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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. (Season 4 Shine On Hazzard Moon) A line I like is Uncle Jesse searching for his Horse Lineament recipe in Shine On Hazzard Moon and finds a watch that doesn't work. Uncle Jesse:"So that's where that is!" Shakes it. It doesn't work. He heard no sound. "And that's why it's where it is."
  2. Captain Smith:"And how many aboard Mr. Murdock?" First Officer Will Murdock:"2,200 souls onboard sir." Captain Smith:"Well, I do believe you will get your headlines, Mr. Ismay."(Switch tapes from Cassette One to Cassette Two.)
  3. I just thought about creating this topic right now. This been on my mind a long time. Do any of y'all know what kind of car this was?
  4. (The opening scene of Season 2 Mason Dixon's Girls.) They're hauling the new hot water heater in the trunk of the General Lee. The trunk is open, with the big tall brown box sticking out. Waylon Jennings:"Now, knowin' the Duke Boys, that might be somethin' that they rigged up on the General, to give him a little bit more sting. But really, it's just a new hot water heater that they picked up down at the depot. Now, that seems simple. But this is Hazzard County, where hardly nothing is what seems."
  5. (I forget which Season/Episode.) Uncle Jesse L. Duke:"J. D. We all know the only two things you ever done that were legal, was be born, and marry Lulu."
  6. Sorry Cousin Hoss. I forgot that. Always sounds like an N to me.
  7. (Season 4 Miss Tisdale on the Lam) Luke Duke:"Miss Tisdale, there's a U. S. postal inspector over at yer post office. An' it looks like she an' Rosco are fixin' to accuse you of mail fraud." Miss Tisdale:"Me?!" Luke Duke:"You!" Miss Tisdale:"Well, they gotta be suckin' out of a bent straw!" Bo Duke:(Laughs.)"Well, that's kinda what we figure too, Miss Tisdale." Miss Tisdale:"I'm gonna tooty on over there, an' straighten 'em out!" Luke Duke:"Hold on Miss Tisdale! We think it might be best if you come out to the farm to hideout fer awhile." Miss Tisdale:"No way! Did you say "Hide out"? At yer farm?" Bo Duke:"Yes mam." Miss Tisdale:"With yer Uncle Jesse?" Luke Duke:"He's there most of the time!"
  8. (Season 3 The Legacy) Deputy Cletus Hogg:"Cousin Boss, you mind if I drink a little toast to the old days with y'all?" Boss Hogg:"Cletus, you weren't around in the old days, an' I ain't to pleased to have you around in the new days neither!"
  9. “That’s our advertising campaign! Get it? Fish and Chips! We’re opening up fast food franchises all over the south!” - Big Enos Burdette, 1983. (Smokey and the Bandit III)
  10. (Season 7 Welcome, Waylon Jennings) Waylon Jennings:"Now I've seen die-hard fans desperate for an autograph, but I ain't never given one at gunpoint."
  11. Meadowmufn... That's hilarious! Considerin' her character Daney Duke is a Private Detective. LOL.
  12. My newest celebrity crush Mikayla Demaiter former ice hockey player goalie keeper turned model is only 23. I am 36. Am I a cradle robber? LOL.
  13. New celebrity crush on my list. Former Canadian ice hockey player/goalie keeper turned model Mikayla Demaiter. She's dreamy!
  14. HICKORY Canyon (Where Digger Jackson took the General Lee)
  15. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"If I wasn't in hot pursuit, I'd throw that bum and his sukiyaki bicycle in da clink fer drivin' on da the wrong side of da road!"
  16. Apartments that gone now... One row of Chambers St. near Ensley Ave. Ensley Ave. row, 1 row of Booker Ave. 2 rows on Delmar Ave. 1 big row on Andrews Ave. 1 big row on Blackburn St. 1 big row on Robinson Rd. Also R. I. P. Penhale Elementary School, and Reed Middle School.
  17. I feel sad. Took a drive thru my ol' neighborhood Campbell Ohio.Everything is gone in my old neighborhood. All this is gone now. My childhood apartment, my 2 schools I attended. 8 other different apartment buildings there are gone. Tear down actually started 11 years ago. But they only just got around to our building this past January 2023. Ours stood vacant for 22 years before tear down. September 2001- January 2023 ours stood after we moved out. Nothing but a memory now all of it. At least we took some pictures of them before tear down. Don't have any pictures of the schools though. The apartment buildings are now only a memory, the schools too.
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