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Boss JD Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss JD Hogg

  1. I wish I could go! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your Cooter 1967 Ford wrecker.
  2. Several months ago I saw that my Photobucket account was at about 90% full so I started using Flickr. Flickr is much easier to use and uploads pictures much faster. I'll never be able to replace all the pictures in the various forums I belong to. There are just too many to replace.
  3. I don't think a picture of Jesse Duke will be a problem. I use a picture of Bo Butner's Pro Stock race car.
  4. Roger, I feel as you do and would rather remain private. However I recently joined Facebook with my real name. As Mark B said, it's only as invasive as you allow it to be. I didn't put in any personal information. I did put in my birthday, mostly besasue you have to, but in my settings I am the only one who can see that. I used a picture of NHRA Pro Stock driver, Bo Butner's car for the avatar so no one will know who I am. I never post any personal information. I use Facebook for connecting with other model builders. I build models so Facebook can be helpful.
  5. feathers
  6. It's a shame one moron can take a symbol and ruin it for everyone. The Confederate Battle flag is just that, the flag the troops took into battle. It's not the flag of the south as a lot of people refer to it. As Roger Duke said, these progressives or what ever they are called aren't open minded at all. It's their way or no way. The General Lee was a car on a nice TV show that always had the Duke family come out on top as wholesome, kind and accepting of others. But there's the battle flag on the car so the whole show must be bad! I watch Hogan's Heroes and there are multiple swastikas in every episode yet somehow that's not offensive at all. I don't get it.
  7. Welcome to HazzardNet!
  8. Happy Birthday Waylon!
  9. You're really doing a great job on this! I can't wait to see it painted.
  10. Congratulations Meadowmufn on Fan of the Month and get well soon!
  11. Welcome to Hazzard County Shaun!
  12. stuffing
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