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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Did you know on set of Smothered, John Schneider the director got the Christine experience? They locked him in the car, moved the seat forwards towards the wheel, and the radio came on, and it was green and smoky in the car. He told her "Ahhh no Christine!" Then when it wouldn't open up, he told her "Let me out baby." Then it opened so he could get out. JS had no idea that they were planning to do that with the door, the seat, the radio the smoke. They gave him the works.
  2. (Season 4 Diamonds in the Rough) Frank and Lenny are chasing Bo and Luke. Frank is shooting at them. Bo:"They're sure tryin' to tell us somethin'." Luke:"I had no idea doll collectin' was this serious a business." Frank shoots out the General's mirror. Luke:"Man, they do mean it!" Frank stops shooting. Lenny:"I think they're headed for River RD. Right up here, take Rimfire Lane. Yeah, yeah. We'll cut 'em off at place called Willow Junction." Frank:"Gotcha."
  3. (Season 1 One Armed Bandits) The General Lee is chasing a Hazzard County patrol car. Bo:"Yeeeeaa-hooooo!" Waylon Jennings:"Welcome to Hazzard County." The cop leaps over the top of a hill. The General leaps over the top of the hill, and the Dixie horn plays. Bo:"Yeee-haa!" Waylon Jennings:"You prob'ly noticed there's somethin' different here. Well, this is Hazzard County. They do things different here." Close up of Bo grinning. "This is Bo Duke" Close up of Luke saying something to Bo. "An' Luke Duke. They're cousins. They fight the system." Luke:"Ya know, when I got up this morning, the biggest thing on my mind was to do a little rabbit huntin'." Bo(As the General and the cop car swerve back and forth.)"Yeah. An' then the dog runs off." Luke:"An' my car is taken." Bo:"An' now, we're chasin' the Sheriff's car. Ain't you glad we ain't in the big city, where life gets complicated? Pay up!" Luke:"You mind waitin' 'til this is over?! Move it man! What are you doin', takin' a break?!" Bo:"Well, if you'd tuned this car instead of chasin' women last night, we'd have already had 'im." Luke:"Not with you asleep at the wheel." Construction guy sets out caution open ditch sign. Bo:"Grab that sign!" Luke:"You grab it!" Bo:"Well, I can't, I'm drivin'!" Luke:"Oh! Is that what you call it? Try not to lose him ok?" Bo:"Well, it wouldn't be much of a chase if we do."
  4. (Season 1 Route 7-11) Cooter is driving the General Lee, he just picked up Luke from the gambling truck. Luke:"Climb on it Cooter! We only got a few minutes." Cooter:"Give or take a few minutes."
  5. Yep Disney's Lady and the Tramp. Hazzard style. Only the scene doesn't in a kiss. Hahaha.
  6. I created this thread at the suggestion of good ol' HossC!
  7. Y'all I am friends on Facebook with the amazing talented Waylon Jennings Tribute Artist Hokey Sloan. His Waylon act is friggin' awesome! Talented man! Y'all should check out his shows! He also partners up with a Willie Nelson Tribute Artist act sometimes for the classic Waylon & Willie duets.
  8. Happy Belated 63rd Anniversary to The Andy Griffith Show 10/3/60!
  9. I'm sorry Cousin HossC. Oops yeah I forgot it's pea as in the food kind. The second e should an a as it is "peashooter" that refers to guns.
  10. (Season 4 Diamonds in the Rough) Bo, Luke and Lisa arrive in town from the Duke Farm to get the diamonds back, after Bo unknowingly threw the Bugs Bunny doll into Boss Hogg's car out at the Duke farm. Luke:"Boss's Cadillac." Lisa:"Just pull in behind him nice an' easy boys. Don't pull anything stupid." The Duke Boys and Lisa search Boss Hogg's car. Luke:"Bugs Bunny's gone. Boss must have found him." Lisa:"Sorry to hear that." Bo:"Now wait a minute, don't you jump to no conclusions. Maybe, maybe he's under the seat somewhere." Bo moves the seat and starts searching further. Cut to the Duke Farm. Frank, Lenny, Daisy and Uncle Jesse are in the kitchen. Frank and Lenny are sitting at the table. Lenny is eating Chocolate Chip Cookies. Uncle Jesse is nervously pacing the floor. Frank(Polishing his gun with a checkered napkin.):"Say pops, why don't you find a spot to squat?!" Uncle Jesse:"Don't call me "pops" I'll take that pee shooter, an' shove it up yer nose!" Frank rolls his eyes. Uncle Jesse is frustrated with them, and snatches the cookie Lenny is eating, puts it back in the jar, after snatching the jar away from Lenny too. Lenny spits out little bits of cookie, which sprays Frank, while Lenny makes a choking sound. Daisy:"Take it easy Uncle Jesse. I'll make you some coffee." Uncle Jesse:"Make mine strong, an' they don't get none." Waylon Jennings:"That's a tellin' 'em, Jesse." Cut back to town, Bo, Luke and Lisa. Luke:"You ain't gonna tell me he ain't under there?" Bo:"Not if you really don't want me to." Lisa:"Well, I can't tell you boys how sorry I am to hear that." Bo:"It's a long ride. Maybe he fell out of the car. We could check on the road." Lisa:"Yeah. Why don't you check on the road?" They all start to leave. Flash barks in Rosco's patrol car. Bo:"Flash. You little sweetheart!" They get closer. Flash has Bugs Bunny from when Rosco gave him to her. Bo(To Lisa.):"Watch out now, don't get to close. Flash is kind of mean." He reaches into the patrol car's open passenger side window where Flash is sitting on the seat with Bugs Bunny in her mouth. "Flash, I need them fingers. Gimme that!"