only one that mentions a replica of LEE 3. I don't remember the layout of the website looking like it currently does, maybe they redesigned it and removed the detailed build. If it was them, I'd sure wish they'd add it back.
  6. A while back I came across a website that had a lot to do with The Dukes of Hazzard. Featured on that website was a build for someone that had recreated LEE 3 not a model car but a real General Lee. It had tons of information and pictures. I can't seem to recall what the website was. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Jukin': Now for all you culturally deprived, Jukin' is an event that combines music, exercise, and social intercourse on a high plane.
  8. Your welcome!
  9. Shoot Fire and Save Box Matches: Excited or fired up, surprised or in shock.
  10. Dump/Landfill
  11. That is excellent work! Pretty soon I'll be needing a 1/43 General Lee "Georgia Era" preferably, to go along with my 1/43 1975 Dodge Monaco Hazzard County Sheriff's car. Any chance you create a 1969-70 Chevy long bed? Like Cooter's brown tow truck?
  12. Howdy cousin skipper duke, been a while.. Favorite character would be a hard choice between Skipper and Mr. Howell, love the episode where they imitated Gunsmoke
  13. That makes two of us! I reckon that's why I just love watching the beginning of the episode "Days of Shine and Roses" and the episode "Bad day in Hazzard" when Uncle Jesse is telling the boys and Daisy about back in the old days him and Boss escaped the revenuers from a tunnel under the Boars Nest
  14. He was indeed, he was in one of the earlier seasons of The Walton's. He was kin to the Walton's some how or another. And he was a moonshiner. I think his name was Boone. Long story short. That set of Walton's "Boone's side" is about to get kicked off their land and there is a big police line on one side, and the whole Walton klan on the other. And John Boy gets shot in that episode
  15. I watched Moonshine County Express last night and Dempsey was also in that movie, and as usual he's playing a bad guy haha. I reckon the only time I've ever seen him play a good guy was in The Walton's.
  16. Much obliged cousin Skipper Duke! Looks like quite a bit for Moon runners has changed in some areas. But thankfully some still remains the same
  17. Good catch! One of these days I'd love to head over into Georgia and check out the filming locations to Moonrunners and The Dukes
  18. I'll switch up sometimes and wear it and then wear a regular buckle, especially if I'm working. Right now I'm looking into have a belt made that's like Luke's from season one.
  19. Cousin Skipper Duke, I believe it is! A 1971 Plymouth Fury. Outside of The General, I'd love to have a 71' Plymouth Fury and a 71' Ford Custom 500/L.T.D In my mind, those are the classic "Moonrunning / Bootlegging" cars of the 70s. The Plymouth is obvious because of Moonrunners, and the 71 Ford because of Uncle Jesse's "Sweet Tilly" and it's the same car as Gator's in White Lightning. I can see myself now, dressed in 70s country attire, behind the wheel of one them beauty's with the trunk loaded down in "water" C.B tuned in, and the throttle pegged to the floorboard on a back road haha.
  20. Welcome to Hazzardnet CNH3201! Luke's bear claw belt buckle is silver with turquoise and coral inlay for the palm and black enamel for the claws. I bought one last year that I had custom made for me, identical to Luke's. I bought it from a company located in Arizona. The company name is called Alltribes Indian Art. They specialize in making southwestern style buckles, jewelry, etc. The maker of mine is semi retired, his name is Jackson. I don't know if he'll be able to still make one, but it's worth a shot calling them. Now I'll tell you, it was very, very pricey. But if he does make one. It'll be made of 100% sterling silver, authentic turquoise and red Coral. It'll look exactly like Luke's and the other member's belt buckle on here. Hope this helps!
  21. If your talking about the Buck 120 General, as far as I know that was the longest fixed blade style knife Buck made. A very close runner up would be the Buck 124 frontiersman. If it is the model 120 General, I believe buck still make em. I might have to get me one, I have it's little brother. The Buck 119 Special.
  22. Your welcome Cousin Skipper Duke!
  23. I can't remember any scenes off hand of Coy and Vance using their knives. But, from the pictures I've looked at they are using Buck Knives sheaths. Buck for the most part, has always supplied a black leather sheath for the 110's and the 112"s and various others. But throughout the 70's and for the majority of the 80's Buck used a silver/nickle closure snap on their 110 and 112 sheaths. Unlike today, they use a bronze snap. Coy and Vance's sheaths are black with a silver snap, and are in the same design as Buck's. So I would say it would be safe to say that they as well used the same knives as Bo and Luke. Other knives from companies like Schrade and Case from that era, usually offered their knives that are of a similar design to Buck's in a brown leather sheath with a different patterning layout. Hope this helps some
  24. Thank you, and your welcome! I am including as well to wearing a knife on my belt. Still do to this very day ha. I guess they figured by the 3rd episode that a good ol country boy needs a knife. Like most folks that carry em, from time to time we might use them as a screwdriver. Bo and Luke included. In the beginning of the episode "Repo Men" Bo uses his knife as a screwdriver to adjust the carburetor on The General. Another good episode I forgot to mention where you can see a good view of the boy's knives is "Return of the Ridge Raiders" Bo and Luke towards the end are talking with the Ridge Raiders and whittling on a stick. This topic brings back so many fond memories of my childhood. Before the days of the Internet and whatnot, my knife I carried around pretending to be Bo and Luke was an old Schrade Uncle Henry LB7. Still have it to this very day.
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