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    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Why did Ben Jones (Cooter) not appear in several episodes of season 5?   
    It seems weird because in one he's not even mentioned, although he remains in the credits.
  2. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Why did Ben Jones (Cooter) not appear in several episodes of season 5?   
    I started season 5 not too long ago and I've noticed that Cooter is missing from several episodes in the early middle of the season. He is explained to be on vacation but why was Ben Jones not present for filming?
  3. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Why did Ben Jones (Cooter) not appear in several episodes of season 5?   
    The beard incident was in season 2 because it was around the same time as James Best's contract dispute.
  4. Love
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Word Association   
  5. Love
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    The only Daisy Duke
  6. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    The producers made the right choice to cast Cathy.
  7. Love
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    The only Daisy Duke
  8. Care
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    The producers made the right choice to cast Cathy.
  9. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Flint Duke in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    How about Morgan Brittany (Mary Lou Pringle from S03E04 - "The Hazzardville Horror)? Total babe.... I did some research on her and found she also played Katherine Wentworth on Dallas and is also a conservative activist. I don't agree with her politics but that doesn't take away from her beauty. Looks as beautiful now as then.

  10. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from TheGhostOfGeneralLee in Darkest/most serious episode?   
    Roth, that portion of Ghost is sad but the haunting scene is the funniest moment in the entire series.
  11. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from RoscoColtrane01 in Georgia episodes   
    I chose all BC they're all excellent
  12. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in The Hazzard Garage (Cooter's Garage)   
    I already have trees on the model- one is the big shade tree to the left of the garage.  
  13. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to RogerDuke in So glad that Dukes wasn't a traditional comedy of the 70s and 80s   
    I think there should be laugh tracks on national news programs.
  14. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in So glad that Dukes wasn't a traditional comedy of the 70s and 80s   
    With some drama mixed in
  15. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to Meadowmufn in Forum Software Update   
    I just did an upgrade to the forums. It went so smoothly (right from the control panel) that now I'm really nervous. LOL. Let me know if you guys see any errors, issues, or weirdness.
  16. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to RogerDuke in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    .........and will be forever.
  17. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to Spike in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    Lord Catherine Bach was smoking hot back then
  18. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to Hobie Hartkins in This is Sheriff Justin P. Coltrane (new user)   
    They were ok...but just not the same....Welcome by the way from my car lot...where all the cars look red to me!
  19. Like
    justinpcoltrane got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    How about Morgan Brittany (Mary Lou Pringle from S03E04 - "The Hazzardville Horror)? Total babe.... I did some research on her and found she also played Katherine Wentworth on Dallas and is also a conservative activist. I don't agree with her politics but that doesn't take away from her beauty. Looks as beautiful now as then.

  20. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to Roth Potter in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    Nope, still Roxanne.
  21. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to HossC in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    You did post it where I thought you would .
    I like Robin Mattson too, but I think she gets overlooked sometimes because Diane Benson wasn't a nice character. A lot of fans don't like the way she treated Bo.
    Here's an image that I've previously posted in a couple of other threads. The one on the left is from her first movie, 'Namu, the Killer Whale' in 1966, with 'Carnival of Thrills' in the middle, and a more recent shot on the right.

  22. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to HossC in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    Since 'Undercover Dukes' has been mentioned a couple of times, I thought a screengrab was in order. On the left is Lydia Cornell as Mary Beth, with Stepfanie Kramer as Anna Louise on the right.

    And 'Good Neighbors, Duke' was mentioned by justinpcoltrane. Here's Cynthia Leake as Esther Venable.

  23. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to HossC in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    How about the female cast of 'Arrest Jesse Duke'? The car strippers (L-R Daina House, Kellee Patterson, Lois Hamilton and Kathrine Baumann) included two Miss America contestants and a Playmate of the Month.

    And then there was Candi and Randi Brough.

  24. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to Roth Potter in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    I remember a few but Roxanne from high Octane is my favorite.
  25. Like
    justinpcoltrane reacted to HossC in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    I liked Mary-Margaret Humes aka. Tinker from 'Mason Dixon's Girls', although I'll be adding more as I remember them .

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