For me it finally went away around 6pm Saturday. Wife's finally went away Sunday morning.
Tomorrow and Wednesday will be very spring like with temps in the upper 60's then Thursday a dusting of snow has been forecasted for the 1st day of spring
Only thing that wasn't green on me today were my jeans and shoes
Due to the big drop in barometric pressure my wife and I got headaches yesterday and pretty much stayed inside and were couch potatoes. Winds got up to 55-60mph.
Fellow Hazzard-ites if you live around the Great Lakes batten down the hatches as there are 50+mph winds coming with the storm front this weekend. Barometric pressure will take big swings too so you might get a headache.
Dodge is rumored to be returning to NASCAR. First in the truck series in 2026 with the Ram 1500 then the following year with the Charger coupe in Cup and Xfinity series. It is unknown if they will go with a V8 or make a race engine with the new i6 engine.