(Takes Bugs Bunny from her.)Lisa:"I'll take that. Thank you. We can go now." Luke:"I suppose." Bo:"At least she said "Thank you." Rosco sees Bo, Luke and Lisa steal Bugs Bunny from Flash. Rosco:"Freeze! I saw that!" Waylon Jennings:"Now one sure fire way to get old Rosco riled up is to mess with his dog. Some folks are just like that." Rosco comes outside, gets in the patrol. "I saw that Flash. Those Bugs Bunny nappers ain't gonna get away with this!" Rosco and Flash leave town. They have caught up with the Duke Boys and Lisa. Luke:"It's Rosco." Lisa:"I don't have to tell you boys the consequences to Daisy an' the old man if you don't shake him do I?" Bo:"No you don't mam. Just don't worry about it. We'll do it." Bo:"Come on Luke!" Luke:"I see a new cut off into highway 101. I hope that billboard ain't made of two by fours. Hang on!" Lisa:"Ahh!" Luke hits the ramp and the car goes airborne crashing right threw the billboard. Luke:"Yeehaa!" The car lands. Bo and Luke:"Ha ha ha!" Rosco:"Oooh oooh Flash! Oooh!" He jumps threw the billboard, the car lands and hits a tree coming to a stop.
  11. AMOS Stigger(Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough)
  12. Very cool Meadowmufn! Ever seen any Christines?
  13. Roger... That decal is on Daisy's Song, Repo Men and High Octane cars too.
  14. (Season 4 Diamonds in the Rough) Rosco and Boss arrive at the Duke Farm, under the pretense to start searching for "Moonshine" but really searching for the diamonds. Boss: Let's go. Not you Cletus! You ain't Comin' in. You stay here, an' guard this door, with yer life you hear me. Don't let nobody in or out!" Rosco opens the door Cletus:(Immediately pointing shotgun at Rosco.)"HOLD IT!!!" Boss:"Not him!" Boss and Rosco enter the house. Bo, Luke and Daisy play hide and seek with the Bugs Bunny doll rabbit. Daisy passes it to Luke who passes it to Bo, who throws it out the window after Luke says "Get rid of it!" Boss:"Jesse I got me a search warrant to search for any moonshine you may have on the premises or on your person." Jesse:"On my person?!" Rosco starts searching for the "moonshine" Jesse:"Rosco!" Rosco:"What?" Jesse:"You touch me, an' I'll turn you over my knee!" Rosco:"Well, Boss, I think he's clean." Boss:"Alright. Well then, start friskin' in there!" Rosco searches Luke. Luke:"You don't have respect fer yer elders." Rosco searches Bo. Bo:"I don't wanna dance!" Rosco tries to search Daisy. Daisy:"Rosco!!!" Rosco:"Boss, I don't think the diamonds are on Daisy."
  15. "Oh my Garrett. That is a lot that brought you here." Bill says. "Yeah. Bill's right. But Hazzard seems like a nice friendly little community." Ernie says. Balladeer:"Well, now Ernie and Bill, I can tell y'all one thing. Ol' Garrett is glad y'all are here. He's been wanting to meet y'all fer a long time." A couple days have passed, and Bill's boys arrive with the 18 wheeler, the cars are inside the trailer. They scour thru the parts supply, and sure enough, they have an extra of that part that Garrett needs for his car. Garrett is excited and offers to pay, but the part is on the house instead. Garrett goes to work installing the new part, his previous anger at Cooter has faded a little now. Bill and Ernie watch in awe as Garret works. "You sure do know a lot about cars boy." Bill says happily. "Yeah. You sure do." Adds in Ernie chipperly. Cue Garrett or Roger
  16. Yeah Hank Jr. has some good songs!
  17. Whey is Waylon's son Terry's boy.
  18. Hey y'all. Is Jason Steele's brown van in Ten Million Dollar Sheriff and Russ Mitchell's brown van in Trouble at Cooter's the same one?
  19. I talk to this chick on Facebook. She crushes bad on Moochie. I'd hate to have to break it to her if the Facebook Malcolm Moochie Welch Danare account is a fake. But I did advise her "Don't believe anybody on here who says they're a celebrity." But she's so into him if it's Malcolm Danare or not she'll believe anything the account says to her. The girl wants babies and a future with him for heaven's sake. She needs some help. She's loopy. Loco. Looney Tune etc etc.
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